ID; quantità; sku; prezzo; Condizioni(attributo); Epoca(attributo); Specchio(attributo); Tecnica(attributo); Categoria; Immagini; ImmaginiSEOTitle; ImmaginiAlt; SEO-Keyword; SEO-Title; SEO_Description; slug; misure; titolo; short-text-it; text-it;
155;"1";"4199";"1200";"";"";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, still life, signed, dated";"Spanish painting still life with lobster signed and dated 1883";"Great painting oil on canvas signed "R. Planells", dated 1883 depicting "Still Life with Lobster." Work in good condition, it has already";"painting-spanish-still-life-oil-canvas-signed";"";"Spanish painting still life with lobster signed and dated 1883";"Great painting oil on canvas signed "R. Planells", dated 1883 depicting "Still Life with Lobster." Work in good condition, it has already been backed again during the 20th century. Spanish painting of good painter's hand and depicting a particular subject. Modern wooden frame, carved and silver, in excellent condition. On the whole in good state of conservation. Painting internal measure: H 51 x W 81 cm.";"Great painting oil on canvas signed "R. Planells", dated 1883 depicting "Still Life with Lobster." Work in good condition, it has already been backed again during the 20th century. Spanish painting of good quality and depicting a particular subject. Modern wooden frame, carved and silvered, in excellent condition. On the whole in good state of conservation. Painting internal measure: H 51 x W 81 cm.";
168;"1";"2657";"4800";"";"Primi dell'Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
200;"1";"613";"1550";"";"Metà Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";
229;"1";"4497";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Painting, picture, still life, oil on canvas, vases, fruit, frame";"Spanish still life painting oil on canvas";"Spanish painting of the early 20th century. Work oil on canvas of good painting hand depicting rich still life with vases and fruits. ";"painting-oil-canvas-still-life-frame-fruit";"";"Spanish still life painting oil on canvas";"Spanish painting of the early 20th century. Work oil on canvas of good painting hand depicting rich still life with vases and fruits. Painting in first canvas that has undergone some restoration work during the 20th century. Modern carved and golden wooden frame in good condition, with some small wear marks. In good condition, it has some signs of time.";"Spanish painting of the early 20th century. Work oil on canvas of good painting hand depicting rich still life with vases and fruits. Painting in first canvas that has undergone some restoration work during the 20th century. Modern carved and golden wooden frame in good condition, with some small wear marks. In good condition, it has some signs of time.";
407;"1";"2613";"2200";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Console";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, table, antique, lacquered, wood, painted, furniture";"Antique oriental lacquered console from 19th century";"Antique oriental console from 19th century. Carved, lacquered and painted furniture. Console with 4 drawers to place in a living room. ";"console-table-lacquered-painted-furniture";"";"Antique oriental lacquered console from 19th century";"Antique oriental console from 19th century. Carved, lacquered and painted furniture. Console with 4 drawers to place in a living room. Table in patina, with some signs of the time, overall in good condition.";"Antique oriental console from 19th century. Carved, lacquered and painted furniture. Console with 4 drawers to place in a living room. Table in patina, with some signs of the time, overall in good condition.";
584;"1";"5";"3600";"presenta qualche piccolo segno del tempo|Reitelato|In Ottime Condizioni";"Settecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"700 paintings, antique paintings, painted birds, turkey, antique";"Antique oil painting Venetian eighteenth century";"Antique oil painting Venetian eighteenth century. Opera depicting "Still life with birds" oversize and impact.";"";"";"Antique oil painting Venetian eighteenth century";"Antique Venetian oil painting eighteenth century. Work depicting "Still life with birds" oversize and impact. Wooden frame and chalk carved and golden with some signs of the time, to be restored. A work of great quality rich in details and good brightness. For antique dealers, collectors and art lovers. Painting in excellent conditions and restored in the twentieth century.";"Antique Venetian oil painting eighteenth century. Work depicting "Still life with birds" oversize and impact. Wooden frame and chalk carved and golden with some signs of the time, to be restored. A work of great quality rich in details and good brightness. For antique dealers, collectors and art lovers. Painting in excellent conditions and restored in the twentieth century.";
585;"1";"3";"690";"Da Restaurare";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Venetian chair, armchair '800, armchair nineteenth century, Venice";"Armchair Venetian nineteenth century";"Pretty chair Venetian vintage '800. Mobile finely carved and gilded wood of great taste and pleasure. Room or living room chair.";"";"";"Armchair Venetian nineteenth century";"";"Pretty chair Venetian vintage '800. Mobile finely carved and gilded wood of great taste and pleasure. Chair or lounge room of discrete comfort covered in yellow fabric with different signs to be replaced. Upholstery in good condition. The seat height of 38 cm. It shows some signs of the time, in fair condition, to be restored.";
592;"1";"7";"2200";"Da Restaurare";"Settecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"belief Piedmont, Italian belief, belief baroque antiques";"Ancient belief Italian eighteenth century, Piedmont";"Piedmont ancient belief of the eighteenth century. Mobile patina carved walnut. Cupboard with two doors and three drawers of excellent service";"";"";"Ancient belief Italian eighteenth century, Piedmont";"Piedmont ancient belief of the eighteenth century. Mobile patina carved walnut of great impact and appeal. Cupboard with two doors and three drawers of great service. It presents several signs of aging and various interventions of restoration. Drawer bottoms and rear feet replaced during the twentieth century. Foot front left in poor condition (see photo). Cupboard to antique dealers and amateurs, to be restored.";"Piedmont ancient belief of the eighteenth century. Mobile patina carved walnut of great impact and appeal. Cupboard with two doors and three drawers of great service. It presents several signs of aging and various interventions of restoration. Drawer bottoms and rear feet replaced during the twentieth century. Foot front left in poor condition (see photo).
Cupboard for antique dealers and amateurs, to be restored.";
624;"1";"4489/17";"440";"In Ottime Condizioni";"";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, oil on canvas, still life, fruit, Italian, frame, work, art";"Italian oil on canvas painting depicting still life";"Italian painting, modern reproduction. Opera oil on canvas depicting still life with fruit. In good condition.";"painting-still-life-oil-canvas-italian-frame";"";"Italian oil on canvas painting depicting still life";"Italian painting, modern reproduction. Oil on canvas work depicting still life with fruit. In good condition.";"Italian painting, modern reproduction. Oil on canvas work depicting still life with fruit. In good condition.";
641;"1";"3619";"400";"presenta qualche piccolo segno del tempo";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"oil on cardboard, painting, frame, still life, signed, framework";"French signed still life painting";"French painting from 20th century. Oil on cardboard work depicting "still life with guitar". Painting signed "R. Emmanuel" at the bottom left (see photo).";"painting-oil-cardboard-still-life-signed";"";"French signed still life painting";"French painting from 20th century. Oil on cardboard work depicting "still life with guitar". Painting signed "R. Emmanuel" at the bottom left (see photo). Painted wooden frame. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"French painting from 20th century. Oil on cardboard work depicting "still life with guitar". Painting signed "R. Emmanuel" at the bottom left (see photo). Painted wooden frame. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
730;"1";"5169";"2900";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Italian painting landscape hunters 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting of the eighteenth century. Opera oil on canvas depicting landscape with hunters of excellent pictorial quality and pleasant persp";"";"";"Ancient Italian painting depicting landscape with 18th century hunters";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Oil on canvas work depicting landscape with hunters. Wooden frame, painted not coeval. It has a small hole at the bottom left, to restore (see photo). Overall in good condition, with some signs of the time.";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Oil on canvas work depicting landscape with hunters. Wooden frame, painted not coeval. It has a small hole at the bottom left, to restore (see photo). Overall in good condition, with some signs of the time.";
742;"1";"5196/5197";"4800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli|Mobili>Cassapanche e Panche";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, benches, table, wood, lacquered, painted, furniture, living room";"Pair of benches with table in lacquered wood";"Set of 2 benches and table in carved and painted wood from 20th century. Furniture constructed in a single block, not removable.";"set-benches-table-lacquered-wood-furniture";"";"Pair of benches with table in lacquered wood";"Set of 2 benches and table in carved and painted wood from 20th century. Furniture constructed in a single block, not removable, ideal under a porch or in a large salon. Benches measure: H 95 x W 210 x D 62 cm. Height at the seat of 48 cm. In good condition with some signs of the time.";"Set of 2 benches and table in carved and painted wood from 20th century. Furniture constructed in a single block, not removable, ideal under a porch or in a large salon. Benches measure: H 95 x W 210 x D 62 cm. Height at the seat of 48 cm. In good condition with some signs of the time.";
748;"1";"5199";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Fioriere|Mobili>Da Esterno";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Indonesian, planter, mangrove, root, garden, outdoor, furniture";"Indonesian planter in mangrove root";"Indonesian planter from 20th century in mangrove root. Ideal to place outdoor or under a porch to preserve its color.";"indonesian-planter-root-garden";"";"Indonesian planter in mangrove root";"Indonesian planter from 20th century in mangrove root. Ideal to place outdoor or under a porch to preserve its color. In good condition with some signs of the time.";"Indonesian planter from 20th century in mangrove root. Ideal to place outdoor or under a porch to preserve its color. In good condition with some signs of the time.";
750;"1";"5198";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"indonesian, base, table, mangrove, root, living room, furniture, style";"Indonesian table base in mangrove root";"Indonesian table base from 20th century. Furniture made in mangrove root ideal to place into a living room. Ideal base for a glass top.";"indonesian-base-table-mangrove-root";"";"Indonesian table base in mangrove root";"Indonesian table base from 20th century. Furniture made in mangrove root ideal to place into a living room. Ideal base for a glass top (not included in the offer). In good condition with some small signs of the time.";"Indonesian table base from 20th century. Furniture made in mangrove root ideal to place into a living room. Ideal base for a glass top (not included in the offer). In good condition with some small signs of the time.";
782;"1";"4735";"780";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Cassapanche e Panche|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, chest, lacquered, painted, wood, bench, trunk, furniture";"Antique lacquered chest from 20th century";"Antique North European chest from 20th century. Richly sculptured and lacquered furniture in beautiful patina. ";"antique-chest-lacquered-wood-trunk";"";"Antique lacquered chest from 20th century";"Antique North European chest from 20th century. Richly sculptured and lacquered furniture in beautiful patina. Large capacity chest with side inner compartments of good service. Lack of lock and key, it has a break on one side. Ideal for an ancient / rustic environment. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";"Antique North European chest from 20th century.  Richly sculptured and lacquered furniture in beautiful patina. Large capacity chest with side inner compartments of good service. Lack of lock and key, it has a break on one side. Ideal for an ancient / rustic environment. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";
870;"1";"5256";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, display cabinet, painted, hand, furniture vitrine, showcase";"Eastern Europe hand painted wooden cupboard";"Cupboard from Eastern Europe from 20th century. Double body furniture in hand-painted wood with fruit decorations.";"sideboard-display-cabinet-showcase-vitrine";"";"Eastern Europe hand painted wooden cupboard";"Cupboard from Eastern Europe from 20th century. Double body furniture in hand-painted wood with fruit decorations. Lower body with two doors and two drawers of good capacity with a working key. Upper body with two sliding doors. Furniture ideal in a rustic context. With some signs of the time (see photo), overall in good condition.";"Cupboard from Eastern Europe from 20th century. Double body furniture in hand-painted wood with fruit decorations. Lower body with two doors and two drawers of good capacity with a working key. Upper body with two sliding doors. Furniture ideal in a rustic context. With some signs of the time (see photo), overall in good condition.";
875;"1";"5433";"2400";"presenta qualche piccolo segno del tempo|In Ottime Condizioni";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, root, sculpture, mangrove, indonesian, object, decoration, home";"Indonesian mangrove root from 20th century";"Indonesian root from 20th century. Table made from a single piece of mangrove root. Upper floor 130 cm long and 76 cm deep with glass top";"table-root-sculpture-mangrove-decoration";"";"Indonesian mangrove root from 20th century";"Indonesian root from 20th century. Table made from a single piece of mangrove root. Upper floor 130 cm long and 76 cm deep with glass top (not included in the offer). In good condition and in beautiful patina with some small signs of the time.";"Indonesian root from 20th century. Table made from a single piece of mangrove root. Upper floor 130 cm long and 76 cm deep with glass top (not included in the offer). In good condition and in beautiful patina with some small signs of the time.";
1007;"1";"5555";"680";"";"Novecento";"";"Laccato e Dipinto";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, wood, lacquer, gold, chinoiserie, France, decorations, '900";"French lacquered and golden wooden table";"French low table from the early twentieth century. Carved, lacquered and golden furniture with chinoiserie decorations. Table with golden top.";"";"";"French lacquered and golden wooden table";"French low table from the early twentieth century. Carved, lacquered and golden furniture with chinoiserie decorations. Table with golden top. Furniture ideal to be placed into a living room but can be easily placed in different parts of the house. It has undergone a conservative restoration during 20th century. It presents several signs of the time and some lacks of color. Overall in a fairly conservative state.";"French low table from the early twentieth century. Carved, lacquered and golden furniture with chinoiserie decorations. Table with golden top. Furniture ideal to be placed into a living room but can be easily placed in different parts of the house. It has undergone a conservative restoration during 20th century. It presents several signs of the time and some lacks of color. Overall in a fairly conservative state.";
1020;"1";"5407";"2600";"presenta qualche piccolo segno del tempo";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Armadi|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"wardrobe, furniture, wood, lacquer, '900, doors, drawers, carved, Chin";"Chinese wardrobe in lacquered wood of the twentieth century";"Large closet Chinese twentieth century. Cabinet with two doors and drawers between external capacity and good service.";"";"";"Chinese wardrobe in lacquered wood from 20th century";"Chinese wardrobe from 20th century. Furniture with two doors and two external drawers of large capacity and good service. It has three shelves and two drawers inside. Wardrobe in carved and lacquered wood. In good conditions with some small signs of the time.";"Chinese wardrobe from 20th century. Furniture with two doors and two external drawers of large capacity and good service. It has three shelves and two drawers inside. Wardrobe in carved and lacquered wood. In good conditions with some small signs of the time.";
1128;"1";"4206/4";"490";"presenta qualche piccolo segno del tempo";"Fine Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, oil on canvas, pannel, painting, work, landscape, mountain";"Antique oil on canvas painting depicting landscape";"Spanish oil on canvas painting on panel from the late 19th century. Painting depicting mountain landscape of great decoration.";"antique-oil-canvas-painting-landscape-work";"";"Antique oil on canvas painting depicting landscape";"Spanish oil on canvas painting on panel from the late 19th century. Painting depicting mountain landscape of great decoration. Work that is part of a collection composed of five paintings by the same author. Possibility to purchase the block of the collection (if available). In good conditions with some small signs of the time.";"Spanish oil on canvas painting on panel from the late 19th century. Painting depicting mountain landscape of great decoration. Work that is part of a collection composed of five paintings by the same author. Possibility to purchase the block of the collection (if available). In good conditions with some small signs of the time.";
1679;"1";"139";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, canvas, signed, frame, golden, still life, flower";"Spanish signed painting "Still Life with Flowers"";"Spanish oil on canvas painting depicting still life with flowers. Carved and gilded frame in wood and plaster, with some small gilding drops (see photo).";"spanish-signed-painting-still-life-flowers";"";"Spanish signed painting "Still Life with Flowers"";"Spanish oil on canvas painting depicting still life with flowers. Carved and gilded frame in wood and plaster, with some small gilding drops (see photo). Signed painting on the lower right (see photo). The canvas has some painted drops, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size: H 100 x W 82 cm.";"Spanish oil on canvas painting depicting still life with flowers. Carved and gilded frame in wood and plaster, with some small gilding drops (see photo). Signed painting on the lower right (see photo). The canvas has some painted drops, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size: H 100 x W 82 cm.";
1729;"1";"6481";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Armadi";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"cabinet, safe, furniture, wood, painted, gilded, antiques";"Italian cabinet in painted wood";"Particular Italian cabinet from 20th century. Furniture in nicely carved and painted wood, richly decorated with gilt and chiseled brass. ";"cabinet-italian-furniture-painted-wood-style";"";"Italian cabinet in painted wood";"Particular Italian cabinet from 20th century. Furniture in nicely carved and painted wood, richly decorated with gilt and chiseled brass. Cabinet "fake safe" of fabulous decor, that can be easily inserted into different parts of the house, ideal for a studio. Inside equipped with several shelves, of large capacity and service. Cabinet of excellent proportion equipped with double locks and double keys of interesting building. Not original locks, recently replaced. Furniture that has a sign on the top floor (see photo) and a few small lacks of brass decoration, overall in a fair state of conservation.";"Particular Italian cabinet from 20th century. Furniture in nicely carved and painted wood, richly decorated with gilt and chiseled brass. Cabinet "fake safe" of fabulous decor, that can be easily inserted into different parts of the house, ideal for a studio. Inside equipped with several shelves, of large capacity and service. Cabinet of excellent proportion equipped with double locks and double keys of interesting building. Not original locks, recently replaced. Furniture that has a sign on the top floor (see photo) and a few small lacks of brass decoration, overall in a fair state of conservation.";
1803;"1";"3398";"3500";"";"Primi dell'Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Ribalte e Secretaire";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Antique, bureau, furniture, desk, chest of drawers, wood, walnut";"Antique Spanish bureau in walnut from 19th century";"Antique Spanish bureau of the early 19th century. Furniture in walnut, built in two separable bodies for easy movement. It has been restored ";"antique-bureau-desk-furniture-wood-walnut";"";"Antique Spanish bureau in walnut from 19th century";"Antique Spanish bureau of the early 19th century. Furniture in walnut, built in two separable bodies for easy movement. It has been restored with parts of back replaced. Bureau with five external drawers, with four internal drawers, several openings and three hidden secrets inside the desk. Bureau in good conservative state with some signs of the time. ";"Antique Spanish bureau of the early 19th century. Furniture in walnut, built in two separable bodies for easy movement. It has been restored with parts of back replaced. Bureau with five external drawers, with four internal drawers, several openings and three hidden secrets inside the desk. Bureau in good conservative state with some signs of the time.

1809;"1";"3679";"1800";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Ribalte e Secretaire";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Antique, bureau, furniture, desk, chest of drawers, wood, antiques";"Antique Spanish bureau in mahogany from 19th-century";"Spanish bureau of the first half of the 19th century. Furniture made of solid mahogany wood. Bureau with three frontal drawers of discrete capacity";"antique-bureau-desk-furniture-mahogany-wood";"";"Antique Spanish bureau in mahogany from 19th-century";"Spanish bureau of the first half of the 19th century. Furniture made of solid mahogany wood. Bureau with three frontal drawers of discrete capacity and service. Interior of the fall-front rich of openings and drawers. In good conservative state, with some signs of wear.";"Spanish bureau of the first half of the 19th century. Furniture made of solid mahogany wood. Bureau with three frontal drawers of discrete capacity and service. Interior of the fall-front rich of openings and drawers. In good conservative state, with some signs of wear.";
1816;"1";"4446";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli|Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Table, furniture, console, wood, lacquered, antiques";"Chinese table in lacquered wood";"Great table in lacquered wood of the 20th century. Great Chinese furniture, ideal for a dining room. Table of beautiful line";"table-lacquered-wood-furniture-console";"";"Chinese table in lacquered wood";"Great table in lacquered wood. Great Chinese furniture, ideal for a dining room. Table of beautiful line, it can be easily inserted in modern or antique contexts. In good condition, it has are some signs of wear.";"Great table in lacquered wood of the 20th century. Great Chinese furniture, ideal for a dining room. Table of beautiful line, it can be easily inserted in modern or antique contexts. In good condition, it has are some signs of wear.";
1831;"1";"1880";"400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Painting, signed, picture, canvas, landscape, mountain, frame, golden";"Italian signed painting depicting mountain landscape";"Italian painting of the 20th century. Signed work depicting mountain landscape of beautiful pictorial hand. Painting in the first canvas with carved";"painting-signed-canvas-landscape-mountain";"";"Italian signed painting depicting mountain landscape";"Italian painting signed depicting mountain landscape of beautiful pictorial hand. Painting in the first canvas with carved and golden wooded frame. Work complete with front protective glass. It shows some signs of wear, overall in good condition. ";"Italian painting of the 20th century. Signed work depicting mountain landscape of beautiful pictorial hand. Painting in the first canvas with carved and golden wooded frame. Work complete with front protective glass. It shows some signs of wear, overall in good condition.

1859;"1";"4508";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Curiosità";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Agricultural machine, chinese, wood, furniture, antiques";"Chinese agricultural machine in wood";"Particular Chinese agricultural machine of the second half of the 20th century. Furniture of beautiful decoration and hard to find complete with iron crank";"chinese-agricultural-machine-wood-furniture";"";"Chinese agricultural machine in wood";"Particular Chinese agricultural machine of beautiful decoration and hard to find complete with iron crank. It has Chinese writing on one side (see photo). In good condition, to check the correct operation.";"Particular Chinese agricultural machine of the second half of the 20th century. Furniture of beautiful decoration and hard to find complete with iron crank. It has Chinese writing on one side (see photo). In good condition, to check the correct operation.";
1869;"1";"3518";"450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Legno";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Sculpture, furniture, statue, wood, root, vintage, antiques";"Indonesian sculpture in aquatic root wood";"Particular Indonesian decorative sculpture of the second half of the 20th century. Work made from aquatic root wood built in two pieces joined together ";"sculpture-indonesian-root-wood-statue";"";"Indonesian sculpture in aquatic root wood";"Particular Indonesian decorative sculpture made from aquatic root wood built in two pieces joined together (base and sculpture). Nice decorative sculpture, in good condition with some signs of the time.";"Particular Indonesian decorative sculpture of the second half of the 20th century. Work made from aquatic root wood built in two pieces joined together (base and sculpture). Nice decorative sculpture, in good condition with some signs of the time.";
1944;"1";"6713";"1500";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, French, landscape, frame";"French landscape painting with romantic scene from 19th century";"Great French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Work oil on canvas depicting landscape with nice "Romantic scene" with characters";"painting-french-landscape-framework-canvas";"";"Landscape painting with romantic scene from 19th century";"Great French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Work oil on canvas depicting landscape with nice Romantic scene with characters, of good painting hand and pleasing decor. Carved and gilded wooden frame which has some small gilding drops, not coeval, replaced with the structure during the 20th century. Painting of great extent and impact that can be easily placed into different parts of the house. It presents on the right side some signs of restoration (see photo) and a color drops. Framework on the whole in a fair state of conservation.";"Great French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Work oil on canvas depicting landscape with nice Romantic scene with characters, of good painting hand and pleasing decor. Carved and gilded wooden frame which has some small gilding drops, not coeval, replaced with the structure during the 20th century. Painting of great extent and impact that can be easily placed into different parts of the house. It presents on the right side some signs of restoration (see photo) and a color drops. Framework on the whole in a fair state of conservation.";
2054;"1";"6843";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, torch holder, objects, antique, wood, lacquered, painted";"Pair of Italian torch holder in lacquered and painted wood";"Great pair of Italian torch holder of the mid-twentieth century. Objects in finely lacquered and hand painted wood with floral decorations.";"";"";"Pair of Italian torch holder in lacquered and painted wood";"Great pair of Italian torch holder in finely lacquered and hand painted wood with floral decorations. Candle holder of great extent and impact, of beautiful decoration. They have some small lacks and color drops (see photo). Overall in fairly conservative state.";"Great pair of Italian torch holder of the mid-twentieth century. Objects in finely lacquered and hand painted wood with floral decorations. Candle holder of great extent and impact, of beautiful decoration. They have some small lacks and color drops (see photo). Overall in fairly conservative state.";
2077;"1";"6833";"660";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, chairs, seating, antiques, furniture, fabric, lacquered, gilded";"Pair of lacquered and gilded Italian chairs ";"Pair of Italian chairs of the 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gold wood of beautiful decoration. Chairs upholstered in fabric ";"pair-chairs-italian-lacquered-gilt-fabric";"";"Pair of lacquered and gilded Italian chairs ";"Pair of Italian chairs in carved, lacquered and gold wood of beautiful decoration. Chairs upholstered in fabric with different signs of wear, to be replaced. Furniture that can be easily inserted at different points of the house. Chairs of good comfort, upholstery in good condition. Height to seat: 46 cm. They present some color drops, overall in a fair state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian chairs of the 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gold wood of beautiful decoration. Chairs upholstered in fabric with different signs of wear, to be replaced. Furniture that can be easily inserted at different points of the house. Chairs of good comfort, upholstery in good condition. Height to seat: 46 cm. They present some color drops, overall in a fair state of conservation.";
2113;"1";"6644";"4000";"";"Primi del Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Genoa, double body, bureau, dresser, desk, Genoese";"Inlaid Genoese trumeau from the 20th century";"Elegant Italian trumeau of the first half of the 20th century. Double body furniture of high-quality in kingwood, rosewood and burl.";"genoese-trumeau-desk-bureau-genoa";"";"Inlaid Genoese trumeau from the 20th century";"Elegant Genoese trumeau of the first half of the 20th century. Double body furniture of high-quality in inlaid kingwood, rosewood and burl. Lower body with bureau having three external drawers of good capacity. Inside of the fall-front complete with five drawers, different openings and desk top of good service. Upper body with two doors with recessed mirrors and two small removable candle holder tops. Trumeau of exceptional decor ideal to be included in an important living room or studio. Furniture in general in good state of conservation, it has some signs of wear and small lacks.";"Elegant Genoese trumeau of the first half of the 20th century. Double body furniture of high-quality in inlaid kingwood, rosewood and burl. Lower body with bureau having three external drawers of good capacity. Inside of the fall-front complete with five drawers, different openings and desk top of good service. Upper body with two doors with recessed mirrors and two small removable candle holder tops. Trumeau of exceptional decor ideal to be included in an important living room or studio. Furniture in general in good state of conservation, it has some signs of wear and small lacks.";
2145;"1";"6874";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, demi lune, furniture, table, lacquered, painted, antiques";"Italian lacquered and painted demi lune console table ";"Demi lune console table from 20th century. Italian furniture in carved, lacquered and pleasantly painted wood with floral decorations. ";"console-table-demi-lune-lacquered-furniture";"";"Italian lacquered and painted demi lune console table ";"Demi lune console table Italian in carved, lacquered and pleasantly painted wood with floral decorations. Upper top floor of excellent size and service, also lacquered and painted. Console table richly adorned with gilt finish. Furniture supported by three legs, of good strength and stability. It has some color drops, overall in good state of conservation.";"Demi lune console table from 20th century. Italian furniture in carved, lacquered and pleasantly painted wood with floral decorations. Upper top floor of excellent size and service, also lacquered and painted. Console table richly adorned with gilt finish. Furniture supported by three legs, of good strength and stability. It has some color drops, overall in good state of conservation.";
2153;"1";"6960";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, chest of drawers, furniture, antiques, inlaid, lacquered, gol";"Chest of drawers in inlaid wood from mid-20th century";"Genoese chest of drawers of the mid-twentieth century. Italian dresser finely inlaid in rosewood and palisander with carved, painted gilded wooden frames";"dresser-chest-drawers-inlaid-lacquered-gilt";"";"Chest of drawers in inlaid wood from mid-20th century";"Genoese chest of drawers of the mid-twentieth century. Italian dresser finely inlaid in rosewood and palisander with carved, painted and gilded wooden frames. Furniture with three drawers, of large capacity and service complete with three working keys. Top floor in character, chiseled brass handles. Dresser said four leaf clover of great quality and elegance. It has some signs of wear, on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Genoese chest of drawers of the mid-twentieth century. Italian dresser finely inlaid in rosewood and palisander with carved, painted and gilded wooden frames. Furniture with three drawers, of large capacity and service complete with three working keys. Top floor in character, chiseled brass handles. Dresser said four leaf clover of great quality and elegance. It has some signs of wear, on the whole in good state of conservation.";
2240;"1";"6995";"1450";"";"Fine Ottocento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Antique, painted, painting, oil on canvas, landscape, signed, dated";"Italian framework landscape with hunter dated 1899";"Antique Italian painting of the late 19th century. Work oil on canvas, in the first canvas, depicting Landscape with hunter and bloodhound";"antique-painting-landscape-signed-oil-canvas";"";"Italian framework landscape with hunter dated 1899";"Antique Italian painting of the late 19th century. Work oil on canvas, in the first canvas, depicting "Landscape with hunter and bloodhound" of good pictorial hand. Impressionist painting of great brightness signed and dated 1899 lower left (see photo). Carved and golden wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Framework for antique dealers and collectors in excellent condition. Sight size: H 51 x W 76 cm.";"Antique Italian painting of the late 19th century. Work oil on canvas, in the first canvas, depicting "Landscape with hunter and bloodhound" of good pictorial hand. Impressionist painting of great brightness signed and dated 1899 lower left (see photo). Carved and golden wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Framework for antique dealers and collectors in excellent condition. Sight size: H 51 x W 76 cm.";
2720;"1";"7288";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, oil on canvas, cathedral, landscape, signed, frame";"Dutch signed painting View of cathedral";"Dutch painting of the 20th century. Work in Impressionist style oil on canvas depicting "View of cathedral" of good pictorial hand. ";"painting-signed-oil-canvas-cathedral-frame";"";"Dutch signed painting View of cathedral from 20th century";"Dutch painting in Impressionist style oil on canvas depicting "View of cathedral" of good pictorial hand. Highly detailed painting with pleasant color use, of good brightness. Painting signed at bottom right (see photo), for antiques dealers and collectors. Wooden and plaster frame, carved and golden, with some small lack of decor. It has some small drops of color, overall in good conservative state. Sight size: H 60.5 x W 40 cm.";"Dutch painting of the 20th century. Work in Impressionist style oil on canvas depicting View of cathedral of good pictorial hand. Highly detailed painting with pleasant color use, of good brightness. Painting signed at bottom right (see photo), for antiques dealers and collectors. Wooden and plaster frame, carved and golden, with some small lack of decor. It has some small drops of color, overall in good conservative state. Sight size: H 60.5 x W 40 cm.";
2760;"1";"7456";"1250";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, coffee table, furniture, living room, signed, design, french";"French Design signed coffee table with top in ceramic and glass";"20th-century French coffee table. Design signed furniture (see photo), with structure in metal. Top floor in ceramic and glass of special construction.";"coffee-table-french-design-signed-living-room";"";"French Design signed coffee table with top in ceramic and glass";"French coffee table Design signed (see photo), with structure in metal. Top floor in ceramic and glass of special construction. Coffee table ideal for a living room of very good proportion. In good condition, with some signs of wear.";"20th-century French coffee table. Design signed furniture (see photo), with structure in metal. Top floor in ceramic and glass of special construction. Coffee table ideal for a living room of very good proportion. In good condition, with some signs of wear.";
2765;"1";"7472";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, frame, oil on masonite, signed, dated, portrait, gipsy";"Italian signed and dated painting portrait of young gipsy";"Italian painting of the mid-twentieth century. Work oil on masonite depicting "Young gipsy with flowers and candle" of good pictorial hand. ";"painting-portrait";"";"Italian signed and dated painting portrait of young gipsy from 20th century";"Italian painting oil on masonite depicting "Young gipsy with flowers and candle" of good pictorial hand. Picture of beautiful measure, signed and dated at the bottom left (see photo). Frame in carved and painted wood and plaster with some color drops. Painting for antiques dealers and collectors, in good condition. Sight size: H 73 x W 54 cm.";"Italian painting of the mid-twentieth century. Work oil on masonite depicting Young gipsy with flowers and candle of good pictorial hand. Picture of beautiful measure, signed and dated at the bottom left (see photo). Frame in carved and painted wood and plaster with some color drops. Painting for antiques dealers and collectors, in good condition. Sight size: H 73 x W 54 cm.";
2804;"1";"2243";"550";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Oggettistica";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"";"";"";"";"Italian panel depicting game of putti";"Italian panel in carved wood, depicting "game of little angels" from 20th century.";"Italian panel in carved wood, depicting "game of little angels" from 20th century.";
2808;"1";"4821";"720";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Lampadari Appliques luci";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Lamp of wood and fabric design";"Modern design lamp. Furniture made from block in worked wood with hat in dyed creme fabric.";"";"";"Design lamp in wood and fabric";"Modern design lamp. Furniture made in wood with in color cream fabric. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Modern design lamp. Furniture made in wood with in color cream fabric. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2824;"1";"2613";"2200";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Console";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Ancient oriental console in painted wood";"Eastern nineteenth-century consul. Furniture in carved and painted wood (red / black). Console for living room with table top and 4 drawers of good service";"";"";"Antique oriental console in painted wood";"Eastern console from 19th century. Carved and painted wooden furniture (red / black). Console ideal for a living room with 4 drawers of good service. Furniture in beautiful patina, with some signs of the time. Overall in good condition.";"Eastern console from 19th century. Carved and painted wooden furniture (red / black). Console ideal for a living room with 4 drawers of good service. Furniture in beautiful patina, with some signs of the time. Overall in good condition.";
2852;"1";"4489/4";"390";"";"";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,";"Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,Quadro olio su tavola nudi epoca 900,Dipinto italiano olio su tavola con nudo,";"painting, Italian, oil on panel, painting, figures, nudes, art";"Italian oil painting on table with nude";"";"";"";"Oil on board painting depicting nudes";"Italian oil on board painting depicting classic nude. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Italian oil on board painting depicting classic nude. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2865;"1";"4645";"480";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Oggettistica";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"mask, African, sculpture, wood, carved, object, African art";"";"African mask of the early twentieth century. Object carved in the wood. Mask from a complete collection of 9 pieces.";"";"";"African wooden carved mask";"African mask from the early 20th century. Carved wooden object. Mask of a collection of 9 pieces. Object in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"African mask from the early 20th century. Carved wooden object. Mask of a collection of 9 pieces. Object in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2875;"1";"4613";"460";"";"Novecento|Anni 80";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, north European, mobile, painted, green, red, table";"";"Sailing table of Northern Europe of the 80s. Green / red painted wood cabinet. Service table";"";"";"Wooden painted Northern Europe table";"Northern Europe table from the 80s. Green / red painted wooden furniture. Service table that reaches the maximum height, if closed, of 140 cm. Easy to open and fold away thanks to a wooden hook that also acts as a support for the top. Furniture in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Northern Europe table from the 80s. Green / red painted wooden furniture. Service table that reaches the maximum height, if closed, of 140 cm. Easy to open and fold away thanks to a wooden hook that also acts as a support for the top. Furniture in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2877;"1";"4603";"440";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, side table, table, piece of furniture, carved, wood, oak";"Dutch coffee table carved in oak";"Dutch coffee table from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture carved in oak. Solid table supported by 4 carved legs.";"";"";"Dutch carved coffee table in oak wood";"Dutch coffee table from the second half of the 20th century. Carved in oak wood furniture. Solid table supported by 4 carved legs. Rustic furniture that can be inserted, to create a strong contrast, even in a modern environment. It has some scratches on the floor. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Dutch coffee table from the second half of the 20th century. Carved in oak wood furniture. Solid table supported by 4 carved legs. Rustic furniture that can be inserted, to create a strong contrast, even in a modern environment. It has some scratches on the floor. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2884;"1";"4693";"2400";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Ribalte e Secretaire";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Ancient English limelight in mahogany";"";"";"";"Antique English bureau in mahogany wood";"Ancient English bureau from 19th century. Carved furniture in mahogany wood with rich interior of the darkened mahogany panel. Flap with 5 external drawers, interior full of drawers and openings ideal for a living room. Missing locks of the drawers. Undergone some restoration work over time. In fair condition, to restore.";"Ancient English bureau from 19th century. Carved furniture in mahogany wood with rich interior of the darkened mahogany panel. Flap with 5 external drawers, interior full of drawers and openings ideal for a living room. Missing locks of the drawers. Undergone some restoration work over time. In fair condition, to restore.";
2885;"1";"4661";"380";"";"Novecento";"";"Laccato e Dipinto";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni|Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"";"";"Oriental bedside table of the 20th century. Furniture in carved wood and black lacquered. Bedside table with one door and one drawer.";"";"";"Oriental black lacquered wooden bedside table";"Oriental bedside table from 20th century. Black painted and lacquered wooden furniture. Bedside table with one door and one drawer. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Oriental bedside table from 20th century. Black painted and lacquered wooden furniture. Bedside table with one door and one drawer. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2886;"1";"4673";"180";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";"armchair, design, iron, plastic, fake leather, mobile, chair, office";"Design armchair in plastic and imitation leather";"European 80s designer armchair. Office armchair or study in iron, black plastic armrests and faux leather seat.";"";"";"Designer armchair in plastic and fake leather";"European '80s designer armchair. Office armchair in iron, black plastic armrests and faux leather seat. Seat height of 46 cm. Furniture easy to insert in different parts of the house. Armchair to clean and polish in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"European '80s designer armchair. Office armchair in iron, black plastic armrests and faux leather seat. Seat height of 46 cm. Furniture easy to insert in different parts of the house. Armchair to clean and polish in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2922;"1";"4912";"660";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Group of 6 chairs covered in fabric";"Group of six chairs, modern reproduction. Chairs with wooden legs, seats and backs covered in fabric. Ideal furniture for a dining room";"";"";"Group of 6 chairs covered in fabric";"Group of six chairs of modern reproduction. Chairs with wooden legs, seats and backs covered in fabric. Ideal furniture for a dining room, seat height 45 cm. They have a few small signs, overall in good condition.";"Group of six chairs of modern reproduction. Chairs with wooden legs, seats and backs covered in fabric. Ideal furniture for a dining room, seat height 45 cm. They have a few small signs, overall in good condition.";
2923;"1";"144";"1250";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, frame, italian, wood, chalk, mobile, decor, fruit";"";"Ancient Italian frame of the late nineteenth century. Object in wood and plaster carved with decorations of flowers and fruit. Ideal frame to host a painti";"";"";"Antique Italian frame in wood and plaster";"Antique Italian frame from the late 19th century. Carved object in wood and plaster with decorations of flowers and fruit. Ideal frame to host a painting or a mirror. Furniture easy to insert throughout the home. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";"Antique Italian frame from the late 19th century. Carved object in wood and plaster with decorations of flowers and fruit. Ideal frame to host a painting or a mirror. Furniture easy to insert throughout the home. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";
2941;"1";"4666";"790";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, east European, mobile, hand-painted, decorations, fruit, do";"Hand painted East European sideboard";"Belief of Eastern Europe of the 20th century. Hand-painted furniture with fruit decorations on the doors. Sideboard with two doors, a drawer and a top.";"";"";"Hand painted East European sideboard";"Eastern Europe sideboard from the 20th century. Hand-painted furniture with fruit decorations on the doors. Sideboard with two doors, a drawer and a pull-out service table positioned above the drawer. Furniture easy to insert. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";"Eastern Europe sideboard from the 20th century. Hand-painted furniture with fruit decorations on the doors. Sideboard with two doors, a drawer and a pull-out service table positioned above the drawer. Furniture easy to insert. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";
2944;"1";"4642";"460";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"group, chairs, seats, furniture, stools, north European, wood, oak";"";"Group of 4 rustic chairs, from northern Europe, from the middle of the 20th century. Furniture carved in oak wood.";"";"";"Group of 4 North European rustic chairs";"Group of 4 northern Europe rustic chairs from the middle 20th century. Carved in oak wooden furniture. Seat upholstered in light fabric in good condition, with some small signs of aging. Stuffing in good condition. Lounge or dining room chairs with a seat height of 49 cm. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";"Group of 4 northern Europe rustic chairs from the middle 20th century. Carved in oak wooden furniture. Seat upholstered in light fabric in good condition, with some small signs of aging. Stuffing in good condition. Lounge or dining room chairs with a seat height of 49 cm. In good condition, with some signs of the time.";
2946;"1";"4586/3";"590";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Legno";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"mask, African, carved, wood, hand-painted, sculpture, artwork";"";"African mask of the early twentieth century. Object carved in wood, hand painted from a complete collection of 9 pieces";"";"";"African carved wooden mask";"African mask from the early 20th century. Carved in wood object, hand painted sculpture from a complete collection of 9 pieces of rare availability from all over the world. Object in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"African mask from the early 20th century. Carved in wood object, hand painted sculpture from a complete collection of 9 pieces of rare availability from all over the world. Object in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2948;"1";"4586";"480";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Legno";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Hand painted wooden African mask";"African mask of the early twentieth century. Object carved in wood, painted by hand. Mask from a complete collection of 9 pieces";"";"";"";"African mask from the early 20th century. Carved wooden and painted by hand object. Mask from a complete collection of 9 pieces of rare availability from all over the world. Object in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"African mask from the early 20th century. Carved wooden and painted by hand object. Mask from a complete collection of 9 pieces of rare availability from all over the world. Object in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
2953;"1";"3347";"860";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"mirror, Italian, carved, gilded, cabinet, frame, mirror";"Sculpted and gilded Italian mirror";"Italian mirror of the early twentieth century. Carved and gilded furniture. Mirror that can be inserted throughout the house.";"";"";"Sculpted and gilded Italian mirror";"Italian mirror from the early 20th century. Carved and gilded furniture. Mirror that can be inserted throughout the house. Presents some small signs, in good condition.";"Italian mirror from the early 20th century. Carved and gilded furniture. Mirror that can be inserted throughout the house. Presents some small signs, in good condition.";
2965;"1";"4489/6";"490";"";"";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,";"";"Oil painting on canvas child with sheep";"Italian painting, modern reproduction. Opera oil on canvas depicting "Child with sheep". Easily painted ambient";"";"";"Oil on canvas painting depicting child with sheep";"Italian painting, modern reproduction. Oil on canvas work depicting "Child with sheep". Easy to insert allover the house. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Italian painting, modern reproduction. Oil on canvas work depicting "Child with sheep". Easy to insert allover the house. In good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
3107;"1";"7409";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, dresser, French, wood, bronzes, gilded, marble, cabinet";"French sideboard in wood with golden bronzes with marble top";"French sideboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in mahogany, rosewood, maple and fruitwood pleasantly decorated with gilded ";"sideboard-commode-wood-gilt-bronze-marble";"";"French sideboard in wood with golden bronzes with marble top";"French sideboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in mahogany, rosewood, maple and fruitwood pleasantly decorated with gilded and chiseled bronzes. Sideboard with seven external drawers, a central door and two sliding side doors (see photo) of excellent capacity and service. Upper top in original marble in perfect condition. Central door complete with working key. Furniture that has some small lack of veneer (see photo), overall in good state of conservation.";"French sideboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in mahogany, rosewood, maple and fruitwood pleasantly decorated with gilded and chiseled bronzes. Sideboard with seven external drawers, a central door and two sliding side doors (see photo) of excellent capacity and service. Upper top in original marble in perfect condition. Central door complete with working key. Furniture that has some small lack of veneer (see photo), overall in good state of conservation.";
3438;"1";"7741";"290";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, mixed media, canvas, landscape, impressionist";"Italian landscape painting in Impressionist style";"Italian painting from 20th century. Work in mixed media on canvas depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-landscape-frame-canvas-impressionist";"";"Landscape painting in Impressionist style";"Italian painting from 20th century. Work in mixed media on canvas depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. Painting of small measure, missing frame. It has two small tears that can be easily restored (see photo). Work in the complex in a fair state of conservation.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Work in mixed media on canvas depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. Painting of small measure, missing frame. It has two small tears that can be easily restored (see photo). Work in the complex in a fair state of conservation.";
3500;"1";"7800";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, picture, oil on canvas, landscape, Italian, art";"Italian landscape framework oil on canvas from 19th century";"Great antique Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape of romantic style";"antique-painting-landscape-italian-frame-oil";"";"Italian landscape framework oil on canvas from 19th century";"Great antique Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape of romantic style. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration and it has been backed again. Overall in good condition.";"Great antique Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape of romantic style. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration and it has been backed again. Overall in good condition.";
3524;"1";"7636";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, living room, furniture, wood, lacquered, Dutch, golden, marble";"Table in lacquered and gilded wood with marble top";"Dutch living room center table from the mid-20th century. Furniture in richly carved, lacquered and gilded wood. Built-in marble in excellent condition";"table-dutch-living-room-lacquered-wood-marble";"";"Table in lacquered and gilded wood with marble top";"Dutch living room center table from the mid-20th century. Furniture in richly carved, lacquered and gilded wood. Built-in marble in excellent condition. Table with two removable side shelves covered in leather (see photo). It has some drops of color, overall in good state of conservation. Living room table that is part of a room complete with a great bookcase, a pair of dressers, a dining table and 10 chairs (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available).";"Dutch living room center table from the mid-20th century. Furniture in richly carved, lacquered and gilded wood. Built-in marble in excellent condition. Table with two removable side shelves covered in leather (see photo). It has some drops of color, overall in good state of conservation. Living room table that is part of a room complete with a great bookcase, a pair of dressers, a dining table and 10 chairs (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available).";
3533;"1";"7712";"2600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, French, furniture, wood, mahogany, antique, doors";"French sideboard in mahogany wood from the 20th century";"Great French sideboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture carved in mahogany wood of great quality. Sideboard with four doors";"sideboard-french-mahogany-wood-buffet";"";"French sideboard in mahogany wood from the 20th century";"Great French sideboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture carved in mahogany wood of great quality. Sideboard with four doors and four drawers of excellent capacity and service. Furniture equipped with three working keys. It presents some signs of wear and a stain on the top (see photo), overall in good state of conservation. Sideboard that is part of a dining room complete with an extendable dining table, 12 chairs, a wardrobe and a small dresser (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available).";"Great French sideboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture carved in mahogany wood of great quality. Sideboard with four doors and four drawers of excellent capacity and service. Furniture equipped with three working keys. It presents some signs of wear and a stain on the top (see photo), overall in good state of conservation. Sideboard that is part of a dining room complete with an extendable dining table, 12 chairs, a wardrobe and a small dresser (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available).";
3536;"1";"7835";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, French, landscape, framework, oil on board, frame, signed";"French mountain landscape signed painting ";"Oil painting on board from 20th century. French painting signed lower right, for antique dealers and collectors. Work depicting a mountain landscape";"painting-framework-landscape-french-canvas";"";"French mountain landscape signed painting ";"Oil painting on board from 20th century. French painting signed lower right, for antique dealers and collectors. Work depicting a mountain landscape of great charm and good pictorial quality. Ebonized frame with elements in walnut color in excellent condition. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 52 x W 72 cm.";"Oil painting on board from 20th century. French painting signed lower right, for antique dealers and collectors. Work depicting a mountain landscape of great charm and good pictorial quality. Ebonized frame with elements in walnut color in excellent condition. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 52 x W 72 cm.";
3546;"1";"7831";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, landscape, frame, city";"Italian painting depicting city district";"Painting mixed media on masonite from 20th century. Italian painting signed and dated lower left (Giletti Carlo Maria - 1980). Work depicting ";"painting-framework-italian-city-landscape";"";"Italian painting depicting city district";"Painting mixed media on masonite from 20th century. Italian painting signed and dated lower left (Giletti Carlo Maria - 1980). Artwork depicting a beautiful urban district. Carved and gilded wooden frame with passepartout in good condition. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 38 x W 48 cm.";"Painting mixed media on masonite from 20th century. Italian painting signed and dated lower left (Giletti Carlo Maria - 1980). Artwork depicting a beautiful urban district. Carved and gilded wooden frame with passepartout in good condition. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 38 x W 48 cm.";
3570;"1";"7711";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, French, wood, mahogany, chest of drawers, sideboard, style";"French dresser in mahogany wood from 20th century";"French dresser from the first half of the 20th century. Chest of drawers in mahogany wood of great quality. Furniture with two drawers ";"dresser-french-commode-mahogany-wood";"";"French dresser in mahogany wood from 20th century";"French dresser from the first half of the 20th century. Chest of drawers in mahogany wood of great quality. Furniture with two drawers of excellent capacity and service, equipped with a working key. It presents some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation. Dresser that is part of a dining room set complete with an extendable dining table, 12 chairs, a wardrobe and a sideboard (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available).";"French dresser from the first half of the 20th century. Chest of drawers in mahogany wood of great quality. Furniture with two drawers of excellent capacity and service, equipped with a working key. It presents some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation. Dresser that is part of a dining room set complete with an extendable dining table, 12 chairs, a wardrobe and a sideboard (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available).";
3579;"1";"7615";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, French, living room, chinoiserie, lacquered, painted";"French lacquered and painted chinoiserie side table";"French side table from 20th century. Sculpted, chiselled, lacquered and painted chinoiserie wooden hexagonal furniture. Side table of small measure";"side-table-french-lacquered-wood-chinoiserie";"";"Lacquered and painted chinoiserie side table";"French side table from 20th century. Sculpted, chiselled, lacquered and painted chinoiserie wooden hexagonal furniture. Side table of small measure but of fabulous decoration, it can be easily inserted in different parts of the house. Object for antique dealers and collectors that shows small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"French side table from 20th century. Sculpted, chiselled, lacquered and painted chinoiserie wooden hexagonal furniture. Side table of small measure but of fabulous decoration, it can be easily inserted in different parts of the house. Object for antique dealers and collectors that shows small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
3585;"1";"7826";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on canvas, landscape, lake, frame";"Italian lake view signed painting oil on canvas";"Oil painting on canvas from 20th century. Italian painting signed lower right. Picture depicting a lake view of a good pictorial quality. ";"painting-italian-landscape-framework-oil";"";"Italian lake view signed painting oil on canvas";"Oil painting on canvas from 20th century. Italian painting signed lower right. Picture depicting a lake view of a good pictorial quality. Silvered and gilded wooden frame with fabric passepartout in good condition. Painting complete with protective glass, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 46 x W 66.5 cm.";"Oil painting on canvas from 20th century. Italian painting signed lower right. Picture depicting a lake view of a good pictorial quality. Silvered and gilded wooden frame with fabric passepartout in good condition. Painting complete with protective glass, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 46 x W 66.5 cm.";
3592;"1";"7863";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, French, landscape, oriental, frame";"French oriental landscape painting oil on canvas";"Oil painting on canvas from 20th century. French painting depicting an oriental landscape, a village on stilts, of great charm. Silvered frame";"painting-framework-french-landscape-canvas";"";"French oriental landscape painting oil on canvas";"Oil painting on canvas from 20th century. French painting depicting an oriental landscape, a village on stilts, of great charm. Silvered frame with some signs of wear complete with passpartout and protective glass. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 35 x W 48 cm.";"Oil painting on canvas from 20th century. French painting depicting an oriental landscape, a village on stilts, of great charm. Silvered frame with some signs of wear complete with passpartout and protective glass. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 35 x W 48 cm.";
3597;"1";"7904";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Marmo";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"inkwell, object, marble, French, Art Deco, style, desk, inkstand";"French Art Deco marble inkwell";"French marble inkstand from the Art Deco era. Inkwell for antique dealers and collectors of excellent quality and difficult to find. Object built ";"inkwell-french";"";"Art Deco marble inkwell";"French marble inkstand from the Art Deco era. Inkwell for antique dealers and collectors of excellent quality and difficult to find. Object built with different marble elements applied to the base. Ink holder complete with internal glass. Ideal object to be placed on a desk, very pleasant. It has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"French marble inkstand from the Art Deco era. Inkwell for antique dealers and collectors of excellent quality and difficult to find. Object built with different marble elements applied to the base. Ink holder complete with internal glass. Ideal object to be placed on a desk, very pleasant. It has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
3605;"1";"7854";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, Italian, frame, landscape, signed";"Signed and dated landscape painting oil on canvas";"Italian painting oil on canvas. 20th-century framework depicting landscape of good pictorial quality. Work signed and dated lower right (Bonaccorsi '84)";"painting-framework-landscape-italian-oil";"";"Signed and dated landscape painting oil on canvas";"Italian painting oil on canvas. 20th-century framework depicting landscape of good pictorial quality. Work signed and dated lower right (Bonaccorsi '84). Golden wooden frame with passepartout. It presents a protective intact glass. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 38 x W 58 cm.";"Italian painting oil on canvas. 20th-century framework depicting landscape of good pictorial quality. Work signed and dated lower right (Bonaccorsi '84). Golden wooden frame with passepartout. It presents a protective intact glass. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 38 x W 58 cm.";
3607;"1";"7877";"650";"";"";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, mixed media, frame, interior scene";"Italian painting interior scene with characters from 20th century";"Framework mixed-media on cardboard. Italian painting from 20th century depicting an interior scene with characters, of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-italian-interior-scene-framework";"";"Italian painting interior scene with characters from 20th century";"Framework mixed-media on cardboard. Italian painting from 20th century depicting an interior scene with characters, of good pictorial quality. Golden wooden frame with passepartout in fabric that shows different signs of wear (see photo). Complete with integral protective glass. Overall in fair state of conservation. Sight size: H 44 x W 31 cm.";"Framework mixed-media on cardboard. Italian painting from 20th century depicting an interior scene with characters, of good pictorial quality. Golden wooden frame with passepartout in fabric that shows different signs of wear (see photo). Complete with integral protective glass. Overall in fair state of conservation. Sight size: H 44 x W 31 cm.";
3635;"1";"7860";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, still life, mixed media, frame";"Italian still life painting in Impressionist style from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on cardboard depicting still life with bottles in Impressionist style.";"painting-italian-frame-framework-still-life";"";"Italian still life painting in Impressionist style from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on cardboard depicting still life with bottles in Impressionist style. Painting of great measure and impact for antique dealers and interior designers. Silvered wooden frame with passepartout and protective glass in good condition. It presents some small signs, on the whole in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 69 x W 48 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on cardboard depicting still life with bottles in Impressionist style. Painting of great measure and impact for antique dealers and interior designers. Silvered wooden frame with passepartout and protective glass in good condition. It presents some small signs, on the whole in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 69 x W 48 cm.";
3641;"1";"7852";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, artwork, oil on board, frame, popular scene";"Italian popular scene signed painting oil on board";"Italian oil painting on board from 20th century. Work depicting popular scene The Sunday game in Impressionist style. Framework";"painting-framework-italian-popular-scene-oil";"H 60 x L 70 x P 6 cm ";"Italian popular scene signed painting oil on board";"Italian oil painting on board from 20th century. Artwork depicting popular scene The Sunday game in Impressionist style. Artwork of excellent pictorial quality signed lower right (see photo). Wooden frame with passepartout and protective glass in good condition. Painting for antique dealers and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 39 x W 48 cm.";"Italian oil painting on board from 20th century. Artwork depicting popular scene The Sunday game in Impressionist style. Artwork of excellent pictorial quality signed lower right (see photo). Wooden frame with passepartout and protective glass in good condition. Painting for antique dealers and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 39 x W 48 cm.";
3646;"1";"7883";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, framework, frame, boats, signed, antique";"Italian signed landscape painting view of river with boats";"Italian framework from 20th century. Mixed media painting on masonite depicting a view of the river with boats of good pictorial quality";"painting-framework-landscape-italian-river";"";"Italian signed landscape painting view of river with boats";"Italian framework from 20th century. Mixed media painting on masonite depicting a view of the river with boats of good pictorial quality, signed at the bottom right (see photo). Carved, lacquered and gilded wooden frame with some drops of color (see photo). Painting of contained measure for antique dealers and collectors, complete with intact protective glass. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 29 x W 37 cm.";"Italian artwork from 20th century. Mixed media painting on masonite depicting a view of the river with boats of good pictorial quality, signed at the bottom right (see photo). Carved, lacquered and gilded wooden frame with some drops of color (see photo). Painting of contained measure for antique dealers and collectors, complete with intact protective glass. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 29 x W 37 cm.";
3650;"1";"7817";"2700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni|Mobili>Specchi e Cornici|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, mirror, wood, lacquered, Louis XVI, marble, chest of drawers";"Commode in lacquered wood with mirror in Louis XVI style";"Italian dresser with mirror in Louis XVI style from 20th century. Furniture in beautiful line and nice decor in carved, lacquered and gilded wood";"dresser-italian-mirror-lacquered-louis-marble";"";"Commode in lacquered wood with mirror in Louis XVI style";"Italian dresser with mirror in Louis XVI style from 20th century. Furniture in beautiful line and nice decor in carved, lacquered and gilded wood. Commode with four drawers of good capacity and service with marble top in good condition (the marble has some small chipping). Mirror adorned with wooden garlands (see photo) Furniture that is part of a set complete of bedside tables (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Missing keys, it is in good state of conservation.";"Italian dresser with mirror in Louis XVI style from 20th century. Furniture in beautiful line and nice decor in carved, lacquered and gilded wood. Commode with four drawers of good capacity and service with marble top in good condition. Mirror adorned with wooden garlands (see photo) Furniture that is part of a set complete of bedside tables (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Missing keys, it is in good state of conservation.";
3653;"1";"7867";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, framework, style, Impressionist, frame";"Italian landscape painting in Impressionist style from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Mixed media work on cardboard depicting an Impressionist style landscape of particular pictorial intensity.";"painting-frame-style-landscape-impressionist";"";"Italian landscape painting in Impressionist style from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Mixed media work on cardboard depicting an Impressionist style landscape of particular pictorial intensity. Modern silvered wooden frame complete with protective glass. In good condition with some small signs of the time. Sight size: H 68.5 x W 48.5 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Mixed media work on cardboard depicting an Impressionist style landscape of particular pictorial intensity. Modern silvered wooden frame complete with protective glass. In good condition with some small signs of the time. Sight size: H 68.5 x W 48.5 cm.";
3670;"1";"7868";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, landscape, oil on canvas, frame, framework";"Italian signed landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas, in the first canvas, depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-framework-landscape-canvas-italian";"";"Italian signed landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas, in the first canvas, depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. Frame in silvered metal and wood complete with protective glass. Painting for antique dealers and collectors signed lower right (see photo). It presents some signs of time, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 68 x W 49 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas, in the first canvas, depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. Frame in silvered metal and wood complete with protective glass. Painting for antique dealers and collectors signed lower right (see photo). It presents some signs of time, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 68 x W 49 cm.";
3705;"1";"7960";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"cheval mirror, wood, furniture, French, Art Nouveau, style, bedroom";"French cheval mirror in Art Nouveau style from the 20th century";"French cheval mirror in Art Nouveau style from 20th century. Object finely carved and chiseled in beech wood for antique dealers and collectors.";"cheval-mirror-french-wood-art-nouveau-style";"";"French cheval mirror in Art Nouveau style from the 20th century";"French cheval mirror in Art Nouveau style from 20th century. Object finely carved and chiseled in beech wood for antique dealers and collectors. Bedroom or living room cheval mirror or beautiful decoration supported by four zoomorphic feet (see photo). Object that has recently undergone a cleaning and restoration. Cheval mirror richly decorated with floral decorations and central crest on the base (see photo). In excellent condition.";"French cheval mirror in Art Nouveau style from 20th century. Object finely carved and chiseled in beech wood for antique dealers and collectors. Bedroom or living room cheval mirror or beautiful decoration supported by four zoomorphic feet (see photo). Object that has recently undergone a cleaning and restoration. Cheval mirror richly decorated with floral decorations and central crest on the base (see photo). In excellent condition.";
3728;"1";"0048";"7800";"";"Settecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, sideboard, french, wood, walnut, double body, cabinet";"Antique French cupboard from 18th century";"Antique French double body cupboard from 18th century. Furniture carved in walnut wood in Louis XIII style. Double body sideboard with four doors";"antique-french-cupboard-wood-cabinet-walnut";"";"Antique French cupboard from 18th century";"Antique French double body cupboard from 18th century. Furniture carved in walnut wood in Louis XIII style. Double body sideboard with four doors and two drawers, of excellent capacity and service. Furniture for living room or studio of great character and impact, for antique dealers and lovers of antique furniture. This cupboard has undergone a restoration during which the internal shelves, locks and some wooden structural elements have been replaced (see photo). In fair condition with different signs of aging.";"Antique French double body cupboard from 18th century. Furniture carved in walnut wood in Louis XIII style. Double body sideboard with four doors and two drawers, of excellent capacity and service. Furniture for living room or studio of great character and impact, for antique dealers and lovers of antique furniture. This cupboard has undergone a restoration during which the internal shelves, locks and some wooden structural elements have been replaced (see photo). In fair condition with different signs of aging.";
3762;"1";"6369";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, French, wood, lacquered, painted, gilded, chinoiserie";"Table in lacquered, painted chinoiserie wood from the 20th century";"French coffee table from 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and painted wood with chinoiserie decorations on the top of beautiful line";"coffee-table-lacquered-chinoiserie-french";"";"Coffee table lacquered chinoiserie from the 20th century";"French coffee table from 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and painted wood with chinoiserie decorations on the top of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Side table of 51 cm side of good measure and service, ideal to be inserted in a living room. In good condition with some small signs of wear.";"French coffee table from 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and painted wood with chinoiserie decorations on the top of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Side table of 51 cm side of good measure and service, ideal to be inserted in a living room. In good condition with some small signs of wear.";
3782;"1";"7089";"800";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, still life, oil on canvas, frame, style";"Italian still life painting in impressionist style ";"Italian painting from 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting particular still life with ceramic objects and tomatoes in impressionist style.";"painting-still-life-italian-framework-canvas";"";"Italian still life painting in impressionist style ";"Italian painting from 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting particular still life with ceramic objects and tomatoes in impressionist style.Painting of good size and impact with a lacquered and gilded wooden frame fitted with a passe-partout and protective glass. It presents references to the author on the back, to be deciphered (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 47 x W 57 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting particular still life with ceramic objects and tomatoes in impressionist style. Painting of good size and impact with a lacquered and gilded wooden frame fitted with a passe-partout and protective glass. It presents references to the author on the back, to be deciphered (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 47 x W 57 cm.";
3798;"1";"7967";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, character, frame, impressionist";"Hungarian painting character with parrot in Impressionist style";"Great Hungarian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a character with parrot in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-framework-character-oil-canvas";"";"Hungarian painting character with parrot in Impressionist style";"Great Hungarian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a character with parrot in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Framework of beautiful measure and decoration, missing frame. Painting that has an acronym in reference to the author at the bottom right (see photo), to be deciphered. It presents some signs of time, overall in good state of conservation.";"Great Hungarian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a character with parrot in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Framework of beautiful measure and decoration, missing frame. Painting that has an acronym in reference to the author at the bottom right (see photo), to be deciphered. It presents some signs of time, overall in good state of conservation.";
3810;"1";"5267";"500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"mirror, Italian, modern, faux leather, furniture, red, style";"Italian design mirror";"Italian modern design mirror. Newly made furniture covered in faux leather. Mirror of excellent proportion that can be easily placed ";"mirror-italian-design-faux-leather-furniture";"";"Italian design mirror";"Italian modern design mirror. Newly made furniture covered in faux leather. Mirror of excellent proportion that can be easily placed into different parts of the house. Mirror dimensions H 47.5 x W 47.5 cm. It has some small signs of wear, overall in good condition.";"Italian modern design mirror. Newly made furniture covered in faux leather. Mirror of excellent proportion that can be easily placed into different parts of the house. Mirror dimensions H 47.5 x W 47.5 cm. It has some small signs of wear, overall in good condition.";
3875;"1";"7932";"1950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Venetian, lacquered, cabinet, bureau, desk, painting";"Lacquered, painted and gilded trumeau from 20th century";"Venetian trumeau from 20th century. Double body cabinet in lacquered, gilded and painted wood with floral decorations of great pleasure. ";"trumeau-venetian-lacquered-desk-wood";"";"Lacquered, painted and gilded trumeau from 20th century";"Venetian trumeau from 20th century. Double body cabinet in lacquered, gilded and painted wood with floral decorations of great pleasure. Trumeau for living room with three external drawers of good capacity. Interior of the bureau complete with two small drawers and a desk of good measure and service. Upper body with three shelves that can not be adjusted in height, ideal for displaying object collections. Furniture that is part of a set (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Complete with a working key (of the bureau) it has several small drops of color and some signs of wear. Overall in good state of conservation.";"Venetian trumeau from 20th century. Double body cabinet in lacquered, gilded and painted wood with floral decorations of great pleasure. Trumeau for living room with three external drawers of good capacity. Interior of the bureau complete with two small drawers and a desk of good measure and service. Upper body with three shelves that can not be adjusted in height, ideal for displaying object collections. Furniture that is part of a set (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Complete with a working key (of the bureau) it has several small drops of color and some signs of wear. Overall in good state of conservation.";
3879;"1";"0091";"2200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, English, wood, lacquered, painted, furniture, living room";"English lacquered and painted side table from 20th century";"English side table from the first half of the 20th century. Nicely lacquered and painted wooden furniture with a fabulous landscape on the top (see photo)";"side-table-english-wood-lacquered-painted";"";"English lacquered and painted side table from 20th century";"English side table from the first half of the 20th century. Nicely lacquered and painted wooden furniture with a fabulous landscape on the top (see photo). Top of good measure and service. Furniture of beautiful decoration supported by central leg and three carved and painted feet (see photo). Furniture that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery (see photo). It presents some signs of time, overall in good state of conservation.";"English side table from the first half of the 20th century. Nicely lacquered and painted wooden furniture with a fabulous landscape on the top (see photo). Top of good measure and service. Furniture of beautiful decoration supported by central leg and three carved and painted feet (see photo). Furniture that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery (see photo). It presents some signs of time, overall in good state of conservation.";
3895;"1";"7879";"500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, oil on masonite, landscape";"Italian signed landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on masonite depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. decorated wooden frame";"painting-italian-landscape-framework-signed";"";"Italian signed landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on masonite depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated wooden frame with some small signs of wear (see photo). Framework signed lower left (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of the time. Sight size H 27.5 x W 38 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on masonite depicting Impressionist style landscape of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated wooden frame with some small signs of wear (see photo). Framework signed lower left (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of the time. Sight size H 27.5 x W 38 cm.";
3912;"1";"7608";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, furniture, table, French, design, living room, glass";"French design coffee table in metal and glass";"French design coffee table from the 80s. Metal and opaque glass furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Coffee table with two glass shelves ";"coffee-table-french-design-living-room";"";"French design coffee table in metal and glass";"French design coffee table from the 80s. Metal and opaque glass furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Coffee table with two glass shelves that have several small scratches (see photo). Furniture ideal to be placed in a living room, of beautiful decoration and good service. It presents some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"French design coffee table from the 80s. Metal and opaque glass furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Coffee table with two glass shelves that have several small scratches (see photo). Furniture ideal to be placed in a living room, of beautiful decoration and good service. It presents some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
3919;"1";"0096";"3200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Orologi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"clock, French, antimony, collectibles, gilded, sculptures";"French clock in golden antimony";"French clock from 20th century. Object of great measure and impact in chiselled and gilded antimony adorned with sculptures of gilt and angel.";"clock-french-golden-antimony-sculptures";"";"French clock in golden antimony";"French clock from 20th century. Object of great measure and impact in chiselled and gilded antimony adorned with sculptures of gilt and angel. Clock of fabulous decoration decorated by dial with hours in painted ceramic. Back door missing and internal mechanism, NOT WORKING. It presents the lack of some flowers on the base on the right (see photo), to be restored.";"French clock from 20th century. Object of great measure and impact in chiselled and gilded antimony adorned with sculptures of gilt and angel. Clock of fabulous decoration decorated by dial with hours in painted ceramic. Back door missing and internal mechanism, NOT WORKING. It presents the lack of some flowers on the base on the right (see photo), to be restored.";
3921;"1";"0097";"2100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Orologi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"clock, French, bronze, gilded, ceramic, painted, collectibles";"French clock in gilded bronze and brass with painted ceramic";"French clock from the mid-20th century. Object in gilded and chiselled bronze and brass, adorned with hand-painted ceramic elements ";"clock-french-bronze-gold-ceramic-painted";"";"French clock in gilded bronze and brass with painted ceramic";"French clock from the mid-20th century. Object in gilded and chiselled bronze and brass, adorned with hand-painted ceramic elements with floral decorations of great pleasure. Rear door with glass to be replaced (see photo), mechanism NOT WORKING, to be restored. Clock for antiquarians and collectors of good size and quality. Structure in good condition, mechanism with shortcomings, to be restored.";"French clock from the mid-20th century. Object in gilded and chiselled  bronze and brass, adorned with hand-painted ceramic elements with floral decorations of great pleasure. Rear door with glass to be replaced (see photo), mechanism NOT WORKING, to be restored. Clock for antiquarians and collectors of good size and quality. Structure in good condition, mechanism with shortcomings, to be restored.";
3948;"1";"0099";"13400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bookcase, Italian, wood, cabinet, vitrine, sideboard, living room";"Italian bookcase in wood from 20th century";"Great Italian bookcase from the second half of the 20th century. Exceptional furniture in exotic wood, brass decorations and fake turtle. ";"bookcase-italian-wood-cabinet-vitrine";"";"Italian bookcase in wood from 20th century";"Great Italian bookcase from the second half of the 20th century. Exceptional furniture in exotic wood, brass decorations and fake turtle. Completely removable bookcase to facilitate movement and insertion in the home. Cabinet with ten doors and two central doors with recessed glass of excellent capacity and service. Bookcase that is part of a living room set complete with table, chairs, console and sideboard (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Furniture adorned with columns and inlays, of great impact. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";"Great Italian bookcase from the second half of the 20th century. Exceptional furniture in exotic wood, brass decorations and fake turtle. Completely removable bookcase to facilitate movement and insertion in the home. Cabinet with ten doors and two central doors with recessed glass of excellent capacity and service. Bookcase that is part of a living room set complete with table, chairs, console and sideboard (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Furniture adorned with columns and inlays, of great impact. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";
3952;"1";"0100";"14800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, Italian, living room, furniture, wood, antique, dining room";"Italian conference table in exotic wood from 20th century";"Great Italian conference table from the second half of the 20th century. Exceptional quality furniture in inlaid brass and fake turtle in exotic wood. ";"table-italian-wood-living-room-furniture";"";"Italian conference table in exotic wood from 20th century";"Great Italian conference table from the second half of the 20th century. Exceptional quality furniture in inlaid brass and fake turtle in exotic wood. Table of great impact, supported by a central wooden leg and four columns in faux marble painted metal, of excellent solidity and stability. Furniture that is part of a complete set (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available), ideal to be placed in an important studio, hall or in a hotel lobby. It has some small signs of wear and some scratches on the top (see photo), overall in good state of conservation.";"Great Italian conference table from the second half of the 20th century. Exceptional quality furniture in inlaid brass and fake turtle in exotic wood. Table of great impact, supported by a central wooden leg and four columns in faux marble painted metal, of excellent solidity and stability. Furniture that is part of a complete set (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available), ideal to be placed in an important studio, hall or in a hotel lobby. It has some small signs of wear and some scratches on the top (see photo), overall in good state of conservation.";
3958;"1";"8077";"1350";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, French, wood, lacquered, furniture, living room";"French lacquered side table from 20th century";"French side table from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered wood decorated with characters in soapstone of great charm. Night stand ";"side-table-french-lacquered-wood-night-stand";"";"French bedside table in lacquered wood from the 60s";"French side table from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered wood decorated with characters in soapstone of great charm. Night stand nicely adorned with painted floral decorations, finished for the center. Furniture with one door equipped with an internal support to use as a bar cabinet. Wooden top lacquered and painted. Furniture of good solidity and stability also ideal as a support for large vases or sculptures. In good condition, it has some signs of wear.";"French side table from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered wood decorated with characters in soapstone of great charm. Night stand nicely adorned with painted floral decorations, finished for the center. Furniture with one door equipped with an internal support to use as a bar cabinet. Wooden top lacquered and painted. Furniture of good solidity and stability also ideal as a support for large vases or sculptures. In good condition, it has some signs of wear.";
3967;"1";"8080";"600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Metalli|Collezionismo>Vasi";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, vases, collectibles, metal, chiseled, cloisonné, oriental";"Pair of oriental metal vases from 20th century";"Pair of oriental vases from 20th century. Objects in chiselled metal in cloisonné style of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Vases with side handles";"pair-vases-oriental-metal-chiselled";"";"Pair of oriental metal vases from 20th century";"Pair of oriental vases from 20th century. Objects in chiselled metal in cloisonné style of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Vases with side handles of good measure, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some signs of wear.";"Pair of oriental vases from 20th century. Objects in chiselled metal in cloisonné style of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Vases with side handles of good measure, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some signs of wear.";
3975;"1";"8070";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Legno";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, oriental, wood, statue, fisherman, living room, furniture";"Great oriental wooden sculpture from the 20th century";"Great oriental sculpture from 20th century. Pleasantly carved wood artwork depicting angler with fishing net from great measure and charm. ";"sculpture-oriental-statue-wood-fisherman";"";"Great oriental wooden sculpture from the 20th century";"Great oriental sculpture from 20th century. Pleasantly carved wood artwork depicting angler with fishing net from great measure and charm. Object for antique dealers and collectors in beautiful patina. It has small signs of aging and two small faults in the fishing net (see photo), overall in good state of conservation.";"Great oriental sculpture from 20th century. Pleasantly carved wood artwork depicting angler with fishing net from great measure and charm. Object for antique dealers and collectors in beautiful patina. It has small signs of aging and two small faults in the fishing net (see photo), overall in good state of conservation.";
3980;"1";"0102";"2700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Console";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, italian, wood, furniture, living room, table, brass, style";"Italian console in exotic wood from 20th century";"Italian console from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture in exotic wood with inlay in brass and fake turtle, of pleasant decor. Living room";"console-italian-table-living-room-wood-brass";"";"Italian console in exotic wood from 20th century";"Italian console from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture in exotic wood with inlay in brass and fake turtle, of pleasant decor. Living room or entrance console ideal to combine with a painting or mirror. Furniture that is part of a complete set (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). In good condition with some small signs of wear.";"Italian console from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture in exotic wood with inlay in brass and fake turtle, of pleasant decor. Living room or entrance console ideal to combine with a painting or mirror. Furniture that is part of a complete set (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). In good condition with some small signs of wear.";
3984;"1";"8083";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Legno";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, statue, Indian, wood, character, antique";"Indian character sculpture in exotic wood from 20th century";"Great Indian sculpture of the 20th century. Nicely carved exotic wood object depicting an old man with a stick and turban. Work created ";"sculpture-statue-indian-wood-character";"";"Indian character sculpture in exotic wood from 20th century";"Great Indian sculpture of the 20th century. Nicely carved exotic wood object depicting an old man with a stick and turban. Work created from a single wooden block, for antique dealers and decorators. Object of beautiful size and large decor in good state of conservation.";"Great Indian sculpture of the 20th century. Nicely carved exotic wood object depicting an old man with a stick and turban. Work created from a single wooden block, for antique dealers and decorators. Object of beautiful size and large decor in good state of conservation.";
3997;"1";"8064";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, signed, framework, oil on canvas, seascape, landscape, frame";"Great seascape from the 20th century signed Emile Lammers";"Great Belgian painting from the mid 20th century. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting a seascape with boats in an impressionist style.";"painting-seascape-signed-framework-landscape";"";"Great seascape from the 20th century signed Emile Lammers";"Great Belgian painting from the mid 20th century. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting a seascape with boats in an impressionist style. Wood and plaster frame with wooden passe-partout, richly carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of great size and impact, for antique dealers and collectors, signed on the bottom left (see photo) Emile Lammers (1914-1990) without authentication or additional documentation. Fabulous artwork, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition. Sight size: H 63 x W 95 cm.";"Great Belgian painting from the mid 20th century. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting a seascape with boats in an impressionist style. Wood and plaster frame with wooden passe-partout, richly carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of great size and impact, for antique dealers and collectors, signed on the bottom left (see photo) Emile Lammers (1914-1990) without authentication or additional documentation. Fabulous artwork, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition. Sight size: H 63 x W 95 cm.";
4021;"1";"0101";"5900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, Italian, furniture, cabinet, living room, wood, brass";"Italian sideboard in exotic wood and brass from 20th century";"Italian sideboard from the second half of the 20th century. High quality furniture in exotic wood and brass decorations. Sideboard with four side doors";"sideboard-italian-wood-furniture-living-room";"";"Italian sideboard in exotic wood and brass from 20th century";"Italian sideboard from the second half of the 20th century. High quality furniture in exotic wood and brass decorations. Sideboard with four side doors and four central drawers of excellent capacity and service. Furniture that is part of a living room set complete with table, chairs, console and bookcase (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Furniture adorned with columns and inlays, of great impact. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";"Italian sideboard from the second half of the 20th century. High quality furniture in exotic wood and brass decorations. Sideboard with four side doors and four central drawers of excellent capacity and service. Furniture that is part of a living room set complete with table, chairs, console and bookcase (see photo and ask for the bulk price, if available). Furniture adorned with columns and inlays, of great impact. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";
4027;"1";"8089";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, English, wood, inlaid, table, living room, furniture";"Octagonal inlaid table from the '20";"English side table from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in palisander, maple, mahogany and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor.";"side-table-english-inlaid-wood-living-room";"";"Octagonal inlaid table from the '20";"English side table from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in palisander, maple, mahogany and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Octagonal table of good measure and service, supported by four carved legs complete with feet with original wheels. Furniture structure in good condition, of excellent soundness. Top that shows some signs of wear and some small stains (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";"English side table from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in palisander, maple, mahogany and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Octagonal table of good measure and service, supported by four carved legs complete with feet with original wheels. Furniture structure in good condition, of excellent soundness. Top that shows some signs of wear and some small stains (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";
4067;"1";"0100/2";"2700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chairs, italian, lacquered, painted, wood, armchairs, living room, fur";"8 lacquered and painted Italian chairs from 20th century";"Group of Italian chairs from the second half of the 20th century. High quality furniture in lacquered and painted wood. Chairs upholstered in fabric ";"chairs-italian-lacquered-painted-armchairs";"";"8 lacquered and painted Italian chairs from 20th century";"Group of Italian chairs from the second half of the 20th century. High quality furniture in lacquered and painted wood. Chairs upholstered in fabric with some small signs (see photo). Furniture that is part of a room complete with table, sideboard, console and bookcase (see photo and ask for the bulk price , if available). Comfortable chairs with seat height of 46 cm. In fair condition, they have several small color drops.";"Group of Italian chairs from the second half of the 20th century. High quality furniture in lacquered and painted wood. Chairs upholstered in fabric with some small signs (see photo). Furniture that is part of a room complete with table, sideboard, console and bookcase (see photo and ask for the bulk price , if available). Comfortable chairs with seat height of 46 cm. In fair condition, they have several small color drops.";
4097;"1";"8203";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, French, furniture, chest of drawers, wood, lacquered, painted";"French lacquered and painted dresser from 20th century";"French dresser from 20th century. Beautiful line furniture of nice decor in lacquered and painted wood. Chest of drawers with two front drawers";"dresser-french-wood-lacquered-painted-commode";"";"French lacquered and painted dresser from 20th century";"French dresser from 20th century. Beautiful line furniture of nice decor in lacquered and painted wood. Chest of drawers with two front drawers, of good capacity. Wooden top of good service. Small commode of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. It presents some small drops in color, overall in good state of conservation.";"French dresser from 20th century. Beautiful line furniture of nice decor in lacquered and painted wood. Chest of drawers with two front drawers, of good capacity. Wooden top of good service. Small commode of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. It presents some small drops in color, overall in good state of conservation.";
4119;"1";"8143";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Dutch, modern, framework, mixed media, canvas, abstract";"Modern Dutch painting abstract subject from 20th century";"Modern Dutch painting from late 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting an abstract subject of a good pictorial quality. ";"painting-dutch-modern-framework-abstract";"";"Modern Dutch painting abstract subject from 20th century";"Modern Dutch painting from late 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting an abstract subject of a good pictorial quality. Painting missing frame, for interior decorators and collectors, in good state of conservation.";"Modern Dutch painting from late 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting an abstract subject of a good pictorial quality. Painting missing frame, for interior decorators and collectors, in good state of conservation.";
4133;"1";"8204";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, leaf table, French, dining room, furniture, wood, bronzes";"French leaf table in mahogany from 20th century";"French leaf table from the early 20th century. Furniture carved in mahogany wood with inlay in maple and fruitwood richly adorned with gilded";"leaf-table-french-mahogany-wood-dining";"";"Large extendable mahogany table from the 1930s";"French leaf table from the early 20th century. Furniture carved in mahogany wood with inlay in maple and fruitwood richly adorned with gilded and chiselled bronzes. Dining table or living room table of great measure and service. Furniture which, once opened, reaches a maximum length of 435 cm (missing extensions). Table of great quality and service that presents some scratches and signs of wear on the top (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";"French leaf table from the early 20th century. Furniture carved in mahogany wood with inlay in maple and fruitwood richly adorned with gilded and chiselled bronzes. Dining table or living room table of great measure and service. Furniture which, once opened, reaches a maximum length of 435 cm (missing extensions). Table of great quality and service that presents some scratches and signs of wear on the top (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";
4136;"1";"8208";"1900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chest of drawers, design, dresser, commode, French, wood, furniture";"Modern 60s design chest of drawers";"French chest of drawers from 20th century. Furniture of particular shape and construction in mahogany, palisander and beech wood adorned with handles ";"chest-drawers-french-design-wood-commode";"";"Modern 60s design chest of drawers";"French chest of drawers from 20th century. Furniture of particular shape and construction in mahogany, palisander and beech wood adorned with handles in chromed metal. Chest of drawers finished for the center, equipped with 8 frontal drawers of excellent capacity and service. Top in faux leather with some small signs of wear (see photo). Design furniture of pleasant decor. It has a sign in the back (see photo), commode on the whole in good state of conservation.";"French chest of drawers from 20th century. Furniture of particular shape and construction in mahogany, palisander and beech wood adorned with handles in chromed metal. Chest of drawers finished for the center, equipped with 8 frontal drawers of excellent capacity and service. Top in faux leather with some small signs of wear (see photo). Design furniture of pleasant decor. It has a sign in the back (see photo), commode on the whole in good state of conservation.";
4217;"1";"8257";"3800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Painting, framework, signed, Italian, canvas, allegory, judgment";"Painting signed allegory of the judgment of soldiers";"Great Italian painting from 80s. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting allegory of the judgment of soldiers in war signed Vittorini C. ";"painting-framework-italian-signed-canvas";"";"Great painting signed Vittorini C. from the 20th century";"Great Italian painting from 80s. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting allegory of the judgment of soldiers in war signed Vittorini C. in the lower center (see photo). Exceptional size framework, missing frame, ideal for a living room or studio. Painting that develops vertically, full of elements and characters. It presents some signs of conservative restoration interventions, on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Great Italian painting from 80s. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting allegory of the judgment of soldiers in war signed Vittorini C. in the lower center (see photo). Exceptional size framework, missing frame, ideal for a living room or studio. Painting that develops vertically, full of elements and characters. It presents some signs of conservative restoration interventions, on the whole in good state of conservation.";
4257;"1";"8319";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, armchairs, chairs, furniture, wood, lacquered, gilt, living room";"Painted and gilded armchairs in Louis XV style from the 20th century";"Pair of French armchairs from 20th century. Furniture in richly carved and gilded wood of beautiful size and great impact. Living room armchairs";"armchairs-chairs-french-pair-lacquered-gilt";"";"Painted and gilded armchairs in Louis XV style from the 20th century";"Pair of French armchairs from 20th century. Furniture in richly carved and gilded wood of beautiful size and great impact. Living room armchairs with padding in good condition. Seat height 41 cm. Fabric-covered armchairs with different signs of wear, stains and tears, to be replaced (see photo). Furniture for interior decorators in a fair conservative state. Fabric to be replaced.";"Pair of French armchairs from 20th century. Furniture in richly carved and gilded wood of beautiful size and great impact. Living room armchairs with padding in good condition. Seat height 41 cm. Fabric-covered armchairs with different signs of wear, stains and tears, to be replaced (see photo). Furniture for interior decorators in a fair conservative state. Fabric to be replaced.";
4260;"1";"0275";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, landscape, oil on panel";"Signed Italian landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-twentieth century. Oil painting on panel depicting impressionist landscape signed at the bottom left Carlo Musso (1907-1968)";"painting-framework-italian-landscape-signed";"";"Signed Italian landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-twentieth century. Oil painting on board depicting impressionist landscape signed at the bottom left Carlo Musso (1907-1968), without authentic. Framework for antique dealers and collectors of pleasant decor with a gilded and silvered wooden frame adorned with passe-partout and protective glass. In good condition with some small signs of the time. Sight size: H 33 x W 40 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-twentieth century. Oil painting on board depicting impressionist landscape signed at the bottom left Carlo Musso (1907-1968), without authentic. Framework for antique dealers and collectors of pleasant decor with a gilded and silvered wooden frame adorned with passe-partout and protective glass. In good condition with some small signs of the time. Sight size: H 33 x W 40 cm.";
4263;"1";"0268";"1550";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, landscape, oil on masonite, signed";"Antique landscape signed G. Mariani from 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from late 19th century. Oil painting on masonite depicting landscape, view of mountain village in impressionist style. ";"painting-landscape-signed-antique-frame-oil";"";"Antique landscape signed G. Mariani from 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from late 19th century. Oil painting on masonite depicting landscape, view of mountain village in impressionist style. Signed painting on the lower left G. Mariani (see photo) (Gregorio Mariani 1833 - 1902) missing authentic. Framework of beautiful measure and brightness for antique dealers and collectors. Modern wooden frame with passe-partout and protective glass of beautiful decoration. Painting that presents some color drops and signs of aging. Overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size: H 48 x W 66 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from late 19th century. Oil painting on masonite depicting landscape, view of mountain village in impressionist style. Signed painting on the lower left G. Mariani (see photo) (Gregorio Mariani 1833 - 1902) missing authentic. Framework of beautiful measure and brightness for antique dealers and collectors. Modern wooden frame with passe-partout and protective glass of beautiful decoration. Painting that presents some color drops and signs of aging. Overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size: H 48 x W 66 cm.";
4271;"1";"8353";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, antique, seascape, landscape";"Signed Italian painting from the 20th century";"20th century Italian painting. Oil painting on canvas depicting seascape with boats, ships and harbor in the background with a good pictorial quality";"painting-italian-framework-signed-seascape";"";"Signed Italian painting from the 20th century";"20th century Italian painting. Oil painting on canvas depicting seascape with boats, ships and harbor in the background with a good pictorial quality. Signed painting on the lower right (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. Modern lacquered and gilded frame with passe-partout in fabric (with some small marks) and protective glass. Beautiful framework of pleasant decor in good state of preservation. Sight size: H 60 x W 90 cm.";"20th century Italian painting. Oil painting on canvas depicting seascape with boats, ships and harbor in the background with a good pictorial quality. Signed painting on the lower right (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. Modern lacquered and gilded frame with passe-partout in fabric (with some small marks) and protective glass. Beautiful framework of pleasant decor in good state of preservation. Sight size: H 60 x W 90 cm.";
4294;"1";"8302";"2100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni|Mobili>Specchi e Cornici|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, Italian, sideboard, mirror, chest of drawers, lacquered, wood";"Great dresser with mirror from the 60s";"Italian dresser with mirror from the 60s. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood of particular shape and construction. Chest of drawers with two drawers";"dresser-italian-mirror-wood-lacquered-commode";"";"Great dresser with mirror from the 60s";"Italian dresser with mirror from the 60s. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood of particular shape and construction. Chest of drawers with two drawers of good capacity equipped with original top in onyx (see photo). Mirror with special recess on the top in the back (see photo), of great pleasure and impact. High-leg furniture of fabulous decor for antique dealers and interior designers. Chest of drawers that is part of a complete set with two wall bedside tables (see photo and request the block price if available). Without keys, it shows some small drop in color, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Italian dresser with mirror from the 60s. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood of particular shape and construction. Chest of drawers with two drawers of good capacity equipped with original top in onyx (see photo). Mirror with special recess on the top in the back (see photo), of great pleasure and impact. High-leg furniture of fabulous decor for antique dealers and interior designers. Chest of drawers that is part of a complete set with two wall bedside tables (see photo and request the block price if available). Without keys, it shows some small drop in color, overall in a good state of conservation.";
4321;"1";"0253";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"armchair, chair, Italian, design, faux leather, furniture, living room";"Italian design armchair in faux leather";"Italian design armchair from the 80s. Mobiltecnica Torino production furniture (see photo) covered in faux leather with metal legs. Comfortable armchair";"armchair-italian-chair-design-faux-leather";"";"Italian design armchair in faux leather";"Italian design armchair from the 80s. Mobiltecnica Torino production furniture (see photo) covered in faux leather with metal legs. Comfortable armchair, for living room or office with a seat height of 43 cm. Chair of beautiful line and pleasant decor, it is in good condition with some small signs of wear.";"Italian design armchair from the 80s. Mobiltecnica Torino production furniture (see photo) covered in faux leather with metal legs. Comfortable armchair, for living room or office with a seat height of 43 cm. Chair of beautiful line and pleasant decor, it is in good condition with some small signs of wear.";
4330;"1";"0260";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Bronzi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, Indian, bronze, statue, object, divinity, living room";"Bronze Indian divinity sculpture";"20th century Indian sculpture. Bronze object depicting an Indian deity of small size. Bronze richly finished with numerous details, in beautiful patina.";"sculpture-indian-statue-bronze-divinity";"";"Bronze Indian divinity sculpture";"20th century Indian sculpture. Bronze object depicting an Indian deity of small size. Bronze richly finished with numerous details, in beautiful patina. Object for antique dealers and collectors with some signs of wear. Overall in good state of conservation.";"20th century Indian sculpture. Bronze object depicting an Indian deity of small size. Bronze richly finished with numerous details, in beautiful patina. Object for antique dealers and collectors with some signs of wear. Overall in good state of conservation.";
4337;"1";"8335";"1750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Ribalte e Secretaire|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bureau, French, furniture, desk, secrétaire, painted, shabby";"French painted bureau in shabby chic style from 20th century";"20th century French bureau. Shabby style painted wooden furniture of pleasant decor. Bureau with two external drawers of good capacity. ";"bureau-french-wood-painted-shabby-secretaire";"";"60's Shabby Chic style bureau";"20th century French bureau. Shabby style painted wooden furniture of pleasant decor. Bureau with two external drawers of good capacity. Fall-front complete with a working key that offers six small drawers and a large desk of good service. Furniture supported by four solid legs with curled feet (see photo). Ideal bureau to be placed in a living room or studio, beautifully decorated. In good state of conservation with some signs of wear.";"20th century French bureau. Shabby style painted wooden furniture of pleasant decor. Bureau with two external drawers of good capacity. Fall-front complete with a working key that offers six small drawers and a large desk of good service. Furniture supported by four solid legs with curled feet (see photo). Ideal bureau to be placed in a living room or studio, beautifully decorated. In good state of conservation with some signs of wear.";
4338;"1";"0263";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on board, frame, landscape";"Italian painting study on the source of Giacomo Soffiantino";"Italian painting dated 1970. Oil painting on board depicting study on the source of Giacomo Soffiantino (missing authentic).";"painting-italian-framework-landscape-frame";"";"Italian painting study on the source of Giacomo Soffiantino";"Italian painting dated 1970. Oil painting on board depicting study on the source of Giacomo Soffiantino (missing authentic). Measurement contained framework, for antique dealers and collectors, adorned with a tasteful wooden frame. Painting that can be easily placed in different points of the house in excellent state of conservation. Sight size: H 12 x W 19 cm";"Italian painting dated 1970. Oil painting on board depicting study on the source of Giacomo Soffiantino (missing authentic). Measurement contained framework, for antique dealers and collectors, adorned with a tasteful wooden frame. Painting that can be easily placed in different points of the house in excellent state of conservation. Sight size: H 12 x W 19 cm";
4347;"1";"8449";"780";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Oggettistica";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, candelabra, Italian, objects, metal, silvered, chiseled";"Pair of Italian silvered metal candelabras from 20th century";"Pair of Italian candle holders from the mid-20th century. Finely chiselled objects in silvered metal, beautifully decorated. One-flame candelabra complete ";"candelabra-pair-italian-metal-silvered";"";"Pair of Italian silvered metal candelabras from 20th century";"Pair of Italian candle holders from the mid-20th century. Finely chiselled objects in silvered metal, beautifully decorated. One-flame candelabra complete with removable metal wax-save saucers (see photo). Central body screwed to the base. They present some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian candle holders from the mid-20th century. Finely chiselled objects in silvered metal, beautifully decorated. One-flame candelabra complete with removable metal wax-save saucers (see photo). Central body screwed to the base. They present some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
4351;"1";"8447";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, signed, oil on canvas, landscape, seascape";"Italian seascape painting signed Ferruccio Rosini dated 1980";"Italian painting dated 1980. Oil painting on canvas signed Ferruccio Rosini (Livorno painter born in 1932) depicting a seascape in impressionist style";"painting-italian-framework-signed-landscape";"";"Italian seascape painting signed Ferruccio Rosini dated 1980";"Italian painting dated 1980. Oil painting on canvas signed Ferruccio Rosini (Livorno painter born in 1932) depicting a seascape in impressionist style, without authentic. Beautifully decorated modern lacquered wooden frame complete with protective glass and fabric passe-partout with some small signs. Framework of beautiful measure and pleasant decor, for antique dealers and collectors. Painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 49 x W 58 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1980. Oil painting on canvas signed Ferruccio Rosini (Livorno painter born in 1932) depicting a seascape in impressionist style, without authentic. Beautifully decorated modern lacquered wooden frame complete with protective glass and fabric passe-partout with some small signs. Framework of beautiful measure and pleasant decor, for antique dealers and collectors. Painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 49 x W 58 cm.";
4391;"1";"0402";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Bronzi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, Italian, statue, bronze, marble, signed, blacksmith";"Italian signed bronze sculpture from 20th century";"Italian sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Chiseled bronze work with marble base depicting blacksmith full of decorative elements ";"sculpture-italian-bronze-signed-marble-statue";"";"Italian signed bronze sculpture from 20th century";"Italian sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Chiseled bronze work with marble base depicting blacksmith full of decorative elements and details (see photo). Sculpture finished for the center which has a signature on the back (see photo) to be deciphered. Object for antique dealers and collectors of great size and in beautiful patina. In good state of conservation.";"Italian sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Chiseled bronze work with marble base depicting blacksmith full of decorative elements and details (see photo). Sculpture finished for the center which has a signature on the back (see photo) to be deciphered. Object for antique dealers and collectors of great size and in beautiful patina. In good state of conservation.";
4428;"1";"0398";"4300";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, interior scene, framework, oil on canvas";"Antique interior scene painting from 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, depicting interior scene with characters ";"painting-antique-framework-interior-scene";"";"Antique interior scene painting from 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, depicting interior scene with characters of excellent pictorial quality. Very bright and pleasant painting, signed lower right (see photo), signature in the study phase. Framework showing some small drops of color (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation with some signs of the time.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, depicting interior scene with characters of excellent pictorial quality. Very bright and pleasant painting, signed lower right (see photo), signature in the study phase. Framework showing some small drops of color (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation with some signs of the time.";
4431;"1";"0394";"14000";"";"Settecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Legno";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, statue, sculpture, wood, Saint, cloud, religious";"Ancient German sculpture Saint on a cloud from 18th century";"Great German sculpture from 18th century. Finely chiselled stone pine artwork depicting a subject of sacred art, a saint resting on a cloud, under study";"antique-sculpture-religious-statue-saint";"";"Ancient German sculpture Saint on a cloud from 18th century";"Great German sculpture from 18th century. Finely chiselled stone pine artwork depicting a subject of sacred art, a saint resting on a cloud, under study. Sculpture for antique dealers and collectors of fabulous size and quality. In beautiful patina, it shows signs of old conservative restorations. Missing of hands (see photo) non-contemporary wooden base, added later. Statue finished for the center, ideal to be placed in an important living room or studio. Given the era, in good state of conservation.";"Great German sculpture from 18th century. Finely chiselled stone pine artwork depicting a subject of sacred art, a saint resting on a cloud, under study. Sculpture for antique dealers and collectors of fabulous size and quality. In beautiful patina, it shows signs of old conservative restorations. Missing of hands (see photo) non-contemporary wooden base, added later. Statue finished for the center, ideal to be placed in an important living room or studio. Given the era, in good state of conservation.";
4437;"1";"8493";"800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, ceramic, painted, furniture, enameled, flowers";"Chinese vase in glazed and painted ceramic";"Great Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Glazed and hand-painted ceramic work with very pleasant floral and oriental decorations. ";"vase-chinese-ceramic-painted-flowers";"";"Chinese vase in glazed and painted ceramic";"Great Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Glazed and hand-painted ceramic work with very pleasant floral and oriental decorations. Vase equipped with three separate containers (see photo) ideal for displaying different types of flowers. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. In good condition, without breaks or chips.";"Great Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Glazed and hand-painted ceramic work with very pleasant floral and oriental decorations. Vase equipped with three separate containers (see photo) ideal for displaying different types of flowers. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. In good condition, without breaks or chips.";
4444;"1";"8396";"1250";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"mirror, Italian, lacquered, furniture, frame, mirrors, wood";"Italian lacquered mirror with floral decorations from 20th century";"Great Italian mirror from 20th century. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood with floral decorations. Mirror complete with original mirrors inlaid";"mirror-italian-lacquered-frame-wood";"";"Italian lacquered mirror with floral decorations from 20th century";"Great Italian mirror from 20th century. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood with floral decorations. Mirror complete with original mirrors pleasantly inlaid and painted (see photo). Ideal furniture to combine with a bureau or dresser. Wooden elements that present several small drops of color (see photo). Furniture on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Great Italian mirror from 20th century. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood with floral decorations. Mirror complete with original mirrors pleasantly inlaid and painted (see photo). Ideal furniture to combine with a bureau or dresser. Wooden elements that present several small drops of color (see photo). Furniture on the whole in good state of conservation.";
4447;"1";"0421";"3200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze|Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bookcase, furniture, sideboard, inlaid, wood, living room, French";"French inlaid bookcase from 20th century";"Small French bookcase from the early 20th century. Double-body inlaid furniture in rosewood, mahogany, maple, walnut and fruitwood. ";"bookcase-french-inlaid-sideboard-cabinet";"";"French inlaid bookcase from 20th century";"Small French bookcase from the early 20th century. Double-body inlaid furniture in rosewood, mahogany, maple, walnut and fruitwood. Sideboard with four doors, two of which are inlaid on the lower part and two with mesh and fabric on the upper body. Furniture complete with original internal shelves that can be positioned at various heights and a working key. Bookcase for living room or study of beautiful decoration and excellent proportion. It presents some small signs of the time, on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Small French bookcase from the early 20th century. Double-body inlaid furniture in rosewood, mahogany, maple, walnut and fruitwood. Sideboard with four doors, two of which are inlaid on the lower part and two with mesh and fabric on the upper body. Furniture complete with original internal shelves that can be positioned at various heights and a working key. Bookcase for living room or study of beautiful decoration and excellent proportion. It presents some small signs of the time, on the whole in good state of conservation.";
4468;"1";"8574";"1800";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Flemish, framework, oil on canvas, landscape";"Antique Flemish country landscape painting from 19th century ";"Antique Flemish painting from the early 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape with characters and animals";"painting-frame-landscape-oil-canvas-antique";"";"Flemish country landscape painting from 19th century ";"Antique Flemish painting from the early 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape with characters and animals and nice pictorial quality. Painting rich in elements and details, of a rustic nature, for antique dealers and collectors. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration during the second half of the 20th century. Missing frame, in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";"Antique Flemish painting from the early 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape with characters and animals and nice pictorial quality. Painting rich in elements and details, of a rustic nature, for antique dealers and collectors. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration during the second half of the 20th century. Missing frame, in good condition, with some small signs of the time.";
4477;"1";"0237";"3000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"showcase, Italian, furniture, sideboard, bookcase, wood, Art Deco";"Italian showcase in wood from 20th century";"Italian vitrine from the mid-20th century. High quality furniture in rosewood, palisander, mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Showcase with three doors";"showcase-italian-cabinet-bookcase-wood";"";"Italian showcase in wood from 20th century";"Italian vitrine from the mid-20th century. High quality furniture in rosewood, palisander, mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Showcase with three doors, two wooden side doors and a central sliding glass doors (see photo). Interior of the side compartments complete with two fixed wooden shelves. Central internal glass shelf that can be positioned at various heights (see photo), of excellent service. Cabinet resting on a wooden base (see photo) of good solidity and stability. Base missing a small clear decoration on the right (see photo). Bookcase / display cabinet ideal for use in a living room or studio, for interior designers and amateurs of Italian furniture from 900. It has some small signs of wear, a small defect in the glass door (on the left, see photo), overall in fair condition. Structurally healthy.";"Italian vitrine from the mid-20th century. High quality furniture in rosewood, palisander, mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Showcase with three doors, two wooden side doors and a central sliding glass doors (see photo). Interior of the side compartments complete with two fixed wooden shelves. Central internal glass shelf that can be positioned at various heights (see photo), of excellent service. Cabinet resting on a wooden base (see photo) of good solidity and stability. Base missing a small clear decoration on the right (see photo). Bookcase / display cabinet ideal for use in a living room or studio, for interior designers and amateurs of Italian furniture from 900. It has some small signs of wear, a small defect in the glass door (on the left, see photo), overall in fair condition. Structurally healthy.";
4487;"1";"8497";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, ceramic, painted, flowers, animals, cup, object";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with roosters and floral decorations";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Glazed and hand painted ceramic work with roosters and floral decorations. ";"vase-chinese-ceramic-painted-glazed";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with roosters and floral decorations";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Glazed and hand painted ceramic work with roosters and floral decorations. Vase of excellent proportion with a 22 cm top opening, ideal for different types of flowers or simply to be displayed as a furnishing accessory. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. It presents some Chinese writing on the side (see photo), in good condition, without breakage or chipping. ";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Glazed and hand painted ceramic work with roosters and floral decorations. Vase of excellent proportion with a 22 cm top opening, ideal for different types of flowers or simply to be displayed as a furnishing accessory. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. It presents some Chinese writing on the side (see photo), in good condition, without breakage or chipping.

4491;"1";"8608";"2900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bookcases, vitrines, cabinets, Italian, wood, design, modern";"Pair of Italian bookcases in walnut wood with glass doors";"Pair of Italian bookcases from 60s and 70s. Walnut wood furniture fitted with sliding glass doors on a metal track. Vitrines of excellent capacity";"pair-bookcases-italian-design-vitrines-wood";"";"Pair of Italian bookcases in walnut wood with glass doors";"Pair of Italian bookcases from 60s and 70s. Walnut wood furniture fitted with sliding glass doors on a metal track. Vitrines of excellent capacity and service with original glass without breakage or chipping (see photo). Design furniture ideal for use in a living room or studio. Pair of display cabinets of excellent proportion and hard to find. Internal lower compartment height: 40 cm. Internal height of upper compartments: 30 cm. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";"Pair of Italian bookcases from 60s and 70s. Walnut wood furniture fitted with sliding glass doors on a metal track. Vitrines of excellent capacity and service with original glass without breakage or chipping (see photo). Design furniture ideal for use in a living room or studio. Pair of display cabinets of excellent proportion and hard to find. Internal lower compartment height: 40 cm. Internal height of upper compartments: 30 cm. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";
4517;"1";"8571";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, French, iron, marble, table, living room, furniture, des";"French iron coffee table with marble top from 20th century";"French coffee table from the second half of the 20th century. Iron furniture with beautiful marble top of pleasant decor. Base in painted iron";"coffee-table-french-iron-marble-living-room";"";"French iron coffee table with marble top from 20th century";"French coffee table from the second half of the 20th century. Iron furniture with beautiful marble top of pleasant decor. Base in painted iron with curl decorations. Good-quality and service marble top, in good condition with some small chips (see photo). Ideal furniture for a living room, of excellent proportion. In good condition with some small signs.";"French coffee table from the second half of the 20th century. Iron furniture with beautiful marble top of pleasant decor. Base in painted iron with curl decorations. Good-quality and service marble top, in good condition with some small chips (see photo). Ideal furniture for a living room, of excellent proportion. In good condition with some small signs.";
4518;"1";"8320";"2000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, Italian, Louis XV, chest of drawers, sideboard, wood";"Inlaid dresser in Louis XV style from the 20th century";"Italian commode from the mid-20th century. High quality furniture in Louis XV style inlaid and veneered in walnut, rosewood, maple, walnut and fruitwood.";"commode-Louis-XV-inlaid-commode-italian";"";"Inlaid dresser in Louis XV style from the 20th century";"Italian commode from the mid-20th century. High quality furniture in Louis XV style inlaid and veneered in walnut, rosewood, maple, walnut and fruitwood. Chest of drawers with three frontal drawers of good capacity, wooden top in character. Ideal dresser to be placed in a bedroom or living room, to combine with a mirror or painting. Furniture adorned with chiseled bronze handles and nozzles depicting festoons with flowers (see photo). Chest of drawers, part of a complete bedroom set (see photo and request the block price, if available). Structurally in good condition, dresser that has some signs of aging and small lacks of veneer (see photo). Missing keys. Overall in a fair conservative state.";"Italian commode from the mid-20th century. High quality furniture in Louis XV style inlaid and veneered in walnut, rosewood, maple, burl walnut and fruitwood. Chest of drawers with three frontal drawers of good capacity, wooden top in character. Ideal dresser to be placed in a bedroom or living room, to combine with a mirror or painting. Furniture adorned with chiseled bronze handles and nozzles depicting festoons with flowers (see photo). Chest of drawers, part of a complete bedroom set (see photo and request the block price, if available). Structurally in good condition, dresser that has some signs of aging and small lacks of veneer (see photo). Missing keys. Overall in a fair conservative state.";
4533;"1";"8642";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, oil on canvas, popular scene";"Italian popular scene painting signed Mattia Traverso";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil painting on canvas, first canvas, depicting tavern in eighteenth-century style ";"painting-signed-framework-popular-scene";"";"Popular scene painting by Mattia Traverso from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil painting on canvas, first canvas, depicting tavern in eighteenth-century style with characters and horses. Very pleasant painting signed in the lower left corner by Mattia Traverso (see photo), lacking authenticity. Golden wooden frame of beautiful decoration with some signs of time (see photo). Framework of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different points in the house. In good state of conservation. Sight size: H 48.5 x W 123.5 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil painting on canvas, first canvas, depicting tavern in eighteenth-century style with characters and horses. Very pleasant painting signed in the lower left corner by Mattia Traverso (see photo), lacking authenticity. Golden wooden frame of beautiful decoration with some signs of time (see photo). Framework of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different points in the house. In good state of conservation. Sight size: H 48.5 x W 123.5 cm.";
4551;"1";"8498";"1150";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, ceramic, painted, cup, object, antique, oriental";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Glazed and hand-painted ceramic work with rooster and floral decorations. Vase of excellent proportion";"vase-ceramic-painted-orinetal-chinese";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Glazed and hand-painted ceramic work with rooster and floral decorations. Vase of excellent proportion with a top opening of 25 cm in diameter, ideal for different types of flowers or simply to be displayed as a furnishing accessory. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. It presents of the writing in Chinese on the edge in the upper part (see photo), in good condition, without breaks or chips.";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Glazed and hand-painted ceramic work with rooster and floral decorations. Vase of excellent proportion with a top opening of 25 cm in diameter, ideal for different types of flowers or simply to be displayed as a furnishing accessory. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. It presents writing in Chinese on the edge in the upper part (see photo), in good condition, without breaks or chips.";
4572;"1";"8663";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, table, Italian, design, living room, furniture, wood";"Italian design coffee table from the 20th century";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture veneered in palisander and mahogany with supporting elements in oak and beech. Coffee table";"coffee-table-italian-design-furniture";"";"Italian design coffee table from the 20th century";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture veneered in palisander and mahogany with supporting elements in oak and beech. Coffee table with three support tops and a sliding drawer that can be opened from both sides (see photo). Furniture supported by four metal feet (see photo) of good stability. Coffee table of excellent proportion and good service. It presents some small signs of the time, on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture veneered in palisander and mahogany with supporting elements in oak and beech. Coffee table with three support tops and a sliding drawer that can be opened from both sides (see photo). Furniture supported by four metal feet (see photo) of good stability. Coffee table of excellent proportion and good service. It presents some small signs of the time, on the whole in good state of conservation.";
4581;"1";"0254";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Fioriere";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"planter, Italian, flowerpot, design, furniture, wood, mahogany";"Italian design planter ";"Large design flowerpot from the 70s / 80s. Italian furniture carved in mahogany wood of particular shape and construction. Planter equipped with wheels";"planter-italian-design-wood-mahogany";"";"Italian design planter ";"Large design flowerpot from the 70s / 80s. Italian furniture carved in mahogany wood of particular shape and construction. Planter equipped with wheels to facilitate movement inside the house. Furniture for interior designers and lovers of Italian design, of pleasant decor. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";"Large design flowerpot from the 70s / 80s. Italian furniture carved in mahogany wood of particular shape and construction. Planter equipped with wheels to facilitate movement inside the house. Furniture for interior designers and lovers of Italian design, of pleasant decor. In good condition with some small signs of the time.";
4590;"1";"8499";"950";"";"";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, ceramic, painted, cup, furniture";"Chinese vase in painted ceramic with flowers and animals";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Work in glazed and hand painted ceramic with floral and animal decorations. ";"vase-oriental-cup-chinese-ceramic-painted";"";"Chinese vase in painted ceramic with flowers and animals";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Work in glazed and hand painted ceramic with floral and animal decorations. Vase of excellent proportion with a top opening of 23 cm in diameter, ideal for different types of flowers or simply to be displayed as a furnishing accessory. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. It presents some Chinese writing on one side in the upper part (see photo), in good condition, without breaks or chips.";"Chinese vase from the beginning of the 21st century. Work in glazed and hand painted ceramic with floral and animal decorations. Vase of excellent proportion with a top opening of 23 cm in diameter, ideal for different types of flowers or simply to be displayed as a furnishing accessory. Vase complete with original packaging and certificate of authenticity (in English and Chinese) of Jingdezhen porcelain. It presents some Chinese writing on one side in the upper part (see photo), in good condition, without breaks or chips.";
4615;"1";"8713";"2400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Terracotta";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Italian, terracotta, oriental, green, furniture, cup, sculpture";"Great Italian green glazed terracotta vase";"Great Italian glazed terracotta vase from the 60/70. Object of great measure and charm finely chiseled and painted with oriental-style decorations, horses";"vase-italian-terracotta-furniture-oriental";"";"Great Italian terracotta vase from 60s";"Great Italian glazed terracotta vase from the 60/70. Object of great measure and charm finely chiseled and painted with oriental-style decorations, horses and characters. Vase consisting of two elements (base and vase, see photo). Fabulous decor object, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Vase signed under the base (see photo, initials under study). It has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Great Italian glazed terracotta vase from the 60/70. Object of great measure and charm finely chiseled and painted with oriental-style decorations, horses and characters. Vase consisting of two elements (base and vase, see photo). Fabulous decor object, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Vase signed under the base (see photo, initials under study). It has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
4618;"1";"8731";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, Italian, interior scene, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian painting interior scene with musician oil on canvas";"Great Italian painting from the early 20th century. Framework oil on canvas, in first canvas, depicting an interior scene with musician of good quality";"painting-interior-scene-oil-canvas-framework";"";"Italian painting interior scene with musician from 20th century";"Great Italian painting from the early 20th century. Framework oil on canvas, in first canvas, depicting an interior scene with musician of good pictorial quality. Great mpact framework, of pleasant decor. Non-contemporary frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, beautifully decorated. Frame with some small drops in color (see photo). Canvas with a vertical crack located at the bottom right (see photo), to be restored. Painting overall in fair conservative state. Sight size H 121 x W 92 cm.";"Great Italian painting from the early 20th century. Framework oil on canvas, in first canvas, depicting an interior scene with musician of good pictorial quality. Great impact framework, of pleasant decor. Non-contemporary frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, beautifully decorated. Frame with some small drops in color (see photo). Canvas with a vertical crack located at the bottom right (see photo), to be restored. Painting overall in fair conservative state. Sight size H 121 x W 92 cm.";
4655;"1";"0514";"4400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"etagere, bookcase, vitrine, furniture, French, wood, gilded, painted";"French gilded and painted étagère from 20th century";"French étagère from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture with shelves in carved, gilded and painted wood of fabulous decor.";"etagere-french-bookcase-painted-gilt";"";"French gilded and painted étagère from 20th century";"French étagère from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture with shelves in carved, gilded and painted wood of fabulous decor. Étagère equipped with two shelves plus a possible shelf at the top of the molding, of good service, ideal for displaying large-sized sculptures or ceramics. Furniture supported laterally by decorative elements with masks, carved and gilded. In the lower part it is characterized by frontal feral feet (see photo). Non-original backs and hind feet, replaced during the 20th century. Étagère for living room or studio, built in a single non-divisible body. In good state of conservation with some signs of aging.";"French étagère from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture with shelves in carved, gilded and painted wood of fabulous decor. Étagère equipped with two shelves plus a possible shelf at the top of the molding, of good service, ideal for displaying large-sized sculptures or ceramics. Furniture supported laterally by decorative elements with masks, carved and gilded. In the lower part it is characterized by frontal feral feet (see photo). Non-original backs and hind feet, replaced during the 20th century. Étagère for living room or studio, built in a single non-divisible body. In good state of conservation with some signs of aging.";
4656;"1";"8751";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, popular scene, characters, oil, frame";"Italian painting popular scene with characters";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on panel depicting a popular scene with characters, market view";"framework-popular-scene-painting-characters";"";"Italian painting popular scene from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on panel depicting a popular scene with characters, market view, of excellent pictorial quality. Framework of pleasant brightness and decor with a modern lacquered and gilded wooden frame. Panel with some references on the back to the author (Antonio Canò see photo), without authenticity. Of excellent proportion and beautiful decoration, it is in good state of conservation. Sight size H 49 x W 39 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on panel depicting a popular scene with characters, market view, of excellent pictorial quality. Framework of pleasant brightness and decor with a modern lacquered and gilded wooden frame. Panel with some references on the back to the author (Antonio Canò see photo), without authenticity. Of excellent proportion and beautiful decoration, it is in good state of conservation. Sight size H 49 x W 39 cm.";
4670;"1";"8718/2";"1100";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, frame, oil on canvas, framework, French, landscape";"Antique painting countryside landscape from 19th century";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape with farmers and wayfarers.";"painting-french-antique-landscape-framework";"";"Antique French painting countryside landscape from 19th century";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape with farmers and wayfarers. Frame in wood and plaster not coeval, from the twentieth century, carved and silver. Frame with some signs of aging and small drops of color, to be revised (see photo). Framework belonging to a pair (see photo and request the bulk price if available). Nice size painting and beautiful decoration full of details and decorative elements. Painting in the first canvas and in the first patina, with some signs of aging and small drops of color. Overall in fair state of conservation. Sight size: H 44 x W 64 cm.";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting countryside landscape with farmers and wayfarers. Frame in wood and plaster not coeval, from the twentieth century, carved and silver. Frame with some signs of aging and small drops of color, to be revised (see photo). Framework belonging to a pair (see photo and request the bulk price if available). Nice size painting and beautiful decoration full of details and decorative elements. Painting in the first canvas and in the first patina, with some signs of aging and small drops of color. Overall in fair state of conservation. Sight size: H 44 x W 64 cm.";
4672;"1";"0519";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Divani";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sofa, French, gilded, Louis XV, furniture, living room, couch, wood";"French golden sofa in Louis XV style";"French sofa from the early 20th century. Furniture in richly carved and gilded wood in Louis XV style of excellent quality. Sofa covered in fabric ";"sofa-french-gold-couch-Louis-XV";"";"French golden sofa in Louis XV style from 20th century";"French sofa from the early 20th century. Furniture in richly carved and gilded wood in Louis XV style of excellent quality. Sofa covered in fabric on the seat, back and armrests with different signs (see photo) to be replaced. Comfortable seat with non-original padding, replaced during the 20th century, in good condition. Sofa supported by four front legs equipped with wheels (see photo) and two rear legs of good solidity. In fair state of conservation. To be restored. Seat height 38 cm.";"French sofa from the early 20th century. Furniture in richly carved and gilded wood in Louis XV style of excellent quality. Sofa covered in fabric on the seat, back and armrests with different signs (see photo) to be replaced. Comfortable seat with non-original padding, replaced during the 20th century, in good condition. Sofa supported by four front legs equipped with wheels (see photo) and two rear legs of good solidity. In fair state of conservation. To be restored. Seat height 38 cm.";
4678;"1";"8773";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, on canvas, frame, landscape, sea, signed";"Italian signed painting sea view on canvas from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting a particular sea view from above with boat and swimmer";"painting-italian-signed-landscape-sea";"";"Italian signed painting sea view on canvas from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting a particular sea view from above with boat and swimmer. Beautiful and pleasant pictorial quality signed painting in the lower left (see photo) Sicander, without authenticity. Silvered wooden frame with passe-partout in fabric and protective glass. Painting for interior decorators and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size H 50 x W 70 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting a particular sea view from above with boat and swimmer. Beautiful and pleasant pictorial quality signed painting in the lower left (see photo) Sicander, without authenticity. Silvered wooden frame with passe-partout in fabric and protective glass. Painting for interior decorators and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size H 50 x W 70 cm.";
4680;"1";"5068";"800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on masonite, landscape, signed";"Italian signed painting landscape in Impressionist style";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on Masonite depicting the Lombard countryside in Impressionist style of good pictorial hand. ";"painting-landscape-impressionist-signed";"";"Italian signed painting landscape in Impressionist style from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on Masonite depicting the Lombard countryside in Impressionist style of good pictorial hand. Framework of good size and pleasant decor signed in the lower left corner (see photo) Emilio Brioschi, without authenticity. Wooden frame equipped with fabric passe-partout (with some stains see photos) and protective glass. Painting for antique dealers and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size H 38.5 x W 48.5 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on Masonite depicting the Lombard countryside in Impressionist style of good pictorial hand. Framework of good size and pleasant decor signed in the lower left corner (see photo) Emilio Brioschi, without authenticity. Wooden frame equipped with fabric passe-partout (with some stains see photos) and protective glass. Painting for antique dealers and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size H 38.5 x W 48.5 cm.";
4693;"1";"0533";"2000";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Divani";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sofa, Italian, wood, walnut, furniture, sofa, living room, fabric";"Italian sofa in walnut wood from 19th century";"Italian sofa from the late 19th century. Finely carved furniture in walnut wood adorned with very pleasant side masks. Sofa covered in non-original fabric";"sofa-italian-wood-walnut-antique-couch";"";"Italian sofa in walnut from 19th century";"Italian sofa from the late 19th century. Finely carved furniture in walnut wood adorned with very pleasant side masks. Sofa covered in non-original fabric, with some signs of wear (see photo), finished for the center. Padding in good condition with seat height of 46 cm. Living room furniture, supported by four legs equipped with castors (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian sofa from the late 19th century. Finely carved furniture in walnut wood adorned with very pleasant side masks. Sofa covered in non-original fabric, with some signs of wear (see photo), finished for the center. Padding in good condition with seat height of 46 cm. Living room furniture, supported by four legs equipped with castors (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";
4709;"1";"8808";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, still life, artwork, oil on canvas";"Italian signed painting still life with fruit from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting still life with fruit of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-italian-still-life-signed-framework";"";"Italian signed painting still life with fruit from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting still life with fruit of good pictorial quality. Velvet-covered frame with some small marks adorned with a gilded wooden decoration (see photo). External edges of the frame with wooden coating (see photo). Painting of small size, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house, signed in the upper left corner (see photo), signature under study. Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 38 x W 65 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting still life with fruit of good pictorial quality. Velvet-covered frame with some small marks adorned with a gilded wooden decoration (see photo). External edges of the frame with wooden coating (see photo). Painting of small size, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house, signed in the upper left corner (see photo), signature under study. Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 38 x W 65 cm.";
4710;"1";"8501";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, ceramic, painted, cup, oriental";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen glazed and hand painted ceramic work with roosters. Vase of great impact ideal for display";"vase-chinese-painted-ceramic-oriental";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen glazed and hand painted ceramic work with roosters. Vase of great impact ideal for display as a piece of furniture. Vase complete with original packaging (see photo). It has Chinese writing on one side at the top (see photo), in good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen glazed and hand painted ceramic work with roosters. Vase of great impact ideal for display as a piece of furniture. Vase complete with original packaging (see photo). It has Chinese writing on one side at the top (see photo), in good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4713;"1";"0490";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, table, Italian, round, furniture, living room, wood";"Italian lacquered and gilded round coffee table with glass top";"Round Italian coffee table fro 20th century. Furniture composed of two distinct elements, lacquered and gilded wooden base in antique style";"coffee-table-round-italian-lacquered-glass";"";"Italian lacquered and gilded round coffee table with glass top";"Round Italian coffee table fro 20th century. Furniture composed of two distinct elements, lacquered and gilded wooden base in antique style and modern glass top, pleasantly furnished. Solid base that attaches to the top with a central metal pin (see photo). Crystal top that has a small chipping on the outer edge (see photo) and some small scratches / signs of wear on the support surface. Particularly decorative furniture, that can be easily placed in different types of houses, both modern and with antique furnishings. Of good solidity and service, it is in fair state of conservation.";"Round Italian coffee table from 20th century. Furniture composed of two distinct elements, lacquered and gilded wooden base in antique style and modern glass top, pleasantly furnished. Solid base that attaches to the top with a central metal pin (see photo). Crystal top that has a small chipping on the outer edge (see photo) and some small scratches / signs of wear on the support surface. Particularly decorative furniture, that can be easily placed in different types of houses, both modern and with antique furnishings. Of good solidity and service, it is in fair state of conservation.";
4730;"1";"0404";"790";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Lampadari Appliques luci|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"torch holder, furniture, wood, lacquered, gilded, candelabra, Italian";"Lacquered and gilded torch holder from 19th century";"Italian torch holder from 19th century. Pleasantly carved, lacquered and gilded wooden and plaster object, pleasantly furnished. Large size candle holder";"torch-holder-italian-antique-lacquered-gold";"";"Lacquered and gilded torch holder from 19th century";"Italian torch holder from 19th century. Pleasantly carved, lacquered and gilded wooden and plaster object, pleasantly furnished. Large size candle holder, for antique dealers and collectors, complete with small metal tray for wax. Torch holder which underwent a conservative restoration during the 20th century. It has some signs of aging and small drops of color (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian torch holder from 19th century. Pleasantly carved, lacquered and gilded wooden and plaster object, pleasantly furnished. Large size candle holder, for antique dealers and collectors, complete with small metal tray for wax. Torch holder which underwent a conservative restoration during the 20th century. It has some signs of aging and small drops of color (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";
4741;"1";"8829";"4000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, oil on canvas, Saint Francis, religious";"Antique Italian religious painting Saint Francis from 18th century";"Italian painting from 18th century. Oil painting on canvas, already backed again, depicting a subject of sacred art, Saint Francis";"painting-antique-frame-religious-francis";"";"Antique painting Saint Francis from 18th century";"Italian painting from 18th century. Oil painting on canvas, already backed again, depicting a subject of sacred art, Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. Large impact painting, adorned with a landscape in the background and a wooden crucifix placed in front of the Saint. Painting that has undergone cleaning, conservative restoration and replacement of the frame during the 20th century. It has small imperfections on the edges and some scratches on the canvas. Overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian painting from 18th century. Oil painting on canvas, already backed again, depicting a subject of sacred art, Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. Large impact painting, adorned with a landscape in the background and a wooden crucifix placed in front of the Saint. Painting that has undergone cleaning, conservative restoration and replacement of the frame during the 20th century. It has small imperfections on the edges and some scratches on the canvas. Overall in good state of conservation.";
4766;"1";"8504";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, ceramic, painted, horses, cup";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with horses";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with oriental horses and writings";"vase-chinese-ceramic-painted-horses";"";"Chinese ceramic vase with horses";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with oriental horses and writings. Vase with 21 cm top opening, of great impact, ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with oriental horses and writings. Vase with 21 cm top opening, of great impact, ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4774;"1";"8737";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Angoliere|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"corner cabinet, Italian, sideboard, wood, lacquered, painted";"Italian lacquered, gilded and painted corner cupboard";"Italian corner cupboard from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered, gilded and painted wood with landscape on the two front doors";"corner-cabinet-cupboard-italian-lacquered";"";"Lacquered and painted corner cupboard from 20th century";"Italian corner cupboard from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered, gilded and painted wood with landscape on the two front doors. Double body corner cupboard with upper open element fitted with several shelves. Lower body with two doors of good capacity. It shows the lack of a small wooden decoration of the upper body (see photo). A pleasantly furnished living room furniture. Corner cupboard in fair conservative condition with some signs of aging.";"Italian corner cupboard from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered, gilded and painted wood with landscape on the two front doors. Double body corner cupboard with upper open element fitted with several shelves. Lower body with two doors of good capacity. It shows the lack of a small wooden decoration of the upper body (see photo). A pleasantly furnished living room furniture. Corner cupboard in fair conservative condition with some signs of aging.";
4777;"1";"8505";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, ceramic, painted, cup, object, furniture";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with writing and interior scene";"vase-oriental-ceramic-painted-chinese";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with writing and interior scene with oriental characters of excellent quality. High-impact vase, with a particular upper clover opening ideal for display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with writing and interior scene with oriental characters of excellent quality. High-impact vase, with a particular upper clover opening ideal for display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4778;"1";"0412";"1100";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, armchair, chair, furniture, living room, wood, walnut";"Antique Italian walnut armchair from 19th century";"Antique Italian armchair from the early 19th century. Furniture carved in walnut covered in non-original fabric, replaced during the 20th century";"antique-armchair-chair-italian-wood-walnut";"";"Antique Italian walnut armchair with red fabric from 19th century";"Antique Italian armchair from the early 19th century. Furniture carved in walnut covered in non-original fabric, replaced during the 20th century. Representation armchair, for living room or study, of pleasant decor. Padding in good condition. Armchair for antique dealers and interior decorators in good state of conservation and in beautiful patina. Seat height 54 cm.";"Antique Italian armchair from the early 19th century. Furniture carved in walnut covered in non-original fabric, replaced during the 20th century. Representation armchair, for living room or study, of pleasant decor. Padding in good condition. Armchair for antique dealers and interior decorators in good state of conservation and in beautiful patina. Seat height 54 cm.";
4786;"1";"8268";"890";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, oil on canvas, frame, landscape, seascape";"Italian seascape painting in impressionist-style";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting an impressionist seascape of particular pictorial quality";"painting-frame-oil-canvas-seascape-landscape";"";"Italian seascape painting in impressionist-style from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting an impressionist seascape of particular pictorial quality and pleasant decor. Wooden frame with fabric passe-partout which has some spots (see photo) to be replaced. Small size framework signed on the bottom right (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. Canvas in good state of conservation, frame with some signs of aging. Sight size H 38 x W 58 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting an impressionist seascape of particular pictorial quality and pleasant decor. Wooden frame with fabric passe-partout which has some spots (see photo) to be replaced. Small size framework signed on the bottom right (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. Canvas in good state of conservation, frame with some signs of aging. Sight size H 38 x W 58 cm.";
4788;"1";"0209";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"armchair, Italian, furniture, chairs, wood, leather, red, living room";"Italian design armchair in red imitation leather";"Italian design armchair from the 70s. Ebonized wood furniture covered in fine leather of nice lines and pleasant decor. ";"armchair-italian-design-chair-red-leather";"";"Italian design armchair in red faux leather from the 70s";"Italian design armchair from the 70s. Ebonized wood furniture covered in fine leather of nice lines and pleasant decor. Good comfort armchair. Furniture that can be easily placed in different points of the house, from the living room to the bedroom, for antique dealers and interior designers. It shows some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian design armchair from the 70s. Ebonized wood furniture covered in fine leather of nice lines and pleasant decor. Good comfort armchair. Furniture that can be easily placed in different points of the house, from the living room to the bedroom, for antique dealers and interior designers. It shows some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
4789;"1";"0210";"2000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, Italian, design, furniture, living room, vintage, wood";"Italian design table in exotic wood";"Italian design table from the 70s. Exotic wood furniture of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Large table of ideal service";"table-italian-design-furniture-wood";"";"Italian design table in exotic wood from the 70s";"Italian design table from the 70s. Exotic wood furniture of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Large table of ideal service to be placed in a living room or studio. Furniture that can also be used as a desk without drawers, also for professional use. Of excellent solidity, it shows some signs of wear. Overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian design table from the 70s. Exotic wood furniture of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Large table of ideal service to be placed in a living room or studio. Furniture that can also be used as a desk without drawers, also for professional use. Of excellent solidity, it shows some signs of wear. Overall in good state of conservation.";
4796;"1";"8707";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Japanese, ceramic, painted, furniture, object";"Japanese vase in glazed and painted ceramic";"Large Japanese vase from the first half of the 20th century. Work in glazed and hand-painted ceramic with oriental-style floral decorations";"vase-japanese-ceramic-painted-furniture";"";"Japanese vase in glazed and painted ceramic from 20th century";"Large Japanese vase from the first half of the 20th century. Work in glazed and hand-painted ceramic with oriental-style floral decorations. Vase of beautiful size and great charm signed under the base (see photo). Vase that has undergone a minor restoration at the top (see photo), for antiques dealers and collectors. Overall in fair condition and in beautiful patina.";"Large Japanese vase from the first half of the 20th century. Work in glazed and hand-painted ceramic with oriental-style floral decorations. Vase of beautiful size and great charm signed under the base (see photo). Vase that has undergone a minor restoration at the top (see photo), for antiques dealers and collectors. Overall in fair condition and in beautiful patina.";
4805;"1";"8861";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, Italian, design, furniture, wood, living room, vintage, modern";"Italian design table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian design table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of fabulous lines and pleasant decor in cherry wood and fruitwood. ";"table-italian-design-wood-furniture";"";"Italian design table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian design table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of fabulous lines and pleasant decor in cherry wood and fruitwood. Good-sized living room and service table adorned with gilt bronze feet. Built in a one block, it has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian design table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of fabulous lines and pleasant decor in cherry wood and fruitwood. Good-sized living room and service table adorned with gilt bronze feet. Built in a one block, it has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
4807;"1";"0363";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, furniture, wood, lacquered, table, living room, column";"Lacquered wood side table";"Italian open furniture from the 80s. Lacquered wooden cabinet with metal feet adorned with the Valentino fashion logo ";"side-table-wood-lacquered-column-furniture";"";"Lacquered wood side table";"Italian open furniture from the 80s. Lacquered wooden cabinet with metal feet adorned with the Valentino fashion logo (see photo) with 6 small front compartments. Column finished by center of particular proportion, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. It presents some small drops of color, structurally healthy, in fair state of conservation.";"Italian open furniture from the 80s. Lacquered wooden cabinet with metal feet adorned with the Valentino fashion logo (see photo) with 6 small front compartments. Column finished by center of particular proportion, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. It presents some small drops of color, structurally healthy, in fair state of conservation.";
4809;"1";"8509";"790";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, cup, furniture, Chinese, ceramic, painted, oriental";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with floral decorations";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations";"vase-chinese-painted-ceramic-furniture";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with floral decorations";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations of excellent quality. Particularly mushroom-shaped vase ideal for display as a piece of furniture. It has a stamp on the side (see photo). In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations of excellent quality. Particularly mushroom-shaped vase ideal for display as a piece of furniture. It has a stamp on the side (see photo). In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4812;"1";"0540";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"Table, desk, furniture, wood, inlaid, marble, Italian";"Italian inlaid table in mahogany and maple with marble top";"Italian table from the first half of the 20th century. Carved and inlaid furniture in mahogany and maple with decorations in gilded and chiseled bronze";"table-italian-desk-inlaid-marble";"";"Italian inlaid table with marble top from 20th century";"Italian table from the first half of the 20th century. Carved and inlaid furniture in mahogany and maple with decorations in gilded and chiseled bronze. Small desk equipped with three front drawers and recessed marble top of discrete size and service. Furniture of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different points of the house. Dressing table adapted to a desk that carried a built-in mirror, now missing. It has some signs of aging, overall in fair state of conservation.";"Italian table from the first half of the 20th century. Carved and inlaid furniture in mahogany and maple with decorations in gilded and chiseled bronze. Small desk equipped with three front drawers and recessed marble top of discrete size and service. Furniture of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different points of the house. Dressing table adapted to a desk that carried a built-in mirror, now missing. It has some signs of aging, overall in fair state of conservation.";
4816;"1";"8511";"680";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, ceramic, painted, furniture, cup";"Chinese painted and glazed ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand adorned with games of children with buffalo";"vase-chinese-oriental-cup-ceramic-painted";"";"Chinese painted and glazed ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand adorned with games of children with buffalo, of excellent quality. Vase of moderate size and beautiful decoration ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand adorned with games of children with buffalo, of excellent quality. Vase of moderate size and beautiful decoration ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4818;"1";"0542";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Italian, chairs, furniture, armchairs, design, leather, living room";"4 Italian design chairs in faux leather";"Group of 4 Italian design chairs from the 70s. Particularly pleasant decor furniture carved in fruitwood and covered in faux leather";"chairs-design-italian-furniture-armchairs";"";"4 Italian design chairs in faux leather from the 70s";"Group of 4 Italian design chairs from the 70s. Particularly pleasant decor furniture carved in fruitwood and covered in faux leather. Comfortable chairs with seat height of 47 cm. A chair has some signs and tears in the covering (see photo) to be replaced. Structurally healthy living room or lounge chairs, overall in fair condition.";"Group of 4 Italian design chairs from the 70s. Particularly pleasant decor furniture carved in fruitwood and covered in faux leather. Comfortable chairs with seat height of 47 cm. A chair has some signs and tears in the covering (see photo) to be replaced. Structurally healthy living room or lounge chairs, overall in fair condition.";
4819;"1";"0264";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Painting, antique, framework, oil on cardboard, frame, landscape";"Italian landscape painting oil on cardboard";"Italian painting 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a wooded landscape with architectural elements on the background ";"framework-landscape-painting-italian-oil";"";"Italian landscape painting oil on cardboard from 20th century";"Italian painting 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a wooded landscape with architectural elements on the background of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame with passe-partout and beautifully decorated protective glass. Small size painting, for interior decorators and lovers of Italian paintings. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 28 x W 19 cm.";"Italian painting 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a wooded landscape with architectural elements on the background of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame with passe-partout and beautifully decorated protective glass. Small size painting, for interior decorators and lovers of Italian paintings. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 28 x W 19 cm.";
4821;"1";"8512";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, ceramic, painted, furniture, object";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with warrior on horseback";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with warrior on horse and Chinese written";"vase-oriental-chinese-ceramic-painted";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with warrior on horseback";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with warrior on horse and Chinese written of excellent quality. Vase of beautiful size and ideal decoration to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with warrior on horse and Chinese written of excellent quality. Vase of beautiful size and ideal decoration to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4822;"1";"8619";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, Italian, furniture, table, design, modern, wood, living ";"Italian design coffee table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian design coffee table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture veneered in mahogany and fruitwood with metal decorations, beautifully decorated";"coffee-table-design-italien-furniture";"";"Italian design coffee table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian design coffee table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture veneered in mahogany and fruitwood with metal decorations, beautifully decorated and of pleasant furnishings. Side table of good size and service with wooden top in character with some signs of wear (see photo). Of good stability and solidity, it is in good state of conservation.";"Italian design coffee table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture veneered in mahogany and fruitwood with metal decorations, beautifully decorated and of pleasant furnishings. Side table of good size and service with wooden top in character with some signs of wear (see photo). Of good stability and solidity, it is in good state of conservation.";
4823;"1";"8868";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, antique, oil on masonite, signed, landscape";"Italian signed landscape painting in Impressionist style";"Italian painting dated 1977. Oil painting on masonite depicting landscape with an impressionist-style country village of good pictorial quality";"painting-framework-signed-landscape-oil";"";"Signed landscape painting in Impressionist style 1977";"Italian painting dated 1977. Oil painting on masonite depicting landscape with an impressionist-style country village of good pictorial quality. Signed and dated painting in the lower right corner (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. Wooden frame complete with passe-partout in beautifully decorated fabric. Painting of limited size and bright colors, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. It has some small signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 18 x W 23 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1977. Oil painting on masonite depicting landscape with an impressionist-style country village of good pictorial quality. Signed and dated painting in the lower right corner (see photo) for antique dealers and collectors. Wooden frame complete with passe-partout in beautifully decorated fabric. Painting of limited size and bright colors, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. It has some small signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 18 x W 23 cm.";
4824;"1";"8513";"590";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, furniture, object, ceramic, painted, oriental";"Chinese painted and glazed ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand, adorned by river landscape";"vase-chinese-oriental-painted-ceramic";"";"Chinese painted and glazed ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand, adorned by river landscape with houses and bridge, of excellent quality. Cup of moderate size and beautiful decoration ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand, adorned by river landscape with houses and bridge, of excellent quality. Cup of moderate size and beautiful decoration ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4827;"1";"0544";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, framework, oil on cardboard, landscape, frame";"Italian landscape painting in Impressionist style";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting an Impressionist-style landscape of romantic style.";"painting-italian-landscape-frame-oil";"";"Italian landscape painting in Impressionist style from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting an Impressionist-style landscape of romantic style. Framework of good pictorial quality, of limited size, for antique dealers and collectors. Wooden frame with passe-partout in fabric (with some signs) of beautiful decoration. Painting in good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 33 x W 43 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting an Impressionist-style landscape of romantic style. Framework of good pictorial quality, of limited size, for antique dealers and collectors. Wooden frame with passe-partout in fabric (with some signs) of beautiful decoration. Painting in good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 33 x W 43 cm.";
4830;"1";"8465";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, signed, oil on canvas, frame, landscape";"Italian signed painting country view";"Italian painting dated 1977. Oil painting on canvas depicting a country view in the Impressionist style. Beautiful and pleasant framework";"landscape-painting-signed-oil-canvas-frame";"";"Italian signed painting country view dated 1977";"Italian painting dated 1977. Oil painting on canvas depicting a country view in the Impressionist style. Beautiful and pleasant framework signed and dated in the lower right corner (see photo). Carved, silvered and gilded wooden frame with lacquered wooden passe-partout (see photo). Framework that can be easily placed in different points of the house, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 49 x W 39 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1977. Oil painting on canvas depicting a country view in the Impressionist style. Beautiful and pleasant framework signed and dated in the lower right corner (see photo). Carved, silvered and gilded wooden frame with lacquered wooden passe-partout (see photo). Framework that can be easily placed in different points of the house, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 49 x W 39 cm.";
4831;"1";"8514";"890";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, furniture, oriental, object, cup, ceramic, painted";"Chinese ceramic vase with landscape";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Hand-painted ceramic work of Jingdezhen depicting a stylized landscape with excellent quality";"vase-chinese-cup-oriental-ceramic-painted";"";"Chinese ceramic vase with landscape";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Hand-painted ceramic work of Jingdezhen depicting a stylized landscape with excellent quality flowers and animals. Object adorned with Chinese writing (see photo). Vase of beautiful size and ideal decoration to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Hand-painted ceramic work of Jingdezhen depicting a stylized landscape with excellent quality flowers and animals. Object adorned with Chinese writing (see photo). Vase of beautiful size and ideal decoration to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4834;"1";"8516";"690";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, ceramic, painted, furniture, cup, object";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with flowers and animals";"vase-chinese-cup-ceramic-painted-oriental";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with flowers and animals of excellent quality. Object adorned with Chinese writing (see photo). Cup of small size, beautiful decoration, ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with flowers and animals of excellent quality. Object adorned with Chinese writing (see photo). Cup of small size, beautiful decoration, ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4836;"1";"8446";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, oil on cardboard, frame";"Italian painting signed harbor view with boats";"Italian painting of the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a port view with boats of good pictorial quality.";"painting-signed-framework-landscape-seascape";"";"Italian painting signed harbor view with boats from 20th century";"Italian painting of the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a port view with boats of good pictorial quality. Golden and lacquered wooden frame with fabric passe-partout with some signs of aging (see photo). Beautiful and pleasant framework signed and dated at the bottom right (see photo) for antiques and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 66 x W 48 cm.";"Italian painting of the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a port view with boats of good pictorial quality. Golden and lacquered wooden frame with fabric passe-partout with some signs of aging (see photo). Beautiful and pleasant framework signed and dated at the bottom right (see photo) for antiques and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 66 x W 48 cm.";
4838;"1";"0469";"1350";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, design, italian, furniture, wood, modern, vintage, living room";"Italian design table in exotic wood";"Italian design table from the 80s. Exotic wood and woven wood furniture of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. ";"table-italian-design-modern-wood-furniture";"";"Italian design table in exotic wood from the 80s";"Italian design table from the 80s. Exotic wood and woven wood furniture of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Extendable table that can reach a maximum length of 180 cm, of good service. Ideal furniture to be placed in a room or living room, beautifully decorated. It shows some signs of wear on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Italian design table from the 80s. Exotic wood and woven wood furniture of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Extendable table that can reach a maximum length of 180 cm, of good service. Ideal furniture to be placed in a room or living room, beautifully decorated. It shows some signs of wear on the whole in good state of conservation.";
4840;"1";"0545";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, French, glass, Art Deco, furniture, object, Legras";"French Legras glass vase";"French vase from the first half of the 20th century. Work produced by Legras (see photo) finely chiseled in glass with Art Deco motifs";"vase-french-art-deco-glass-furniture";"";"French Legras glass vase";"French vase from the first half of the 20th century. Work produced by Legras (see photo) finely chiseled in glass with Art Deco motifs. Nice size vase, for antique dealers and collectors, with small signs of aging. In beautiful patina and without breakage, it is in good state of conservation.";"French vase from the first half of the 20th century. Work produced by Legras (see photo) finely chiseled in glass with Art Deco motifs. Nice size vase, for antique dealers and collectors, with small signs of aging. In beautiful patina and without breakage, it is in good state of conservation.";
4847;"1";"0548";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Italian, chairs, furniture, armchairs, leather, wood, living room";"Italian design chairs in exotic wood and faux leather";"Group of Italian design chairs from the 60s and 70s. Exotic wood furniture with seats covered in faux leather. Six chairs of good solidity";"chairs-italian-furniture-armchairs-leather";"";"Italian design chairs in exotic wood and faux leather from 60s";"Group of Italian design chairs from the 60s and 70s. Exotic wood furniture with seats covered in faux leather. Six chairs of good solidity with faux leather covering showing defects (see photo) to be replaced. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Structurally healthy, seats to be restored. Seat height 47 cm.";"Group of Italian design chairs from the 60s and 70s. Exotic wood furniture with seats covered in faux leather. Six chairs of good solidity with faux leather covering showing defects (see photo) to be replaced. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Structurally healthy, seats to be restored. Seat height 47 cm.";
4851;"1";"8528";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, cup, furniture, oriental, ceramic, painted";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with floral and animal decorations";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations";"cup-vase-furniture-chinese-oriental-ceramic";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase with floral and animal decorations";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations of excellent quality. Vase of moderate size and beautiful decoration ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations of excellent quality. Vase of moderate size and beautiful decoration ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4855;"1";"8770";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, landscape, oil on canvas, frame, signed";"Italian winter landscape painting";"Italian painting of the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a winter forest landscape with a small house";"painting-landscape-frame-italian-signed";"";"Italian winter landscape painting oil on canvas";"Italian painting of the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a winter forest landscape with a small house in the background. Framework signed on the bottom left (see photo) signature under study. Modern golden wooden frame with passe-partout in fabric and protective glass (see photo). Nice size painting and pleasant furniture, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 47 x W 67 cm.";"Italian painting of the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a winter forest landscape with a small house in the background. Framework signed on the bottom left (see photo) signature under study. Modern golden wooden frame with passe-partout in fabric and protective glass (see photo). Nice size painting and pleasant furniture, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 47 x W 67 cm.";
4856;"1";"8529";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, oriental, furniture, ceramic, painted, cup";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with oriental writing and floral decorations";"vase-chinese-oriental-ceramic-painted-cup";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with oriental writing and floral decorations of excellent quality. Vase of great size and impact, ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and hand painted with oriental writing and floral decorations of excellent quality. Vase of great size and impact, ideal to display as a piece of furniture. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4857;"1";"0270";"800";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on cardboard, landscape, frame";"Italian landscape painting in Impressionist style";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a glimpse of an Impressionist-style country road";"painting-frame-landscape-impressionist-oil";"";"Italian landscape oil painting in Impressionist style";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a glimpse of an Impressionist-style country road. Framework signed in the lower right corner (see photo) signature under study. Modern silver-plated wooden frame equipped with protective glass (see photo). Small size painting, for antique dealers and collectors, in good state of conservation. Sight size H 53 x W 35 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a glimpse of an Impressionist-style country road. Framework signed in the lower right corner (see photo) signature under study. Modern silver-plated wooden frame equipped with protective glass (see photo). Small size painting, for antique dealers and collectors, in good state of conservation. Sight size H 53 x W 35 cm.";
4861;"1";"8833";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici|Mobili>Console";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"cheval mirror, Italian, design, furniture, wood, console, mirror";"Italian design cheval mirror in walnut, palisander, burl, maple ";"Italian design cheval mirror of the 70s. Beautifully designed and pleasant furniture in walnut, palisander, burl, maple and beech";"cheval-mirror-italian-design-wood-furniture";"";"Italian design cheval mirror from 70s";"Italian design cheval mirror of the 70s. Beautifully designed and pleasant furniture in walnut, palisander, burl, maple and beech. Cheval mirror built in two separable bodies to facilitate moving around the house. Furniture finished from the center, equipped with three front drawers and a support surface in opaque glass (see photo). Reflective mirror showing some halo (see photo), without breakage or chipping. Structurally healthy, cheval mirror of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. It has some signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian design cheval mirror of the 70s. Beautifully designed and pleasant furniture in walnut, palisander, burl, maple and beech. Cheval mirror built in two separable bodies to facilitate moving around the house. Furniture finished from the center, equipped with three front drawers and a support surface in opaque glass (see photo). Reflective mirror showing some halo (see photo), without breakage or chipping. Structurally healthy, cheval mirror of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. It has some signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation.";
4863;"1";"0368";"940";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"mirror, Italian, furniture, frame, wood, design";"Italian design mirror in palisander";"Italian design mirror from the 70s / 80s. Palisander veneered furniture adorned with two yin and yang mirrors. Mirrors (one of which is opaque)";"mirror-italian-design-wood-frame";"";"Italian design mirror from 70s";"Italian design mirror from the 70s / 80s. Palisander veneered furniture adorned with two yin and yang mirrors. Mirrors (one of which is opaque) with small stains (see photo) without breakage or chipping. Small size mirror, it can be easily placed in different points of the house, for amateurs and interior designers. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Italian design mirror from the 70s / 80s. Palisander veneered furniture adorned with two yin and yang mirrors. Mirrors (one of which is opaque) with small stains (see photo) without breakage or chipping. Small size mirror, it can be easily placed in different points of the house, for amateurs and interior designers. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
4868;"1";"0549";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on cardboard, landscape, frame";"Italian signed countryside landscape painting";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a countryside landscape with houses in impressionist style";"painting-framework-signed-italian-landscape";"";"Italian signed countryside landscape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a countryside landscape with houses in impressionist style. Small size framework, for antique dealers and collectors, signed in the lower left corner (see photo) Angiola Meucci, without an expert's certificate. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame, beautifully decorated. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 33.5 x W 25 cm.";"Italian painting from 20th century. Oil painting on cardboard depicting a countryside landscape with houses in impressionist style. Small size framework, for antique dealers and collectors, signed in the lower left corner (see photo) Angiola Meucci, without an expert's certificate. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame, beautifully decorated. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 33.5 x W 25 cm.";
4871;"1";"8848";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Lombard, furniture, sideboard, desk, wood, walnut";"Lombard trumeau in wood of the mid-20 century";"Lombard trumeau of the mid-twentieth century. Moved and rounded, double body, richly carved in walnut, burl and beech woods";"trumeau-italian-wood-furniture-desk";"";"Lombard trumeau in wood of the mid-20 century";"Lombard trumeau of the mid-twentieth century. Moved and rounded, double body, richly carved in walnut, burl and beech woods of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Trumeau with a working key. Lower body with two doors and fall-front. Interior of the sideboard equipped with a high shelf with. Fall-front which offers a good-sized desk top and four drawers (see photo). Upper body with two doors with built-in antique mirrors (see photo). Interior complete with three fairly good glass shelves. Glass tops that have some small chips, to be replaced. Furniture of great impact and quality, supported by four carved legs with curly feet. Overall Trumeau in good state of conservation.";"Lombard trumeau of the mid-twentieth century. Moved and rounded, double body, richly carved in walnut, burl and beech woods of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Trumeau with a working key. Lower body with two doors and fall-front. Interior of the sideboard equipped with a high shelf with. Fall-front which offers a good-sized desk top and four drawers (see photo). Upper body with two doors with built-in antique mirrors (see photo). Interior complete with three fairly good glass shelves. Glass tops that have some small chips, to be replaced. Furniture of great impact and quality, supported by four carved legs with curly feet. Overall Trumeau in good state of conservation.";
4877;"1";"8695";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, furniture, table, living room, design, Italian, wood, wa";"Italian design coffee table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian coffee table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture in walnut and palisander woods mounted on swivel castors (see photo). ";"coffee-table-living-room-italian-wood-walnut";"";"Italian design coffee table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian coffee table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture in walnut and palisander woods mounted on swivel castors (see photo). Table of excellent proportion and service equipped with three shelves and two side doors (see photo). Ideal furniture for a living room but it can be easily placed in different points of the house. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Italian coffee table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture in walnut and palisander woods mounted on swivel castors (see photo). Table of excellent proportion and service equipped with three shelves and two side doors (see photo). Ideal furniture for a living room but it can be easily placed in different points of the house. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
4890;"1";"0554";"2250";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Cassapanche e Panche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, benches, seats, furniture, wood, Italian, walnut";"Pair of Italian benches Charles X era in walnut wood";"Pair of Italian benches from the Charles X era. Furniture carved in walnut with seats covered in fabric with floral decorations";"pair-benches-italien-furniture-antique-wood";"";"Pair of Italian benches Charles X era in walnut wood";"Pair of Italian benches from the Charles X era. Furniture carved in walnut with seats covered in fabric with floral decorations (not original, replaced during the 20th century). Benches of beautiful lines and pleasant decor, finely chiseled, they can be easily placed in different points of the house. Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers who have recently undergone a conservative restoration. Comfortable benches with 41 cm seat height. In good condition with some small signs.";"Pair of Italian benches from the Charles X era. Furniture carved in walnut with seats covered in fabric with floral decorations (not original, replaced during the 20th century). Benches of beautiful lines and pleasant decor, finely chiseled, they can be easily placed in different points of the house. Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers who have recently undergone a conservative restoration. Comfortable benches with 41 cm seat height. In good condition with some small signs.";
4894;"1";"8531";"1150";"";"";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"vase, Chinese, furniture, object, cup, ceramic, painted";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations";"vase-chinese-ceramic-painted-furniture";"";"Chinese painted ceramic vase";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations of excellent quality. Vase of beautiful size and great impact, with particular top opening of 3 cm. Ideal object to be displayed as a piece of furniture, in different points of the house. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";"Chinese vase from the early 21st century. Jingdezhen ceramic work glazed and painted by hand with floral and animal decorations of excellent quality. Vase of beautiful size and great impact, with particular top opening of 3 cm. Ideal object to be displayed as a piece of furniture, in different points of the house. In good condition, without breakage or chipping.";
4896;"1";"0555";"5400";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, French, landscape, signed, framework, oil on canvas";"French signed landscape painting 1899";"Large French painting dated 1899. Oil painting on canvas, first canvas, depicting a view of a country village with characters";"painting-framework-landscape-signed-french";"";"French signed landscape painting oil on canvas dated 1899";"Large French painting dated 1899. Oil painting on canvas, first canvas, depicting a view of a country village with characters and animals of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated carved and gilded wood and plaster frame with some lacks of decoration (see photo). Exceptional size and impact framework that presents some old conservative restoration interventions (see photo). Signed and dated in the lower right corner (see photo), painting for antique dealers and collectors. Ideal framework to be placed in a living room or studio, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 114 x W 162 cm.";"Large French painting dated 1899. Oil painting on canvas, first canvas, depicting a view of a country village with characters and animals of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated carved and gilded wood and plaster frame with some lacks of decoration (see photo). Exceptional size and impact framework that presents some old conservative restoration interventions (see photo). Signed and dated in the lower right corner (see photo), painting for antique dealers and collectors. Ideal framework to be placed in a living room or studio, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 114 x W 162 cm.";
4911;"1";"0566";"5800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, framework, oil on canvas, landscape, frame, French";"Antique French landscape painting from 18th century";"Antique French painting from 18th century. Oil painting on canvas, depicting landscape with ruins and characters of good pictorial quality.";"painting-french-landscape-framework-antique";"";"Antique French oil on canvas landscape painting from the 18th century";"Antique French painting from 18th century. Oil painting on canvas, depicting landscape with ruins and characters of good pictorial quality. Wood and plaster frame of the 20th century, carved and gilded, with a small lack of decoration on the left (see photo). Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some places (see photo). Painting of great measure and impact, rich in decorative elements, for antique dealers and collectors. In fair state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 101 x W 123 cm.";"Antique French painting from 18th century. Oil painting on canvas, depicting landscape with ruins and characters of good pictorial quality. Wood and plaster frame of the 20th century, carved and gilded, with a small lack of decoration on the left (see photo). Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some places (see photo). Painting of great measure and impact, rich in decorative elements, for antique dealers and collectors. In fair state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 101 x W 123 cm.";
4920;"1";"0584";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, coffee table, design, Italian, wood, furniture, living room";"Italian design coffee table in beech wood";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of particular line and construction carved in beech wood. Good solid";"coffee-table-design-italian-wood-beech";"";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of particular line and construction carved in beech wood. Good solid living room table supported by three feet and central leg (see photo) that divides the two shelves. Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers, of excellent service. It has some stains and signs of wear (see photos). Overall in fair state of conservation.";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of particular line and construction carved in beech wood. Good solid living room table supported by three feet and central leg (see photo) that divides the two shelves. Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers, of excellent service. It has some stains and signs of wear (see photos). Overall in fair state of conservation.";
4922;"1";"0576";"1850";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, Italian, armchairs, design, chairs, furniture, living room";"Pair of Italian design armchairs in red faux leather";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s. Beautifully designed furniture of pleasant decor covered in faux leather with metal feet";"pair-armchair-italian-chair-furniture-leather";"";"Pair of Italian design armchairs in red faux leather";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s. Beautifully designed furniture of pleasant decor covered in faux leather with metal feet. Armchairs for living room or studio, for interior designers and amateurs of Italian design furniture. The faux leather coating has some signs of wear and small defects (see photo). Padding in fair condition, to be revised for perfect comfort. Seat height of 40 cm. Armchairs on the whole in fair conservative state, with some signs of aging.";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s. Beautifully designed furniture of pleasant decor covered in faux leather with metal feet. Armchairs for living room or studio, for interior designers and amateurs of Italian design furniture. The faux leather coating has some signs of wear and small defects (see photo). Padding in fair condition, to be revised for perfect comfort. Seat height of 40 cm. Armchairs on the whole in fair conservative state, with some signs of aging.";
4923;"1";"0585";"2400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chest of drawers, furniture, chest of drawers, Italian, wood, design, ";"Italian design chest of drawers in walnut, briar, beech";"Low chest of drawers of Italian design from the 60s / 70s. Beautiful dresser carved in walnut, burl, beech and fruitwood";"chest-drawers-design-italian-commode";"";"Italian design chest of drawers from the 60s";"Low chest of drawers of Italian design from the 60s / 70s. Beautiful dresser carved in walnut, briar, beech and fruit woods. Mobile of particular construction, equipped with four drawers of excellent capacity with golden brass handles. Lack of keys, chest of drawers with wooden top in character (see photo). Mobile can also be used as a TV stand, supported by four solid wooden legs. It shows some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation. ";"Low chest of drawers of Italian design from the 60s / 70s. Beautiful dresser carved in walnut, burl, beech and fruitwood. Furniture of particular construction, equipped with four drawers of excellent capacity with golden brass handles. Without keys, chest of drawers with wooden top in character (see photo). Furniture that can be also used as a TV stand, supported by four solid wooden legs. It shows some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
4978;"1";"0595";"1650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Orologi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"clock, French, bronze, antimony, gilded, object, antique";"French clock in bronze and gilded antimony";"French clock from the first half of the 20th century. Gilt bronze and antimony object, patinated and chiseled adorned with sculptures,";"clock-french-object-bronze-gold";"";"French clock in bronze and gilded antimony";"French clock from the first half of the 20th century. Gilt bronze and antimony object, patinated and chiseled adorned with sculptures, mahogany-colored lacquered wooden base. Clock supported by four feet positioned under the base, of good solidity. Non-original dial and mechanism (see photo) replaced during the 20th century. NOT WORKING watch, for antique dealers, restorers and collectors signed on the back (see photo) F. Moreau. Beautiful object and decoration, in patina. Structurally healthy, overall in good state of conservation. Mechanism to be revised.";"French clock from the first half of the 20th century. Gilt bronze and antimony object, patinated and chiseled adorned with sculptures, mahogany-colored lacquered wooden base. Clock supported by four feet positioned under the base, of good solidity. Non-original dial and mechanism (see photo) replaced during the 20th century. NOT WORKING watch, for antique dealers, restorers and collectors signed on the back (see photo) F. Moreau. Beautiful object and decoration, in patina. Structurally healthy, overall in good state of conservation. Mechanism to be revised.";
4980;"1";"8951";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, Italian, design, furniture, table, living room, wood";"Italian design coffee table in palisander and cherry";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Nice line furniture of pleasant decor in palisander and cherry wood with double shelves";"coffee-table-design-italian-wood";"";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s ";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Nice line furniture of pleasant decor in palisander and cherry wood with double shelves. Recessed glass top with several scratches and signs of wear. Lower shelf with mirrored glass which also has this scratches, and lack of mirror decoration on the edges (see photo). Structurally sound, good service furniture with upper top at a height of 48 cm and a useful diameter of 78 cm. Coffee table supported by three lateral wooden elements veneered in palisander with several small veneer deficiencies. Furniture of excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. In fair state of conservation, to be restored.";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Nice line furniture of pleasant decor in palisander and cherry wood with double shelves. Recessed glass top with several scratches and signs of wear. Lower shelf with mirrored glass which also has this scratches, and lack of mirror decoration on the edges (see photo). Structurally sound, good service furniture with upper top at a height of 48 cm and a useful diameter of 78 cm. Coffee table supported by three lateral wooden elements veneered in palisander with several small veneer deficiencies. Furniture of excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. In fair state of conservation, to be restored.";
4982;"1";"8931";"1900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chest of drawers, Italian, inlaid, Louis XV, wood, furniture, dresser";"Italian inlaid dresser in Louis XV style";"Italian dresser from the mid-twentieth century. Moved and rounded furniture in Louis XV style veneered and inlaid in walnut and boxwood";"dresser-italian-inlaid-Louis-XV-commode";"";"Italian inlaid dresser in Louis XV style of the 20th Century";"Italian dresser from the mid-twentieth century. Moved and rounded furniture in Louis XV style veneered and inlaid in walnut and boxwood. Dresser of beautiful line and pleasant decor with two drawers and wooden top in character, of good size and service. Commode for bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in patina. It has a small elevation of the slab on the left side (see photo). Lack of keys, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian dresser from the mid-twentieth century. Moved and rounded furniture in Louis XV style veneered and inlaid in walnut and boxwood. Dresser of beautiful line and pleasant decor with two drawers and wooden top in character, of good size and service. Commode for bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in patina. It has a small elevation of the slab on the left side (see photo). Lack of keys, overall in good state of conservation.";
4983;"1";"8963";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, table, furniture, wood, lacquered, painted, living room";"Italian console in lacquered and painted wood from 20th century";"Italian console from the mid-twentieth century. Furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor in carved, lacquered and painted wood. ";"console-italian-lacquered-painted-furniture";"";"Italian console in lacquered and painted wood from 20th century";"Italian console from the mid-twentieth century. Furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor in carved, lacquered and painted wood. Wall console, supported by a solid central leg finely sculpted and lacquered, to be fixed to the wall for perfect stability. Furniture equipped with a good size lacquered faux marble lacquered top and service with some signs of aging and wear (see photos). Console for antique dealers and interior decorators that has some color drops (see photo), in beautiful patina. Structurally healthy, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian console from the mid-twentieth century. Furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor in carved, lacquered and painted wood. Wall console, supported by a solid central leg finely sculpted and lacquered, to be fixed to the wall for perfect stability. Furniture equipped with a good size lacquered faux marble lacquered top and service with some signs of aging and wear (see photos). Console for antique dealers and interior decorators that has some color drops (see photo), in beautiful patina. Structurally healthy, overall in good state of conservation.";
5001;"1";"8987";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, Italian, design, furniture, chest of drawers, wood, living ";"Italian design sideboard in mahogany, walnut, beech and fruitwood";"Italian design sideboard from the 50s / 60s. High quality furniture carved and veneered in mahogany, walnut, beech and fruitwood";"sideboard-italian-commode-design-wood";"";"Design sideboard from the 50s";"Italian design sideboard from the 50s / 60s. High quality furniture carved and veneered in mahogany, walnut, beech and fruitwood. Sideboard with four doors, of good capacity, complete with a working key. Wooden top in character, of good size and service, equipped with interlocking mirror with special wooden grafts. Original mirror of small size that has some small stain, sign of time, without breakage or chipping (see photo). Two central doors adorned with wooden panels chiseled with fawns in the woods (see photo). Furniture supported by four solid saber legs (see photo). Sideboard of excellent proportion, for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal to be placed in a living room. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Italian design sideboard from the 50s / 60s. High quality furniture carved and veneered in mahogany, walnut, beech and fruitwood. Sideboard with four doors, of good capacity, complete with a working key. Wooden top in character, of good size and service, equipped with interlocking mirror with special wooden grafts. Original mirror of small size that has some small stain, sign of time, without breakage or chipping (see photo). Two central doors adorned with wooden panels chiseled with fawns in the woods (see photo). Furniture supported by four solid saber legs (see photo). Sideboard of excellent proportion, for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal to be placed in a living room. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
5004;"1";"8976";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, table, furniture, Italian, wood, walnut, art deco";"Italian coffee table in walnut wood in Art Deco style ";"Italian coffee table from the mid-twentieth century. Beautiful Art Deco style walnut veneer furniture. Good size and service coffee table";"coffee-table-italian-art-deco-walnut-wood";"";"Italian coffee table in walnut wood in Art Deco style ";"Italian coffee table from the mid-twentieth century. Beautiful Art Deco style walnut veneer furniture. Good size and service coffee table, supported by four solid legs, of good stability. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, in beautiful patina, with some small signs of aging. Overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian coffee table from the mid-twentieth century. Beautiful Art Deco style walnut veneer furniture. Good size and service coffee table, supported by four solid legs, of good stability. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, in beautiful patina, with some small signs of aging. Overall in good state of conservation.";
5008;"1";"8980";"680";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, Italian, design, furniture, table, metal, glass";"Italian design side table in metal and glass";"Italian design side table from the 80s. Silver and gilt metal furniture with two glass shelves. Small size table, of discreet service";"side-table-italian-design-metal-glass";"";"Italian design side table in metal and glass";"Italian design coffee table from the 80s. Silver and gilt metal furniture with two glass shelves. Small size table, of discreet service, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. Furniture with some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian design side table from the 80s. Silver and gilt metal furniture with two glass shelves. Small size table, of discreet service, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. Furniture with some signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
5014;"1";"8979";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, Italian, design, metal, golden, modern, vintage";"Design coffee table in gilded metal from the 80s";"Italian design side table from the 80s. Gilded metal furniture with three opaque glass shelves of beautiful lines and good service.";"side-table-design-italian-metal-gold";"";"Design coffee table in gilded metal from the 80s";"Italian design side table from the 80s. Gilded metal furniture with three opaque glass shelves of beautiful lines and good service. Good size side table and pleasant furniture that can be easily placed in different points of the house. It has some small signs of wear on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Italian design side table from the 80s. Gilded metal furniture with three opaque glass shelves of beautiful lines and good service. Good size side table and pleasant furniture that can be easily placed in different points of the house. It has some small signs of wear on the whole in good state of conservation.";
5015;"1";"8989";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, mixed media, cardboard, frame, portrait";"Painting portrait of a lady with a bouquet of flowers of 20th century";"Elegant portrait from 20th century. Mixed media framework on cardboard depicting a lady with a bouquet of flowers. ";"painting-framework-portrait-lady-frame";"";"Painting portrait of a lady with a bouquet of flowers from 20th century";"Elegant portrait from 20th century. Mixed media framework on cardboard depicting a lady with a bouquet of flowers. Painting signed on the lower right (see photo) signature under study. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration with protective glass. Framework of beautiful measure and pleasant decor, for antique dealers and collectors, in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 98 x W 68 cm.";"Elegant Italian portrait from 20th century. Mixed media framework on cardboard depicting a lady with a bouquet of flowers. Painting signed on the lower right (see photo) signature under study. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration with protective glass. Framework of beautiful measure and pleasant decor, for antique dealers and collectors, in good state of conservation. Sight size: H 98 x W 68 cm.";
5016;"1";"9863";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, Italian, armchairs, wicker, chairs, furniture, living room";"Pair of Italian wicker armchairs";"Pair of Italian armchairs from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of wicker, woven wood and cane of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"pair-armchairs-italian-wicker-chairs";"";"Pair of Italian wicker armchairs from the 60s ";"Pair of Italian armchairs from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of wicker, woven wood and cane of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Armchairs lacking cushions that are part of a living room complete with sofa and coffee table (see photos and request the bulk price if available). Seat height of 36 cm. Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers, ideal to be placed in a living room or outside, under a porch. Armchairs with some small signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian armchairs from the 60s / 70s. Furniture of wicker, woven wood and cane of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Armchairs lacking cushions that are part of a living room complete with sofa and coffee table (see photos and request the bulk price if available). Seat height of 36 cm. Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers, ideal to be placed in a living room or outside, under a porch. Armchairs with some small signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation.";
5019;"1";"8978";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, Italian, design, furniture, wood, walnut, table, living ";"Italian design coffee table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Particular line and construction furniture veneered in walnut.";"coffee-table-italian-design-walnut-wood";"";"Italian design coffee table in wood from the 20th century";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Particular line and construction furniture veneered in walnut. Coffee table equipped with a good measure and service top and six shelves in the lower compartments (see photo). Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Structurally healthy, it has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian design coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Particular line and construction furniture veneered in walnut. Coffee table equipped with a good measure and service top and six shelves in the lower compartments (see photo). Furniture for antique dealers and interior designers of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Structurally healthy, it has some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
5028;"1";"9862";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Divani";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sofa, furniture, Italian, wicker, living room, wood, armchairs";"Italian wicker sofa";"Italian sofa from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in wicker, woven wood and cane of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sofa missing cushions";"sofa-italian-wicker-living-room-furniture";"";"Italian wicker sofa from the 60s";"Italian sofa from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in wicker, woven wood and cane of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sofa missing cushions, part of a living room complete with two armchairs and a coffee table (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Seat height of 36 cm. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal to be placed in a living room or outside, under a porch. Small sofa that shows some signs of the time, overall in a fair conservative state.";"Italian sofa from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in wicker, woven wood and cane of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sofa missing cushions, part of a living room complete with two armchairs and a coffee table (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Seat height of 36 cm. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal to be placed in a living room or outside, under a porch. Small sofa that shows some signs of the time, overall in a fair conservative state.";
5031;"1";"8373";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, framework, oil on board, landscape";"Italian signed seascape painting";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil framework on panel depicting a seascape at dawn of pleasant decor";"painting-signed-framework-italian-seascape";"";"Italian signed painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil framework on panel depicting a seascape at dawn of pleasant decor and good pictorial quality. Wooden frame carved with gilding decoration of beautiful decoration. Small framework, for antique dealers and collectors, signed lower right (see photo) referable to Giuseppe Sidoli, lacking of authentication. Wooden board with two small wooden reinforcements on the back (see photo). Painting for antique dealers and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size H 22 x W 30 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil framework on panel depicting a seascape at dawn of pleasant decor and good pictorial quality. Wooden frame carved with gilding decoration of beautiful decoration. Small framework, for antique dealers and collectors, signed lower right (see photo) referable to Giuseppe Sidoli, lacking of authentication. Wooden board with two small wooden reinforcements on the back (see photo). Painting for antique dealers and collectors in good state of conservation. Sight size H 22 x W 30 cm.";
5036;"1";"0578";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, armchairs, chairs, furniture, wood, leather, design, Italian";"Pair of Italian design armchairs";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 1960s / 70s. Furniture carved in walnut and fruitwood of particular line and pleasant decor";"pair-armchairs-italian-design-chairs-leather";"";"Pair of Italian design armchairs";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 1960s / 70s. Furniture carved in walnut and fruitwood of particular line and pleasant decor. Armchairs with removable seat covered in faux leather with some small signs of wear. Fixed backrest also covered in faux leather (see photo). Discreetly comfortable spring padding, to be revised for perfect comfort. Seat height of 39 cm. Furniture for antique dealers, interior decorators and amateurs of Italian design furniture. In fair condition with some signs of aging.";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 1960s / 70s. Furniture carved in walnut and fruitwood of particular line and pleasant decor. Armchairs with removable seat covered in faux leather with some small signs of wear. Fixed backrest also covered in faux leather (see photo). Discreetly comfortable spring padding, to be revised for perfect comfort. Seat height of 39 cm. Furniture for antique dealers, interior decorators and amateurs of Italian design furniture. In fair condition with some signs of aging.";
5042;"1";"9004";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, still life, signed, framework, oil on panel";"Italian signed still life painting";"Italian painting dated 1930. Framework oil on panel depicting still life with shell and apples of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-italian-still-life-framework";"";"Italian signed still life painting dated 1930";"Italian painting dated 1930. Framework oil on panel depicting still life with shell and apples of good pictorial quality. Painting signed lower right S. Bonfantini (see photo) referable to Sergio Bonfantini (1910-1989) lacking certificate of expert. Small painting for antique dealers and collectors with a non-coeval frame in carved and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration. Frame showing a drop of color in the lower right part (see photo). Painting overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 33.5 x W 43.5 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1930. Framework oil on panel depicting still life with shell and apples of good pictorial quality. Painting signed lower right S. Bonfantini (see photo) referable to Sergio Bonfantini (1910-1989) lacking certificate of expert. Small painting for antique dealers and collectors with a non-coeval frame in carved and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration. Frame showing a drop of color in the lower right part (see photo). Painting overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 33.5 x W 43.5 cm.";
5044;"1";"8887";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Angoliere|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"corner cabinet, Venetian, furniture, sideboard, lacquered, painted, wo";"Lacquered, gilded and painted Venetian corner cabinet";"Venetian corner cabinet from 20th century. Furniture of great size and impact in carved, lacquered, gilded and hand-painted wood";"corner-cabinet-venetian-lacquered-painted";"";"Lacquered, gilded and painted Venetian corner cabinet";"Venetian corner cabinet from 20th century. Furniture of great size and impact in carved, lacquered, gilded and hand-painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Double body corner cupboard supported by three legs carved with curled feet, of good solidity, to be fixed to the wall for greater safety given the volume of the cabinet. Upper body with two doors with recessed glass, internally fitted with two shelves (see photo). Interior covered in fabric with various signs of wear, to be replaced (see photos). Lower body with two painted doors equipped with a flatter shelf with a good capacity base. Furniture complete with a working key. Carved and gilded wooden molding with some small drops of color (see photo). Corner cupboard with obtuse angle (about 136 degrees) for antique dealers and interior decorators with fabulous furnishings, overall in a fair conservative state. Side 52 cm.";"Venetian corner cabinet from 20th century. Furniture of great size and impact in carved, lacquered, gilded and hand-painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Double body corner cupboard supported by three legs carved with curled feet, of good solidity, to be fixed to the wall for greater safety given the volume of the cabinet. Upper body with two doors with recessed glass, internally fitted with two shelves (see photo). Interior covered in fabric with various signs of wear, to be replaced (see photos). Lower body with two painted doors equipped with a flatter shelf with a good capacity base. Furniture complete with a working key. Carved and gilded wooden molding with some small drops of color (see photo). Corner cupboard with obtuse angle (about 136 degrees) for antique dealers and interior decorators with fabulous furnishings, overall in a fair conservative state. Side 52 cm.";
5050;"1";"9008";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, seascape, framework, oil on canvas";"Italian seascape painting";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas in antique style depicting a seascape with fishermen";"painting-italian-landscape-seascape-framework";"";"Italian seascape painting oil on canvas";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas in antique style depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats. Nice sized and pleasantly decor painting with modern lacquered and gilded wooden frame. Painting of excellent depth with antique patina of nineteenth-century character. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 69 x W 99 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas in antique style depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats. Nice sized and pleasantly decor painting with modern lacquered and gilded wooden frame. Painting of excellent depth with antique patina of nineteenth-century character. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 69 x W 99 cm.";
5060;"1";"0596";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Orologi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"clock, French, bronze, gilt, antimony, furniture, object";"French clock in gilt bronze and antimony";"French clock from the first half of the 20th century. Bronze and antimony object gilded, patinated and chiseled adorned with sculptures with cherubs";"clock-french-bronze-gold-antimony";"";"French clock in gilt bronze and antimony";"French clock from the first half of the 20th century. Bronze and antimony object gilded, patinated and chiseled adorned with sculptures with cherubs. Clock supported by four front feet and one rear, of good solidity. Non-original dial and mechanism (see photo) replaced during the 20th century. NOT WORKING clock, for antique dealers, restorers and collectors. Beautifully sized and decorated object, in patina. Structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation. Mechanism to be overhauled.";"French clock from the first half of the 20th century. Bronze and antimony object gilded, patinated and chiseled adorned with sculptures with cherubs. Clock supported by four front feet and one rear, of good solidity. Non-original dial and mechanism (see photo) replaced during the 20th century. NOT WORKING clock, for antique dealers, restorers and collectors. Beautifully sized and decorated object, in patina. Structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation. Mechanism to be overhauled.";
5064;"1";"9035";"1200";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, German, framework, oil on canvas, portrait, frame, gilded";"Painting oil on canvas portrait of a noblewoman from 19th century";"German painting from late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a copy of a famous painting by Veronese, portrait";"painting-framework-antique-german-portrait";"";"Painting oil on canvas portrait of a young noblewoman from 19th century";"German painting from late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a copy of a famous painting by Veronese, portrait of a young noblewoman of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster nicely carved and gilded. Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration and color recovery (see photo). Small painting, easy to be placed in different parts of the house. It has some small color drops, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 42 x W 32 cm.";"German painting from late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a copy of a famous painting by Veronese, portrait of a young noblewoman of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster nicely carved and gilded. Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration and color recovery (see photo). Small painting, easy to be placed in different parts of the house. It has some small color drops, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 42 x W 32 cm.";
5087;"1";"9045";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, French, design, furniture, metal, painted, glass";"French design coffee table in painted metal from 60s";"French design coffee table from 60s / 70s. Furniture with painted and gilded metal base, wooden top with chiseled built-in mirror of excellent quality";"coffee-table-french-design-furniture-metall";"";"French design coffee table in painted metal from 60s";"French design coffee table from 60s / 70s. Furniture with painted and gilded metal base, wooden top with chiseled built-in mirror of excellent quality. Coffee table of good size and service, of excellent solidity and stability. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, difficult to find. Mirror top with some small scratches, without cracks or chips (see photos). In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"French design coffee table from 60s / 70s. Furniture with painted and gilded metal base, wooden top with chiseled built-in mirror of excellent quality. Coffee table of good size and service, of excellent solidity and stability. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, difficult to find. Mirror top with some small scratches, without cracks or chips (see photos). In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
5091;"1";"0647";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chairs, Italian, armchairs, furniture, seats, design, metal, gilded";"Six Italian design chairs in golden metal";"Group of six Italian design chairs from the 70s / 80s. Furniture in golden metal chiseled faux bamboo of fabulous line and pleasant decor.";"chairs-italian-design-armchairs-gilt";"";"Six Italian design chairs in golden metal";"Group of six Italian design chairs from the 70s / 80s. Furniture in golden metal chiseled faux bamboo of fabulous line and pleasant decor. Dining room or living room chairs upholstered in fabric with some signs of wear (see photos). Difficult to find furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators. Seat height of 49 cm. Discreetly comfortable chairs with a rigid seat. The metal has some signs (see photos). Structurally sound, they are in a fair conservative state.";"Group of six Italian design chairs from the 70s / 80s. Furniture in golden metal chiseled faux bamboo of fabulous line and pleasant decor. Dining room or living room chairs upholstered in fabric with some signs of wear (see photos). Difficult to find furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators. Seat height of 49 cm. Discreetly comfortable chairs with a rigid seat. The metal has some signs (see photos). Structurally sound, they are in a fair conservative state.";
5099;"1";"9105";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, design, Spanish, wood, bamboo, furniture, table";"Spanish design side table in bamboo wood";"Spanish design side table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture with structure in bamboo and woven wood of particular line and construction";"side-table-design-spanish-wood-bamboo";"";"Spanish design side table from the 70s";"Spanish design side table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture with structure in bamboo and woven wood of particular line and construction. Side table of excellent proportion equipped with a useful support top and four small shelves in the lower part (see photo). Living room table that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Spanish design side table from the 70s / 80s. Furniture with structure in bamboo and woven wood of particular line and construction. Side table of excellent proportion equipped with a useful support top and four small shelves in the lower part (see photo). Living room table that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
5101;"1";"9063";"2200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Ribalte e Secretaire";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bureau, French, wood, inlaid, furniture, secretaire, writing desk";"French inlaid bureau from 20th century";"French bureau from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture inlaid with floral decorations in rosewood, maple";"bureau-wood-inlaid-french-secretaire";"";"French inlaid bureau from 20th century";"French bureau from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture inlaid with floral decorations in rosewood, maple, walnut, cherry and fruitwood. Bureau equipped with two external drawers of excellent capacity. Interior of the fall-front complete with four drawers, large central compartment for documents and writing desk covered in faux leather inlaid with some signs of wear. Furniture of great quality and elegance, ideal for use in a living room or studio. Bureau adorned with handles, vents and friezes in gilded and chiseled bronze (see photo). Without a key, it shows some signs of aging, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"French bureau from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture inlaid with floral decorations in rosewood, maple, walnut, cherry and fruitwood. Bureau equipped with two external drawers of excellent capacity. Interior of the fall-front complete with four drawers, large central compartment for documents and writing desk covered in faux leather inlaid with some signs of wear. Furniture of great quality and elegance, ideal for use in a living room or studio. Bureau adorned with handles, vents and friezes in gilded and chiseled bronze (see photo). Without a key, it shows some signs of aging, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.
5107;"1";"9052";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, religious, Saint Jerome, on canvas";"Italian religious painting with frame Saint Jerome with lion ";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting a subject of sacred art St. Jerome";"painting-italian-religious-framework-canvas";"";"Italian religious painting with frame Saint Jerome with lion ";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting a subject of sacred art St. Jerome with a lion of good pictorial quality. Framework of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Frame in carved and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration with some drops of color (see photo). Painting rich in decorative elements, on a dark background, characterized by a particular use of light. Canvas in good condition, frame with some lacks of decoration. Sight size H 107 x W 169 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting a subject of sacred art St. Jerome with a lion of good pictorial quality. Framework of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Frame in carved and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration with some drops of color (see photo). Painting rich in decorative elements, on a dark background, characterized by a particular use of light. Canvas in good condition, frame with some lacks of decoration. Sight size H 107 x W 169 cm.";
5127;"1";"9128";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Ribalte e Secretaire";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bureau, French, furniture, desk, wood, inlaid, secrétaire";"French bureau in walnut, rosewood, mahogany and fruitwood";"French bureau with high leg from the 20th century. Furniture finished for the center veneered in walnut, rosewood, mahogany ";"bureau-french-secretaire-wood-desk";"";"French bureau in wood from 20th century";"French bureau with high leg from the 20th century. Furniture finished for the center veneered in walnut, rosewood, mahogany and fruitwood adorned with floral inlay. Bureau equipped with an external drawer plus a discreet service fall-front. Interior complete with two small drawers and a small writing desk (see photo). Furniture adorned with chiseled bronze complete with a working key. Bureau that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, of excellent proportion. It has some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";"French bureau with high leg from the 20th century. Furniture finished for the center veneered in walnut, rosewood, mahogany and fruitwood adorned with floral inlay. Bureau equipped with an external drawer plus a discreet service fall-front. Interior complete with two small drawers and a small writing desk (see photo). Furniture adorned with chiseled bronze complete with a working key. Bureau that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, of excellent proportion. It has some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5142;"1";"9129";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, italian, design, table, bamboo, wood, furniture, living ";"Italian design coffee table in bamboo from the 70s";"Italian design coffee table from the 70s. Furniture in bamboo, exotic wood and woven wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"coffee-table-italian-design-bamboo-wood";"";"Italian design coffee table in bamboo from the 70s";"Italian design coffee table from the 70s. Furniture in bamboo, exotic wood and woven wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Coffee table equipped with a solid wooden top and magazine compartment underneath, of good utility and service. Ideal furniture to be placed in a living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Coffee table with some small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Italian design coffee table from the 70s. Furniture in bamboo, exotic wood and woven wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Coffee table equipped with a solid wooden top and magazine compartment underneath, of good utility and service. Ideal furniture to be placed in a living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Coffee table with some small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5143;"1";"9146";"1250";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"armchair, Italian, design, leather, chair, living room, furniture";"Italian design armchair in leather";"Italian design leather armchair from the 70s / 80s. Furniture of fabulous line and pleasant decor adorned with chromed steel and brass";"armchair-italian-design-leather-chair";"";"Italian design armchair in leather from the 70s";"Italian design leather armchair from the 70s / 80s. Furniture of fabulous line and pleasant decor adorned with chromed steel and brass. Armchair finished from the center of excellent comfort that has some signs of wear on the leather that give it even more charm (see photo). Ideal furniture to be placed in a bedroom, living room or studio, for antique dealers and interior designers. The leather is presented in a beautiful patina, without tears. Seat height of 44 cm. Armchair in good state of conservation.";"Italian design leather armchair from the 70s / 80s. Furniture of fabulous line and pleasant decor adorned with chromed steel and brass. Armchair finished from the center of excellent comfort that has some signs of wear on the leather that give it even more charm (see photo). Ideal furniture to be placed in a bedroom, living room or studio, for antique dealers and interior designers. The leather is presented in a beautiful patina, without tears. Seat height of 44 cm. Armchair in good state of conservation.";
5147;"1";"9092";"3500";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, religious, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian religious painting Flagellation of Jesus from 17th century";"Great 17th century Italian painting. Framework oil on canvas depicting a subject of sacred art, the flagellation of Jesus on the column";"framework-antique-painting-canvas-religious";"";"Italian religious painting Flagellation of Jesus from 17th century";"Great 17th century Italian painting. Framework oil on canvas depicting a subject of sacred art, the flagellation of Jesus on the column, for antique dealers and collectors of high-epoch religious painting. Painting of excellent pictorial quality and great character, the quality of the complexion and the colors of the clothes are valuable. 20th century frame in carved and lacquered wood, with some discoloration and signs of aging (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration and relined during 20th century, it has some small drops of color, given the period overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 116 x W 99 cm.";"Great 17th century Italian painting. Framework oil on canvas depicting a subject of sacred art, the flagellation of Jesus on the column, for antique dealers and collectors of high-epoch religious painting. Painting of excellent pictorial quality and great character, the quality of the complexion and the colors of the clothes are valuable. 20th century frame in carved and lacquered wood, with some discoloration and signs of aging (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration and relined during 20th century, it has some small drops of color, given the period overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 116 x W 99 cm.";
5149;"1";"8900";"1950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chest of drawers, Italian, commode, dresser, cabinet, bedroom, wood";"Italian chest of drawers in walnut, burl, rosewood, beech, fruitwood";"Chest of drawers of Italian production of the late twentieth century. Furniture veneered in walnut, burl, rosewood, faux mother of pearl";"chest-drawers-italian-commode-dresser-wood";"";"Italian commode in wood from 20th century";"Chest of drawers of Italian production of the late twentieth century. Furniture veneered in walnut, burl, rosewood, faux mother of pearl, ebonized wood, beech and fruitwood. Dresser for bedroom or living room of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Furniture equipped with 4 drawers of excellent capacity and service. Wooden top in character. Chest of drawers that is part of a complete set with bedside tables (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). It shows some signs of wear overall in good state of conservation.";"Chest of drawers of Italian production of the late twentieth century. Furniture veneered in walnut, burl, rosewood, faux mother of pearl, ebonized wood, beech and fruitwood. Dresser for bedroom or living room of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Furniture equipped with 4 drawers of excellent capacity and service. Wooden top in character. Chest of drawers that is part of a complete set with bedside tables (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). It shows some signs of wear overall in good state of conservation.";
5164;"1";"9163";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, Italian, wood, etagere, furniture, living room, beech";"Italian side table in wood from 20th century";"Italian étagère side table from the mid-20th century. Furniture carved in beech, walnut and burl of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"side-table-italian-etagere-wood-living-room";"";"Elegant étagère side table from the 1950s";"Italian étagère side table from the mid-20th century. Furniture carved in beech, walnut and burl of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Side table equipped with three shelves with wooden frame, of discreet service (useful support surface W 33.5 cm) ideal for displaying objects or as a support for a lamp. Étagère of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Italian étagère side table from the mid-20th century. Furniture carved in beech, walnut and burl of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Side table equipped with three shelves with wooden frame, of discreet service (useful support surface W 33.5 cm) ideal for displaying objects or as a support for a lamp. Étagère of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Side top 34 cm.";
5173;"1";"9130";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Venetian, wood, cabinet, sideboard, desk, bureau";"Venetian double body trumeau in wood from 20th century";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Moved furniture and veneered in walnut, burl, cherry and beech of excellent quality";"trumeau-venetian-wood-walnut-desk";"";"Venetian double body trumeau in wood from 20th century";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Moved furniture and veneered in walnut, burl, cherry and beech of excellent quality. Double body trumeau equipped with three external drawers plus fall-front in the lower body. Interior complete with four drawers, central door and wooden writing desk in character of discreet size and service. Upper body with two doors with built-in mirrors, interior equipped with a fixed shelf. Cymatium adorned with mirror (see photo). Furniture for living room or studio, pleasantly furnished, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Structurally sound, complete with two working keys, it is in a good state of conservation.";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Moved furniture and veneered in walnut, burl, cherry and beech of excellent quality. Double body trumeau equipped with three external drawers plus fall-front in the lower body. Interior complete with four drawers, central door and wooden writing desk in character of discreet size and service. Upper body with two doors with built-in mirrors, interior equipped with a fixed shelf. Cymatium adorned with mirror (see photo). Furniture for living room or studio, pleasantly furnished, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Structurally sound, complete with two working keys, it is in a good state of conservation.";
5183;"1";"0598";"2200";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, italian, inlaid, furniture, living room, wood, antique";"Italian inlaid table from 19th century";"Particular Italian table from the second half of the 19th century. Furniture carved and inlaid on solid wood in various precious woods including walnut";"table-italian-inlaid-wood-antique";"";"Italian inlaid table from 19th century";"Particular Italian table from the second half of the 19th century. Furniture carved and inlaid on solid wood in various precious woods including walnut, maple, beech, ebonized wood and fruitwood, adorned with geometric decorations in micro mosaic on the top (see photo) and pleasant central inlay on a dark background depicting a bird on a branch with flowers (see photo). Living room table of discreet size and service. Central leg composed of a double oval column (see photo) which ends on a base connected to four wooden feet (see photo). Furniture that has various signs of aging and a crack on the top (see photo). To be restored.";"Particular Italian table from the second half of the 19th century. Furniture carved and inlaid on solid wood in various precious woods including walnut, maple, beech, ebonized wood and fruitwood, adorned with geometric decorations in micro mosaic on the top (see photo) and pleasant central inlay on a dark background depicting a bird on a branch with flowers (see photo). Living room table of discreet size and service. Central leg composed of a double oval column (see photo) which ends on a base connected to four wooden feet (see photo). Furniture that has various signs of aging and a crack on the top (see photo). To be restored.";
5209;"1";"9117";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, oil on canvas, frame, portrait";"Italian portrait painting oil on canvas";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of an elderly beggar with plate and jug";"painting-framework-portrait-italian-canvas";"";"Italian portrait painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of an elderly beggar with plate and jug of good pictorial quality. Painting signed in the upper right corner Giovanni Faliero (1960) with paper reference to the painting on the back of the canvas (see photo), no expert's authentication. Beautifully decorated carved and gilded wooden frame. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of contemporary Italian painting. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 119 x W 99 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of an elderly beggar with plate and jug of good pictorial quality. Painting signed in the upper right corner Giovanni Faliero (1960) with paper reference to the painting on the back of the canvas (see photo), no expert's authentication. Beautifully decorated carved and gilded wooden frame. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of contemporary Italian painting. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 119 x W 99 cm.";
5221;"1";"9196";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Oggettistica|Collezionismo>Terracotta";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, statue, Italian, terracotta, bust, art, antique";"Sculpture in bronze painted terracotta bust of a child ";"Italian terracotta sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Finely chiseled work in bronze painted terracotta depicting the bust of a child";"sculpture-italian-terracotta-bust-statue";"";"Sculpture in bronze painted terracotta bust of a child ";"Italian terracotta sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Finely chiseled work in bronze painted terracotta depicting the bust of a child. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated object, without stamps or signatures. Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian sculptures. Sculpture in good condition with some small signs of aging. Without cracks or signs of restoration.";"Italian terracotta sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Finely chiseled work in bronze painted terracotta depicting the bust of a child. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated object, without stamps or signatures. Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian sculptures. Sculpture in good condition with some small signs of aging. Without cracks or signs of restoration.";
5235;"1";"9214";"4500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, religious, oil on canvas, frame";"Antique English religious painting Baptism of Lydia from 18th century";"Antique English painting dated 1762. Framework oil on canvas signed lower left J. B. J. (John Baptist Jackson 1701 - 1780, missing authentication)";"framework-antique-religious-painting-english";"";"Antique religious painting Baptism of Lydia from 18th century";"Antique English painting dated 1762. Framework oil on canvas signed lower left J. B. J. (John Baptist Jackson 1701 - 1780, missing authentication) depicting a religious subject Baptism of Lydia by Saint Paul in the city of Thyatira. Framework of excellent pictorial quality, rich in decorative elements on the front and in the background. Painting that presents in the lower right an inscription by the painter (Chap. XVI, Ver. 14,15,16,17 see photo) which refers to the biblical scene he represents. Non coeval wooden frame from the 20th century, pleasantly carved and gilded. Framework characterized by a fabulous perspective, finely enriched by classical ruins, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame during the 20th century. In good condition. Sight size H 66 x W 92 cm.";"Antique English painting dated 1762. Framework oil on canvas signed lower left J. B. J. (John Baptist Jackson 1701 - 1780, missing authentication) depicting a religious subject Baptism of Lydia by Saint Paul in the city of Thyatira. Framework of excellent pictorial quality, rich in decorative elements on the front and in the background. Painting that presents in the lower right an inscription by the painter (Chap. XVI, Ver. 14,15,16,17 see photo) which refers to the biblical scene he represents. Non coeval wooden frame from the 20th century, pleasantly carved and gilded. Framework characterized by a fabulous perspective, finely enriched by classical ruins, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame during the 20th century. In good condition. Sight size H 66 x W 92 cm.";
5248;"1";"9227";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Italian, painting, framework, frame, oil on masonite, still life";"Signed painting oil on masonite still life dated 1942";"Italian painting dated 1942 on the back. Oil on masonite framework signed lower left Laustino, referable to Emanuele Laustino";"painting-still-life-signed-Italian";"";"Signed painting oil on masonite still life dated 1942";"Italian painting dated 1942 on the back. Oil on masonite framework signed lower left Laustino, referable to Emanuele Laustino (1916-1988) depicting a pleasant still life with primroses. Painting without authenticity by expert. Beautifully sized and decorated framework with a modern frame in wood and plaster, chiseled and gilded, in good condition. Painting complete with fabric passe-partout (see photo). Impressionist style painting characterized by dark shades, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition. Sight size H 50 x W 64 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1942 on the back. Oil on masonite framework signed lower left Laustino, referable to Emanuele Laustino (1916-1988) depicting a pleasant still life with primroses. Painting without authenticity by expert. Beautifully sized and decorated framework with a modern frame in wood and plaster, chiseled and gilded, in good condition. Painting complete with fabric passe-partout (see photo). Impressionist style painting characterized by dark shades, for antique dealers and collectors. In good condition. Sight size H 50 x W 64 cm.";
5253;"1";"9231";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, furniture, night stand, wood, marble, living room, French";"Side table in wood and marble from 20th century";"French side table with marble from 20th century. Furniture in mahogany, maple and fruitwood richly adorned with gilded ";"side-table-french-night-stand-wood-marble";"";"Side table in wood and marble from 20th century";"French side table with marble from 20th century. Furniture in mahogany, maple and fruitwood richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass. Bean-shaped side table finished for the center equipped with two support shelves, the upper one in marble and one wooden in the lower part. Tops adorned with very pleasant gilded and chiseled brass rings. Furniture complete with three front drawers of good capacity. Side table that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, beautifully decorated. In good condition.";"French side table with marble from 20th century. Furniture in mahogany, maple and fruitwood richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass. Bean-shaped side table finished for the center equipped with two support shelves, the upper one in marble and one wooden in the lower part. Tops adorned with very pleasant gilded and chiseled brass rings. Furniture complete with three front drawers of good capacity. Side table that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, beautifully decorated. In good condition.";
5266;"1";"9261";"1500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, framework, oil on canvas, Christ, frame";"Antique Italian religious painting Christ at the column ";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a religious subject Christ at the column of good pictorial quality";"painting-antique-italian-christ-column-frame";"";"Antique painting Christ at the column from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a religious subject Christ at the column of good pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and impact, for antique dealers and collectors of antique sacred art. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with some signs (see photo). Painting of great character that has undergone, during the second half of the 20th century, a conservative restoration, color recovery, relining and frame replacement (see photo). Framework for living room or studio, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 90 x W 63 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a religious subject Christ at the column of good pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and impact, for antique dealers and collectors of antique sacred art. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with some signs (see photo). Painting of great character that has undergone, during the second half of the 20th century, a conservative restoration, color recovery, relining and frame replacement (see photo). Framework for living room or studio, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 90 x W 63 cm.";
5275;"1";"0625";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi|Collezionismo>Ceramiche";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Cup, furniture, painted, object, vase, Italian, ceramic, enameled";"Italian painted ceramic vase";"Large Italian vase of the mid-twentieth century. Ceramic object enameled and hand-painted with decorations of character and oriental style.";"cup-vase-italian-painted-ceramic";"";"Italian painted ceramic vase";"Large Italian vase of the mid-twentieth century. Ceramic object enameled and hand-painted with decorations of character and oriental style. Vase with lid adorned with sculpture depicting monkey with a small shortcoming on the left side (see picture). Object decorated by landscapes with animal figures of great pleasure. There is an inscription below the base, missing stamps in reference to the production. Vase of great measure and decor that presents small signs and cracks (see picture). Overall in fair conservative state.";"Large Italian vase of the mid-twentieth century. Ceramic object enameled and hand-painted with decorations of character and oriental style. Vase with lid adorned with sculpture depicting monkey with a small shortcoming on the left side (see picture). Object decorated by landscapes with animal figures of great pleasure. There is an inscription below the base, missing stamps in reference to the production. Vase of great measure and decor that presents small signs and cracks (see picture). Overall in fair conservative state.";
5288;"1";"9224";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Venetian, wood, lacquered, painted, desk, furniture";"Venetian trumeau in lacquered and painted wood ";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Double body cabinet in lacquered and hand painted wood with very pleasant chinoiserie decorations. ";"trumeau-venetian-lacquered-desk";"";"Venetian lacquered and painted trumeau from the 1950s";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Double body cabinet in lacquered and hand painted wood with very pleasant chinoiserie decorations. Trumeau in beautiful patina, finely decorated with oriental views and characters. Cabinet equipped with three drawers and fall-front in the lower body, inside the flap complete with three drawers and a desk top of discreet size and service (see picture). Upper body with one door, interior equipped with two drawers and two shelves (see picture). Trumeau for salon or studio of excellent proportion and good service, complete with two working keys. It shows some signs of aging and some color losses, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Double body cabinet in lacquered and hand painted wood with very pleasant chinoiserie decorations. Trumeau in beautiful patina, finely decorated with oriental views and characters. Furniture equipped with three drawers and fall-front in the lower body, inside the bureau complete with three drawers and a desk top of discreet size and service (see picture). Upper body with one door, interior equipped with two drawers and two shelves (see picture). Trumeau for living room or studio of excellent proportion and good service, complete with two working keys. It shows some signs of aging and some color drops, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5304;"1";"9275";"2000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, italian, artwork, oil on canvas, Diogenes";"Italian painting episode from the life of Diogenes of Sinope ";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Good quality non-coeval copy of a painting by Salvator Rosa exhibited at the National Art Museum";"antique-painting-italian-Diogenes-oil-canvas";"";"Italian painting episode from the life of Diogenes of Sinope from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Good quality non-coeval copy of a painting by Salvator Rosa exhibited at the National Art Museum in Copenhagen. Oil artwork on canvas depicting an episode from the life of Diogenes of Sinope. One day the philosopher saw a child drinking water in the hollow of his hand and, struck by the simplicity of the gesture, threw away his bowl convinced of the need to reduce human needs to the bare minimum. 20th century carved and gilded wooden frame, beautifully decorated. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some small points, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 73 X W 59 cm";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Good quality non-coeval copy of a painting by Salvator Rosa exhibited at the National Art Museum in Copenhagen. Oil artwork on canvas depicting an episode from the life of Diogenes of Sinope. One day the philosopher saw a child drinking water in the hollow of his hand and, struck by the simplicity of the gesture, threw away his bowl convinced of the need to reduce human needs to the bare minimum. 20th century carved and gilded wooden frame, beautifully decorated. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some small points, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 73 X W 59 cm";
5311;"1";"9282";"3600";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, framework, antique, oil on canvas, frame, Italian";"Antique Italian painting Jesus and Herod from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Oil on canvas artwork from the Venetian school depicting ";"painting-antique-religious-frame-jesus-herod";"";"Antique painting Jesus and Herod from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Oil on canvas artwork from the Venetian school depicting Jesus in front of Herod Antipas. On the occasion of Easter, the King of Galilee (son of Herod the Great who had ordered the massacre of the innocents) was in Jerusalem and Jesus was brought before him by order of Pilate. The Gospel of Luke reports that the King, having hoped in vain to witness a miracle, faced Jesus' silence, despised him and, after dressing him in white, sent him back to Pilate. In our painting we see this very moment depicted, with Herod on the throne while he orders Jesus to be taken away. 20th century carved, lacquered and gilded wooden frame, beautifully decorated. Painting that underwent restoration with relining and replacement of the frame during the 20th century. Painting with some color drops (see photo), overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 95 x W 56 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Oil on canvas artwork from the Venetian school depicting Jesus in front of Herod Antipas. On the occasion of Easter, the King of Galilee (son of Herod the Great who had ordered the massacre of the innocents) was in Jerusalem and Jesus was brought before him by order of Pilate. The Gospel of Luke reports that the King, having hoped in vain to witness a miracle, faced Jesus' silence, despised him and, after dressing him in white, sent him back to Pilate. In our painting we see this very moment depicted, with Herod on the throne while he orders Jesus to be taken away. 20th century carved, lacquered and gilded wooden frame, beautifully decorated. Painting that underwent restoration with relining and replacement of the frame during the 20th century. Painting with some color drops (see photo), overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 95 x W 56 cm.";
5313;"1";"9222";"2900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on canvas, frame, romantic, art";"Painting oil on canvas Walk in the park from 20th century";"Great Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework with romantic subject Walk in the park of good pictorial quality.";"painting-italian-romantic-frame-oil-canvas";"";"Painting oil on canvas Walk in the park from 20th century";"Great Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework with romantic subject Walk in the park of good pictorial quality. Painting that depicts a very pleasant scene, a young couple of parents with a child transported for play on a cart. Painting of exceptional size, of fabulous decor, with wooden frame not coeval carved and lacquered. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame during the second half of the 20th century (see photo). Painting that has several small drops of color, in a beautiful patina, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 178 x W 143 cm.";"Great Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework with romantic subject Walk in the park of good pictorial quality. Painting that depicts a very pleasant scene, a young couple of parents with a child transported for play on a cart. Painting of exceptional size, of fabulous decor, with wooden frame not coeval carved and lacquered. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame during the second half of the 20th century (see photo). Painting that has several small drops of color, in a beautiful patina, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 178 x W 143 cm.";
5318;"1";"9320";"1550";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, table, furniture, English, wood, inlaid, living room";"English side table in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"English living room table from the early 20th century. High quality furniture inlaid with palisander, mahogany, maple and fruitwood";"side-table-english-living-room-inlaid-wood";"";"English side table in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"English living room table from the early 20th century. High quality furniture inlaid with palisander, mahogany, maple and fruitwood adorned with geometric decorations and a popular style scene with characters in the center of the top. Beautifully decorated side table, for antique dealers and interior decorators, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Furniture of excellent proportion, supported by a solid central leg resting on three inlaid feet. It has some signs of wear and a stamp under the base (DL). Overall in good state of conservation. Height when closed 110 cm.";"English living room table from the early 20th century. High quality furniture inlaid with palisander, mahogany, maple and fruitwood adorned with geometric decorations and a popular style scene with characters in the center of the top. Beautifully decorated side table, for antique dealers and interior decorators, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Furniture of excellent proportion, supported by a solid central leg resting on three inlaid feet. It has some signs of wear and a stamp under the base (DL). Overall in good state of conservation. Height when closed 110 cm.";
5321;"1";"0707";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Puff e Sgabelli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, stools, chairs, seats, velvet, iron, furniture, living room";"Pair of Italian iron stools with velvet seats";"Pair of Italian stools from the 1970s. Painted iron furniture with velvet upholstered seats, of beautiful lines and pleasant decor";"pair-stools-italian-iron-velvet-design";"";"Pair of Italian iron stools with velvet seats";"Pair of Italian stools from the 1970s. Painted iron furniture with velvet upholstered seats, of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Stools of limited size, it can be easily positioned in different parts of the house. Comfortable furniture with a seat height of 55 cm. Legs resting on golden metal feet (see photo) one foot has a break (see photo). Furniture of pleasant decoration, overall in a good state of conservation. Maximum width 40 cm.";"Pair of Italian stools from the 1970s. Painted iron furniture with velvet upholstered seats, of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Stools of limited size, it can be easily positioned in different parts of the house. Comfortable furniture with a seat height of 55 cm. Legs resting on golden metal feet (see photo) one foot has a break (see photo). Furniture of pleasant decoration, overall in a good state of conservation. Maximum width 40 cm.";
5322;"1";"9288";"2900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, still life, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian still life painting trompe l'oeil from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a particular still life trompe l'oeil with game";"framework-painting-still-life-oil-canvas";"";"Italian still life painting trompe l'oeil from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a particular still life trompe l'oeil with game, fruit, pottery and sculpture of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting. Painting for hall or living room, of fabulous decor and great quality. Painting that has on the back of the canvas the words Opera by Prof. Antonino Traverso executed in 1950, therefore referable to the famous Genoese painter (1900-1981), without any authentication. Frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Equipped with a fabric passe-partout with various stains (see photo) and signs of aging. Canvas in good state of conservation. Sight size H 99 x W 119 cm.";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a particular still life trompe l'oeil with game, fruit, pottery and sculpture of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting. Painting for hall or living room, of fabulous decor and great quality. Painting that has on the back of the canvas the words Opera by Prof. Antonino Traverso executed in 1950, therefore referable to the famous Genoese painter (1900-1981), without any authentication. Frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Equipped with a fabric passe-partout with various stains (see photo) and signs of aging. Canvas in good state of conservation. Sight size H 99 x W 119 cm.";
5327;"1";"0702";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, Italian, carved, wood, furniture, bedside table";"Italian side table in cherry, walnut and fruitwood";"Italian side table from the early 20th century. Furniture carved in cherry wood, walnut and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"side-table-italian-wood-carved-furniture";"";"Italian side table in cherry, walnut and fruitwood";"Italian side table from the early 20th century. Furniture carved in cherry wood, walnut and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Side table with two support shelf of discreet service and a front drawer of good capacity. Bedside table finished for the center, for bedroom or living room, ideal to use as a lamp holder or for displaying tableware or sculptures. It has some signs of aging, structurally sound, overall in a fairly conservative state.";"Italian side table from the early 20th century. Furniture carved in cherry wood, walnut and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Side table with two support shelf of discreet service and a front drawer of good capacity. Bedside table finished for the center, for bedroom or living room, ideal to use as a lamp holder or for displaying tableware or sculptures. It has some signs of aging, structurally sound, overall in a fairly conservative state.";
5334;"1";"9297";"1500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, Italian, oil on canvas, seascape";"Italian artwork seascape oil on canvas from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas famework depicting a seascape with characters and architectures of good pictorial quality.";"painting-italian-oil-canvas-seascape";"";"Italian artwork seascape oil on canvas from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas famework depicting a seascape with characters and architectures of good pictorial quality. Nice size painting and pleasantly decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique painting. A framework without frame, it has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame, in the second half of the 20th century. Painting rich in decorative elements, pleasantly furnished. It shows some signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation.";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas famework depicting a seascape with characters and architectures of good pictorial quality. Nice size painting and pleasantly decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique painting. A framework without frame, it has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame, in the second half of the 20th century. Painting rich in decorative elements, pleasantly furnished. It shows some signs of aging, overall in good state of conservation.";
5335;"1";"9296";"1250";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"fender, furniture, wood, French, lacquered, gilded, living room";"Fender in lacquered and gilded wood from the 19th century";"French fender from the second half of the 19th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor";"fender-french-wood-lacquered-gold";"";"Fender in lacquered and gilded wood from the 19th century";"French fender from the second half of the 19th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Fender finished for the center covered in fabric with floral decorations on the front (see photo). Living room furniture, for antique dealers and interior designers, of excellent proportion. It has several drops of color, small lacks of wooden decoration and some stains on the fabric (see photo). Central leg furniture supported by three wavy feet resting on wheels (see photo). To be restored.";"French fender from the second half of the 19th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Fender finished for the center covered in fabric with floral decorations on the front (see photo). Living room furniture, for antique dealers and interior designers, of excellent proportion. It has several drops of color, small lacks of wooden decoration and some stains on the fabric (see photo). Central leg furniture supported by three wavy feet resting on wheels (see photo). To be restored.";
5340;"1";"9191";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dressing table, furniture, table, wood, inlaid, living room, English";"English dressing table in inlaid wood from 20th century";"Small English dressing table from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture carved and inlaid in mahogany, maple and fruitwood";"dressing-table-english-inlaid-wood-furniture";"";"English dressing table in inlaid wood from 20th century";"Small English dressing table from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture carved and inlaid in mahogany, maple and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Dressing table adorned with floral inlays on the front and top (see photo). Top that has numerous scratches and signs of wear (see photos). Furniture complete with large open front compartment covered in fabric with various signs of wear, to be replaced. Cabinet with backsplash with two small side shelves and central mirror (see photo). Ideal dressing table to be placed in a living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Structurally sound, it has several signs of aging, to be restored.";"Small English dressing table from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture carved and inlaid in mahogany, maple and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Dressing table adorned with floral inlays on the front and top (see photo). Top that has numerous scratches and signs of wear (see photos). Furniture complete with large open front compartment covered in fabric with various signs of wear, to be replaced. Cabinet with backsplash with two small side shelves and central mirror (see photo). Ideal dressing table to be placed in a living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Structurally sound, it has several signs of aging, to be restored.";
5344;"1";"9322";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bookcase, showcase, furniture, sideboard, French, wood, baroque";"French bookcase from the 20th century in oak wood";"French baroque style bookcase from the 20th century. Furniture built in a single block in dark patinated oak of great size and impact. ";"bookcase-french-wood-etagere-baroque";"";"French bookcase from the 20th century ";"French baroque style bookcase from the 20th century. Furniture built in a single block in dark patinated oak of great size and impact. Open bookcase covered in fabric in good condition equipped with two fixed shelves and base. Cabinet complete with secret placed behind the panel carved under the molding (see picture). Bookcase for living room or studio, of fabulous decor and good utility. In good condition.";"French baroque style bookcase from the 20th century. Furniture built in a single block in dark patinated oak of great size and impact. Open bookcase covered in fabric in good condition equipped with two fixed shelves and base. Cabinet complete with secret placed behind the panel carved under the molding (see picture). Bookcase for living room or studio, of fabulous decor and good utility. In good condition.";
5345;"1";"9329";"3600";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, framework, oil on canvas, frame, landscape, dogs";"Antique French painting from 18th century landscape with dog ";"Antique French painting from 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting landscape with hunting dogs with partridges";"painting-landscape-framework-antique-french";"";"Antique painting from 18th century landscape with dog ";"Antique French painting from 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting landscape with hunting dogs with partridges of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique painting with hunting scenes. Modern painted and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and relining (see photo). Living room or studio painting, pleasantly furnished, without signature. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 99 x W 126 cm.";"Antique French painting from 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting landscape with hunting dogs with partridges of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique painting with hunting scenes. Modern painted and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and relining (see photo). Living room or studio painting, pleasantly furnished, without signature. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 99 x W 126 cm.";
5354;"1";"9324";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, dresser, Italian, wood, furniture, living room, oak";"Italian sideboard in oak and beech wood";"Italian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Notched furniture carved in oak and beech wood (there are plywood elements";"sideboard-italian-commode-wood-oak-beech";"";"Italian sideboard from 20th century";"Italian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Notched furniture carved in oak and beech wood (there are plywood elements, backrest, top, drawer bottoms) in baroque style of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sideboard equipped with 4 doors and two central drawers of excellent capacity and service, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Furniture for interior decorators and amateurs of Italian style furniture. Sideboard complete with three working keys which offers a single compartment inside with a fixed support top (see photo). It has some signs of wear and stains on the top (see photos), structurally sound. Overall in a fair conservative state.";"Italian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Notched furniture carved in oak and beech wood (there are plywood elements, backrest, top, drawer bottoms) in baroque style of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sideboard equipped with 4 doors and two central drawers of excellent capacity and service, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Furniture for interior decorators and amateurs of Italian style furniture. Sideboard complete with three working keys which offers a single compartment inside with a fixed support top (see photo). It has some signs of wear and stains on the top (see photos), structurally sound. Overall in a fair conservative state.";
5358;"1";"9323";"2000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Bar cabinet, cupboard, sideboard, wood, oak, french";"Baroque style bar cabinet of the 20th century";"Baroque style French bar cabinet from the 20th century. Furniture richly carved in dark patinated oak wood, equipped with fall front and working key.";"bar-cabinet-baroque-sideboard.wood";"";"Baroque style bar cabinet of the 20th century";"Baroque style French bar cabinet from the 20th century. Furniture richly carved in dark patinated oak wood, equipped with fall front and working key. Ideal cabinet to be placed in a living room or studio with internal compartment covered in fabric, in good condition. Cabinet built in a single block, with considerable weight and good stability. Wooden top of good measure and service. Furniture of great character and pleasant impact, in good state of conservation.";"Baroque style French bar cabinet from the 20th century. Furniture richly carved in dark patinated oak wood, equipped with fall front and working key. Ideal cabinet to be placed in a living room or studio with internal compartment covered in fabric, in good condition. Cabinet built in a single block, with considerable weight and good stability. Wooden top of good measure and service. Furniture of great character and pleasant impact, in good state of conservation.";
5369;"1";"0675";"2800";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, armchairs, chairs, antique, wood, walnut, Louis XVI, furniture";"Pair of walnut armchairs from 19th century ";"Pair of Genoese armchairs from the mid 19th century. Furniture carved in walnut wood of Louis XVI line finely chiselled with feral ornament";"pair-armchairs-antique-wood-Louis-XVI-chairs";"";"Pair of walnut armchairs from 19th century ";"Pair of Genoese armchairs from the mid 19th century. Furniture carved in walnut wood of Louis XVI line finely chiselled with feral ornament in the upper part (see photo). Armchairs for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Structurally sound, seats and backs to be restored (see photo). Seat height of 47 cm. Armchairs in fair condition, to be restored.";"Pair of Genoese armchairs from the mid 19th century. Furniture carved in walnut wood of Louis XVI line finely chiselled with feral ornament in the upper part (see photo). Armchairs for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Structurally sound, seats and backs to be restored (see photo). Seat height of 47 cm. Armchairs in fair condition, to be restored.";
5370;"1";"9367";"3200";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, antique, frame, oil on canvas, Virgin with child";"Painting oil on canvas Virgin with child from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Virgin with child";"framework-virgin-child-antique-painting";"";"Painting oil on canvas Virgin with child from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Virgin with child of excellent pictorial quality. Non coeval frame in wood and plaster finely chiseled and gilded (see photo) of beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent proportion and in beautiful patina, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of sacred art. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 89 x W 67 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Virgin with child of excellent pictorial quality. Non coeval frame in wood and plaster finely chiseled and gilded (see photo) of beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent proportion and in beautiful patina, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of sacred art. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 89 x W 67 cm.";
5371;"1";"9061";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"furniture, coffee tables, french, lacquered, painted, living room";"Four French coffee tables in lacquered and painted wood";"Four French interlocking coffee tables from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with very pleasant chinoiserie decorations";"coffee-tables-french-furniture-lacquered";"";"Four French coffee tables in lacquered and painted wood";"Four French interlocking coffee tables from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with very pleasant chinoiserie decorations. Small tables of 4 different sizes, with tops of good size and service, they can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Furniture with some signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Four French interlocking coffee tables from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with very pleasant chinoiserie decorations. Small tables of 4 different sizes, with tops of good size and service, they can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Furniture with some signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5383;"1";"9374";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, lacquered, furniture, italian, tuscan, dresser, painted";"Lacquered and painted sideboard from the 20th century";"Tuscan sideboard of the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and hand painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations.";"sideboard-lacquered-furniture-tuscan";"";"Tuscan lacquered and painted sideboard ";"Tuscan sideboard of the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and hand painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Sideboard with one door and one front drawer of good capacity and service. Interior complete with a flatter support surface and base (see picture). Upper wooden top in character also lacquered and painted. Furniture of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house. Sideboard in good state of conservation.";"Tuscan sideboard of the  20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and hand painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Sideboard with one door and one front drawer of good capacity and service. Interior complete with a flatter support surface and base (see picture). Upper wooden top in character also lacquered and painted. Furniture of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house. Sideboard in good state of conservation.";
5398;"1";"9381";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, english, wood, sideboard, desk, bureau, funiture";"English double body trumeau in wood from the 20th century";"English trumeau of the 20th century. Double body funiture in walnut, burl, beech, mahogany and fruitwood.";"trumeau-english-wood-sideboard-funiture";"";"English double body trumeau in wood from the 20th century";"English trumeau of the 20th century. Double body funiture in walnut, burl, beech, mahogany and fruitwood. Lower body equipped with two smaller parallel drawers and two larger lower ones of good capacity and fall front. Inside of the bureau complete with numerous drawers, various document holder openings and a desk top of good size and service (see picture). Upper body with two doors with recessed antiqued mirrors and two small removable candle holder shelves (see picture). Interior with a top plus base (see picture). Furniture complete with two working keys (fall front and upper doors) ideal for use in a living room or studio, with pleasant decor. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"English trumeau of the 20th century. Double body funiture in walnut, burl, beech, mahogany and fruitwood. Lower body equipped with two smaller parallel drawers and two larger lower ones of good capacity and fall front. Inside of the bureau complete with numerous drawers, various document holder openings and a desk top of good size and service (see picture). Upper body with two doors with recessed antiqued mirrors and two small removable candle holder shelves (see picture). Interior with a top plus base (see picture). Furniture complete with two working keys (fall front and upper doors) ideal for use in a living room or studio, with pleasant decor. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
5399;"1";"9390";"2900";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, italian, landscape, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Painting oil on canvas landscape with children from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting landscape and folk scene with children of good pictorial quality.";"painting-landscape-italian-framework-oil";"";"Painting oil on canvas landscape with children from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting landscape and folk scene with children of good pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and pleasantly decorated with a non coeval wooden frame, from the 20th century, finely carved and gilded. Painting characterized by a particular perspective and numerous decorative elements (see picture). Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and relining (see picture). Painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, it is in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 73 X W 128 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting landscape and folk scene with children of good pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and pleasantly decorated with a non coeval wooden frame, from the 20th century, finely carved and gilded. Painting characterized by a particular perspective and numerous decorative elements (see picture). Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and relining (see picture). Painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, it is in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 73 X W 128 cm";
5406;"1";"9291";"3200";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, oil on canvas, Saint Francis, religious, framework";"Italian religious painting Saint Francis from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a religious subject Saint Francis.";"painting-religious-saint-francis-framework";"";"Italian religious painting Saint Francis from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a religious subject Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame not coeval, from the 20th century, carved and gilded with signs of aging and drops of color (see picture). Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Framework that has undergone (in the second half of the 20th century) a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see picture). Painting characterized by an interesting perspective with a view in the background at the top left (see picture). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 84 X W 119 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a religious subject Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame not coeval, from the 20th century, carved and gilded with signs of aging and drops of color (see picture). Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Framework that has undergone (in the second half of the 20th century) a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see picture). Painting characterized by an interesting perspective with a view in the background at the top left (see picture). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 84 X W 119 cm";
5409;"1";"0697";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, french, still life, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Beautiful still life from the 20th century";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting still life with game of good pictorial quality.";"painting-still-life-framework-french";"";"Beautiful still life from the 20th century";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting still life with game of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster finely lacquered and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house, lacking a signature or dating. Canvas that has been restored with a small patch on the back (see picture). Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 45 X W 54 cm ";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting still life with game of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster finely lacquered and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house, lacking a signature or dating. Canvas that has been restored with a small patch on the back (see picture). Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 45 X W 54 cm";
5413;"1";"9410";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bedside table, nightstand, French, inlaid, furniture, Napoleon III";"Bedside table in Napoleon III style from the 20th century";"French bedside table from the mid 20th century. Furniture finished from center inlaid in wood in Napoleon III style.";"bedside-table-french-inlaid-nightstand-wood";"";"Bedside table in Napoleon III style from the 20th century";"French bedside table from the mid 20th century. Furniture finished from center inlaid in walnut, bois de rose, maple, mahogany and fruitwood in Napoleon III style. Nightstand with top in original marble with chiseled brass ring of good service. Bedside table equipped with two front drawers of good capacity adorned with chiseled bronze decorations (see picture). Nightstand of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"French bedside table from the mid 20th century. Furniture finished from center inlaid in walnut, bois de rose, maple, mahogany and fruitwood in Napoleon III style. Nightstand with top in original marble with chiseled brass ring of good service. Bedside table equipped with two front drawers of good capacity adorned with chiseled bronze decorations (see picture). Nightstand of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
5414;"1";"9342";"2300";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, italian, portrait, oil on canvas, frame, lady";"Antique portrait of a young lady from the 19th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 19th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a portrait of a young girl in pose of good pictorial quality.";"painting-italian-framework-portrait-lady";"";"Antique Italian painting portrait of a young lady from the 19th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 19th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a portrait of a young girl in pose of good pictorial quality. Carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame of beautiful decoration with some signs of aging. Nice size and pleasant decor painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Framework on the first canvas that has two small drops of color in the lower part (see picture) and a tiny hole (not photographable on account of the size of the hole) located between the hair and the left shoulder of the lady. Painting in beautiful patina, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 62 X W 50 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the 19th century. Oil on canvas framework depicting a portrait of a young girl in pose of good pictorial quality. Carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame of beautiful decoration with some signs of aging. Nice size and pleasant decor painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Framework on the first canvas that has two small drops of color in the lower part (see picture) and a tiny hole (not photographable on account of the size of the hole) located between the hair and the left shoulder of the lady. Painting in beautiful patina, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 62 X W 50 cm";
5420;"1";"9397";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, framework, frame, oil on canvas";"Italian painting landscape with frame from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework of fabulous decor depicting landscape with figures and architecture. ";"painting-italian-landscape-framework-frame";"";"Italian painting landscape with frame from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework of fabulous decor depicting landscape with figures and architecture in 18th century style. Nice size and pleasant impact painting with carved and silvered wooden frame with some small signs (see picture). Painting of excellent brightness and good depth, for antique dealers and interior decorators, easily inserted in different parts of the house. In good condition. Sight size H 71 X W 101 cm";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Oil on canvas framework of fabulous decor depicting landscape with figures and architecture in 18th century style. Nice size and pleasant impact painting with carved and silvered wooden frame with some small signs (see picture). Painting of excellent brightness and good depth, for antique dealers and interior decorators, easily inserted in different parts of the house. In good condition. Sight size H 71 X W 101 cm";
5421;"1";"9418";"2400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, French, oil on canvas, Saint Francis, religious, framework";"Religious painting of Saint Francis of Assisi from the 18th century";"Antique French painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-framework-religious-saint-francis";"";"French painting of Saint Francis of Assisi from the 18th century";"Antique French painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. Non-contemporary frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, with some signs of aging and a small lack of decoration in the lower part (see picture). Nice size and pleasant impact framework, for antique dealers and collectors of ancient religious painting. Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and relining (see picture). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 84 X W 65 cm";"Antique French painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Francis of good pictorial quality. Non-contemporary frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, with some signs of aging and a small lack of decoration in the lower part (see picture). Nice size and pleasant impact framework, for antique dealers and collectors of ancient religious painting. Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and relining (see picture). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 84 X W 65 cm";
5428;"1";"9449";"4400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, oil on canvas, landscape, antique";"Antique painting oil on canvas from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and animals at the well.";"painting-italian-framework-antique-landscape";"";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and animals at the well of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great size and impact finely adorned with numerous details and interesting view on the right (see picture), no frame. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration during the 20th century, replacement of the frame and relining (see picture), for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient Italian painting. It has some small drops of color on the edges (see picture), overall in good state of conservation.";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and animals at the well of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great size and impact finely adorned with numerous details and interesting view on the right (see picture), no frame. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration during the 20th century, replacement of the frame and relining (see picture), for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient Italian painting. It has some small drops of color on the edges (see picture), overall in good state of conservation.";
5434;"1";"9470";"1900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, Italian, furniture, table, lacquered, painted, faux marble";"Console in lacquered and gilded wood from the 20th century";"Italian console of the 20th century. Furniture of pleasant workmanship and decor in carved, lacquered, gilded and painted wood.";"console-italian-lacquered-gilded-table";"";"Console in lacquered and gilded wood from the 20th century";"Italian console of the 20th century. Furniture of pleasant workmanship and decor in carved, lacquered, gilded and painted wood. Wall console adorned with top and base in lacquered and painted wood faux marble (see picture) of great pleasure. Top of excellent size and service (see picture). Furniture supported by two full front columns with chiseled capitals (see picture). Rear half columns finished on the front and sides (see picture). Front and sides of the console adorned in the upper part with applied decorations depicting hand-painted animal figures (ducks). Console of great size and impact, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in a good state of conservation.";"Italian console of the 20th century. Furniture of pleasant workmanship and decor in carved, lacquered, gilded and painted wood. Wall console adorned with top and base in lacquered and painted wood faux marble (see picture) of great pleasure. Top of excellent size and service (see picture). Furniture supported by two full front columns with chiseled capitals (see picture). Rear half columns finished on the front and sides (see picture). Front and sides of the console adorned in the upper part with applied decorations depicting hand-painted animal figures (ducks). Console of great size and impact, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in a good state of conservation.";
5441;"1";"9451";"3200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, framework, italian, oil on canvas, mythological";"Italian painting Diana the Huntress of the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting mythological subject Diana the Huntress.";"painting-mythological-framework-oil-italian";"";"Painting Diana the Huntress of the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting mythological subject Diana the Huntress of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, of excellent brightness and dynamism, without frame. Unsigned painting referable to Mattia Traverso (1885-1956) lacking authentication. First canvas framework showing various signs of aging and small color losses (see picture). Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. In fair state of conservation with some signs of aging.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting mythological subject Diana the Huntress of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, of excellent brightness and dynamism, without frame. Unsigned painting referable to Mattia Traverso (1885-1956) lacking authentication. First canvas framework showing various signs of aging and small color losses (see picture). Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. In fair state of conservation with some signs of aging.";
5446;"1";"9407";"900";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, oil on canvas, frame, portrait, woman";"Painting oil on canvas portrait from the 19th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of a pretty old woman in period clothing.";"painting-italian-portrait-framework-antique";"";"Italian portrait painting from the 19th century";"Ancient Italian from the late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of a pretty old woman in period clothing of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame not coeval, from the 20th century, carved, gilded and adapted to the painting. Portrait finely painted in the smallest details characterized by a good brightness and a pleasant use of light and shadows (see picture). It presents at the top right of the background (not on the character) several small drops of color (see picture) to be resumed. Unsigned framework. In fair condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 58 X W 46 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of a pretty old woman in period clothing of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame not coeval, from the 20th century, carved, gilded and adapted to the painting. Portrait finely painted in the smallest details characterized by a good brightness and a pleasant use of light and shadows (see picture). It presents at the top right of the background (not on the character) several small drops of color (see picture) to be resumed. Unsigned framework. In fair condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 58 X W 46 cm";
5451;"1";"9286";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, signed, dated, frame, oil on plywood";"Italian painting dated and signed by Mola Natalia";"Large Italian painting dated 1936. Framework oil on plywood of exceptional size and impact depicting Victory of good pictorial quality.";"painting-signed-italian-framework-frame";"";"Italian painting dated 1936 and signed by Mola Natalia";"Large Italian painting dated 1936. Framework oil on plywood of exceptional size and impact depicting Victory of good pictorial quality. Painting that develops vertically with a beautifully decorated lacquered wooden frame. Frame with some signs of aging (see picture), structurally sound. Framework ideal to be placed in a large living room or studio signed and dated lower right (see picture) N. Mola 1936 referable to the painter Natalia Mola (1899-1981), lacking authentication. Painting of particular decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the 20th century. It shows some small signs of the times, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 178 X W 96 cm";"Large Italian painting dated 1936. Framework oil on plywood of exceptional size and impact depicting Victory of good pictorial quality. Painting that develops vertically with a beautifully decorated lacquered wooden frame. Frame with some signs of aging (see picture), structurally sound. Framework ideal to be placed in a large living room or studio signed and dated lower right (see picture) N. Mola 1936 referable to the painter Natalia Mola (1899-1981), lacking authentication. Painting of particular decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the 20th century. It shows some small signs of the times, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 178 X W 96 cm";
5452;"1";"9527";"3000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"desk, writing desk, lacquered, Italian, wood, Louis XVI, table";"Writing desk in lacquered wood in Louis XVI style from 20th century";"Large Italian writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood in Louis XVI style of beautiful lines and pleasant decor";"writing-desk-italian-table-Louis-XVI";"";"Writing desk in lacquered wood in Louis XVI style from the 20th century";"Large Italian writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood in Louis XVI style of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Desk of great size and impact supported by four solid fluted legs (see photo). Furniture finished for the center equipped with a front drawer of good capacity. Top covered in faux leather with chiseled decorations on the edges (see photo) with some signs of wear. Desk for living room or studio, also ideal for professional use, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has some signs of wear and some small drops of color. Overall in a nice patina and in good state of conservation.";"Large Italian writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved and lacquered wood in Louis XVI style of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Desk of great size and impact supported by four solid fluted legs (see photo). Furniture finished for the center equipped with a front drawer of good capacity. Top covered in faux leather with chiseled decorations on the edges (see photo) with some signs of wear. Desk for living room or studio, also ideal for professional use, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has some signs of wear and some small drops of color. Overall in a nice patina and in good state of conservation.";
5462;"1";"9468";"1700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"commode, Venetian, chest of drawers, furniture, lacquered, painted";"Small commode in Venetian style from the 20th century";"Small Venetian commode from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and hand painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations.";"commode-lacquered-painted-furniture-venetian";"";"Small lacquered Venetian commode from the 20th century";"Small Venetian commode from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and hand painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Commode equipped with two front drawers of good capacity and wooden top in character also lacquered and painted (see picture). Top with some stains and drops of color (see picture). Structurally sound furniture, of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house. Commode complete with working locks (recently replaced) and a key. In fair condition and in a beautiful patina, it has some drops of color.";"Small Venetian commode from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and hand painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Commode equipped with two front drawers of good capacity and wooden top in character also lacquered and painted (see picture). Top with some stains and drops of color (see picture). Structurally sound furniture, of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house. Commode complete with working locks (recently replaced) and a key. In fair condition and in a beautiful patina, it has some drops of color.";
5464;"1";"9472";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Angoliere|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"corner cupboard, Italian, lacquered, gilded, painted, wood, sideboard";"Corner cabinet in lacquered, gilded and painted wood of 20th century";"Italian corner cabinet from 20th century. Furniture of beautiful line in lacquered, gilded and hand-painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations";"corner-cabinet-lacquered-italian-gold";"";"Corner cabinet in lacquered, gilded and painted wood from the 20th century";"Italian corner cabinet from 20th century. Furniture of beautiful line in lacquered, gilded and hand-painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Double body corner cabinet with two doors in the lower part, fixed internal (see photo). Open upper body equipped with 5 shelves of various sizes (see photo). Corner furniture ideal for use in a living room or sitting room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Complete with a working key, it is in a good state of conservation.";"Italian corner cabinet from 20th century. Furniture of beautiful line in lacquered, gilded and hand-painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Double body corner cabinet with two doors in the lower part, fixed internal (see photo). Open upper body equipped with 5 shelves of various sizes (see photo). Corner furniture ideal for use in a living room or sitting room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Complete with a working key, it is in a good state of conservation. Side 57 cm.";
5483;"1";"9550";"1650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, French, chest of drawers, furniture, wood, walnut, bronze";"Small dresser with 4 drawers from the 20th century";"French chest of drawers from the 20th century. Moved and rounded furniture veneered in walnut and adorned with handles and vents in gilded bronze.";"dresser-french-wood-walnut-furniture";"";"Small French dresser in walnut from the 20th century";"French chest of drawers from the 20th century. Moved and rounded furniture veneered in walnut and adorned with handles and vents in gilded and chiseled bronze. Dresser of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house, complete with 4 front drawers of good capacity. Chest of drawers with wooden top in character with some signs of wear (see picture). Furniture with small veneer lacks (see picture), lacking keys, overall in a fairly state of conservation.";"French chest of drawers from the 20th century. Moved and rounded furniture veneered in walnut and adorned with handles and vents in gilded and chiseled bronze. Dresser of excellent proportion, easily inserted in different parts of the house, complete with 4 front drawers of good capacity. Chest of drawers with wooden top in character with some signs of wear (see picture). Furniture with small veneer lacks (see picture), lacking keys, overall in a fairly state of conservation.";
5516;"1";"0727";"1950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, armchairs, chairs, design, furniture, leather, living room";"Pair of Italian design armchairs in skai";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s / 80s. Furniture covered in skai of beautiful line and pleasant decor.";"pair-armchairs-design-chairs-living-room";"";"Pair of Italian design armchairs in skai";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s / 80s. Furniture covered in skai of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Armchairs equipped with a painted iron base with round golden feet, of good stability. Seats complete with cushions (see photo) height at the seat of 42 cm. Furniture that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room or studio. They show small signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s / 80s. Furniture covered in skai of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Armchairs equipped with a painted iron base with round golden feet, of good stability. Seats complete with cushions (see photo) height at the seat of 42 cm. Furniture that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room or studio. They show small signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation.";
5520;"1";"0734";"1750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, Italian, wood, lacquered, gilded, furniture, table";"Gilded and lacquered faux marble living room coffee table";"Italian living room low table from the 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood with beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"coffe-table-italian-lacquered-gilded";"";"Gilded and lacquered faux marble living room coffee table";"Italian living room low table from the 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood with beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Coffee table equipped with two shelves in lacquered wood faux marble of good size and service. Tops with some signs of wear and small drops of color (see picture). Low table of beautiful decoration for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture of good stability and solidity supported by three wavy legs with high feet with curl decoration (see picture). In beautiful patina, overall in a fairly state of conservation.";"Italian living room low table from the 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood with beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Coffee table equipped with two shelves in lacquered wood faux marble of good size and service. Tops with some signs of wear and small drops of color (see picture). Low table of beautiful decoration for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture of good stability and solidity supported by three wavy legs with high feet with curl decoration (see picture). In beautiful patina, overall in a fairly state of conservation.";
5523;"1";"0726";"2200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, armchairs, chairs, design, furniture, skai, italian";"Beautiful pair of armchairs from the 70s";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s. Furniture covered in skai with beautiful line and pleasant decor.";"pair-armchairs-design-italian-furniture";"";"Beautiful pair of armchairs from the 70s";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s. Furniture covered in skai with beautiful line and pleasant decor. Armchairs with metal legs of good stability. Comfortable seats (see picture) with height at the seat of 39 cm. Furniture that can be easily inserted in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room or studio. They show small signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian design armchairs from the 70s. Furniture covered in skai with beautiful line and pleasant decor. Armchairs with metal legs of good stability. Comfortable seats (see picture) with height at the seat of 39 cm. Furniture that can be easily inserted in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room or studio. They show small signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5536;"1";"9521";"2700";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, flemish, framework, oil on panel, portrait, frame";"Antique portrait of a lady, oil on panel from the 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on panel depicting a portrait of a noblewoman with a plumed hat of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-flemish-portrait-lady-framework";"";"Antique painting portrait of a lady, oil on panel from the 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on panel depicting a portrait of a noblewoman with a plumed hat of good pictorial quality. 20th century frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, (bronze tint) of pleasant decoration with some some signs of aging (see picture). Nice size painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, reinforcement in the back and cleaning during the 20th century. Painting in bright colors, enriched by numerous details (see picture). In a good state of conservation. Sight size H 56 X W 42 cm";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on panel depicting a portrait of a noblewoman with a plumed hat of good pictorial quality. 20th century frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, (bronze tint) of pleasant decoration with some some signs of aging (see picture). Nice size painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, reinforcement in the back and cleaning during the 20th century. Painting in bright colors, enriched by numerous details (see picture). In a good state of conservation. Sight size H 56 X W 42 cm";
5543;"1";"9360";"600";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, modern, French, surrealist, framework, signed, dated";"French painting signed and dated from the 20th century";"French painting dated 1980. Oil on canvas framework depicting a view of a cornfield adorned with decorative elements and female nude.";"painting-modern-french-signed-framework";"";"French painting signed and dated from the 20th century";"French painting dated 1980. Oil on canvas framework depicting a view of a cornfield adorned with decorative elements and female nude, in bright colors of great pleasure. Painting signed and dated top right (see picture) Alain Caduret 1980, lacking authentication. Painting of good size and beautiful decoration, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of modern painting. Without frame, it is in a good condition.";"French painting dated 1980. Oil on canvas framework depicting a view of a cornfield adorned with decorative elements and female nude, in bright colors of great pleasure. Painting signed and dated top right (see picture) Alain Caduret 1980, lacking authentication. Painting of good size and beautiful decoration, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of modern painting. Without frame, it is in a good condition.";
5545;"1";"9512";"4400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, french, framework, oil on canvas, frame, romantic, art";"Framework from the 18th century, couple playing chess";"Antique French painting from the late 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a subject of romantic taste The game of chess.";"painting-french-romantic-framework-oil-canvas";"";"Framework from the 18th century, couple playing chess";"Antique French painting from the late 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a subject of romantic taste The game of chess, of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of nice size and pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of old French painting. Non-coeval frame in wood and plaster finely chiseled and gilded with various signs of aging, small lack of decoration and drops of color (see picture). Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Very bright painting, with bright colors depicting a difficult to find subject. Canvas with some small drops of color, to be resumed (see picture). Painting overall in a fairly state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 85 X W 68 cm";"Antique French painting from the late 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a subject of romantic taste The game of chess, of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of nice size and pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of old French painting. Non-coeval frame in wood and plaster finely chiseled and gilded with various signs of aging, small lack of decoration and drops of color (see picture). Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Very bright painting, with bright colors depicting a difficult to find subject. Canvas with some small drops of color, to be resumed (see picture). Painting overall in a fairly state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 85 X W 68 cm";
5549;"1";"9423";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, italian, framework, oil on canvas, landscape, frame";"Refined landscape from the mid-20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a river landscape with architecture, characters and animals.";"painting-antique-italian-landscape-framework";"";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century, landscape";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a river landscape with eighteenth-century architecture, characters and animals. Lacquered and gilded wooden frame with some small drops of color (see picture), structurally sound. Framework of pleasant depth and decor, good brightness and beautiful patina. Painting that is part of a pair (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). Lacking signature, painting in good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 68 X W 98 cm";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a river landscape with eighteenth-century architecture, characters and animals. Lacquered and gilded wooden frame with some small drops of color (see picture), structurally sound. Framework of pleasant depth and decor, good brightness and beautiful patina. Painting that is part of a pair (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). Lacking signature, painting in good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 68 X W 98 cm";
5552;"1";"9592";"1550";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bedside table, coffee table, Genoese, inlaid, wood, furniture";"Genoese four-leaf clover bedside table from the 20th century";"Genoese bedside table from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture inlaid and veneered in walnut, bois de rose, mahogany and rosewood.";"bedside-table-genoese-wood-inlaid-furniture";"";"Genoese four-leaf clover bedside table from the 20th century";"Genoese bedside table from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture inlaid and veneered in walnut, bois de rose, mahogany and rosewood adorned with side and front handles in chiseled metal. Coffee table finished from the center equipped with two front doors, an open compartment and a removable top covered in chiseled and gilded leatherette of good size and service. Living room cabinet supported by four solid, smooth legs of good stability. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators adorned with four-leaf clover on the front, back, top and sides (see picture). Structurally solid, it has small signs of aging and a crack in the upper part of the back (above the four-leaf clover, see picture). Overall in a good state of conservation.";"Genoese bedside table from the second half of the 20th century. Furniture inlaid and veneered in walnut, bois de rose, mahogany and rosewood adorned with side and front handles in chiseled metal. Coffee table finished from the center equipped with two front doors, an open compartment and a removable top covered in chiseled and gilded leatherette of good size and service. Living room cabinet supported by four solid, smooth legs of good stability. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators adorned with four-leaf clover on the front, back, top and sides (see picture). Structurally solid, it has small signs of aging and a crack in the upper part of the back (above the four-leaf clover, see picture). Overall in a good state of conservation.";
5557;"1";"9593";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, modern, abstract, framework, mixed media on canvas";"Fascinating modern painting from the 20th century ";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting an abstract subject entitled «Genesi da salvare».";"painting-modern-italian-framework-abstract";"";"Modern Italian painting from the 20th century ";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting an abstract subject entitled «Genesis to save» signed lower left (see picture), signature under study. Painting with a nice size and pleasant impact, characterized by bright colors and great dynamism. Modern carved and silvered wooden frame of beautiful decoration. There are references to the artist on the back of the canvas (see picture) under study. This painting can be easily inserted in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of modern Italian painting. The frame is slightly bent, the painting is overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 79 X W 119 cm";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting an abstract subject entitled «Genesis to save» signed lower left (see picture), signature under study. Painting with a nice size and pleasant impact, characterized by bright colors and great dynamism. Modern carved and silvered wooden frame of beautiful decoration. There are references to the artist on the back of the canvas (see picture) under study. This painting can be easily inserted in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of modern Italian painting. The frame is slightly bent, the painting is overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 79 X W 119 cm";
5565;"1";"0684";"2900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, signed, framework, oil on canvas, seascape, landscape, frame";"Bright signed seascape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality.";"painting-italian-signed-seascape-framework";"";"Bright signed seascape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality. Painting of pleasantl decor with ebonized guilloche wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting of particular perspective in pastel shades, signed in the lower left corner B. Milanese (see picture) referable to Biagio Milanese (1886-1968) lacking authentication. Framework for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 50 X W 69 cm";"Italian painting from the middle of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality. Painting of pleasantl decor with ebonized guilloche wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting of particular perspective in pastel shades, signed in the lower left corner B. Milanese (see picture) referable to Biagio Milanese (1886-1968) lacking authentication. Framework for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 50 X W 69 cm";
5566;"1";"9579";"4600";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, ancient, religious, biblical, framework, oil on canvas";"Ancient Venetian painting from the 17th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject The repudiation of Vasti.";"painting-religious-italian-biblical-framework";"";"Venetian school painting from the 17th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject The repudiation of Vasti by Paolo Veronese. Painting of particular perspective designed for the attic of the sacristy of the church of Saint Sebastian in Venice. Painting that shows the viewer the moment of the expulsion of the queen, forced to go down the steps of a secondary staircase, accompanied hand in hand by two figures: a child symbol of ignorance and a grotesque face that represents pride. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Not contemporary carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with various signs of restoration and small drops of color. Oval painting on canvas and rectangular frame (see picture) for antique dealers,interior decorators and collectors. In good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 92 X W 72 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject The repudiation of Vasti by Paolo Veronese. Painting of particular perspective designed for the attic of the sacristy of the church of Saint Sebastian in Venice. Painting that shows the viewer the moment of the expulsion of the queen, forced to go down the steps of a secondary staircase, accompanied hand in hand by two figures: a child symbol of ignorance and a grotesque face that represents pride. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Not contemporary carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with various signs of restoration and small drops of color. Oval painting on canvas and rectangular frame (see picture) for antique dealers,interior decorators and collectors. In good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 92 X W 72 cm";
5567;"1";"9553/2";"3500";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, flemish, framework, interior scene, oil on canvas";"Flemish signed painting from the 17th century";"Ancient Flemish painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting an interior scene of a tavern with characters of good quality. ";"painting-flemish-framework-interior-scene";"";"Ancient flemish signed painting from the 17th century";"Ancient Flemish painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting an interior scene of a tavern with characters of good pictorial quality. Painting of good size and pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of old Flemish painting. Painting of great character with finely represented card players in the background. It has a monogram at the bottom right (see picture) under study. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration with the addition of 3 small patches on the back to fix some tears (see picture). Wooden frame not coeval carved, ebonized and gilded (see picture) of pleasant impact. Painting that is part of a pendant (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). In fair condition with some signs of restoration and drops of color. To be restored. Sight size H 70 X W 60 cm";"Ancient Flemish painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting an interior scene of a tavern with characters of good pictorial quality. Painting of good size and pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of old Flemish painting. Painting of great character with finely represented card players in the background. It has a monogram at the bottom right (see picture) under study. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration with the addition of 3 small patches on the back to fix some tears (see picture). Wooden frame not coeval carved, ebonized and gilded (see picture) of pleasant impact. Painting that is part of a pendant (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). In fair condition with some signs of restoration and drops of color. To be restored. Sight size H 70 X W 60 cm";
5569;"1";"9584";"3800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, historical, biblical, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Large painting from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a historical / biblical subject.";"painting-biblical-italian-oil-framework";"";"Great Italian painting oil on canvas from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework, first canvas, depicting historical/biblical subject, King David brings the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. Painting of great size and impact, for antique dealers, interior designers and collectors of ancient art. Framework complete with small modern golden wooden frame (see photo). Living room or study painting, pleasantly decorated, characterized by a particular use of perspective. It shows some signs of aging and small drops in color, in a beautiful patina. Overall, the painting is in a good state of conservation.Sight size H 108 X W 150 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas framework, first canvas, depicting historical/biblical subject, King David brings the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. Painting of great size and impact, for antique dealers, interior designers and collectors of ancient art. Framework complete with small modern golden wooden frame (see photo). Living room or study painting, pleasantly decorated, characterized by a particular use of perspective. It shows some signs of aging and small drops in color, in a beautiful patina. Overall, the painting is in a good state of conservation.Sight size H 108 X W 150 cm";
5576;"1";"9590";"2600";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, italian, religious, biblical, framework, oil canvas";"Religious painting from the 18th century Rachel and Jacob at the well";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject Rachel and Jacob at the well of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-antique-italian-biblical-framework";"";"Religious painting from the 18th century Rachel and Jacob at the well";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject Rachel and Jacob at the well of good pictorial quality. Painting of pleasant decor rich in decorative elements, characters and animals, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting. Framework of beautiful size that has undergone a conservative restoration, replacement of the frame and relining in the course of the 20th century. In patina with some signs of aging. Overall in a good state of conservation.";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject Rachel and Jacob at the well of good pictorial quality. Painting of pleasant decor rich in decorative elements, characters and animals, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting. Framework of beautiful size that has undergone a conservative restoration, replacement of the frame and relining in the course of the 20th century. In patina with some signs of aging. Overall in a good state of conservation.";
5578;"1";"9599";"4400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, french, furniture, desk, wood, living room";"Great French writing desk from the 20th century";"Large French writing desk of the 20th century. Furniture of great size and impact carved and chiseled in cherry and fruitwood.";"writing-desk-french-wood-furniture";"";"French writing desk from the 20th century";"Large French writing desk of the 20th century. Furniture of great size and impact carved and chiseled in cherry and fruitwood. Writing desk for living room or studio finished from the center and equipped with 5 front drawers of good capacity (see picture). Desk of beautiful line and pleasant decor complete with 5 working keys and two side extractors (see picture) of good size. Wooden top in character of excellent service, also ideal for professional use. It shows some signs of wear on the top, furniture structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Large French writing desk of the 20th century. Furniture of great size and impact carved and chiseled in cherry and fruitwood. Writing desk for living room or studio finished from the center and equipped with 5 front drawers of good capacity (see picture). Desk of beautiful line and pleasant decor complete with 5 working keys and two side extractors (see picture) of good size. Wooden top in character of excellent service, also ideal for professional use. It shows some signs of wear on the top, furniture structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5580;"1";"9606";"2300";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, ancient, religious, biblical, framework, oil, canvas, frame";"Ancient oval painting from the 18th century "Joseph at the well"";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject Joseph at the well sold by the brothers.";"painting-biblical-italian-oval-framework";"";"Ancient oval painting from the 18th century Joseph at the well";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject Joseph at the well sold by the brothers of good pictorial quality. Oval painting with chiseled (adapted) wooden frame from the 20th century. Frame that has two small bevels on the edges at the top and bottom, to adapt the shape to the painting (see picture). Framework of good brightness that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see picture). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 92 X W 68 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting biblical subject Joseph at the well sold by the brothers of good pictorial quality. Oval painting with chiseled (adapted) wooden frame from the 20th century. Frame that has two small bevels on the edges at the top and bottom, to adapt the shape to the painting (see picture). Framework of good brightness that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see picture). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 92 X W 68 cm";
5587;"1";"9604/2";"1500";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian landscape, signed, framework, oil, canvas, frame";"Signed painting landscape from the 19th century";"Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a wooded view with river in impressionist style.";"painting-signed-landscape-italian-framework";"";"Signed painting landscape oil on canvas from the 19th century";"Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a wooded view with river in impressionist style. Painting of pleasant decor signed lower left (see picture) H. Marko referable to the painter Henry Marko (1855-1921) lacking authentication. Modern painted and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian impressionist painting. Framework that is part of a pendant (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). In a good state of conservation. Sight size H 92 X W 40 cm";"Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a wooded view with river in impressionist style. Painting of pleasant decor signed lower left (see picture) H. Marko referable to the painter Henry Marko (1855-1921) lacking authentication. Modern painted and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian impressionist painting. Framework that is part of a pendant (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). In a good state of conservation. Sight size H 92 X W 40 cm";
5589;"1";"9604";"1500";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, antique, oil on canvas, landscape, signe";"Signed painting wooded view with river from the 19th century";"Italian painting of the late 19th century. Work oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a wooded view with river in impressionist style";"painting-landscape-signed-framework-antique";"";"Signed painting wooded view with river from the 19th century";"Italian painting of the late 19th century. Work oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a wooded view with river in impressionist style. Pleasantly furnished and bright framework signed lower right (see photo) H. Marko referable to the painter Henry Marko (1855-1921) lacking of authentication. Modern painted and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian impressionist painting. Work that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good state of conservation. Sight size H 92 x W 39.5 cm.";"Italian painting of the late 19th century. Work oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a wooded view with river in impressionist style. Pleasantly furnished and bright framework signed lower right (see photo) H. Marko referable to the painter Henry Marko (1855-1921) lacking of authentication. Modern painted and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian impressionist painting. Work that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good state of conservation. Sight size H 92 x W 39.5 cm.";
5595;"1";"0666";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, signed, dated, oil on panel, landscape";"Nice landscape signed and dated 1948";"Italian painting dated 1948. Framework oil on panel depicting a view of the famous Sacra di San Michele (seen from Avigliana) of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-signed-dated-landscape-italian";"";"Nice landscape signed and dated 1948";"Italian painting dated 1948. Framework oil on panel depicting a view of the famous Sacra di San Michele (seen from Avigliana) of good pictorial quality. Small framework with frame in carved, lacquered and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration. Painting signed and dated lower right (see picture) P. Capirone 1948 referable to Capirone Pietro (20th century), missing authentication. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 26 X W 36 cm";"Italian painting dated 1948. Framework oil on panel depicting a view of the famous Sacra di San Michele (seen from Avigliana) of good pictorial quality. Small framework with frame in carved, lacquered and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration. Painting signed and dated lower right (see picture) P. Capirone 1948 referable to Capirone Pietro (20th century), missing authentication. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 26 X W 36 cm";
5602;"1";"9614";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Puff e Sgabelli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, stools, chairs, venetian, wood, velvet, furniture, lounge";"Pair of Venetian stools from the 20th century";"Pair of Venetian stools from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"pair-stools-venetian-wood-furniture";"";"Pair of Venetian stools from the 20th century";"Pair of Venetian stools from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Small pouf ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, upholstered in damask velvet with some signs of wear (see picture). Padding in good condition. Furniture supported by three legs each with curled feet (see picture) of good solidity. They show some small drops of color, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Pair of Venetian stools from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Small pouf ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, upholstered in damask velvet with some signs of wear (see picture). Padding in good condition. Furniture supported by three legs each with curled feet (see picture) of good solidity. They show some small drops of color, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5610;"1";"9493";"1500";"";"Ottocento";"";"Tempera";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, religious, framework, tempera, frame, Italian";"Painting tempera on paper Adoration of the Shepherds from 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from 19th century. Framework tempera on paper, applied on canvas, depicting a religious subject Adoration";"painting-antique-frame-religious-adoration";"";"Painting tempera on paper Adoration of the Shepherds from 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from 19th century. Framework tempera on paper, applied on canvas, depicting a religious subject Adoration of the shepherds of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster, not contemporary, pleasantly chiseled, lacquered and gilded with some signs of aging (see photo). Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting. Painting of good brightness, of good size, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Paper with several small drops of color and some holes (see photo), in a beautiful patina. Framework in fairl condition with some signs of aging. To be restored. Sight size H 43 x W 58 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from 19th century. Framework tempera on paper, applied on canvas, depicting a religious subject Adoration of the shepherds of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster, not contemporary, pleasantly chiseled, lacquered and gilded with some signs of aging (see photo). Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting. Painting of good brightness, of good size, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Paper with several small drops of color and some holes (see photo), in a beautiful patina. Framework in fairl condition with some signs of aging. To be restored. Sight size H 43 x W 58 cm.";
5615;"1";"9631";"1600";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, italian, framework, religious, Saint, oil on canvas";"Antique religious painting oil on canvas Saint in ecstasy ";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint (under study) in ecstasy, with lily and skull.";"painting-religious-italian-saint-framework";"";"Antique religious painting oil on canvas Saint in ecstasy ";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint (under study) in ecstasy, with lily and skull, of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Framework in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration.";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint (under study) in ecstasy, with lily and skull, of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Framework in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration.";
5627;"1";"9625/2";"1950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Angoliere|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"corner cupboard, wood, furniture, sideboard, wood, lacquered, painted";"Painted corner cupboard in the Venetian style of the 20th century";"Large Venetian corner cupboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in finely carved wood, lacquered and hand painted with decorations. ";"corner-cupboard-painted-furniture-venetian";"";"Painted corner cupboard in Venetian style of the 20th century";"Large Venetian corner cupboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in finely carved wood, lacquered and hand painted with very pleasant floral decorations. Corner cupboard equipped with a drawer and a door of good capacity and service. Wooden top in character also lacquered and painted in good measure. Corner cupboard lacking keys, which offers a large internal compartment with a fixed support surface plus a base (see picture). Furniture that is part of a pendant (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). Structurally sound corner cupboard, with signs of wear and color recovery, overall in a fairly state of conservation. Side 70 cm";"Large Venetian corner cupboard from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in finely carved wood, lacquered and hand painted with very pleasant floral decorations. Corner cupboard equipped with a drawer and a door of good capacity and service. Wooden top in character also lacquered and painted in good measure. Corner cupboard lacking keys, which offers a large internal compartment with a fixed support surface plus a base (see picture). Furniture that is part of a pendant (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). Structurally sound corner cupboard, with signs of wear and color recovery, overall in a fairly state of conservation. Side 71 cm";
5630;"1";"9642";"2200";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, italian, framework, religious, Saint Anthony, oil";"Saint Anthony the Abbot from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Anthony the Abbot of good pictorial quality.";"painting-religious-saint-anthony-framework";"";"Antique painting Saint Anthony the Abbot from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Anthony the Abbot of good pictorial quality. Antique wooden frame, not coeval, sculpted, restored and adapted to the painting during the 20th century. Structurally sound frame that has various signs of aging and drops of color (see picture). Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery, replacement of the frame and relining. In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 68 X W 56 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Anthony the Abbot of good pictorial quality. Antique wooden frame, not coeval, sculpted, restored and adapted to the painting during the 20th century. Structurally sound frame that has various signs of aging and drops of color (see picture). Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery, replacement of the frame and relining. In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 68 X W 56 cm";
5637;"1";"9632";"1400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, signed, interior scene, oil, canvas";"Flemish painting interior scene from the 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting an interior scene of a tavern with characters of good pictorial quality.";"painting-framework-flemish-interior-scene";"";"Flemish painting interior scene from the 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting an interior scene of a tavern with characters of good pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of old Dutch painting. Frame from the 20th century in carved and gilded wood with various signs of aging and drops of color, to be restored. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in different points with the addition of patches in the back (see picture). Painting with various signs of aging and drops of color (see picture). To be restored. Sight size H 70 X W 95 cm";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting an interior scene of a tavern with characters of good pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of old Dutch painting. Frame from the 20th century in carved and gilded wood with various signs of aging and drops of color, to be restored. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in different points with the addition of patches in the back (see picture). Painting with various signs of aging and drops of color (see picture). To be restored. Sight size H 70 X W 95 cm";
5642;"1";"9649";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chest of drawers, dresser, furniture, Louis XVI, inlaid, wood";"Small inlaid chest of drawers in Louis XVI style ";"Small French chest of drawers from the 20th century. Inlaid furniture in Louis XVI style in walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood.";"dresser-french-inlaid-Louis-XVI-furniture";"";"Small French chest of drawers in Louis XVI style ";"Small French chest of drawers from the 20th century. Inlaid furniture in Louis XVI style in walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood. Chest of drawers equipped with three large front drawers with handles in gilded and chiseled brass (see picture). Top in original marble of good size and service. Chest of drawers supported by four feet in the shape of an inverted pyramid (see picture) with some signs of wear. Furniture of excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has some scratches / marks on the sides (see picture) which is structurally sound. Furniture overall in a fairly state of conservation.";"Small French chest of drawers from the 20th century. Inlaid furniture in Louis XVI style in walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood. Chest of drawers equipped with three large front drawers with handles in gilded and chiseled brass (see picture). Top in original marble of good size and service. Chest of drawers supported by four feet in the shape of an inverted pyramid (see picture) with some signs of wear. Furniture of excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has some scratches / marks on the sides (see picture) which is structurally sound. Furniture overall in a fairly state of conservation.";
5643;"1";"0668";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, mixed media, frame, abstract, signed";"Signed abstract painting from the 20th century";"Italian drawing from the second half of the 20th century. Framework mixed media on paper depicting an abstract subject without title.";"painting-italian-signed-framework-abstract";"";"Signed abstract painting from the 20th century";"Italian drawing from the second half of the 20th century. Framework mixed media on paper depicting an abstract subject without title. Signed Tarantino lower right (see picture) referable to the artist Giuseppe Tarantino (1916-1999) lacking authentication. Gilded wooden frame with canvas passe-partout (see picture) of beautiful decoration. Framework of beautiful size and pleasant decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of modern Italian painting. Frame with some small drops of color, overall painting in a fairly state of conservation. Sight size H 75 X W 50 cm";"Italian drawing from the second half of the 20th century. Framework mixed media on paper depicting an abstract subject without title. Signed Tarantino lower right (see picture) referable to the artist Giuseppe Tarantino (1916-1999) lacking authentication. Gilded wooden frame with canvas passe-partout (see picture) of beautiful decoration. Framework of beautiful size and pleasant decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of modern Italian painting. Frame with some small drops of color, overall painting in a fairly state of conservation. Sight size H 75 X W 50 cm";
5654;"1";"9652";"4000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, oil on canvas, religious, Magi, Italian";"Religious painting Adoration of the Magi from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Adoration of the Magi of good pictorial quality.";"painting-religious-italian-magi-framework";"";"Religious painting Adoration of the Magi from the 18th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Adoration of the Magi of good pictorial quality. Painting of great size and impactful for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting. Painting rich in characters and decorative elements (see picture), lacking frame. Framework that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Painting ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, with fabulous decor. In good condition.";"Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Adoration of the Magi of good pictorial quality. Painting of great size and impactful for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient religious painting. Painting rich in characters and decorative elements (see picture), lacking frame. Framework that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see picture). Painting ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, with fabulous decor. In good condition.";
5658;"1";"9657";"1750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, Italian, furniture, coffee tables, wood, vintage";"Pair of italian bedside tables in wood from the 20th century";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture carved in burl, beech and fruitwood. Tops in opaque glass.";"pair-bedside-tables-italian-vintage-wood";"";"Pair of italian bedside tables in wood from the 20th century";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture carved in burl, beech and fruitwood. Tops in opaque glass with some signs of wear (see picture) without chipping. Furniture equipped with a drawer and a door, of good capacity and service. Bedside tables ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, with pleasant decor, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture supported by four solid legs with curled feet (see picture) of good stability. They show some signs of aging, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture carved in burl, beech and fruitwood. Tops in opaque glass with some signs of wear (see picture) without chipping. Furniture equipped with a drawer and a door, of good capacity and service. Bedside tables ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, with pleasant decor, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture supported by four solid legs with curled feet (see picture) of good stability. They show some signs of aging, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5663;"1";"9412/2";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, landscape, lake, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Signed painting from the 60s";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a view of the lake with characters of 18th-century style.";"painting-italian-landscape-lake-framework";"";"Signed Italian landscape painting from the 60s";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a view of the lake with characters of eighteenth-century style. Painting signed lower right (see picture) under study. Painting of beautifu size and pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Framework in good state of conservation with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 69 X W 99 cm";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a view of the lake with characters of eighteenth-century style. Painting signed lower right (see picture) under study. Painting of beautifu size and pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Framework in good state of conservation with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 69 X W 99 cm";
5665;"1";"9432";"650";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, framework, oil on board, signed";"Small impressionist landscape signed E. Ferri";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality.";"painting-landscape-signed-italian-frame";"";"Italian painting landscape signed E. Ferri";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors, signed lower left (see picture) under study. Wooden frame with fabric passe-partout (and E. Ferri plate) of beautiful decoration. Framework in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 30 X W 39 cm";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors, signed lower left (see picture) under study. Wooden frame with fabric passe-partout (and E. Ferri plate) of beautiful decoration. Framework in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 30 X W 39 cm";
5666;"1";"9412";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, characters, oil on canvas, framework";"Italian painting view of a river with characters";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a river view with eighteenth-century characters";"painting-italian-landscape-canvas-oil";"";"Italian painting landscape with characters";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a river view with eighteenth-century characters. Painting signed lower right (see photo) under study. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Modern wooden frame carved and lacquered of beautiful decoration. Canvas with two small drops of color on the right (see photo), easily restorable. Framework in good state of conservation with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 69 x W 99 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a river view with eighteenth-century characters. Painting signed lower right (see photo) under study. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Modern wooden frame carved and lacquered of beautiful decoration. Canvas with two small drops of color on the right (see photo), easily restorable. Framework in good state of conservation with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 69 x W 99 cm.";
5669;"1";"8687";"1600";"";"";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"pastel, french, landscape, folk scene, painting, frame";"Pretty pastel from the 19th century ";"Antique French pastel from the late 19th century. Framework on paper fixed on canvas and frame depicting a scene of popular taste The reading of the hand.";"pastel-french-framework-landscape";"";"Pretty French pastel popular scene from the 19th century ";"Antique French pastel from the late 19th century. Framework on paper fixed on canvas and frame depicting a scene of popular taste The reading of the hand, landscape with peasant women and gypsy of good pictorial quality. Framework of nice size and pleasant decor lacking signature. Beautifully decorated carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame with some signs of aging and small drops of color (see picture). Framework that develops vertically, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, for antique dealers and interior designers. It has some signs of aging, in a nice patina, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 90 X W 71 cm";"Antique French pastel from the late 19th century. Framework on paper fixed on canvas and frame depicting a scene of popular taste The reading of the hand, landscape with peasant women and gypsy of good pictorial quality. Framework of nice size and pleasant decor lacking signature. Beautifully decorated carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame with some signs of aging and small drops of color (see picture). Framework that develops vertically, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, for antique dealers and interior designers. It has some signs of aging, in a nice patina, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 90 X W 71 cm";
5671;"1";"9398";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, italian, framework, signed, dated, oil, canvas, portrait";"Painting portrait of a child signed and dated 1921";"Italian painting dated 1921. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a child on an armchair of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-italian-portrait-signed-framework";"";"Painting portrait of a child signed and dated 1921";"Italian painting dated 1921. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a child on an armchair of good pictorial quality. Chiseled and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) of beautiful decoration. Painting that develops vertically signed and dated at the bottom right (see picture) signature under study. Framework of good brightness characterized by pastel colors, pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the 20th century. Canvas with a tear at the top right (see picture) to be cleaned. Overall painting in fairly good state of conservation, to be restored. Sight size H 111 X W 67 cm";"Italian painting dated 1921. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a child on an armchair of good pictorial quality. Chiseled and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) of beautiful decoration. Painting that develops vertically signed and dated at the bottom right (see picture) signature under study. Framework of good brightness characterized by pastel colors, pleasant decor for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the 20th century. Canvas with a tear at the top right (see picture) to be cleaned. Overall painting in fairly good state of conservation, to be restored. Sight size H 111 X W 67 cm";
5672;"1";"0724";"2350";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bookshelf, Italian, metal, gilt, glass, cabinet, vitrine";"Italian bookshelf in golden metal with glass shelves";"Italian bookshelf from the 1970s. Cabinet in gilded and chiseled faux bamboo / woven wood with matt glass shelves.";"bookshelf-italian-metal-cabinet-gold-glass";"";"Italian bookshelf in golden metal with glass shelves";"Italian bookshelf from the 1970s. Cabinet in gilded and chiseled faux bamboo / woven wood with matt glass shelves. Open display cabinet complete with 4 good service shelves, one shelf has two small chips in the corners (not photographable). Glass shelves of good strength (with some scratches), ideal for displaying collections of objects, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Finished center bookshelf, of excellent proportion, to be placed in a living room or studio. Structurally sound and solid furniture, it shows some signs of wear, in a beautiful patina. Overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian bookshelf from the 1970s. Cabinet in gilded and chiseled faux bamboo / woven wood with matt glass shelves. Open display cabinet complete with 4 good service shelves, one shelf has two small chips in the corners (not photographable). Glass shelves of good strength (with some scratches), ideal for displaying collections of objects, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Finished center bookshelf, of excellent proportion, to be placed in a living room or studio. Structurally sound and solid furniture, it shows some signs of wear, in a beautiful patina. Overall in good state of conservation.";
5673;"1";"0739";"1650";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Lampadari Appliques luci";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, wall lights, italian, metal, gilded, furniture, chandeliers";"Gorgeous pair of wall lights from the 60s ";"Pair of Italian wall lights from the 60s / 70s. Chiseled and gilded metal objects adorned with floral decorations, of beautiful size and pleasant decor. ";"pair-wall-lights-italian-metal-gilded";"";"Gorgeous pair of wall lights from the 60s ";"Pair of Italian wall lights from the 60s / 70s. Chiseled and gilded metal objects adorned with floral decorations, of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Applique to be fixed to the wall equipped with 3 arms and 4 lights each (see picture). Electrical system to be overhauled for perfect functioning. Objects for antique dealers and interior designers, easily inserted in different parts of the house They show some signs of wear, in a nice patina, without cracks or lacks. Wall lights in good condition, to be electrically overhauled.";"Pair of Italian wall lights from the 60s / 70s. Chiseled and gilded metal objects adorned with floral decorations, of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Applique to be fixed to the wall equipped with 3 arms and 4 lights each (see picture). Electrical system to be overhauled for perfect functioning. Objects for antique dealers and interior designers, easily inserted in different parts of the house They show some signs of wear, in a nice patina, without cracks or lacks. Wall lights in good condition, to be electrically overhauled.";
5674;"1";"0689";"2100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Vasi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, vases, French, glass, Art Nouveau, Cups, metal, vintage";"Pair of French glass vases in Art Nouveau style";"Pair of French vases from the mid-20th century. Beautifully sized glass objects with chiseled metal decorations (copper tint) in Art Nouveau style";"pair-vases-french-art-nouveau-glass";"";"Pair of French glass vases in Art Nouveau style";"Pair of French vases from the mid-20th century. Beautifully sized glass objects with chiseled metal decorations (copper tint) in Art Nouveau style and pleasant decor. Vases for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors, of excellent proportions, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. One vase has a tiny chip with a nice internal upper border (chipping not photographable). Removable metal decorations with special screws (on the base) and hooks (see photo). They have no stamps or signatures, vases on the whole in good state of conservation.";"Pair of French vases from the mid-20th century. Beautifully sized glass objects with chiseled metal decorations (copper tint) in Art Nouveau style and pleasant decor. Vases for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors, of excellent proportions, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. One vase has a tiny chip with a nice internal upper border (chipping not photographable). Removable metal decorations with special screws (on the base) and hooks (see photo). They have no stamps or signatures, vases on the whole in good state of conservation.";
5681;"1";"0690";"5000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, antique, religious, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Antique Italian religious painting Virgin with child from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 18th century. Virgin with child in Byzantine style of great character and good pictorial hand";"virgin-child-religious-antique-painting";"";"Antique Italian religious painting Virgin with child from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 18th century. Virgin with child in Byzantine style of great character and good pictorial hand. Oil painting on canvas with wooden frame not coeval lacquered and gilded, with some signs of aging (see photo). Religious painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with color recovery in some points (see photo). It has a tear in the central right part (see photo) and some small drops of color. Overall in fair state of conservation, to be restored. Sight size H 106 x W 73.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the late 18th century. Virgin with child in Byzantine style of great character and good pictorial hand. Oil painting on canvas with wooden frame not coeval lacquered and gilded, with some signs of aging (see photo). Religious painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with color recovery in some points (see photo). It has a tear in the central right part (see photo) and some small drops of color. Overall in fair state of conservation, to be restored. Sight size H 106 x W 73.5 cm.";
5684;"1";"8993";"1550";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Lampadari Appliques luci";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, wall lights, French, furniture, chandeliers, lamps, Louis XV";"Pair of wall lights in gilt bronze in Louis XV style";"Pair of 20th century French wall lamps. Louis XV style objects in gilded and chiseled bronze of beautiful size and pleasant decor";"pair-wall-lights-french-Louis-XV-bronze";"";"Pair of wall lights in gilt bronze in Louis XV style";"Pair of 20th century French wall lamps. Louis XV style objects in gilded and chiseled bronze of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Wall lights to be fixed to the wall with three arms each, which can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Objects for antique dealers and interior decorators, of pleasant size and impact. Wall lamps in beautiful patina, with some signs of aging (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of 20th century French wall lamps. Louis XV style objects in gilded and chiseled bronze of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Wall lights to be fixed to the wall with three arms each, which can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Objects for antique dealers and interior decorators, of pleasant size and impact. Wall lamps in beautiful patina, with some signs of aging (see photo). Overall in good state of conservation.";
5696;"1";"1583";"3400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Cassapanche e Panche|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"chest, Indian, wood, painted, furniture, trunk";"Indian chest in wood from the 20th century";"Large 20th century Indian chest. Double trunk in carved wood and painted in pastel colors. Furniture mounted on wooden wheels";"chest-indian-trunk-painted-wood";"";"Indian chest in wood from the 20th century";"Large 20th century Indian chest. Double trunk in carved wood and painted in pastel colors. Furniture mounted on wooden wheels to facilitate movement. Chest complete with an original non-working key, lock to be overhauled. Trunk decorated with iron side handles. Furniture with some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Large 20th century Indian chest. Double trunk in carved wood and painted in pastel colors. Furniture mounted on wooden wheels to facilitate movement. Chest complete with an original non-working key, lock to be overhauled. Trunk decorated with iron side handles. Furniture with some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
5703;"1";"9670";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Divani|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sofa, lacquered, wood, straw, furniture, living room, Louis XVI";"Sofa in lacquered wood in Louis XVI style";"Sofa in Louis XVI style from the mid 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and painted wood with Vienna straw seat in excellent condition. ";"sofa-wood-lacquered-straw-furniture";"";"Sofa in lacquered wood in Louis XVI style";"Sofa in Louis XVI style from the mid 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and painted wood with Vienna straw seat in excellent condition. Three-seater sofa equipped with armrests and supported by 4 solid legs in the shape of an inverted pyramid (see picture). Back adorned with finely chiseled decorations (see picture). Furniture finished for the center ideal to be placed in a living room, of great elegance and pleasant decor. Small sofa with fabric cushion with some small signs of the time. In good condition. Seat height of 51 cm.";"Sofa in Louis XVI style from the mid 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and painted wood with Vienna straw seat in excellent condition. Three-seater sofa equipped with armrests and supported by 4 solid legs in the shape of an inverted pyramid (see picture). Back adorned with finely chiseled decorations (see picture). Furniture finished for the center ideal to be placed in a living room, of great elegance and pleasant decor. Small sofa with fabric cushion with some small signs of the time. In good condition. Seat height of 51 cm.";
5704;"1";"9675";"980";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, furniture, cabinet, Venetian, wood, inlaid, walnut";"Venetian sideboard inlaid in walnut, burl, beech and maple";"Venetian sideboard from 20th century. Small furniture carved and inlaid in walnut, burl, beech and maple. ";"sideboard-inlaid-cabinet-venetian-wood";"";"Venetian sideboard in wood from the 20th century";"Venetian sideboard from 20th century. Small furniture carved and inlaid in walnut, burl, beech and maple. Sideboard with open compartment and two doors in the lower part of good capacity and service. Furniture of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house, complete with a working key. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Venetian sideboard from 20th century. Small furniture carved and inlaid in walnut, burl, beech and maple. Sideboard with open compartment and two doors in the lower part of good capacity and service. Furniture of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house, complete with a working key. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
5710;"1";"9716";"1750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Lampadari Appliques luci";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, wall lights, ceiling lights, French, metal, gilt, glass";"Pair of wall lights in golden metal with colored glass";"Pair of French ceiling / wall lamps from the 70s. Chiseled and gilded metal objects with colored glass ornaments of fabulous decor.";"pair-wall-lights-french-metal-gold-glass";"";"Pair of wall lights in golden metal with colored glass";"Pair of French ceiling / wall lamps from the 70s. Chiseled and gilded metal objects with colored glass ornaments of fabulous decor. Wall lamps of excellent size equipped with 6 lights each. Electrical system to be overhauled for perfect functioning. Structurally sound in Maison Baguès Paris style, for antique dealers and interior designers. Ceiling lights that can be easily inserted in different parts of the house, in a beautiful patina. Electrical system to be overhauled, wall lights without breaks or deficiencies, overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of French ceiling / wall lamps from the 70s. Chiseled and gilded metal objects with colored glass ornaments of fabulous decor. Wall lamps of excellent size equipped with 6 lights each. Electrical system to be overhauled for perfect functioning. Structurally sound in Maison Baguès Paris style, for antique dealers and interior designers. Ceiling lights that can be easily inserted in different parts of the house, in a beautiful patina. Electrical system to be overhauled, wall lights without breaks or deficiencies, overall in good state of conservation.";
5716;"1";"9634";"6500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Divani";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sofa, design, furniture, bench, wood, walnut, vintage";"George Nakashima style design sofa from the 20th century";"George Nakashima style design sofa from the late 20th century. Furniture carved in walnut and exotic wood from the famous line";"sofa-design-vintage-bench-wood-walnut";"";"George Nakashima style design sofa from the 20th century";"George Nakashima style design sofa from the late 20th century. Furniture carved in walnut and exotic wood from the famous line of the American designer / architect. Reproduction of excellent quality with characteristics similar to the original except for the presence of the through inserts of the legs on the seat (see photo). Fabulous amphitheater back with wooden supports without breaks (see photo). Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal for indoor use, with a considerable weight and excellent solidity. It has small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation. Seat height 48 cm.";"George Nakashima style design sofa from the late 20th century. Furniture carved in walnut and exotic wood from the famous line of the American designer / architect. Reproduction of excellent quality with characteristics similar to the original except for the presence of the through inserts of the legs on the seat (see photo). Fabulous amphitheater back with wooden supports without breaks (see photo). Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal for indoor use, with a considerable weight and excellent solidity. It has small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation. Seat height 48 cm.";
5735;"1";"9466";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Venetian, wood, walnut, cabinet, sideboard, desk";"Venetian trumeau in wood from the 20th century ";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Double body furniture carved and veneered in walnut, olive, burl and beech woods";"trumeau-venetian-wood-walnut-cabinet";"";"Venetian trumeau in wood from the 20th century ";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Double body furniture carved and veneered in walnut, olive, burl and beech woods of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Moved and rounded trumeau equipped with two doors and fall-front in the lower body. Interior of the sideboard complete with a small shelf. The fall-front offers inside two drawers, two compartments for documents and a desk of a discreet size and service (see photo). Upper body with two doors with antiqued mirrors, interior with three fixed shelves (see photo). Cymatium adorned with an antiqued mirror broken in two points (see photo). Structurally sound furniture, ideal for use in a living room or studio, of beautiful decoration. Complete with three working keys, overall in good state of conservation.";"Venetian trumeau from the mid-20th century. Double body furniture carved and veneered in walnut, olive, burl and beech woods of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Moved and rounded trumeau equipped with two doors and fall-front in the lower body. Interior of the sideboard complete with a small shelf. The fall-front offers inside two drawers, two compartments for documents and a desk of a discreet size and service (see photo). Upper body with two doors with antiqued mirrors, interior with three fixed shelves (see photo). Cymatium adorned with an antiqued mirror broken in two points (see photo). Structurally sound furniture, ideal for use in a living room or studio, of beautiful decoration. Complete with three working keys, overall in good state of conservation.";
5736;"1";"9666";"1250";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, still life, framework, mixed media, canvas, frame";"Painting still life with musical instruments from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the late 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas depicting still life, table adorned with a musical instrument, globe.";"painting-italian-still-life-framework-frame";"";"Painting still life with musical instruments from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the late 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting still life, table adorned with a musical instrument, globe, candle, book and notes of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated carved and lacquered wooden frame. Painting signed lower right (see picture) signature under study. Framework that develops horizontally, with pleasant decored, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In a good condition. Sight size H 59 X W 119 cm";"Italian painting from the late 20th century. Framework mixed media on canvas depicting still life, table adorned with a musical instrument, globe, candle, book and notes of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated carved and lacquered wooden frame. Painting signed lower right (see picture) signature under study. Framework that develops horizontally, with pleasant decored, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In a good condition. Sight size H 59 X W 119 cm";
5751;"1";"9348";"2900";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su Rame";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"ancient, painting, italian, oil on copper, religious, framework";"Religious framework oil on copper from the 19th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on copper depicting a religious subject Expulsion of merchants from the temple.";"painting-antique-religious-copper-framework";"";"Religious framework oil on copper from the 19th century";"Ancient Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on copper depicting a religious subject Expulsion of merchants from the temple with good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, full of characters and decorative elements, of excellent dynamism. Very heavy painting, no frame, fixed with nails on a modern frame (see picture). Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some points. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 132 X W 97 cm";"Ancient Italian painting from the late 19th century. Framework oil on copper depicting a religious subject Expulsion of merchants from the temple with good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, full of characters and decorative elements, of excellent dynamism. Very heavy painting, no frame, fixed with nails on a modern frame (see picture). Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some points. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 132 X W 97 cm";
5754;"1";"9742";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, french, vintage, furniture, table, brass, glass, bamboo";"Elegant coffee table from the 60's ";"French coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in gilded and chiseled brass (faux bamboo) and glass top with small signs of wear.";"coffee-table-french-vintage-brass-furniture";"";"Elegant French coffee table from the 60's ";"French coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in gilded and chiseled brass (faux bamboo) and glass top with small signs of wear (see picture). Beautifully decorated low coffee table for antique dealers and interior decorators. Brass with various signs of wear (see picture). Glass top of good size and service. Structurally sound, in a fairly conservative state.";"French coffee table from the 60s / 70s. Furniture in gilded and chiseled brass (faux bamboo) and glass top with small signs of wear (see picture). Beautifully decorated low coffee table for antique dealers and interior decorators. Brass with various signs of wear (see picture). Glass top of good size and service. Structurally sound, in a fairly conservative state.";
5756;"1";"9743";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Divani";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sofa, italian, leather, furniture, seats, vintage, design";"Large leather sofa from the 80's ";"Italian sofa from the 80s. Furniture covered in leather of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sofa of great size and excellent comfort.";"sofa-italian-leather-furniture-vintage";"";"Large leather Italian sofa from the 80's ";"Italian sofa from the 80s. Furniture covered in leather of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sofa of great size and excellent comfort with seat height of 47 cm. Furniture part of a complete set of two armchairs (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). Sofa finished from the center, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, with removable cushions. In good condition with some small signs of wear.";"Italian sofa from the 80s. Furniture covered in leather of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Sofa of great size and excellent comfort with seat height of 47 cm. Furniture part of a complete set of two armchairs (see picture and ask for the bulk price if available). Sofa finished from the center, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio, with removable cushions. In good condition with some small signs of wear.";
5759;"1";"9409";"2900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, oil on canvas, portrait, signed, dated, frame, gilded";"Belgian portrait painting oil on canvas dated 1920";"Large Belgian painting dated 1920. Oil on canvas framework, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a lady (Maria Erminia Segers";"painting-belgian-portrait-signed-dated-frame";"";"Belgian lady portrait painting oil on canvas dated 1920";"Large Belgian painting dated 1920. Oil on canvas framework, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a lady (Maria Erminia Segers 1855-1924) of excellent pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting with wooden and plaster frame, carved and gilded, with various lack of decoration and signs of restoration (see photo) to be restored. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Painting signed and dated lower left (see photo), referable to the Belgian painter Leo Steel (1878-1938), missing authentication. Canvas with small stains and signs of aging (see photos). In fair condition, to be restored. Sight size H 113 x W 83 cm.";"Large Belgian painting dated 1920. Oil on canvas framework, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a lady (Maria Erminia Segers 1855-1924) of excellent pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting with wooden and plaster frame, carved and gilded, with various lack of decoration and signs of restoration (see photo) to be restored. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits, ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Painting signed and dated lower left (see photo), referable to the Belgian painter Leo Steel (1878-1938), missing authentication. Canvas with small stains and signs of aging (see photos). In fair condition, to be restored. Sight size H 113 x W 83 cm.";
5767;"1";"9762";"5000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, oil on canvas, nero, poppea";"Antique Italian painting The death of Poppea from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the death of Poppea. Legend has it that the emperor Nero ";"painting-antique-artwork-death-poppea-oil";"";"Antique Italian painting The death of Poppea from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the death of Poppea. Legend has it that the emperor Nero killed his wife with a kick in the abdomen after a violent quarrel. Poppea was pregnant with her second child and according to some historians she died in childbirth. A painting of exceptional size and impact, full of characters and excellent dynamism, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of high-epoch historical painting. Missing frame, artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points. Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or study, of fabulous furnishings. In good condition with some signs of aging.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the death of Poppea. Legend has it that the emperor Nero killed his wife with a kick in the abdomen after a violent quarrel. Poppea was pregnant with her second child and according to some historians she died in childbirth. A painting of exceptional size and impact, full of characters and excellent dynamism, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of high-epoch historical painting. Missing frame, artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points. Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or study, of fabulous furnishings. In good condition with some signs of aging.";
5772;"1";"9757";"3600";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Spanish, framework, religious, Piety, frame";"Spanish framework depicting the Piety from 18th century";"Antique Spanish painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Piety, Virgin with deposed Christ";"painting-spanish-antique-religious-Piety";"";"Spanish framework depicting the Piety from 18th century";"Antique Spanish painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Piety, Virgin with deposed Christ, of good pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting adorned with a modern frame in wood and plaster finely chiseled and gilded. Painting enriched by decorative elements and characterized by great pathos, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that underwent a conservative restoration during the 20th century, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points (see photo). In good state of conservation with some signs of the restoration. Sight size H 148 x W 101 cm.";"Antique Spanish painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Piety, Virgin with deposed Christ, of good pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting adorned with a modern frame in wood and plaster finely chiseled and gilded. Painting enriched by decorative elements and characterized by great pathos, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that underwent a conservative restoration during the 20th century, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points (see photo). In good state of conservation with some signs of the restoration. Sight size H 148 x W 101 cm.";
5773;"1";"9745";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, furniture, table, living room, wood, French";"French coffee table in cherry and fruitwood";"French coffee table from the late 20th century. Furniture in cherry wood and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor.";"coffee-table-french-living-room-wood";"";"French coffee table in cherry and fruitwood";"French coffee table from the late 20th century. Furniture in cherry wood and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Table equipped with two drawers, a pull-out side shelf (see photo), upper oval top and lower magazine rack. Ideal furniture to be placed in a waiting room or living room, of excellent capacity and service. It has some small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";"French coffee table from the late 20th century. Furniture in cherry wood and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Table equipped with two drawers, a pull-out side shelf (see photo), upper oval top and lower magazine rack. Ideal furniture to be placed in a waiting room or living room, of excellent capacity and service. It has some small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5778;"1";"9767";"1900";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, framework, portrait, frame, oil on canvas, Italian";"Italian framework portrait of a girl with a goldfinch";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of a girl with a goldfinch of good pictorial quality.";"painting-antique-italian-portrait-oil";"";"Italian framework portrait of a girl with a goldfinch from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of a girl with a goldfinch of good pictorial quality. Framework of good size and pleasant furnishings, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient Italian painting. Wooden frame not coeval carved, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration with some small drops of color (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Light painting H 62 x W 49 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a portrait of a girl with a goldfinch of good pictorial quality. Framework of good size and pleasant furnishings, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient Italian painting. Wooden frame not coeval carved, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration with some small drops of color (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and replacement of the frame (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Light painting H 62 x W 49 cm.";
5780;"1";"9759";"2400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, French, framework, genre scene, oil on canvas";"French painting genre scene with characters from 18th century ";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting genre scene with popular characters";"painting-antique-genre-scene-framework";"";"French painting genre scene with characters from 18th century ";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting genre scene with popular characters of good pictorial quality. Nice size painting with non-coeval frame, in wood and plaster, carved and lacquered with some signs of wear (see photo). Painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique painting. Framework in beautiful patina, with some small signs of conservative restoration. Overall in fair condition, to be cleaned. Sight size H 66 x W 78 cm.";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting genre scene with popular characters of good pictorial quality. Nice size painting with non-coeval frame, in wood and plaster, carved and lacquered with some signs of wear (see photo). Painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique painting. Framework in beautiful patina, with some small signs of conservative restoration. Overall in fair condition, to be cleaned. Sight size H 66 x W 78 cm.";
5784;"1";"9776";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Cassapanche e Panche|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bench, chest, furniture, Venetian, wood, lacquered, painted";"Lacquered, painted, gilded chest from the 20th century";"Venetian bench from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and painted wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"chest-venetian-bench-lacquered-painted";"";"Lacquered, painted, gilded chest from the 20th century";"Venetian bench from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and painted wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Chest with opening top of excellent capacity equipped in the upper part with a richly hand-painted backrest (see photo) with floral decorations. Chest of excellent proportions that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal to be placed in an entrance or corridor. Furniture built in two separable blocks (bench and back) to be fixed with appropriate screws. It shows some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Venetian bench from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered, gilded and painted wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Chest with opening top of excellent capacity equipped in the upper part with a richly hand-painted backrest (see photo) with floral decorations. Chest of excellent proportions that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal to be placed in an entrance or corridor. Furniture built in two separable blocks (bench and back) to be fixed with appropriate screws. It shows some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation. Seat height 50 cm";
5795;"1";"9765";"2400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, surrealist, framework, canvas, crucifixion, signed";"Surrealist framework Crucifixion from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas (glued on panel) depicting a surrealist subject Crucifixion";"painting-surrealist-crucifixion-signed";"";"Surrealist framework Crucifixion from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas (glued on panel) depicting a surrealist subject Crucifixion of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian art. Painting signed lower right (see photo) Gino Ghioni (1934) missing authentication. Painting of great pictorial intensity, ideal for use in a living room or studio, without a frame. Painting with subject belonging to Formal Surrealism. In good state of conservation.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Mixed media framework on canvas (glued on panel) depicting a surrealist subject Crucifixion of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian art. Painting signed lower right (see photo) Gino Ghioni (1934) missing authentication. Painting of great pictorial intensity, ideal for use in a living room or studio, without a frame. Painting with subject belonging to Formal Surrealism. In good state of conservation.";
5798;"1";"9781";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, Italian, wicker, cabinet, table, living room";"Italian wicker coffee table of the 80s";"Italian coffee table from the 1980s. Round wicker furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Ideal table to be placed in a garden";"coffee-table-italian-wicker-living-room";"";"Italian wicker coffee table of the 80s";"Italian coffee table from the 1980s. Round wicker furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Ideal table to be placed in a garden or under a porch but also usable inside the house. Furniture of good service and excellent solidity, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some signs of wear.";"Italian coffee table from the 1980s. Round wicker furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Ideal table to be placed in a garden or under a porch but also usable inside the house. Furniture of good service and excellent solidity, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some signs of wear.";
5804;"1";"9788";"1750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, French, wood, inlaid, cabinet, side table, bronze";"French writing desk in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Small French writing desk from the early 20th century. Furniture finished from the center inlaid in woods of palisander, rosewood,";"writing-desk-french-wood-inlaid-side-table";"";"French writing desk in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Small French writing desk from the early 20th century. Furniture finished from the center inlaid in woods of palisander, rosewood, mahogany, maple and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Napoleon III style coffee table richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze. Cabinet complete with a retractable front drawer, which can be opened with a special button located under the side strip. Desk of excellent proportion with top covered in leather with some signs of wear (see photos). Coffee table of great elegance, structurally sound, with several small lacks of veneer and signs of aging. Overall in a fair conservative state. To be restored.";"Small French writing desk from the early 20th century. Furniture finished from the center inlaid in woods of palisander, rosewood, mahogany, maple and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Napoleon III style coffee table richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze. Cabinet complete with a retractable front drawer, which can be opened with a special button located under the side strip. Desk of excellent proportion with top covered in leather with some signs of wear (see photos). Coffee table of great elegance, structurally sound, with several small lacks of veneer and signs of aging. Overall in a fair conservative state. To be restored.";
5806;"1";"9782";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"service cart, Italian, furniture, table, lounge, wood, wicker";"Italian service cart in wood and wicker";"Italian service cart from the 1980s. Furniture in wood and wicker of beautiful line and pleasant decor. ";"service-cart-italian-wood-wicker-table";"";"Italian service cart in wood and wicker";"Italian service cart from the 1980s. Furniture in wood and wicker of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Service cart equipped with two support shelves of good service ideal to be placed in a garden or under a porch but can also be used inside the house. Furniture mounted on wheels of excellent solidity, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some signs of wear.";"Italian service cart from the 1980s. Furniture in wood and wicker of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Service cart equipped with two support shelves of good service ideal to be placed in a garden or under a porch but can also be used inside the house. Furniture mounted on wheels of excellent solidity, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some signs of wear.";
5838;"1";"6562/2";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, Venetian, lacquered, silver, night stands, wood";"Pair of nightstands in lacquered and silvered wood";"Pair of Venetian night stands from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and silvered wood of beautiful and pleasant line and decor";"pair-night-stands-venetian-lacquered-silvered";"";"Pair of nightstands in lacquered and silvered wood";"Pair of Venetian night stands from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and silvered wood of beautiful and pleasant line and decor. Bedside tables to be fixed to the wall equipped with a drawer and wooden top in character of good size and service. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, of beautiful decoration. Night stands of excellent proportion in good state of conservation with some small signs of wear.";"Pair of Venetian night stands from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and silvered wood of beautiful and pleasant line and decor. Bedside tables to be fixed to the wall equipped with a drawer and wooden top in character of good size and service. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, of beautiful decoration. Night stands of excellent proportion in good state of conservation with some small signs of wear.";
5843;"1";"9835";"3800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, French, inlaid, furniture, bureau, secrétaire";"Roll-top desk in inlaid wood in Napoleon III style";"French roller bureau from the early 20th century. Napoleon III style furniture richly inlaid with floral decorations in mahogany, walnut, maple";"roll-top-desk-french-bureau-inlaid";"";"Roll-top desk in inlaid wood in Napoleon III style";"French roll-top bureau from the early 20th century. Napoleon III style furniture richly inlaid with floral decorations in mahogany, walnut, maple, bone and precious woods. Bureau equipped with an external front drawer, retractable desk compartment with 4 drawers and pull-out top (see photo) of good size and service. Missing a knob of an internal drawer (see photo). Furniture adorned in the lower part with feet and decorative elements in carved and gilded wood (see photo). Bureau ideal to be placed on the wall, (inlaid on three sides) but can also be positioned in the center of a living room or studio. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, built in two separable bodies. Upper body that offers three support shelves, also inlaid, of discreet size and service. It has small lacks of decoration and some signs of aging (see photo), structurally sound and in a nice patina. Complete with working key, overall in a fair conservative state. Desk top H 66 D 76 cm.";"French roll-top bureau from the early 20th century. Napoleon III style furniture richly inlaid with floral decorations in mahogany, walnut, maple, bone and precious woods. Bureau equipped with an external front drawer, retractable desk compartment with 4 drawers and pull-out top (see photo) of good size and service. Missing a knob of an internal drawer (see photo). Furniture adorned in the lower part with feet and decorative elements in carved and gilded wood (see photo). Bureau ideal to be placed on the wall, (inlaid on three sides) but can also be positioned in the center of a living room or studio. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, built in two separable bodies. Upper body that offers three support shelves, also inlaid, of discreet size and service. It has small lacks of decoration and some signs of aging (see photo), structurally sound and in a nice patina. Complete with working key, overall in a fair conservative state. Desk top H 66 D 76 cm.";
5848;"1";"9858";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"game table, French, wood, inlaid, table, cabinet";"French inlaid game table from 20th century";"French game table from 20th century. Furniture adorned with floral inlay in mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood.";"game-table-french-inlaid-wood";"";"French inlaid game table from 20th century";"French game table from 20th century. Furniture adorned with floral inlay in mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Opening table that offers, once opened, a top covered in fabric of good size and service (see photo). Fabric in good condition with some small signs of wear. Side table enriched with bronze and gilded and chiseled brass (see photo). Furniturre complete with a side drawer of good capacity. High-leg game table of good solidity and stability, ideal to be placed in a salon or living room. In good condition with some signs of aging. Open measures H 75 x W 107 x D 73 cm.";"French game table from 20th century. Furniture adorned with floral inlay in mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Opening table that offers, once opened, a top covered in fabric of good size and service (see photo). Fabric in good condition with some small signs of wear. Side table enriched with bronze and gilded and chiseled brass (see photo). Furniture complete with a side drawer of good capacity. High-leg game table of good solidity and stability, ideal to be placed in a salon or living room. In good condition with some signs of aging. Open measures H 75 x W 107 x D 73 cm.";
5850;"1";"9861";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, French, signed, framework, oil on canvas, frame, lake";"Signed painting landscape from the 20th century";"French painting from the mid 20th century. Framework oil on canvas (glued on a board), depicting a pleasant view of the lake with sailboats";"painting-french-signed-view-lake-framework";"";"Signed painting landscape from the 20th century";"French painting from the mid 20th century. Framework oil on canvas (glued on a board), depicting a pleasant view of the lake with sailboats of good pictorial quality. Painting of excellent proportion adorned with a carved and gilded wooden frame equipped with a wood-colored passe-partout (see photo). Framework signed lower right (see photo) under study. Painting for antique dealers and interior decorators, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition and in a nice patina. Sight size H 39 x W 48.5 cm.";"French painting from the mid 20th century. Framework oil on canvas (glued on a board), depicting a pleasant view of the lake with sailboats of good pictorial quality. Painting of excellent proportion adorned with a carved and gilded wooden frame equipped with a wood-colored passe-partout (see photo). Framework signed lower right (see photo) under study. Painting for antique dealers and interior decorators, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition and in a nice patina. Sight size H 39 x W 48.5 cm.";
5854;"1";"9792/2";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, framework, oil on canvas, cherubs, frame";"Italian painting Naif games of winged children oil on canvas";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a fantasy subject, games of winged";"painting-naif-framework-oil-canvas-angels";"";"Italian painting Naif games of winged children from 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a fantasy subject, games of winged children with festoons of good pictorial quality. Framework of excellent size and impact characterized by bright colors and great dynamism. Painting wooden frame of pleasant decoration. Framework of fabulous decor, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has a fall of color at the bottom right (see photo), overall in a fair conservative state, to be restored. Sight size H 85 x W 170 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a fantasy subject, games of winged children with festoons of good pictorial quality. Framework of excellent size and impact characterized by bright colors and great dynamism. Painting wooden frame of pleasant decoration. Framework of fabulous decor, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has a fall of color at the bottom right (see photo), overall in a fair conservative state, to be restored. Sight size H 85 x W 170 cm.";
5856;"1";"9819";"1400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, framework, oil on panel, flemish, genre scene";"Antique Flemish genre scene painting from 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 18th century. Oil on oak panel framework depicting a gallant genre scene with popular characters.";"panel-flemish-framework-painting-antique";"";"Antique Flemish painting on panel from 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 18th century. Oil on oak panel framework depicting a gallant genre scene with popular characters. Painting characterized by a trompe l'oeil effect enriched by numerous details and a curious cat in the lower left corner (see photo). Frame in wood and plaster not coeval, carved and ebonized, beautifully decorated with some small signs of the time (see photo). Painting of good pictorial quality for antique dealers and collectors of old Flemish painting. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 22.5 x W 19.5 cm.";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 18th century. Oil on oak panel framework depicting a gallant genre scene with popular characters. Painting characterized by a trompe l'oeil effect enriched by numerous details and a curious cat in the lower left corner (see photo). Frame in wood and plaster not coeval, carved and ebonized, beautifully decorated with some small signs of the time (see photo). Painting of good pictorial quality for antique dealers and collectors of old Flemish painting. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 22.5 x W 19.5 cm.";
5860;"1";"9870";"3900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"showcase, oriental, wood, mahogany, mother of pearl, cabinet, bookcase";"Oriental showcase in mahogany wood and faux mother-of-pearl";"Oriental showcase from the mid-20th century. Furniture of exceptional quality carved in mahogany and exotic woods adorned with rich inlay in faux mother";"showcase-bookcase-oriental-wood";"";"Oriental showcase in mahogany wood ";"Oriental showcase from the mid-20th century. Furniture of exceptional quality carved in mahogany and exotic woods adorned with rich inlay in faux mother of pearl with floral decorations. Display cabinet with two doors in the upper part and two smaller doors in the lower body. Interior of the lower body complete with a drawer and a compartment of good capacity. Upper body that offers 9 shelves inside, positioned at various heights and of different sizes. Internal glass shelves with some small chips / signs of wear. Removable furniture in three bodies (hat, central body and lower body) to facilitate movement and placement in the home. Showcase for living room or studio of fabulous decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of objects. In good condition and in a nice patina.";"Oriental showcase from the mid-20th century. Furniture of exceptional quality carved in mahogany and exotic woods adorned with rich inlay in faux mother of pearl with floral decorations. Display cabinet with two doors in the upper part and two smaller doors in the lower body. Interior of the lower body complete with a drawer and a compartment of good capacity. Upper body that offers 9 shelves inside, positioned at various heights and of different sizes. Internal glass shelves with some small chips / signs of wear. Removable furniture in three bodies (hat, central body and lower body) to facilitate movement and placement in the home. Showcase for living room or studio of fabulous decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of objects. In good condition and in a nice patina.";
5864;"1";"9869";"2750";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, italian, landscape, framework, oil on canvas, ruins";"Painting landscape with ruins oil on canvas from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view with characters";"framework-landscape-painting-antique-canvas";"";"Painting landscape with ruins oil on canvas from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view with characters, animals and ruins of good pictorial quality. Large size framework and pleasant decor with modern wooden frame, carved, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, cleaning and color recovery in some points (see photo). Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique whims. In good condition. Sight size H 88 x W 131.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view with characters, animals and ruins of good pictorial quality. Large size framework and pleasant decor with modern wooden frame, carved, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, cleaning and color recovery in some points (see photo). Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique whims. In good condition. Sight size H 88 x W 131.5 cm.";
5874;"1";"9840";"2500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, framework, landscape, oil on canvas, frame, Italian";"Antique painting landscape with characters from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape with figures of good pictorial quality";"painting-antique-landscape-framework-oil";"";"Antique Italian painting landscape with characters from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape with figures of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly decorated paintinf with a modern frame, in wood and plaster, carved, gilded and painted. Painting rich in decorative elements, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient Italian painting. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition, restored. Sight size H 62.5 x W 83.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape with figures of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly decorated paintinf with a modern frame, in wood and plaster, carved, gilded and painted. Painting rich in decorative elements, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient Italian painting. Framework that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition, restored. Sight size H 62.5 x W 83.5 cm.";
5883;"1";"9883";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, chest of drawers, commode, furniture, Italian, lacquered";"Tuscan lacquered and painted dresser from the 20th century";"Small Tuscan dresser from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations";"dresser-tuscan-furniture-commode-lacquered";"";"Tuscan lacquered and painted dresser from the 20th century";"Small Tuscan dresser from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Chest of drawers equipped with two drawers of good capacity and upper wooden top in character of good size and service. Commode of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture with high sculpted and grooved leg of good solidity. It has some small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Small Tuscan dresser from the 20th century. Furniture in lacquered and painted wood with very pleasant floral decorations. Chest of drawers equipped with two drawers of good capacity and upper wooden top in character of good size and service. Commode of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture with high sculpted and grooved leg of good solidity. It has some small signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5889;"1";"0761";"1350";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Curiosità";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"screen, french, design, furniture, iron, vintage, wood";"French design screen of 80s";"French screen from the second half of the 20th century. Design furniture with gilded iron base, wooden structure and woven wood panels";"screen-french-design-furniture-vintage";"";"French design screen of 80s";"French screen from the second half of the 20th century. Design furniture with gilded iron base, wooden structure and woven wood panels of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Screen with three panels, finished from the center with identical decoration on the front and back (see photo). Furniture of good size, easily inserted in different parts of the house, ideal for a bedroom or living room. One foot is missing a protective rubber pad (see photo). Screen with some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"French screen from the second half of the 20th century. Design furniture with gilded iron base, wooden structure and woven wood panels of beautiful line and pleasant decor. Screen with three panels, finished from the center with identical decoration on the front and back (see photo). Furniture of good size, easily inserted in different parts of the house, ideal for a bedroom or living room. One foot is missing a protective rubber pad (see photo). Screen with some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
5894;"1";"9877";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, signed, framework, impressionist, oil on canvas";"Signed landscape painting in impressionist style";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a countryside landscape in impressionist style";"painting-impressionist-framework-landscape";"";"Signed landscape painting in impressionist style";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a countryside landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Modern frame complete with fabric passe-partout with some small signs of aging. Framework of good brightness and pleasant decor that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting signed lower right (see photo) under study. Overall framework in good state of conservation. Sight size H 49.5 x W 60 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a countryside landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Modern frame complete with fabric passe-partout with some small signs of aging. Framework of good brightness and pleasant decor that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting signed lower right (see photo) under study. Overall framework in good state of conservation. Sight size H 49.5 x W 60 cm.";
5896;"1";"9857";"4500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, English, genre scene, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Painting oil on canvas genre scene from 18th century";"Antique English painting from the second half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting genre scene with characters";"painting-english-genre-scene-frame-antique";"";"Painting oil on canvas genre scene from 18th century";"Antique English painting from the second half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting genre scene with characters of good pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting with wooden and plaster frame, not coeval, finely carved and gilded. Painting full of decorative elements and characters, of great dynamism and good brightness. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 78 x W 102 cm.";"Antique English painting from the second half of the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting genre scene with characters of good pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting with wooden and plaster frame, not coeval, finely carved and gilded. Painting full of decorative elements and characters, of great dynamism and good brightness. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 78 x W 102 cm.";
5917;"1";"9915";"4800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, framework, Holy Family, frame, oil on canvas";"Flemish framework Holy Family from 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting religious subject Holy family of good pictorial quality";"holy-family-painting-antique-framework";"";"Flemish framework Holy Family from 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting religious subject Holy family of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly decorated framework with wooden and plaster frame, finely chiseled and gilded. Non-coeval frame, from the 20th century, with some small drops of color (see photo). Painting of good brightness for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 78 x W 66.5 cm.";"Antique Flemish painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting religious subject Holy family of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly decorated framework with wooden and plaster frame, finely chiseled and gilded. Non-coeval frame, from the 20th century, with some small drops of color (see photo). Painting of good brightness for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 78 x W 66.5 cm.";
5921;"1";"9887";"3400";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, framework, religious, painting, Mary Magdalene, oil on canvas";"Religious painting Mary Magdalene from 17th century";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas, in fabulous patina, depicting a religious subject Magdalene";"mary-magdalene-painting-antique-framework";"";"Religious painting Mary Magdalene from 17th century";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas, in fabulous patina, depicting a religious subject Magdalene of excellent pictorial quality. Framework of good size and pleasant impact for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Magdalene of great character with some small drops of color on the border (see photo). Painting overall in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration, in patina.";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas, in fabulous patina, depicting a religious subject Magdalene of excellent pictorial quality. Framework of good size and pleasant impact for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Magdalene of great character with some small drops of color on the border (see photo). Painting overall in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration, in patina.";
5925;"1";"9894";"1750";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, signed, framework, oil on canvas, dated, frame";"American painting landscape signed and dated 1854";"Antique American painting from the mid 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a countryside landscape";"painting-antique-landscape-signed-framework";"";"American painting landscape signed and dated 1854";"Antique American painting from the mid 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a countryside landscape with a cottage and characters of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished painting with a modern carved and gilded wooden frame. Painting signed lower right W. W. Boyle (see photo) referable to the American painter William W. Boyle, missing authentication. It has a dating (1854) and a further reference to the painter on the back of the canvas (see photo). Work that develops horizontally, of excellent proportion, easily placed in different points of the house. Canvas showing some signs of aging, to be cleaned. Painting in patina and in good state of conservation. Sight size H 42 x W 60 cm.";"Antique American painting from the mid 19th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a countryside landscape with a cottage and characters of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished painting with a modern carved and gilded wooden frame. Painting signed lower right W. W. Boyle (see photo) referable to the American painter William W. Boyle, missing authentication. It has a dating (1854) and a further reference to the painter on the back of the canvas (see photo). Work that develops horizontally, of excellent proportion, easily placed in different points of the house. Canvas showing some signs of aging, to be cleaned. Painting in patina and in good state of conservation. Sight size H 42 x W 60 cm.";
5936;"1";"9844";"2800";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, religious, Madonna with child";"Religious painting Virgin with child from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Virgin with child of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-virgin-child-framework-antique";"";"Religious painting Virgin with child from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Virgin with child of good pictorial quality. Framework of excellent proportion and quality finely represented in detail. Interesting is the presence of a fruit in the right hand of Jesus (see photo). Modern ebonized and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. It can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Work that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). It has small drops of color on the side border (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 63.5 x W 52 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Virgin with child of good pictorial quality. Framework of excellent proportion and quality finely represented in detail. Interesting is the presence of a fruit in the right hand of Jesus (see photo). Modern ebonized and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. It can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Work that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). It has small drops of color on the side border (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 63.5 x W 52 cm.";
5945;"1";"9905";"2500";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Virgin, antique, painting, framework, frame, religious, oil on canvas";"Painting Virgin oil on canvas from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Praying Madonna";"painting-antique-religious-framework-madonna";"";"Painting Virgin oil on canvas from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Praying Madonna of good pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Frame in wood and plaster of the 20th century carved and gilded (bronze tint). Work that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points during the twentieth century (see photo). Overall painting in fair state of conservation with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 65 x W 53 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the late 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Praying Madonna of good pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Frame in wood and plaster of the 20th century carved and gilded (bronze tint). Work that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points during the twentieth century (see photo). Overall painting in fair state of conservation with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 65 x W 53 cm.";
5947;"1";"9920";"6400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Dutch, wood, inlaid, bureau, secrétaire";"Dutch trumeau in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Fabulous 20th century Dutch trumeau. Moved and rounded furniture richly inlaid in walnut, mahogany, beech, maple and fruitwood.";"trumeau-dutch-inlaid-desk";"";"Dutch trumeau in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Fabulous 20th century Dutch trumeau. Moved and rounded furniture richly inlaid in walnut, mahogany, beech, maple and fruitwood. Double body trumeau equipped with three external drawers of good capacity. Bureau that offers a good-sized inlaid writing desk inside, 6 drawers, a central door, several document compartments and 2 fake books (secret drawers). Upper body with two doors with spectacular inlaid interior complete with 5 drawers, 8 compartments for documents and 3 doors of excellent capacity (see photo). Trumeau for living room or studio, of great visual impact, supported at the front by two clawed ball feet. Sides of the cabinet of great elegance adorned with floral cups. Furniture in good condition with some signs of aging.";"Fabulous 20th century Dutch trumeau. Moved and rounded furniture richly inlaid in walnut, mahogany, beech, maple and fruitwood. Double body trumeau equipped with three external drawers of good capacity. Bureau that offers a good-sized inlaid writing desk inside, 6 drawers, a central door, several document compartments and 2 fake books (secret drawers). Upper body with two doors with spectacular inlaid interior complete with 5 drawers, 8 compartments for documents and 3 doors of excellent capacity (see photo). Trumeau for living room or studio, of great visual impact, supported at the front by two clawed ball feet. Sides of the cabinet of great elegance adorned with floral cups. Furniture in good condition with some signs of aging.";
5950;"1";"9924";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, signed, framework, oil on masonite, frame, still life";"Italian painting still life signed from 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Work oil on masonite depicting still life Sweet fruits of good pictorial quality.";"painting-signed-still-life-framework";"";"Italian painting still life signed from 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Work oil on masonite depicting still life Sweet fruits of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly furnished framework signed lower right A. Merello (see photo) referable to the painter Amedeo Merello (1890-1979) lacking authentication. Very bright painting adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, sculpted, gilded and complete with fabric passe-partout (see photo). A work that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. In good condition. Sight size H 38.5 x W 48 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Work oil on masonite depicting still life Sweet fruits of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly furnished framework signed lower right A. Merello (see photo) referable to the painter Amedeo Merello (1890-1979) lacking authentication. Very bright painting adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, sculpted, gilded and complete with fabric passe-partout (see photo). A work that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. In good condition. Sight size H 38.5 x W 48 cm.";
5954;"1";"9928";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, lacquered, gilded, furniture, table, Italian, wood";"Console in lacquered and gilded wood";"Italian console from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of excellent quality and fabulous furnishings.";"console-table-italian-lacquered-gold";"";"Console in lacquered and gilded wood";"Italian console from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of excellent quality and fabulous furnishings. Wall console supported by four wavy legs, also lacquered and gilded, of good solidity. Wooden top in character (faux marble lacquered) of good size and service. Beautifully decorated living room or study console, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture that has some signs of wear and some small drops in color. Structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Italian console from 20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of excellent quality and fabulous furnishings. Wall console supported by four wavy legs, also lacquered and gilded, of good solidity. Wooden top in character (faux marble lacquered) of good size and service. Beautifully decorated living room or study console, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture that has some signs of wear and some small drops in color. Structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
5961;"1";"9940";"2800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, religious, framework, oil on canvas, landscape";"Religious framework St. John the Baptist from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a wooded landscape with St. John the Baptist and a lamb";"painting-antique-religious-landscape-work";"";"Religious framework St. John the Baptist from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a wooded landscape with St. John the Baptist and a lamb of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting, of good brightness, adorned with an antique frame. Frame that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some points (see photo). Work that develops vertically, of excellent proportions, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of the restoration. Sight size H 99.5 x W 76 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a wooded landscape with St. John the Baptist and a lamb of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting, of good brightness, adorned with an antique frame. Frame that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some points (see photo). Work that develops vertically, of excellent proportions, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of the restoration. Sight size H 99.5 x W 76 cm.";
5963;"1";"0768";"1100";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"landscape, painting, framework, frame, oil on masonite, signed";"Landscape signed painting from 1950s";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Work oil on masonite depicting a village view in impressionist style of good pictorial quality";"landscape-painting-framework-signed-oil";"";"Landscape signed painting from 1950s";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Work oil on masonite depicting a village view in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster richly chiseled and gilded (bronze tint) of beautiful decoration. Framework that has a signature at the bottom right and several references on the back (see photo) under study. Small painting, easy to place in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and collectors. Frame with some small signs of restoration, board in good condition. Sight size H 31 x W 38.5 cm.";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Work oil on masonite depicting a village view in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster richly chiseled and gilded (bronze tint) of beautiful decoration. Framework that has a signature at the bottom right and several references on the back (see photo) under study. Small painting, easy to place in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and collectors. Frame with some small signs of restoration, board in good condition. Sight size H 31 x W 38.5 cm.";
5969;"1";"9958";"2000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, framework, painting, character head, portrait, oil on canvas";"Painting oil on canvas, character head from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Work depicting a character head, profile of a male figure of great pictorial quality.";"painting-antique-framework-character-head";"";"Painting oil on canvas, character head from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a character head, profile of a male figure of great pictorial quality. The canvas in question, with its extraordinary shades and turned forms, find similarity with the works of Egidio Dall'Oglio, a pupil of Giambattista Piazzetta (work lacking additional or authentic documentation). 20th century frame in carved and gilded wood of beautiful decoration. Portrait recently restored and relined, work overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 41 x W 31 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the first half of the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a character head, profile of a male figure of great pictorial quality. The canvas in question, with its extraordinary shades and turned forms, find similarity with the works of Egidio Dall'Oglio, a pupil of Giambattista Piazzetta (work lacking additional or authentic documentation). 20th century frame in carved and gilded wood of beautiful decoration. Portrait recently restored and relined, work overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 41 x W 31 cm.";
5982;"1";"9941";"2200";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, framework, antique, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian painting river landscape with ruins and fishermen ";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a river landscape with characters and ruins of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-landscape-antique-framework-canvas";"";"Italian painting river landscape with ruins and fishermen from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a river landscape with characters and ruins of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame of the 20th century carved and gilded with beautiful decoration. Pleasantly deep and bright framework for antique dealers, interior decorators and antique landscape collectors. Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points. Framework of good size and excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different points of the house, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 71 x W 96 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a river landscape with characters and ruins of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame of the 20th century carved and gilded with beautiful decoration. Pleasantly deep and bright framework for antique dealers, interior decorators and antique landscape collectors. Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points. Framework of good size and excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different points of the house, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 71 x W 96 cm.";
5984;"1";"9975";"3200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, furniture, table, Napoleon III, inlaid";"Writing desk in inlaid wood in Napoleon III style";"Italian writing desk from 20th century. Napoleon III style furniture inlaid and veneered in walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood";"writing-desk-napoleon-III-inlaid";"";"Writing desk in inlaid wood in Napoleon III style";"Italian writing desk from 20th century. Napoleon III style furniture inlaid and veneered in walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood enriched by fake inlay with hand-painted floral decorations on the edge of the top, front and sides (see photo). Writing desk finished from the center adorned with bronze and gilded and chiseled brass (see photo). Furniture complete with three front drawers, of which the central one complete with lock and working key. Top covered in chiseled and gilded faux leather (with some signs of wear) of excellent size and service, even for professional use. Furniture that has some small lack of veneer (see photo) and some signs of aging. Desk of excellent solidity and stability supported by 4 wavy legs also adorned with bronze and brass (see photo). Structurally sound, it shows some signs of aging, overall in a fair conservative state.";"Italian writing desk from 20th century. Napoleon III style furniture inlaid and veneered in walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood enriched by fake inlay with hand-painted floral decorations on the edge of the top, front and sides (see photo). Writing desk finished from the center adorned with bronze and gilded and chiseled brass (see photo). Furniture complete with three front drawers, of which the central one complete with lock and working key. Top covered in chiseled and gilded faux leather (with some signs of wear) of excellent size and service, even for professional use. Furniture that has some small lack of veneer (see photo) and some signs of aging. Desk of excellent solidity and stability supported by 4 wavy legs also adorned with bronze and brass (see photo). Structurally sound, it shows some signs of aging, overall in a fair conservative state.";
5986;"1";"9998";"1400";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, signed, antique, framework, oil on board, frame, Italian";"Painting signed landscape oil on board from the 19th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Framework oil on board depicting a river / lake landscape with a village and characters";"painting-signed-framework-antique-landscape";"";"Painting signed landscape oil on board from the 19th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Framework oil on board depicting a river / lake landscape with a village and characters of good pictorial quality. Guilloché wooden frame carved and ebonized of beautiful decoration. Board signed Liverani on the lower left (see photo) referable to the painter Romolo Liverani (1809-1872) without authentication. Landscape of good size and good brightness for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 19th century Italian painting. Work that has writings (probably from the 20th century) on the back with reference to the village of Somma Lombardo in the Varesino area (see photo). Work that needs a light cleaning, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 67 x W 97 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 19th century. Framework oil on board depicting a river / lake landscape with a village and characters of good pictorial quality. Guilloché wooden frame carved and ebonized of beautiful decoration. Board signed Liverani on the lower left (see photo) referable to the painter Romolo Liverani (1809-1872) without authentication. Landscape of good size and good brightness for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 19th century Italian painting. Work that has writings (probably from the 20th century) on the back with reference to the village of Somma Lombardo in the Varesino area (see photo). Work that needs a light cleaning, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 67 x W 97 cm.";
5988;"1";"9943";"2800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"Virgin of Sorrows, painting, religious, antique, oil on canvas";"Antique painting Virgin of Sorrows from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 18th century. Religious painting depicting the Virgin of Sorrows, of excellent pictorial quality";"virgin-of-sorrows-antique-painting-framework";"";"Antique Italian painting Virgin of Sorrows from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 18th century. Religious painting depicting the Virgin of Sorrows, of excellent pictorial quality. Oil on canvas framework recently restored and relined (see photo), overall in good state of conservation. Beautiful 19th century frame in carved and gilded wood with some small signs of aging. Painting of good brightness, for antique dealers and collectors of ancient sacred painting. Sight size H 79.5 x W 58 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 18th century. Religious painting depicting the Virgin of Sorrows, of excellent pictorial quality. Oil on canvas framework recently restored and relined (see photo), overall in good state of conservation. Beautiful 19th century frame in carved and gilded wood with some small signs of aging. Painting of good brightness, for antique dealers and collectors of ancient sacred painting. Sight size H 79.5 x W 58 cm.";
6003;"1";"9999";"2200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, framework, oil on canvas, frame, Madonna, Italian";"Italian religious painting Madonna dated 1929";"Italian painting dated 1929. Oil on canvas framework depicting Madonna of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting";"painting-religious-madonna-framework-italian";"";"Italian religious painting Madonna dated 1929";"Italian painting dated 1929. Oil on canvas framework depicting Madonna of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting, characterized by bright colors, good brightness. First canvas painting, signed and dated lower right (see photo), signature in the study phase. Wooden frame carved, lacquered and gilded with some small color drops (see photo) structurally sound. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the first half of the 20th century. In good condition and in a nice patina. Sight size H 78.5 x W 68.5 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1929. Oil on canvas framework depicting Madonna of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting, characterized by bright colors, good brightness. First canvas painting, signed and dated lower right (see photo), signature in the study phase. Wooden frame carved, lacquered and gilded with some small color drops (see photo) structurally sound. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the first half of the 20th century. In good condition and in a nice patina. Sight size H 78.5 x W 68.5 cm.";
6007;"1";"9952";"2500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, religious, Saint Andrew, oil on canvas, framework";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century, Saint Andrew";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, portrait of Saint Andrew of good pictorial quality.";"antique-painting-religious-saint-andrew";"";"Religious painting from the first half of the 18th century, Saint Andrew";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, portrait of Saint Andrew of good pictorial quality. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) of beautiful decoration. Framework of good size and pleasant furnishings for antique dealers and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 71 x W 58.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, portrait of Saint Andrew of good pictorial quality. Modern carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) of beautiful decoration. Framework of good size and pleasant furnishings for antique dealers and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 71 x W 58.5 cm.";
6008;"1";"9601";"1900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"showcase, cabinet, desk, trumeau, wood, double body, Italian";"Great Italian showcase from the 20th century";"Italian trumeau from the mid 20th century. Double body display cabinet carved and veneered in walnut, mahogany, rosewood and beech";"trumeau-italian-vitrine-furniture-double-body";"";"Elegant double-body display cabinet from the 1950s";"Italian trumeau from the mid 20th century. Double body display cabinet carved and veneered in walnut, mahogany, rosewood and beech of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Lower body equipped with two large drawers and fall-front. Inside of the bureau complete with two small drawers, four compartments for documents and a desk of good size and service. Trumeau adorned with pleasantly sculpted coping, central plume with small restoration (see photo), two doors with recessed glass that offer two glass shelves inside (see photo). Upper body internally lined in fabric with some signs of wear (see photo) to be removed or replaced. High-leg cabinet structurally sound, complete with two working keys (showcase and flap). Trumeau ideal to be placed in a living room or study, beautifully decorated. In good condition with some signs of wear.";"Italian trumeau from the mid 20th century. Double body display cabinet carved and veneered in walnut, mahogany, rosewood and beech of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Lower body equipped with two large drawers and fall-front. Inside of the bureau complete with two small drawers, four compartments for documents and a desk of good size and service. Trumeau adorned with pleasantly sculpted coping, central plume with small restoration (see photo), two doors with recessed glass that offer two glass shelves inside (see photo). Upper body internally lined in fabric with some signs of wear (see photo) to be removed or replaced. High-leg cabinet structurally sound, complete with two working keys (showcase and flap). Trumeau ideal to be placed in a living room or study, beautifully decorated. In good condition with some signs of wear.";
6035;"1";"10053";"3600";"";"";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, oval, framework, religious, oil on canvas, Saint Paul, frame";"Italian oval painting from 17th century, Saint Paul";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Paul of good pictorial quality";"painting-oval-antique-framework-saint-paul";"";"Italian oval painting from 17th century, Saint Paul";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Paul of good pictorial quality. Oval painting with antique wooden frame with various signs of aging, small inactive woodworm holes and signs of old restoration interventions (see photo, to be restored). Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Canvas that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Overall painting in fair condition, structurally sound frame to be restored. Sight size H 87 x W 65 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Paul of good pictorial quality. Oval painting with antique wooden frame with various signs of aging, small inactive woodworm holes and signs of old restoration interventions (see photo, to be restored). Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Canvas that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Overall painting in fair condition, structurally sound, frame to be restored. Sight size H 87 x W 65 cm.";
6056;"1";"10076";"1900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Bronzi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, bust, statue, bronze, man, antique, art";"Bronze half-bust sculpture from the 30's";"American sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Chiseled bronze work depicting the bust of a gentleman in a suit and tie";"sculpture-bust-statue-bronze-man";"";"Bronze half-bust sculpture from 20th century";"American sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Chiseled bronze work depicting the bust of a gentleman in a suit and tie of excellent quality. Sculpture in beautiful patina, of fabulous decor, adorned with a wooden base (see photo). Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of early twentieth century bronze sculptures. Sculpture finished from the center, ideal to be placed in a niche or on a desk, of great impact. In good condition.";"American sculpture from the first half of the 20th century. Chiseled bronze work depicting the bust of a gentleman in a suit and tie of excellent quality. Sculpture in beautiful patina, of fabulous decor, adorned with a wooden base (see photo). Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of early twentieth century bronze sculptures. Sculpture finished from the center, ideal to be placed in a niche or on a desk, of great impact. In good condition.";
6058;"1";"10084";"2800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, Italian, lacquered, painted, furniture, table";"Italian writing desk in lacquered and gilded wood of the 20th century";"Italian writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings.";"writing-desk-italian-lacquered-painted-table";"";"Italian writing desk in lacquered and gilded wood from the 20th century";"Italian writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings. Writing desk finished from the center equipped with 6 front drawers, one of which (bottom center) complete with lock and working key. Wooden top in character in good condition with various signs of wear (see photos). Furniture supported by four solid fluted legs with feet adorned in gilded leaf (see photo). Ideal desk to be placed in a living room or studio, beautifully decorated, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has some small drops in color and some signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Italian writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings. Writing desk finished from the center equipped with 6 front drawers, one of which (bottom center) complete with lock and working key. Wooden top in character in good condition with various signs of wear (see photos). Furniture supported by four solid fluted legs with feet adorned in gilded leaf (see photo). Ideal desk to be placed in a living room or studio, beautifully decorated, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has some small drops in color and some signs of wear, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6062;"1";"10085";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su Cartone";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, signed, framework, oil on canvas, seascape";"Signed painting seascape Cliff with boats from the 20th century";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on cardboard depicting a luminous seascape view. Cliff with boats ";"painting-landscape-signed-framework-seascape";"";"Signed painting seascape Cliff with boats from the 20th century";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on cardboard depicting a luminous seascape view. Cliff with boats of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster pleasantly carved, chiseled and gilded (see photo). Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of French views. Painting signed Franck on the lower right (see photo) with reference on the back of the card to the painter Henri Franck (1877-1957) lacking authentication. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 23 x W 32 cm.";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on cardboard depicting a luminous seascape view. Cliff with boats of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster pleasantly carved, chiseled and gilded (see photo). Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of French views. Painting signed Franck on the lower right (see photo) with reference on the back of the card to the painter Henri Franck (1877-1957) lacking authentication. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 23 x W 32 cm.";
6070;"1";"10087";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, still life, framework, oil on canvas, frame, signed";"Signed painting still life with flowers and fruit from 20th century";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Work oil on canvas, first canvas, depicting still life with flowers and fruit of good pictorial quality";"still-life-italian-framework-signed-painting";"";"Signed painting still life with flowers and fruit from the 20th century";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Work oil on canvas, first canvas, depicting still life with flowers and fruit of good pictorial quality. Very bright painting complete with finely chiseled and gilded wooden and plaster frame with fabric passe-partout (see photo). Painting of great size and impact ideal to be placed in a living room, of beautiful decoration. Work signed lower right (see photo) under study. It has some small drops of color on the border of the right side (see photo). Overall in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 68.5 x W 96.5 cm.";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Work oil on canvas, first canvas, depicting still life with flowers and fruit of good pictorial quality. Very bright painting complete with finely chiseled and gilded wooden and plaster frame with fabric passe-partout (see photo). Painting of great size and impact ideal to be placed in a living room, of beautiful decoration. Work signed lower right (see photo) under study. It has some small drops of color on the border of the right side (see photo). Overall in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 68.5 x W 96.5 cm.";
6075;"1";"9987";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, framework, bucolic, oil on canvas, frame";"Bucolic landscape painting from 20th century";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting countryside landscape with farmyard animals ";"painting-landscape-framework-bucolic-antique";"";"Bucolic landscape Italian painting";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting countryside landscape with farmyard animals of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact with frame in wood and plaster finely carved, chiseled, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration. Work of pleasant brightness and particular perspective with a view of the village in the background (see photo). Ideal painting to be placed in a living room, beautifully decorated, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition. Sight size H 97 x W 66 cm.";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting countryside landscape with farmyard animals of good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact with frame in wood and plaster finely carved, chiseled, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration. Work of pleasant brightness and particular perspective with a view of the village in the background (see photo). Ideal painting to be placed in a living room, beautifully decorated, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition. Sight size H 97 x W 66 cm.";
6081;"1";"10093";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, inlaid, furniture, wood, Louis XIV, commode";"Inlaid wooden chest of drawers in Louis XIV style";"Small Italian commode from the 20th century. Furniture in inlaid wood in walnut, maple, beech and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"commode-inlaid-furniture-dresser-wood";"";"Inlaid wooden chest of drawers in Louis XIV style";"Small Italian commode from the 20th century. Furniture in inlaid wood in walnut, maple, beech and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Chest of drawers equipped with two drawers of good capacity and wooden top in character of good service. Inlaid drawers and enriched with scenes with characters and animals (see photo). Furniture supported by four solid legs in the shape of an inverted pyramid with central connection and onion-shaped feet (see photo). Small dresser that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Small Italian commode from the 20th century. Furniture in inlaid wood in walnut, maple, beech and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Chest of drawers equipped with two drawers of good capacity and wooden top in character of good service. Inlaid drawers and enriched with scenes with characters and animals (see photo). Furniture supported by four solid legs in the shape of an inverted pyramid with central connection and onion-shaped feet (see photo). Small dresser that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
6087;"1";"10061";"2750";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, Madonna, framework, oil on canvas, frame, antique";"Religious painting Madonna from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Madonna of good pictorial quality.";"painting-religious-madonna-framework-antique";"";"Religious painting Madonna oil on canvas from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Madonna of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished framework adorned with a 20th century frame in wood and composite material, finely carved, chiseled, lacquered and gilded. Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art, of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In nice patina, overall in good condition. Sight size H 61 x W 48 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Madonna of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished framework adorned with a 20th century frame in wood and composite material, finely carved, chiseled, lacquered and gilded. Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art, of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In nice patina, overall in good condition. Sight size H 61 x W 48 cm.";
6092;"1";"10097";"900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, English, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"English painting landscape on the river from 20th century";"Small English painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape on the river with houses";"painting-landscape-english-framework-frame";"";"English painting landscape on the river from 20th century";"Small English painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape on the river with houses and a bridge of rustic character. Modern frame in wood and composite material richly chiseled, gilded and adorned with high-impact fabric passe-partout (see photo). Work of particular proportions, it can easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It shows some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 19 x W 14 cm.";"Small English painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape on the river with houses and a bridge of rustic character. Modern frame in wood and composite material richly chiseled, gilded and adorned with high-impact fabric passe-partout (see photo). Work of particular proportions, it can easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It shows some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 19 x W 14 cm.";
6094;"1";"10110";"4800";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, flemish, antique, framework, oil on panel, characters";"Flemish painting with Musicians oil on panel from the 17th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 17th century. Oil on oak panel depicting Musicians, elegant duet with lute player and hunting scene ";"painting-flemish-framework-oil-panel-antique";"";"Flemish painting with Musicians oil on panel from the 17th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 17th century. Oil on oak panel depicting Musicians, elegant duet with lute player and hunting scene in the background. Note the refinement of the clothes and the meticulous details typical of the Flemish style. Modern carved wooden frame, lacquered and gilded (bronze tint) of pleasant decoration. Gallant scene in a very pleasant country landscape, for antique dealers, decorators and collectors of ancient Flemish painting. Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, cleaning and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 91 x W 81 cm.";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 17th century. Oil on oak panel depicting Musicians, elegant duet with lute player and hunting scene in the background. Note the refinement of the clothes and the meticulous details typical of the Flemish style. Modern carved wooden frame, lacquered and gilded (bronze tint) of pleasant decoration. Gallant scene in a very pleasant country landscape, for antique dealers, decorators and collectors of ancient Flemish painting. Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, cleaning and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 91 x W 81 cm.";
6095;"1";"10091";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"landscape, signed, framework, oil on board, frame, painting";"Small signed landscape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting a countryside landscape with cows of good pictorial quality";"landscape-signed-framework-painting-italian";"";"Italian painting signed landscape ";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting a countryside landscape with cows of good pictorial quality. Painting signed lower right (see photo) Romolo Leone, Naples, referable to the Neapolitan painter (1895-1948) lacking authentication. Painting of good brightness and limited size, adorned with a non-coeval wooden frame, painted and gilded (see photo). Overall framework in good state of conservation. Sight size H 39.5 x W 28 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting a countryside landscape with cows of good pictorial quality. Painting signed lower right (see photo) Romolo Leone, Naples, referable to the Neapolitan painter (1895-1948) lacking authentication. Painting of good brightness and limited size, adorned with a non-coeval wooden frame, painted and gilded (see photo). Overall framework in good state of conservation. Sight size H 39.5 x W 28 cm.";
6102;"1";"9917";"4500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Specchi e Cornici|Mobili>Console|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"console, mirror, lacquered, Louis XV, furniture, table, marble";"Great lacquered console with mirror in Louis XV style";"Console with mirror, Italy, second half of the 20th century. Furniture in richly carved, lacquered and gilded wood in Louis XV style";"console-mirror-lacquered-Louis-XV-table";"";"Great lacquered console with mirror in Louis XV style";"Console with mirror, Italy, second half of the 20th century. Furniture in richly carved, lacquered and gilded wood in Louis XV style complete with original marble top. Mirror of large size and impact resting for a long time on the marble top, to be fixed separately for perfect stability and safety. Console moved on the front and sides finely sculpted and adorned with curled feet (see photo). Console measurements: H 86 cm x W 128 cm x D 45 cm. Mirror dimensions: H 164 cm x W 110 cm x D 8 cm. Furniture for living room or study of fabulous decor for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small color drops.";"Console with mirror, Italy, second half of the 20th century. Furniture in richly carved, lacquered and gilded wood in Louis XV style complete with original marble top. Mirror of large size and impact resting for a long time on the marble top, to be fixed separately for perfect stability and safety. Console moved on the front and sides finely sculpted and adorned with curled feet (see photo). Console measurements: H 86 cm x W 128 cm x D 45 cm. Mirror dimensions: H 164 cm x W 110 cm x D 8 cm. Furniture for living room or study of fabulous decor for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition with some small color drops.";
6103;"1";"10106";"3000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, framework, Saint Joseph, oil on canvas, frame";"Great religious painting, Saint Joseph with the child 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Joseph with a child of good pictorial quality";"painting-saint-joseph-frame-canvas-antique";"";"Italian painting Saint Joseph with the child from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Joseph with a child of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized painting and pleasant impact adorned with a richly sculpted, chiseled, lacquered and gilded 20th century frame with embossed side half columns and decorations (see photo). Work on canvas mounted on a rectangular frame with the light of the oval painting (see photo). Painting of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 79 x W 63 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Joseph with a child of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized painting and pleasant impact adorned with a richly sculpted, chiseled, lacquered and gilded 20th century frame with embossed side half columns and decorations (see photo). Work on canvas mounted on a rectangular frame with the light of the oval painting (see photo). Painting of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 79 x W 63 cm.";
6104;"1";"10038";"850";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on board, frame, signed, seascape";"Seascape painting signed and dated 1967";"Italian painting dated 4th July 1967. Oil on board framework depicting seascape Old fishing boats at anchor with good pictorial quality";"seascape-landscape-signed-painting-frame";"";"Seascape painting signed and dated 1967";"Italian painting dated 4th July 1967. Oil on board framework depicting seascape Old fishing boats at anchor with good pictorial quality. Carved, silver and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. Work signed and dated on the lower left 4-7-1967 S. Manfredi (see photo) referable to the painter Sergio Manfredi (1932-?) Lacking authentication. Painting of good brightness, in good condition, with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 29 x W 39 cm.";"Italian painting dated 4th July 1967. Oil on board framework depicting seascape Old fishing boats at anchor with good pictorial quality. Carved, silver and gilded wooden frame of beautiful decoration. Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. Work signed and dated on the lower left 4-7-1967 S. Manfredi (see photo) referable to the painter Sergio Manfredi (1932-?) Lacking authentication. Painting of good brightness, in good condition, with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 29 x W 39 cm.";
6122;"1";"10088";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, framework, signed, oil on masonite, frame";"Great signed landscape from the 20th century";"French painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on masonite depicting countryside landscape with shepherdess ";"painting-landscape-oil-framework-antique";"";"Great French painting landscape from the 20th century";"French painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on masonite depicting countryside landscape with shepherdess and cows of good pictorial quality. Large-scale and impactful painting adorned with a pleasantly sculpted, ebonized and gilded wooden and plaster frame (see photo). Painting of fabulous decor, for antique dealers and interior decorators, signed Giron on the lower right (see photo) in the study phase. Of interesting perspective, enriched by a pond in the foreground and houses in the background (see photo), overall painting in good condition. Sight size H 58 x W 118.5 cm.";"French painting from the mid-20th century. Framework oil on masonite depicting countryside landscape with shepherdess and cows of good pictorial quality. Large-scale and impactful painting adorned with a pleasantly sculpted, ebonized and gilded wooden and plaster frame (see photo). Painting of fabulous decor, for antique dealers and interior decorators, signed Giron on the lower right (see photo) in the study phase. Of interesting perspective, enriched by a pond in the foreground and houses in the background (see photo), overall painting in good condition. Sight size H 58 x W 118.5 cm.";
6124;"1";"10002";"1250";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, framework, oil on canvas, frame, antique";"Painting oil on canvas landscape with ruins from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape with ruins, architectures and characters";"painting-frame-oil-canvas-antique-landscape";"";"Painting oil on canvas landscape with ruins from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape with ruins, architectures and characters of good pictorial quality. Small framework, it can easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and collectors of ancient landscapes. Wooden frame not coeval carved and painted of beautiful decoration. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 48 x W 59.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Framework oil on canvas depicting a landscape with ruins, architectures and characters of good pictorial quality. Small framework, it can easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and collectors of ancient landscapes. Wooden frame not coeval carved and painted of beautiful decoration. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 48 x W 59.5 cm.";
6125;"1";"10079";"4200";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, oil on canvas, Moses, religious, Italian, ancient";"Framework from the 18th century, Moses Drawing Water from the Rock";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Moses Drawing Water from the Rock";"painting-antique-religious-moses-framework";"";"Framework from the 18th century, Moses Drawing Water from the Rock";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Moses Drawing Water from the Rock of a good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting full of characters and decorative elements that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Ideal work to be placed in an important living room or studio, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Work oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Moses Drawing Water from the Rock of a good pictorial quality. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting full of characters and decorative elements that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Ideal work to be placed in an important living room or studio, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6131;"1";"10151";"2700";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, antique, framework, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian framework landscape from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting an animated landscape with towers";"painting-landscape-oil-canvas-antique-frame";"";"Italian framework landscape from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting an animated landscape with towers of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in carved and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration. Framework of great size and impact, finished in the smallest details, full of characters and decorative elements (see photo). Work that has undergone over time small conservative restoration interventions and color recovery with small patches placed on the back of the canvas (see photo). In beautiful patina, it has some slight drops of color and small tears in the canvas. Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient landscapes. In fair condition, to be restored. Sight size H 82 x W 95 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Framework oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting an animated landscape with towers of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in carved and gilded wood and plaster of beautiful decoration. Framework of great size and impact, finished in the smallest details, full of characters and decorative elements (see photo). Work that has undergone over time small conservative restoration interventions and color recovery with small patches placed on the back of the canvas (see photo). In beautiful patina, it has some slight drops of color and small tears in the canvas. Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient landscapes. In fair condition, to be restored. Sight size H 82 x W 95 cm.";
6132;"1";"0772/2";"3500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, landscape, framework, characters, dated, oil";"Italian landscape painting with characters from 20th century";"Italian painting dated 1945. Work oil on masonite depicting a particular view with characters Celebration of Spring of excellent pictorial quality.";"painting-italian-landscape-framework-figures";"";"Italian landscape painting with characters from 20th century";"Italian painting dated 1945. Work oil on masonite depicting a particular view with characters Celebration of Spring of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size framework of pleasant decor rich in characters in Renaissance clothes and decorative elements. Painting with monogram and date in the lower right corner (see photo) under study. Frame in wood and plaster, not coeval, carved and gilded with beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent brightness and pleasant depth with castle and lake in the background. Work that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). It presents a poem below that celebrates the spring season, beauty and life (see photo). Painting in good condition. Sight size H 123 x W 98.5 cm";"Italian painting dated 1945. Work oil on masonite depicting a particular view with characters Celebration of Spring of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size framework of pleasant decor rich in characters in Renaissance clothes and decorative elements. Painting with monogram and date in the lower right corner (see photo) under study. Frame in wood and plaster, not coeval, carved and gilded with beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent brightness and pleasant depth with castle and lake in the background. Work that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). It presents a poem below that celebrates the spring season, beauty and life (see photo). Painting in good condition. Sight size H 123 x W 98.5 cm";
6135;"1";"10092";"800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, mountain, framework, oil on masonite, frame";"Painting oil on masonite mountain landscape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on masonite depicting a mountain landscape with houses of good pictorial quality";"painting-landscape-framework-mountain-signed";"";"Painting oil on masonite mountain landscape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on masonite depicting a mountain landscape with houses of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame carved and lacquered with various signs of aging and small drops of color, structurally sound and equipped with a wooden passe-partout. Painting that develops horizontally signed R. Leone on the lower left (see photo) referable to the Neapolitan painter Romolo Leone (1895-1948), without authentication. Small framework, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. Painting in good state of conservation, frame in fair condition with some signs of aging (see photos). Sight size H 28 x W 38 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on masonite depicting a mountain landscape with houses of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame carved and lacquered with various signs of aging and small drops of color, structurally sound and equipped with a wooden passe-partout. Painting that develops horizontally signed R. Leone on the lower left (see photo) referable to the Neapolitan painter Romolo Leone (1895-1948), without authentication. Small framework, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. Painting in good state of conservation, frame in fair condition with some signs of aging (see photos). Sight size H 28 x W 38 cm.";
6140;"1";"10155";"2400";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, framework, oil on board, frame, signed";"Italian painting landscape signed and dated from the 20th century";"Great Italian painting dated 1940. Oil on board framework depicting a woodland landscape in impressionist style with good pictorial quality";"painting-signed-oil-landscape-framework";"";"Italian painting landscape signed and dated from the 20th century";"Great Italian painting dated 1940. Oil on board framework depicting a woodland landscape in impressionist style with good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster, adapted to the painting, finely chiseled and gilded of beautiful decoration. Painting of great measure and impact, signed and dated E. Rossi 1940 (see photo) signature in the study phase. Work of pleasant depth and perspective, characterized by soft colors, ideal for use in a living room or studio. In good condition. Sight size H 103 x W 137 cm.";"Great Italian painting dated 1940. Oil on board framework depicting a woodland landscape in impressionist style with good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster, adapted to the painting, finely chiseled and gilded of beautiful decoration. Painting of great measure and impact, signed and dated E. Rossi 1940 (see photo) signature in the study phase. Work of pleasant depth and perspective, characterized by soft colors, ideal for use in a living room or studio. In good condition. Sight size H 103 x W 137 cm.";
6143;"1";"10147";"3900";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, religious, oil on canvas, oval, Madonna, child";"Antique Madonna with child from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Oval work oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Madonna with child of good pictorial quality.";"madonna-child-framework-painting-antique";"";"Antique Madonna with child painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Oval work oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Madonna with child of good pictorial quality. Contemporary carved and gilded wooden frame of excellent quality with a small lack of wooden decoration on the left (see photo) and some small color drops (structurally sound). Beautifully sized painting and pleasant decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Framework in fabulous patina that shows a drop of color near Mary's halo and some small marks along the border of the canvas (see photo). Painting of great delicacy in the drapery and in the faces of the characters (see photo). It underwent a slight conservative restoration during the twentieth century. In fair condition, to be restored. Sight size H 89 x W 71 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Oval work oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Madonna with child of good pictorial quality. Contemporary carved and gilded wooden frame of excellent quality with a small lack of wooden decoration on the left (see photo) and some small color drops (structurally sound). Beautifully sized painting and pleasant decor, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Framework in fabulous patina that shows a drop of color near Mary's halo and some small marks along the border of the canvas (see photo). Painting of great delicacy in the drapery and in the faces of the characters (see photo). It underwent a slight conservative restoration during the twentieth century. In fair condition, to be restored. Sight size H 89 x W 71 cm.";
6148;"1";"10139";"1700";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"still life, framework, canvas, antique, painting, frame, signed";"Great signed still life from the 1960s";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Mixed media work on canvas depicting a basket with carnations of good pictorial quality.";"painting-signed-framework-still-life";"";"Great signed still life painting from the 1960s";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Mixed media work on canvas depicting a basket with carnations of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated carved, gilded and lacquered wooden frame with some small signs of aging. Large-scale and impactful painting, signed lower left (see photo) signature under study. Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. The colors are slightly faded on the right side of the basket (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 69 x W 99 cm.";"Great Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Mixed media work on canvas depicting a basket with carnations of good pictorial quality. Beautifully decorated carved, gilded and lacquered wooden frame with some small signs of aging. Large-scale and impactful painting, signed lower left (see photo) signature under study. Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. The colors are slightly faded on the right side of the basket (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 69 x W 99 cm.";
6160;"1";"10178";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, furniture, chest of drawers, French, Louis XVI, marble";"Small Louis XVI style dresser";"Small French dresser from the mid 20th century. Louis XVI style furniture adorned with geometric inlay in mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood";"dresser-inlaid-marble-Louis-XVI-commode";"";"Small French Louis XVI style dresser from 20th century";"Small French dresser from the mid 20th century. Louis XVI style furniture adorned with geometric inlay in mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Commode equipped with two drawers of good capacity and top in marble of good size and service. Furniture complete with two working keys, supported by four solid legs in the shape of an inverted pyramid with bronze feet. Chest of drawers adorned with handles and decorations in bronze and gilded brass (see photo). Furniture of limited size and excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition and structurally sound, it has some small veneers on the front (see photos).";"Small French dresser from the mid 20th century. Louis XVI style furniture adorned with geometric inlay in mahogany, walnut, maple and fruitwood. Commode equipped with two drawers of good capacity and top in marble of good size and service. Furniture complete with two working keys, supported by four solid legs in the shape of an inverted pyramid with bronze feet. Chest of drawers adorned with handles and decorations in bronze and gilded brass (see photo). Furniture of limited size and excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition and structurally sound, it has some small veneers on the front (see photos).";
6161;"1";"0771";"1880";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, armchairs, chairs, Art Deco, furniture, Italian, living room";"Pair of Art Deco style armchairs";"Pair of Italian armchairs from the mid-20th century. Art Deco style furniture carved in beech wood covered on the seat and back";"armchairs-pair-art-deco-chairs-furniture";"";"Pair of Art Deco style armchairs";"Pair of Italian armchairs from the mid-20th century. Art Deco style furniture carved in beech wood covered on the seat and back with damask fabric in good condition. Beautiful line armchairs with curved armrests and saber-shaped back feet (see photo). Fairly comfortable lounge chairs with upholstery in good condition. Seat height 34 cm. Armchairs that show some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian armchairs from the mid-20th century. Art Deco style furniture carved in beech wood covered on the seat and back with damask fabric in good condition. Beautiful line armchairs with curved armrests and saber-shaped back feet (see photo). Fairly comfortable lounge chairs with upholstery in good condition. Seat height 34 cm. Armchairs that show some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6172;"1";"10148";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Sedie e Poltrone";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"armchair, chair, furniture, leather, english, antique, living room";"English leather armchair from the 20th century";"Fabulous English armchair from the early 20th century. Furniture covered in leather (seat, armrests and capitonné back) in fabulous patina";"armchair-english-leather-chair-furniture-seat";"";"English leather armchair from the 20th century";"Fabulous English armchair from the early 20th century. Furniture covered in leather (seat, armrests and capitonné back) in fabulous patina with wooden base and original iron (see photo). Reclining armchair equipped with original Hillcrest mechanism (see photo) for revision for maximum safety. Furniture that has undergone a structural restoration under the seat (see photo). Armchair finished from the center which has some signs of aging and small tears on the left side (see photo). Furniture of exceptional quality and beauty, ideal for use in a living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In fair condition, defects on the left side. Height seat 50 cm.";"Fabulous English armchair from the early 20th century. Furniture covered in leather (seat, armrests and capitonné back) in fabulous patina with wooden base and original iron (see photo). Reclining armchair equipped with original Hillcrest mechanism (see photo) for revision for maximum safety. Furniture that has undergone a structural restoration under the seat (see photo). Armchair finished from the center which has some signs of aging and small tears on the left side (see photo). Furniture of exceptional quality and beauty, ideal for use in a living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In fair condition, defects on the left side. Height seat 50 cm.";
6175;"1";"10145";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"gueridon, furniture, side table, table, French, etagere, marble";"French side table with two shelves in wood from the 20th century";"French étagère furniture from the early 20th century. Side table carved in mahogany wood richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass";"gueridon-french-side-table-etagere-marble";"";"French side table with two shelves in wood from the 20th century";"French étagère furniture from the early 20th century. Side table carved in mahogany wood richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass. Furniture complete with two shelves with recessed marble and brass ring of good size and service. Marble of the first (largest) shelf showing signs of restoration, cracks and small lacks (see photo) to be restored. Top shelf marble in good condition. Side table of great size and difficult to find, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Central leg furniture supported by three solid feet. One foot has undergone a restoration with a support screw (see photo) to fortify its stability. In fair condition and in a nice patina, to be restored.";"French étagère furniture from the early 20th century. Side table carved in mahogany wood richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass. Furniture complete with two shelves with recessed marble and brass ring of good size and service. Marble of the first (largest) shelf showing signs of restoration, cracks and small lacks (see photo) to be restored. Top shelf marble in good condition. Side table of great size and difficult to find, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Central leg furniture supported by three solid feet. One foot has undergone a restoration with a support screw (see photo) to fortify its stability. In fair condition and in a nice patina, to be restored.";
6179;"1";"10129";"4500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, Italian, genre scene, artwork, oil on canvas";"Great genre scene from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene, View with architectures and characters of popular style ";"painting-antique-genre-scene-artwork-italian";"";"Great genre scene from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene, View with architectures and characters of popular style of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient landscapes. Artwork full of characters of fabulous dynamism, characterized by figures and clothes of Flemish / Northern French taste (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Complete artwork with frame from the 19th century, not coeval, finely carved, chiseled and gilded of excellent quality (see photo). Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 71 x W 96 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene, View with architectures and characters of popular style of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient landscapes. Artwork full of characters of fabulous dynamism, characterized by figures and clothes of Flemish / Northern French taste (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Complete artwork with frame from the 19th century, not coeval, finely carved, chiseled and gilded of excellent quality (see photo). Work that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 71 x W 96 cm.";
6198;"1";"10217";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Terracotta";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"terracotta, bas-relief, terra di Signa, angel, frame, Italian";"Bas-relief terracotta in terra di Signa stamped numbered 20th century";"Italian terracotta from 20th century. Stamped and numbered object (see photo) by Manifattura di Signa depicting Musician Angel";"terracotta-italian-terra-di-signa-angel";"";"Bas-relief terracotta in terra di Signa stamped and numbered from 20th century";"Italian terracotta from 20th century. Stamped and numbered object (see photo) by Manifattura di Signa depicting Musician Angel. Subject that refers to the famous angels painted by Melozzo da Forlì in the fourteenth century. High quality glazed, gilded and painted terracotta, stamped on the back and numbered on the left side (see photo). Object for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Terre di Signa, of beautiful size and pleasant furnishings. In a beautiful patina, without cracks or signs of restoration, it has small drops of color on the front that give the object even more charm. In good condition and complete with hanger (coated wire) in the upper part (see photo) to be immediately hung.";"Italian terracotta from 20th century. Stamped and numbered object (see photo) by Manifattura di Signa depicting Musician Angel. Subject that refers to the famous angels painted by Melozzo da Forlì in the fourteenth century. High quality glazed, gilded and painted terracotta, stamped on the back and numbered on the left side (see photo). Object for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Terre di Signa, of beautiful size and pleasant furnishings. In a beautiful patina, without cracks or signs of restoration, it has small drops of color on the front that give the object even more charm. In good condition and complete with hanger (coated wire) in the upper part (see photo) to be immediately hung.";
6200;"1";"10128";"4500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"genre scene, antique, painting, artwork, oil on canvas, frame";"Great Italian painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene, View with architectures, animals and characters";"painting-genre-scene-antique-artwork";"";"Great Italian painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene, View with architectures, animals and characters of popular taste with excellent pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient landscapes. Artwork full of characters of fabulous dynamism, characterized by figures and clothes of Flemish / Northern French style (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Complete painting with frame from the 19th century, not coeval, finely carved, chiseled and gilded of excellent quality (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 71 x W 96 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene, View with architectures, animals and characters of popular taste with excellent pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient landscapes. Artwork full of characters of fabulous dynamism, characterized by figures and clothes of Flemish / Northern French style (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Complete painting with frame from the 19th century, not coeval, finely carved, chiseled and gilded of excellent quality (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 71 x W 96 cm.";
6205;"1";"10221";"2500";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, madonna, child, religious, artwork, frame, oil on canvas";"Virgin with child in the Byzantine style from 19th century";"Italian painting from the late 19th / early 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting Virgin with child in antique Byzantine style";"painting-antique-religious-madonna-child";"";"Religious painting Virgin with child from 19th century";"Italian painting from the late 19th / early 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting Virgin with child in antique Byzantine style of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame of the twentieth century, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of sacred art. Canvas with two small holes / drops of color on the Madonna's robes (center to the left) that can be easily restored. Painting of great pictorial intensity and character, ideal for use in a living room or studio. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with color recovery in some points during the twentieth century. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 99 x W 74 cm.";"Italian painting from the late 19th / early 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting Virgin with child in antique Byzantine style of good pictorial quality. Wooden frame of the twentieth century, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of great measure and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of sacred art. Canvas with two small holes / drops of color on the Madonna's robes (center to the left) that can be easily restored. Painting of great pictorial intensity and character, ideal for use in a living room or studio. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with color recovery in some points during the twentieth century. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 99 x W 74 cm.";
6210;"1";"10215";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, table, Italian, iron, marble, living room, garden";"Italian iron side table with marble top from 20th century";"Italian high table from 20th century. Furniture with fabulous inlaid round marble top with central rosette in various precious marbles";"side-table-italian-marble-iron";"";"Italian iron side table with marble top from 20th century";"Italian high table from 20th century. Furniture with fabulous inlaid round marble top with central rosette in various precious marbles (see photo). Base in forged, painted and gilded iron, of beautiful line and good solidity. Top of excellent size and good service that can be positioned both inside and outside the house. Furniture belonging to a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). High table for antique dealers and interior decorators of pleasant furnishings and difficult to find. It shows some small signs of wear, structurally sound and without signs of previous restorations, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian high table from 20th century. Furniture with fabulous inlaid round marble top with central rosette in various precious marbles (see photo). Base in forged, painted and gilded iron, of beautiful line and good solidity. Top of excellent size and good service that can be positioned both inside and outside the house. Furniture belonging to a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). High table for antique dealers and interior decorators of pleasant furnishings and difficult to find. It shows some small signs of wear, structurally sound and without signs of previous restorations, overall in good state of conservation.";
6215;"1";"10215-2";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, side table, iron, marble, inlaid, garden, living room";"Italian iron table with inlaid marble top";"Italian table from 20th century. Furniture with fabulous inlaid round marble top with central rosette in various precious marbles";"table-italian-side-table-iron-marble-inlad";"";"Italian painted iron table with inlaid marble top";"Italian table from 20th century. Furniture with fabulous inlaid round marble top with central rosette in various precious marbles (see photo). Base in forged and painted iron of beautiful line and good solidity. Top of excellent size and good service that can be positioned both inside and outside the house. Furniture belonging to a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). High table for antique dealers and interior decorators with pleasant furnishings and difficult to find. It shows some small signs of wear, structurally sound and without signs of previous restorations, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian table from 20th century. Furniture with fabulous inlaid round marble top with central rosette in various precious marbles (see photo). Base in forged and painted iron of beautiful line and good solidity. Top of excellent size and good service that can be positioned both inside and outside the house. Furniture belonging to a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). High table for antique dealers and interior decorators with pleasant furnishings and difficult to find. It shows some small signs of wear, structurally sound and without signs of previous restorations, overall in good state of conservation.";
6217;"1";"10100";"2250";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, oil on panel, artwork, frame, Flemish, Holy Family";"Religious Flemish artwork Holy Family on panel from the 17th century";"Antique Flemish panel from the second half of the 17th century. Oil artwork on panel depicting a religious subject with an interior scene ";"painting-panel-artwork-antique-holy-family";"";"Religious Flemish artwork Holy Family on panel from the 17th century";"Antique Flemish panel from the second half of the 17th century. Oil artwork on panel depicting a religious subject with an interior scene with the Holy Family of good pictorial quality. 20th century frame, in wood and plaster, finely carved and gilded of beautiful decoration. Pleasantly sized painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting with a dark background characterized by an interesting use of the light coming from the hearth. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, palettes on the back and color recovery in some points (see photo) during the 20 century. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight Size H 55 x W 40 cm.";"Antique Flemish panel from the second half of the 17th century. Oil artwork on panel depicting a religious subject with an interior scene with the Holy Family of good pictorial quality. 20th century frame, in wood and plaster, finely carved and gilded of beautiful decoration. Pleasantly sized painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting with a dark background characterized by an interesting use of the light coming from the hearth. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, palettes on the back and color recovery in some points (see photo) during the 20 century. In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight Size H 55 x W 40 cm.";
6222;"1";"10203";"1350";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, French, cabinet, chest of drawers, wood, inlaid";"Small inlaid sideboard from the 20th century";"French sideboard of the 20th century. Furniture pleasantly adorned with geometric inlay on the front and sides in walnut, palisander, maple";"sideboard-french-cabinet-wood-inlaid";"";"Small French sideboard from the 20th century";"French sideboard of the 20th century. Furniture pleasantly adorned with geometric inlay on the front and sides in walnut, palisander, maple, beech and fruitwood. Moved and rounded furniture equipped with a front door that offers an internal support shelf (see photo). Non-original top, replaced during the 20th century, in black lacquered wood (see photo). Cabinet supported by four legs carved with curled feet. Sideboard of excellent proportion and pleasant decor, complete with a working key. In good condition with some signs of wear.";"French sideboard of the 20th century. Furniture pleasantly adorned with geometric inlay on the front and sides in walnut, palisander, maple, beech and fruitwood. Moved and rounded furniture equipped with a front door that offers an internal support shelf (see photo). Non-original top, replaced during the 20th century, in black lacquered wood (see photo). Cabinet supported by four legs carved with curled feet. Sideboard of excellent proportion and pleasant decor, complete with a working key. In good condition with some signs of wear.";
6223;"1";"10227";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, signed, nude, oil on masonite, frame, woman";"Signed nude painting 60's";"French painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a portrait of a female nude with a pleasant pictorial touch";"painting-nude-woman-artwork-signed";"";"French nude painting 60's";"French painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a portrait of a female nude with a pleasant pictorial touch. Nice size painting adorned with a lacquered and painted frame (see photo). Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature in the study phase. Artwork that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available) for antique dealers and collectors. Painting in good condition. Sight size H 62 x W 48 cm.";"French painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a portrait of a female nude with a pleasant pictorial touch. Nice size painting adorned with a lacquered and painted frame (see photo). Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature in the study phase. Artwork that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available) for antique dealers and collectors. Painting in good condition. Sight size H 62 x W 48 cm.";
6225;"1";"10234";"2300";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, annunciation, artwork, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian religious artwork Annunciation from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, Annunciation of good pictorial quality";"painting-annunciation-antique-religious";"";"Italian religious artwork Annunciation from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, Annunciation of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting decorated with a non-coeval wooden and plaster frame, from the 19th century, carved and gilded. Painting that develops horizontally, of great pictorial intensity with the Archangel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit on the left and the Virgin Mary on the right. Artwork of excellent proportion, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Frame with some small signs of aging and a lack of decoration at the bottom right (see photo). Overall artwork in good state of conservation and in beautiful patina. Sight size H 50 x W 69 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, Annunciation of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting decorated with a non-coeval wooden and plaster frame, from the 19th century, carved and gilded. Painting that develops horizontally, of great pictorial intensity with the Archangel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit on the left and the Virgin Mary on the right. Artwork of excellent proportion, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Frame with some small signs of aging and a lack of decoration at the bottom right (see photo). Overall artwork in good state of conservation and in beautiful patina. Sight size H 50 x W 69 cm.";
6227;"1";"10228";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"nude, painting, artwork, oil on masonite, signed, French";"Signed woman nude painting from 1960s";"French painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a portrait of a female nude with a pleasant pictorial touch.";"painting-nude-woman-signed-artwork-french";"";"French woman nude painting";"French painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a portrait of a female nude with a pleasant pictorial touch. Nice size painting adorned with a lacquered and painted frame (see photo). Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature in the study phase. Artwork that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available) for antique dealers and collectors. Painting in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 62 x W 48 cm.";"French painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a portrait of a female nude with a pleasant pictorial touch. Nice size painting adorned with a lacquered and painted frame (see photo). Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature in the study phase. Artwork that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available) for antique dealers and collectors. Painting in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 62 x W 48 cm.";
6236;"1";"10245";"3800";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, portrait, frame, woman, oil on canvas";"Lombard portrait from 17th century";"Antique Lombard / Venetian painting from 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a portrait, a grotesque character in a tavern with a glass";"painting-portrait-artwork-italian-antique";"";"Antique Lombard painting portrait from 17th century";"Antique Lombard / Venetian painting from 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a portrait, a grotesque character in a tavern with a glass of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of good size and proportion adorned with a non-coeval wooden frame, pleasantly sculpted, with some small signs of aging (see photo). Painting of great character, note the hand of the character clearly inspired by Caravaggio and the excellent transparency of the glass, a work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of high-epoch Italian painting. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 72 x W 58 cm.";"Antique Lombard / Venetian painting from 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a portrait, a grotesque character in a tavern with a glass of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of good size and proportion adorned with a non-coeval wooden frame, pleasantly sculpted, with some small signs of aging (see photo). Painting of great character, note the hand of the character clearly inspired by Caravaggio and the excellent transparency of the glass, a work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of high-epoch Italian painting. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall in good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 72 x W 58 cm.";
6241;"1";"10244";"2500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, oval, still life, frame, Italian";"18th century oval still life";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting still life with flowers, vegetables and fruit, for antique dealers";"still-life-antique-artwork-painting";"";"18th century oval Italian still life painting ";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting still life with flowers, vegetables and fruit, for antique dealers and collectors. Oval painting adorned with an antique frame carved, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration. Frame that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery during the twentieth century. Artwork of great measure and impact, pleasant glimpse of the mountain in the background on the right (see photo). Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In fair condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 92 x W 68 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting still life with flowers, vegetables and fruit, for antique dealers and collectors. Oval painting adorned with an antique frame carved, lacquered and gilded of beautiful decoration. Frame that has undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery during the twentieth century. Artwork of great measure and impact, pleasant glimpse of the mountain in the background on the right (see photo). Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In fair condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 92 x W 68 cm.";
6244;"1";"10089";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"landscape, painting, artwork, signed, oil on canvas, frame";"Signed painting landscape of countryside from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape, countryside view in impressionist style";"painting-landscape-artwork-signed-frame";"";"Signed painting landscape of countryside from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape, countryside view in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Painting of good size and pleasant furnishings adorned with a carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) fitted with a fabric passe-partout with some small signs of wear (see photo). Painting signed lower left (see photo), signature in the study phase. Very bright artwork, which can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 49 x W 69 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape, countryside view in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Painting of good size and pleasant furnishings adorned with a carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) fitted with a fabric passe-partout with some small signs of wear (see photo). Painting signed lower left (see photo), signature in the study phase. Very bright artwork, which can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 49 x W 69 cm.";
6247;"1";"10090";"700";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, oil, Italian, landscape, signed, frame";"Small signed landscape from the 1950s";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a mountain landscape with a hut and characters in impressionist style";"painting-signed-impressionist-landscape";"";"Small Italian signed landscape painting from the 1950s";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a mountain landscape with a hut and characters in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Small painting adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, carved, chiseled and ebonized with a small gilded wooden panel (bronze tint). Work of pleasant depth and perspective, characterized by a wise use of color. V. Ricciardi (see photo) in the study phase has a signature in the lower right corner, no authentication. In good condition with some small signs of aging. To clean. Sight size H 33 x W 47 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a mountain landscape with a hut and characters in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Small painting adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, carved, chiseled and ebonized with a small gilded wooden panel (bronze tint). Work of pleasant depth and perspective, characterized by a wise use of color. V. Ricciardi (see photo) in the study phase has a signature in the lower right corner, no authentication. In good condition with some small signs of aging. To clean. Sight size H 33 x W 47 cm.";
6251;"1";"0661";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, artwork, signed, frame, oil on board";"Small signed landscape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a mountain landscape with characters of good pictorial quality.";"painting-landscape-signed-oil-artwork";"";"Small signed landscape from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a mountain landscape with characters of good pictorial quality. Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. Painting signed lower right L. Bosio (see photo) referable to the Italian painter Luigi Bosio (1896-1959), missing authentication. Finely carved, chiseled and gilded frame in wood and plaster with some small drops of color (see photo). Painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 19 x W 25.5 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a mountain landscape with characters of good pictorial quality. Small painting, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian painting of the twentieth century. Painting signed lower right L. Bosio (see photo) referable to the Italian painter Luigi Bosio (1896-1959), missing authentication. Finely carved, chiseled and gilded frame in wood and plaster with some small drops of color (see photo). Painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 19 x W 25.5 cm.";
6254;"1";"0721";"1150";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"portrait, painting, artwork, frame, oval, woman, oil on canvas";"Small portrait of a woman from the late 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a female portrait, a young girl in an elegant dress";"painting-portrait-woman-artwork-oval-antique";"";"Small portrait of a woman from the late 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a female portrait, a young girl in an elegant dress of good pictorial quality. Coeval frame in wood and plaster nicely carved and gilded with different signs of aging (see photo). The frame has undergone a restoration and fixing with screws and nails (visible from the back). Canvas in good condition and in beautiful patina, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Measuring painting contained that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Canvas that has undergone a slight conservative restoration, overall artwork in fair condition. SIght size H 24 x W 18 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a female portrait, a young girl in an elegant dress of good pictorial quality. Coeval frame in wood and plaster nicely carved and gilded with different signs of aging (see photo). The frame has undergone a restoration and fixing with screws and nails (visible from the back). Canvas in good condition and in beautiful patina, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Measuring painting contained that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Canvas that has undergone a slight conservative restoration, overall artwork in fair condition. SIght size H 24 x W 18 cm.";
6255;"1";"10186";"5600";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, frame, religious, oil on canvas, Italian, antique";"italian religious painting Passion of Christ from the 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, Jesus stripped of his clothes";"religious-painting-antique-artwork-italian";"";"italian religious painting Passion of Christ from the 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, Jesus stripped of his clothes, scene of the passion of Christ of good pictorial quality. Large-sized and beautifully decorated artwork, rich in characters and decorative elements, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Antique wooden frame not coeval adapted to the painting, sculpted, lacquered and gilded (lacquering and gilding of the twentieth century). Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points (see photo). Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or studio, with a strong visual impact, characterized by a particular perspective. Overall in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 116 x W 155 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject, Jesus stripped of his clothes, scene of the passion of Christ of good pictorial quality. Large-sized and beautifully decorated artwork, rich in characters and decorative elements, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Antique wooden frame not coeval adapted to the painting, sculpted, lacquered and gilded (lacquering and gilding of the twentieth century). Painting that has undergone an intense conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in various points (see photo). Ideal painting to be placed in a living room or studio, with a strong visual impact, characterized by a particular perspective. Overall in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 116 x W 155 cm.";
6257;"1";"10252";"4000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Lombard, writing desk, bureau, secrétaire, inlaid";"Trumeau in Rococo style in inlaid wood from 20th century";"Lombard trumeau from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture in Rococo style richly inlaid in walnut, burl, maple, beech and fruitwood";"trumeau-lombard-inlaid-secretaire";"";"Trumeau in Rococo style in inlaid wood from 20th century";"Lombard trumeau from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture in Rococo style richly inlaid in walnut, burl, maple, beech and fruitwood. Double body trumeau equipped with three large drawers and fall-front in the lower part. Interior also inlaid complete with 5 drawers, two small compartments for documents and a desk of good size and service. Upper body with one door with built-in mirror, interior with two shelves (see photo) of moderate capacity. Trumeau of fabulous line and pleasant furnishings, ideal for use in a living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has a small lack of wooden decoration at the base of the extension (see photo). Complete with two working keys of the upper door and the calatoia. In beautiful patina, overall in good state of conservation with a small lack of wooden decoration.";"Lombard trumeau from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded furniture in Rococo style richly inlaid in walnut, burl, maple, beech and fruitwood. Double body trumeau equipped with three large drawers and fall-front in the lower part. Interior also inlaid complete with 5 drawers, two small compartments for documents and a desk of good size and service. Upper body with one door with built-in mirror, interior with two shelves (see photo) of moderate capacity. Trumeau of fabulous line and pleasant furnishings, ideal for use in a living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. It has a small lack of wooden decoration at the base of the extension (see photo). Complete with two working keys of the upper door and the calatoia. In beautiful patina, overall in good state of conservation with a small lack of wooden decoration.";
6259;"1";"10063";"3500";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, French, Napoleonic, oil on canvas, frame";"French painting camp with soldiers and horses from the 19th century";"Antique French painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view of a camp with soldiers and horses";"painting-antique-artwork-french-napoleonic";"";"French painting camp with soldiers and horses from the 19th century";"Antique French painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view of a camp with soldiers and horses of good pictorial quality. A painting that develops horizontally, of great measure and dynamism, full of characters, animals and decorative elements. 20th century frame, in wood and plaster, carved and ebonized, applied and fixed frontally to the painting (see photo). Painting of good brightness and pleasant depth, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique military-themed works. Canvas with a difficult to read monogram in the lower right corner (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, replacement of the frame, addition of small patches on the back and color recovery in some places (see photo). In nice patina, overall in good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 102 x W 175 cm.";"Antique French painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view of a camp with soldiers and horses of good pictorial quality. A painting that develops horizontally, of great measure and dynamism, full of characters, animals and decorative elements. 20th century frame, in wood and plaster, carved and ebonized, applied and fixed frontally to the painting (see photo). Painting of good brightness and pleasant depth, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique military-themed works. Canvas with a difficult to read monogram in the lower right corner (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, replacement of the frame, addition of small patches on the back and color recovery in some places (see photo). In nice patina, overall in good state of conservation with some signs of aging. Sight size H 102 x W 175 cm.";
6261;"1";"10261";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Camini e Stufe";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"fireplace, wood, painted, gilded, furniture, living room";"Spectacular fireplace in painted and gilded wood";"Italian fireplace from the second half of the 20th century. Front fireplace decoration in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful line and quality.";"fireplace-italian-wood-painted-gold";"";"Italian painted and gilded fireplace from 20th century";"Italian fireplace from the second half of the 20th century. Front fireplace decoration in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful line and quality. Finely lacquered imitation marble top (see photo) of discreet size and service. Furniture adorned with a finely chiseled central shell (see photo). Front opening that can accommodate a fireplace with the following measures W 95 cm x H 96.5 cm (central shell height). Furniture of great size and beautiful decoration, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in excellent condition.";"Italian fireplace from the second half of the 20th century. Front fireplace decoration in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful line and quality. Finely lacquered imitation marble top (see photo) of discreet size and service. Furniture adorned with a finely chiseled central shell (see photo). Front opening that can accommodate a fireplace with the following measures W 95 cm x H 96.5 cm (central shell height). Furniture of great size and beautiful decoration, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in excellent condition.";
6273;"1";"10066";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, signed, dated, oil on canvas, boats, seascape";"Signed painting and dated seascape with boats from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a seascape in impressionist style";"painting-artwork-signed-dated-seascape-boats";"";"Signed painting and dated seascape with boats from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a seascape in impressionist style, View with boats and characters of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster, carved, gilded (bronze tint) and chiseled of beautiful decoration. Frame adapted to the painting with some signs of aging (see photo). Large size and excellent brightness painting signed and dated lower right G. Morello 1926 (see photo) signature in the study phase. Pleasantly decorated painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and patches placed on the back of the canvas (see photo). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 68 x W 98 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a seascape in impressionist style, View with boats and characters of good pictorial quality. Frame in wood and plaster, carved, gilded (bronze tint) and chiseled of beautiful decoration. Frame adapted to the painting with some signs of aging (see photo). Large size and excellent brightness painting signed and dated lower right G. Morello 1926 (see photo) signature in the study phase. Pleasantly decorated painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, color recovery in some points and patches placed on the back of the canvas (see photo). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 68 x W 98 cm.";
6280;"1";"9379";"750";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, artwork, romantic, oil on canvas, signed";"Small romantic landscape from the 1920s";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting pleasant countryside view with village";"landscape-artwork-painting-romantic-signed";"";"Small romantic landscape French painting from the 1920s";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting pleasant countryside view with village and sea in the background in impressionist style. Painting of limited size and excellent proportion adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, carved and gilded, with some signs of aging (see photo). Painting of interesting perspective, signed lower left (see photo) signature under study. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration and relining (see photo). Canvas showing a restoration with color recovery due to a tear (see photo on the back). Painting overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 34 x W 48.5 cm.";"French painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting pleasant countryside view with village and sea in the background in impressionist style. Painting of limited size and excellent proportion adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, carved and gilded, with some signs of aging (see photo). Painting of interesting perspective, signed lower left (see photo) signature under study. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration and relining (see photo). Canvas showing a restoration with color recovery due to a tear (see photo on the back). Painting overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 34 x W 48.5 cm.";
6282;"1";"10276";"4400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, Flemish, artwork, portrait, signed, oil on canvas";"Portrait signed Gerrit Van Gimning and dated 1715";"Antique Flemish painting dated 1715. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a portrait of a clergyman of excellent pictorial quality";"portrait-signed-dated-antique-painting";"";"Portrait painting signed Gerrit Van Gimning and dated 1715";"Antique Flemish painting dated 1715. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a portrait of a clergyman of excellent pictorial quality. Large-scale and impactful painting adorned with a pleasantly sculpted, lacquered and gilded wooden frame from the 20th century. Painting signed and dated top left G. V. Gimnig 1715 (see photo) referable to the Dutch painter Gerrit Van Gimnig (1695-1746) without authentication. Ideal artwork to be placed in a living room or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 95 x W 74 cm.";"Antique Flemish painting dated 1715. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a portrait of a clergyman of excellent pictorial quality. Large-scale and impactful painting adorned with a pleasantly sculpted, lacquered and gilded wooden frame from the 20th century. Painting signed and dated top left G. V. Gimnig 1715 (see photo) referable to the Dutch painter Gerrit Van Gimnig (1695-1746) without authentication. Ideal artwork to be placed in a living room or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 95 x W 74 cm.";
6283;"1";"10268";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"still life, signed, artwork, painting, oil on canvas, frame";"Still life signed from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting still life with fruit of good pictorial quality.";"still-life-signed-artwork-painting";"";"Still life signed painting from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting still life with fruit of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly furnished painting decorated with a carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame (bronze tint) with some signs of aging and small decay of decoration (see photo). Artwork signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. Painting that develops horizontally, beautifully decorated, ideal to be placed in a living room. Canvas that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting with a halo at the top left (see photo), to be restored. In fair condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 60 x W 86 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting still life with fruit of good pictorial quality. Nice sized and pleasantly furnished painting decorated with a carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame (bronze tint) with some signs of aging and small decay of decoration (see photo). Artwork signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. Painting that develops horizontally, beautifully decorated, ideal to be placed in a living room. Canvas that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting with a halo at the top left (see photo), to be restored. In fair condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 60 x W 86 cm.";
6287;"1";"10307";"2300";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, sibyl, artwork, oil on canvas, frame, French";"Antique Sibyl painting from the 19th century";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Artwork oil on paper applied on canvas depicting a young girl, Sibyl ";"painting-antique-french-sybil-artwork";"";"Antique Sibyl French painting from the 19th century";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Artwork oil on paper applied on canvas depicting a young girl, Sibyl of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting that focuses on the dress of the lady and her pose with an unfinished background, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Painting of excellent proportion and pleasant furnishings, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Work on paper that was applied to canvas on a wooden frame during the 20th century. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 42 x W 48 cm.";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 19th century. Artwork oil on paper applied on canvas depicting a young girl, Sibyl of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting that focuses on the dress of the lady and her pose with an unfinished background, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors. Painting of excellent proportion and pleasant furnishings, it can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Work on paper that was applied to canvas on a wooden frame during the 20th century. In good condition with some small signs of aging. Sight size H 42 x W 48 cm.";
6289;"1";"10267";"2800";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, english, signed, dated, oil on canvas, seascape";"English painting signed and dated 1868 depicting seascape";"Antique English painting dated 1868. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality.";"english-antique-seascape-signed-painting";"";"English seascape painting signed and dated 1868";"Antique English painting dated 1868. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality. Finely carved, chiseled and gilded wood and plaster frame, beautifully decorated with some signs of conservative restoration (see photo). Painting that develops vertically, with a pleasant perspective and good brightness. Artwork signed and dated lower right (see photo) referable to the English painter John Cheltenham Wake (1837-1882), missing authentication. Canvas with a drop of color in the lower right corner (see photo), easy to restore. Painting in a beautiful patina, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 60 x W 50 cm.";"Antique English painting dated 1868. Oil on canvas artwork, first canvas, depicting a seascape with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality. Finely carved, chiseled and gilded wood and plaster frame, beautifully decorated with some signs of conservative restoration (see photo). Painting that develops vertically, with a pleasant perspective and good brightness. Artwork signed and dated lower right (see photo) referable to the English painter John Cheltenham Wake (1837-1882), missing authentication. Canvas with a drop of color in the lower right corner (see photo), easy to restore. Painting in a beautiful patina, overall in a fair conservative state. Sight size H 60 x W 50 cm.";
6293;"1";"10265";"1800";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, antique, artwork, signed, dated, frame";"Italian painting signed and dated 1939 woodland landscape";"Italian painting dated 1939. Oil on board painting depicting a woodland landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-antique-artwork-landscape-signed";"";"Italian painting signed and dated 1939 woodland landscape";"Italian painting dated 1939. Oil on board painting depicting a woodland landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, sculpted, painted and gilded (bronze tint). Large size and impact artwork ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Painting signed and dated lower right (see photo) Prini A. 1939 attributable to the painter Angelo Prini (1912-1999), lacking authentication. Painting with some small signs of the time, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 73 x W 101 cm.";"Italian painting dated 1939. Oil on board painting depicting a woodland landscape in impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with a wooden and plaster frame, sculpted, painted and gilded (bronze tint). Large size and impact artwork ideal to be placed in a living room or studio. Painting signed and dated lower right (see photo) Prini A. 1939 attributable to the painter Angelo Prini (1912-1999), lacking authentication. Painting with some small signs of the time, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 73 x W 101 cm.";
6297;"1";"10318";"4000";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, portrait, oil on canvas, signed, frame";"Great portrait signed Agazzi and dated 1908";"Great Italian painting dated 1908. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a gentleman with newspaper ";"painting-portrait-artwork-signed-dated";"";"Great Italian painting signed Agazzi and dated 1908";"Great Italian painting dated 1908. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a gentleman with newspaper of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of exceptional size adorned with a pleasantly carved and gilded coeval frame of beautiful decoration. Artwork of strong visual impact signed and dated in the lower left corner Agazzi R. 1908 (see photo) referable to the painter Rinaldo Agazzi (1857-1939) lacking authentication. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits, ideal to be placed in a study or in an important entrance. In nice patina, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 159 x W 88 cm.";"Great Italian painting dated 1908. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a portrait of a gentleman with newspaper of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of exceptional size adorned with a pleasantly carved and gilded coeval frame of beautiful decoration. Artwork of strong visual impact signed and dated in the lower left corner Agazzi R. 1908 (see photo) referable to the painter Rinaldo Agazzi (1857-1939) lacking authentication. Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique portraits, ideal to be placed in a study or in an important entrance. In nice patina, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 159 x W 88 cm.";
6301;"1";"10255";"1400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Lampadari Appliques luci";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"wall lamp, Italian, crystal, metal, lighting, chandelier";"Italian crystal and metal wall lamp";"Elegant Italian wall lamp from the 70s. Wall light in crystal and gilded and painted metal of fabulous decor. Three-light wall lamp with electrical system";"wall-lamp-crystal-metal-chandelier-light";"";"Elegant italian crystal and metal wall lamp";"Elegant Italian wall lamp from the 70s. Wall light in crystal and gilded and painted metal of fabulous decor. Three-light wall lamp with electrical system to be overhauled for perfect functioning. Item without brands or stamps referable to the Tuscan production Banci in the French style Maison Bagues. Of great size and impact, the applique can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition, electrical system to be overhauled.";"Elegant Italian wall lamp from the 70s. Wall light in crystal and gilded and painted metal of fabulous decor. Three-light wall lamp with electrical system to be overhauled for perfect functioning. Item without brands or stamps referable to the Tuscan production Banci in the French style Maison Bagues. Of great size and impact, the applique can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition, electrical system to be overhauled.";
6307;"1";"10284";"3000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, landscape, artwork, oil on canvas, frame, Italian";"Antique landscape with wayfarers from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with pilgrims of a religious nature, scene under study";"landscape-painting-oil-canvas-artwork-antique";"";"Italian painting landscape with wayfarers from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with pilgrims of a religious nature, scene under study, of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized artwork adorned with a 20th century frame, sculpted and gilded (bronze tint). Painting enriched by the presence of numerous characters and animals, of good brightness and pleasant perspective. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 75 x W 98 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with pilgrims of a religious nature, scene under study, of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized artwork adorned with a 20th century frame, sculpted and gilded (bronze tint). Painting enriched by the presence of numerous characters and animals, of good brightness and pleasant perspective. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 75 x W 98 cm.";
6309;"1";"10212";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Marmo";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sculpture, marble, horse, statue, Italian, art";"Italian marble sculpture from the first half of the 20th century";"Fabulous Italian marble sculpture from the mid 20th century. Work depicting the head of a horse in white marble resting on a base also in marble.";"sculpture-marble-horse-statue-italian";"";"Italian marble sculpture from the first half of the 20th century";"Fabulous Italian marble sculpture from the mid 20th century. Work depicting the head of a horse in white marble resting on a base also in marble. Sculpture finished from the center of exceptional quality finely carved and chiseled in the smallest details of the muzzle and mane (see photo). Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of equestrian sculptures and marbles. Beautifully sized object and pleasant furnishings that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, with a strong visual impact. Work that has some signs of restoration work and small lacks in the final part of the mane (see photo). Object in beautiful patina, overall in a fairly conservative state.";"Fabulous Italian marble sculpture from the mid 20th century. Work depicting the head of a horse in white marble resting on a base also in marble. Sculpture finished from the center of exceptional quality finely carved and chiseled in the smallest details of the muzzle and mane (see photo). Work for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of equestrian sculptures and marbles. Beautifully sized object and pleasant furnishings that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, with a strong visual impact. Work that has some signs of restoration work and small lacks in the final part of the mane (see photo). Object in beautiful patina, overall in a fairly conservative state.";
6320;"1";"10285";"2500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"supper at Emmaus, artwork, painting, antique, Flemish, oil on panel";"Supper at Emmaus, Flemish painting on panel from 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on panel painting depicting a religious subject Supper at Emmaus ";"supper-at-emmaus-painting-antique-artwork";"";"Flemish painting Supper at Emmaus from 18th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on panel painting depicting a religious subject Supper at Emmaus of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Artwork of good size and great impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting with a dark background depicting the manifestation of Jesus a few days after the crucifixion at Emmaus. Christ is represented at the table with the intent of breaking bread with two incredulous and frightened disciples (see photo). Painting of great character that has undergone a restoration, palettes (see photo on the back) and color recovery in various points during the twentieth century. In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 43 x W 61 cm.";"Antique Flemish painting from the first half of the 18th century. Oil on panel painting depicting a religious subject Supper at Emmaus of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Artwork of good size and great impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting with a dark background depicting the manifestation of Jesus a few days after the crucifixion at Emmaus. Christ is represented at the table with the intent of breaking bread with two incredulous and frightened disciples (see photo). Painting of great character that has undergone a restoration, palettes (see photo on the back) and color recovery in various points during the twentieth century. In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 43 x W 61 cm.";
6324;"1";"10294";"2600";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, artwork, portrait, oil on canvas, frame, bishop";"Portrait of a Bishop painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Bishop of good pictorial quality. ";"portrait-bishop-painting-religious-antique";"";"Portrait of a Bishop painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Bishop of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasant decor painting adorned with a 20th century frame, sculpted, lacquered and gilded. Artwork of good brightness that develops vertically, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 87 x W 65 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Bishop of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasant decor painting adorned with a 20th century frame, sculpted, lacquered and gilded. Artwork of good brightness that develops vertically, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 87 x W 65 cm.";
6325;"1";"10327";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, antique, oil on canvas, seascape, landscape, signed";"Seascape painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a seascape with a vessel ";"painting-seascape-artwork-landscape-signed";"";"Seascape Italian painting from 20th century";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a seascape with a vessel and eighteenth-century style architecture of good pictorial quality. Contemporary frame in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful decoration. Painting that develops vertically, of excellent dynamism, signed at the bottom right (see photo) signature in the study phase. Pleasantly furnished artwork of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. In good condition. Sight size H 68 x W 48 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a seascape with a vessel and eighteenth-century style architecture of good pictorial quality. Contemporary frame in carved, lacquered and gilded wood of beautiful decoration. Painting that develops vertically, of excellent dynamism, signed at the bottom right (see photo) signature in the study phase. Pleasantly furnished artwork of excellent proportion, it can be easily placed in different points of the house. In good condition. Sight size H 68 x W 48 cm.";
6329;"1";"10339";"2900";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, crucifixion, oil on canvas, religious";"Crucifixion painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Crucifixion with Madonna";"painting-crucifixion-religious-antique";"";"Italian Crucifixion painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Crucifixion with Madonna, Magdalena and Saint John of good pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting characterized by a wise use of light and color. Painting of great pictorial intensity, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in various points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of restoration.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Crucifixion with Madonna, Magdalena and Saint John of good pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasant impact painting characterized by a wise use of light and color. Painting of great pictorial intensity, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in various points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of restoration.";
6337;"1";"9559";"2600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Italian, furniture, desk, inlaid, bureau, sideboard";"Italian trumeau in inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Italian trumeau from 20th century. Louis XV style furniture nicely inlaid in walnut, maple and fruitwood. Double body trumeau ";"trumeau-italian-Louis-XV-inlaid-desk";"";"Italian inlaid trumeau from the 20th century";"Italian trumeau from 20th century. Louis XV style furniture nicely inlaid in walnut, maple and fruitwood. Double body trumeau equipped with two drawers and fall-front in the lower part. Inside of the bureau with two drawers, four compartments for documents and a desk of good size and service (see photo). Upper body with two doors also inlaid, interior complete with four shelves of discreet service. High-leg cabinet, curved feet sculpted (see photo). Beautifully decorated trumeau for living room, living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Structurally sound cabinet complete with four working keys and locks. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";"Italian trumeau from 20th century. Louis XV style furniture nicely inlaid in walnut, maple and fruitwood. Double body trumeau equipped with two drawers and fall-front in the lower part. Inside of the bureau with two drawers, four compartments for documents and a desk of good size and service (see photo). Upper body with two doors also inlaid, interior complete with four shelves of discreet service. High-leg cabinet, curved feet sculpted (see photo). Beautifully decorated trumeau for living room, living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Structurally sound cabinet complete with four working keys and locks. In good condition with some small signs of aging.";
6341;"1";"10286";"4400";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, religious, Magdalene, oil on canvas, frame";"Antique Magdalene painting from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Penitent Magdalene";"magdalene-painting-artwork-antique-religious";"";"Antique Magdalene painting from 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Penitent Magdalene of excellent pictorial quality. Large size painting and pleasant furnishings adorned by a 20th century frame in carved and gilded wood. Painting of good brightness with architecture and landscape in the background (see photo). Ideal work to be placed in a salon or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 79 x W 70 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Penitent Magdalene of excellent pictorial quality. Large size painting and pleasant furnishings adorned by a 20th century frame in carved and gilded wood. Painting of good brightness with architecture and landscape in the background (see photo). Ideal work to be placed in a salon or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 79 x W 70 cm.";
6343;"1";"9434";"3000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Vetrine e Librerie";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"showcase, inlaid, furniture, bookcase, sideboard, wood, French";"Great inlaid display cabinet from the 1950s";"French showcase from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded Napoleon III style furniture richly adorned with gilded and chiseled brass";"display-cabinet-french-wood-inlaid-bookcase";"";"Great inlaid French display cabinet style Napoleon III ";"French showcase from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded Napoleon III style furniture richly adorned with gilded and chiseled brass, inlaid with walnut, mahogany, maple, beech, burl and fruitwood. Showcase equipped with two doors with recessed glass and two drawers in the lower part of good capacity and service. Interior complete with four fixed support shelves (see photo). Furniture built in a single non-removable block, complete with a working key. Showcase display ideal to be placed in a living room or study, of excellent capacity and pleasant decor. Bookcase that has some small lack of veneer in the border of the left drawer (see photo). Furniture structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"French showcase from the mid-20th century. Moved and rounded Napoleon III style furniture richly adorned with gilded and chiseled brass, inlaid with walnut, mahogany, maple, beech, burl and fruitwood. Showcase equipped with two doors with recessed glass and two drawers in the lower part of good capacity and service. Interior complete with four fixed support shelves (see photo). Furniture built in a single non-removable block, complete with a working key. Showcase display ideal to be placed in a living room or study, of excellent capacity and pleasant decor. Bookcase that has some small lack of veneer in the border of the left drawer (see photo). Furniture structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6344;"1";"10301";"2000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, pastoral scene, oil on canvas, frame";"Antique pastoral scene from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting pastoral scene, bucolic landscape with animals and popular characters ";"painting-antique-artwork-pastoral-scene";"";"Antique pastoral scene painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting pastoral scene, bucolic landscape with animals and popular characters of good pictorial quality. Painting that develops horizontally, of particular proportions, adorned with an ancient wooden frame, not coeval, carved and painted. Artwork of good brightness characterized by the presence of numerous details, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall painting in good condition. Sight size H 46 x W 85 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting pastoral scene, bucolic landscape with animals and popular characters of good pictorial quality. Painting that develops horizontally, of particular proportions, adorned with an ancient wooden frame, not coeval, carved and painted. Artwork of good brightness characterized by the presence of numerous details, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining and color recovery in some points (see photo). Overall painting in good condition. Sight size H 46 x W 85 cm.";
6352;"1";"10297";"2100";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, oil on canvas, religious, frame, Italian";"Antique painting 17th century, the parable of the unfaithful farmer";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular religious subject, the Parable of the unfaithful farmer.";"antique-painting-parable-unfaithful-farmer";"";"Antique painting the parable of the unfaithful farmer 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular religious subject, the Parable of the unfaithful farmer. Once upon a time there was a farmer who fraudulently administered his master's assets. Before being fired, he tries to recover part of the credits by making important discounts to creditors, who will be grateful to him. The master, instead of condemning this behavior which is detrimental to him, praises the cunning of the farmer. This story is meant to urge believers to do whatever is necessary before the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of God and its judgment. Painting that develops vertically adorned with a wooden frame not coeval carved, lacquered and gilded. Painting that focuses on the characters in the foreground, a patina that does not allow a perfect vision of the architecture and of the foreshortening on the left (see photo), painted to be cleaned. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In fair condition with various signs of aging. To be restored. Sight size H 64 x W 49 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular religious subject, the Parable of the unfaithful farmer. Once upon a time there was a farmer who fraudulently administered his master's assets. Before being fired, he tries to recover part of the credits by making important discounts to creditors, who will be grateful to him. The master, instead of condemning this behavior which is detrimental to him, praises the cunning of the farmer. This story is meant to urge believers to do whatever is necessary before the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of God and its judgment. Painting that develops vertically adorned with a wooden frame not coeval carved, lacquered and gilded. Painting that focuses on the characters in the foreground, a patina that does not allow a perfect vision of the architecture and of the foreshortening on the left (see photo), painted to be cleaned. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In fair condition with various signs of aging. To be restored. Sight size H 64 x W 49 cm.";
6358;"1";"10343";"6800";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, oil on canvas, Italian, shepherd, dogs, landscape";"Great 17th century Lombard painting, the shepherd with his dogs";"Antique Lombard painting of the 17th century. Oil painting on canvas of considerable size depicting a shepherd with his dogs ";"painting-antique-artwork-shepherd-dogs";"";"Great 17th century painting, the shepherd with his dogs";"Antique Lombard painting of the 17th century. Oil painting on canvas of considerable size depicting a shepherd with his dogs immersed in a countryside landscape. Painting of great pictorial quality, the mastery with which the painter has represented the animals is remarkable. Non coeval frame in carved, lacquered and gilded wood, of beautiful decoration. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some small points, overall in excellent state of conservation. Sight size H 71 x W 181 cm.";"Antique Lombard painting of the 17th century. Oil painting on canvas of considerable size depicting a shepherd with his dogs immersed in a countryside landscape. Painting of great pictorial quality, the mastery with which the painter has represented the animals is remarkable. Non coeval frame in carved, lacquered and gilded wood, of beautiful decoration. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some small points, overall in excellent state of conservation. Sight size H 71 x W 181 cm.";
6362;"1";"10345";"3400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, antique, Italian, oval, oil on canvas, caprice";"Architectural caprice from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas (glued on a board) depicting a pleasant caprice, seen with architectures";"caprice-architectural-painting-artwork";"";"Painting architectural caprice from 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas (glued on a board) depicting a pleasant caprice, seen with architectures and characters of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in carved wood, lacquered faux marble and gilded of fabulous decoration. Nice size painting, oval-shaped on a rectangular frame, ideal to be placed in a living room or study. Artwork of good brightness finished in the smallest details, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Canvas that was glued onto a board during the 20th century. It has also undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 70 x W 53 cm";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas (glued on a board) depicting a pleasant caprice, seen with architectures and characters of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in carved wood, lacquered faux marble and gilded of fabulous decoration. Nice size painting, oval-shaped on a rectangular frame, ideal to be placed in a living room or study. Artwork of good brightness finished in the smallest details, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Canvas that was glued onto a board during the 20th century. It has also undergone a conservative restoration and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 70 x W 53 cm";
6364;"1";"0775";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, oil, frame, animal, little girl, Italian, signed";"Small signed painting from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a girl with a calf of good pictorial quality. Impressionist style ";"painting-signed-artwork-oil-italian";"";"Small signed painting from the 20th century";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a girl with a calf of good pictorial quality. Impressionist style painting of good brightness adorned with a carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame. Artwork signed lower left (see photo), signature in the study phase. Small painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition. Sight size H 28.5 x W 22.5 cm.";"Italian painting from the mid-20th century. Artwork oil on board depicting a girl with a calf of good pictorial quality. Impressionist style painting of good brightness adorned with a carved and gilded wooden and plaster frame. Artwork signed lower left (see photo), signature in the study phase. Small painting that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition. Sight size H 28.5 x W 22.5 cm.";
6366;"1";"10153";"2400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, oil on canvas, Italian, landscape";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the allegory of motherhood, landscape with female figure and children";"painting-artwork-antique-landscape-character";"";"Antique Italian painting allegory of motherhood from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the allegory of motherhood, landscape with female figure and children of excellent pictorial quality. Not contemporary carved and gilded wooden frame (restored in the 20th century). Painting of nice size and proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Artwork that depicts two children playing to reach the mother's breast and a third child in a basket on the right (see photo). Painting of great elegance and refinement, for antique dealers and collectors. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration during the twentieth century. In good condition. Sight size H 47 x W 60 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the allegory of motherhood, landscape with female figure and children of excellent pictorial quality. Not contemporary carved and gilded wooden frame (restored in the 20th century). Painting of nice size and proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Artwork that depicts two children playing to reach the mother's breast and a third child in a basket on the right (see photo). Painting of great elegance and refinement, for antique dealers and collectors. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration during the twentieth century. In good condition. Sight size H 47 x W 60 cm.";
6372;"1";"10364";"2800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, artwork, oil on canvas, frame, martyrdom";"Religious painting of the martyrdom of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Martyrdom of Fidelis from Sigmaringen (Markus Roy) ";"painting-artwork-religious-martyrdom-antique";"";"Italian painting from 18th century, the martyrdom of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Martyrdom of Fidelis from Sigmaringen (Markus Roy) of good pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and great character for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique sacred art. The friar, an example of humility and dedication in life, is the first martyr of the Capuchin order, beatified by Pope Benedict XIII in 1729 and later canonized in 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV. A painting with a strong visual impact, in bright colors, which depicts the moment when Fidelis da Sigmaringen is attacked and murdered by heretics. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Martyrdom of Fidelis from Sigmaringen (Markus Roy) of good pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and great character for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of antique sacred art. The friar, an example of humility and dedication in life, is the first martyr of the Capuchin order, beatified by Pope Benedict XIII in 1729 and later canonized in 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV. A painting with a strong visual impact, in bright colors, which depicts the moment when Fidelis da Sigmaringen is attacked and murdered by heretics. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition.";
6381;"1";"10373";"2000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, furniture, night stands, Venetian, lacquered";"Pair of Venetian style bedside tables";"Pair of Venetian bedside tables from the 20th century. Furniture of fabulous line in carved, lacquered, silvered and hand painted wood in Venetian style.";"pair-night-stands-venetian-bedside-tables";"";"Pair of Venetian style lacquered bedside tables";"Pair of Venetian bedside tables from the 20th century. Furniture of fabulous line in carved, lacquered, silvered and hand painted wood in Venetian style. Bedside tables equipped with a drawer and a fall front door of good capacity and service. Wooden top in faux marble lacquered character of excellent size and quality. Night stands supported by solid wavy legs with curled finished feet (see photo). Pleasantly furnished bedroom or living room tables for antique dealers, interior decorators and lovers of Venetian furniture. They show some signs of aging, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Pair of Venetian bedside tables from the 20th century. Furniture of fabulous line in carved, lacquered, silvered and hand painted wood in Venetian style. Bedside tables equipped with a drawer and a fall front door of good capacity and service. Wooden top in faux marble lacquered character of excellent size and quality. Night stands supported by solid wavy legs with curled finished feet (see photo). Pleasantly furnished bedroom or living room tables for antique dealers, interior decorators and lovers of Venetian furniture. They show some signs of aging, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6396;"1";"10381";"6800";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, oil on canvas, workshop, farrier, antique, frame";"Great framework from the 17th century, the farrier's workshop ";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene with characters and animals, The farrier's workshop";"painting-artwork-genre-scene-antique";"";"Great framework from the 17th century, the farrier's workshop ";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene with characters and animals, The farrier's workshop of excellent pictorial quality. Great size and impact painting adorned with a non-coeval frame, from the 19th century, sculpted and gilded. Painting of pleasant perspective and good dynamism expertly painted with an excellent use of light. The animals are of great quality and the farrier in the foreground, painted in the dim light, in the act of fixing the shoes to a horse with his assistant. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 114 x W 137 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting genre scene with characters and animals, The farrier's workshop of excellent pictorial quality. Great size and impact painting adorned with a non-coeval frame, from the 19th century, sculpted and gilded. Painting of pleasant perspective and good dynamism expertly painted with an excellent use of light. The animals are of great quality and the farrier in the foreground, painted in the dim light, in the act of fixing the shoes to a horse with his assistant. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 114 x W 137 cm.";
6400;"1";"10350";"2800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, landscape, Flemish, oil on canvas, frame";"Landscape with figures from the first half of the 18th century";"Antique Flemish landscape from the first half of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and large tower ";"landscape-flemish-painting-artwork-antique";"";"Landscape with figures from the first half of the 18th century";"Antique Flemish landscape from the first half of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and large tower of good pictorial quality. Beautifully painted and pleasant decor adorned with a modern carved and gilded frame. Painting of good depth with characters in the foreground characterized in the smallest details, of excellent quality. Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 88 x W 112 cm.";"Antique Flemish landscape from the first half of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and large tower of good pictorial quality. Beautifully painted and pleasant decor adorned with a modern carved and gilded frame. Painting of good depth with characters in the foreground characterized in the smallest details, of excellent quality. Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 88 x W 112 cm.";
6412;"1";"10395";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"table, demilune, furniture, living room, wood, inlaid";"French demilune table from 60's";"French table from 20th century. Demilune furniture carved and veneered in oak, beech and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings.";"table-demilune-living-room-furniture-wood";"";"French demilune table from 60's";"French table from 20th century. Demilune furniture carved and veneered in oak, beech and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings. Table adorned with geometric decorations on the top which, once opened, reaches 120 cm in diameter, of excellent service. Furniture resting on four sculpted and moved legs with curled feet, of good stability. Ideal table to be placed in a living room or salon, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture that shows some signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"French table from 20th century. Demilune furniture carved and veneered in oak, beech and fruitwood of beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings. Table adorned with geometric decorations on the top which, once opened, reaches 120 cm in diameter, of excellent service. Furniture resting on four sculpted and moved legs with curled feet, of good stability. Ideal table to be placed in a living room or salon, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Furniture that shows some signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6413;"1";"10367";"1250";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, artwork, signed, oil on board, frame";"Italian painting signed landscape from the 50's";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on panel depicting landscape with shepherd and cows of good pictorial quality.";"painting-landscape-bucolic-signed-artwork";"";"Italian painting signed landscape from the 50's";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on panel depicting landscape with shepherd and cows of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting adorned with a sculpted and gilded guilloche frame (bronze tint). Painting signed in the lower center (see photo) signature in the study phase. Painting of particular perspective and good brightness for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition. Sight size H 58 x W 72 cm.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on panel depicting landscape with shepherd and cows of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly decorated painting adorned with a sculpted and gilded guilloche frame (bronze tint). Painting signed in the lower center (see photo) signature in the study phase. Painting of particular perspective and good brightness for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition. Sight size H 58 x W 72 cm.";
6416;"1";"10407";"2400";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, bucolic, artwork, antique, oil on canvas, Italian";"Bucolic landscape framework from the second half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a bucolic landscape, View with shepherds and animals";"painting-landscape-bucolic-artwork-antique";"";"Bucolic landscape framework from the second half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the late 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a bucolic landscape, View with shepherds and animals of good pictorial quality. Painting in a romantic style, of good brightness, with architecture in the background. Modern frame in wood and plaster carved, gilded and adapted to the painting. Artwork rich in decorative elements, finely painted cows and goats in the foreground. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 77 x W 95 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the late 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a bucolic landscape, View with shepherds and animals of good pictorial quality. Painting in a romantic style, of good brightness, with architecture in the background. Modern frame in wood and plaster carved, gilded and adapted to the painting. Artwork rich in decorative elements, finely painted cows and goats in the foreground. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 77 x W 95 cm.";
6420;"1";"10429";"1500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, living room, marble, wood, Napoleon III";"French side table in wood with marble top ";"French side table from the 20th century. Furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor inlaid and veneered in mahogany, maple, ebonized wood and fruitwood";"side-table-french-wood-marble-napoleon-III";"";"French side table in wood with marble top ";"French side table from the 20th century. Furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor inlaid and veneered in mahogany, maple, ebonized wood and fruitwood with decorations in gilded and chiseled bronze. Top in original marble adorned with lateral border in gilded and chiseled brass (see photo). Furniture complete with a small retractable drawer of discreet capacity. Side table of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition.";"French side table from the 20th century. Furniture of beautiful line and pleasant decor inlaid and veneered in mahogany, maple, ebonized wood and fruitwood with decorations in gilded and chiseled bronze. Top in original marble adorned with lateral border in gilded and chiseled brass (see photo). Furniture complete with a small retractable drawer of discreet capacity. Side table of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition.";
6431;"1";"10409";"1900";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, artwork, Saint Agnes, oil on canvas, Italian";"Religious framework from the 1920s, Saint Agnes";"Bright Italian painting from the early 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a religious subject Saint Agnes ";"painting-religious-artwork-saint-agnes";"";"Religious framework from the 1920s, Saint Agnes";"Bright Italian painting from the early 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a religious subject Saint Agnes of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasantly furnished artwork characterized by bright colors on a light background (see photo). Her saint represented with the palm of martyrdom in her right hand, a lamb wrapped in her dress and a particularly pleasant floral headdress (see photo). Canvas with some small signs of aging in the lower part (see photo) with two small drops in color. In good condition and in a nice patina.";"Bright Italian painting from the early 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a religious subject Saint Agnes of excellent pictorial quality. Nice size and pleasantly furnished artwork characterized by bright colors on a light background (see photo). Her saint represented with the palm of martyrdom in her right hand, a lamb wrapped in her dress and a particularly pleasant floral headdress (see photo). Canvas with some small signs of aging in the lower part (see photo) with two small drops in color. In good condition and in a nice patina.";
6434;"1";"10401";"2200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Oggettistica";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bas-relief, sculpture, plaster, adam and eve, antique, italian";"Italian Bas-relief in plaster, Adam and Eve at work";"Italian bas-relief sculpture of the 20th century. Plaster work depicting a religious subject Adam and Eve at work, copy of one of the ten panels";"bas-relief-sculpture-plaster-adam-eve";"";"Italian Bas-relief in plaster, Adam and Eve at work";"Italian bas-relief sculpture of the 20th century. Plaster work depicting a religious subject Adam and Eve at work, copy of one of the ten panels of the story of the Genesis of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna from the early 15th century by Maestro Jacopo della Quercia. Bas-relief for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian sculptures. Finely chiseled plaster showing small signs of wear, structurally sound. Considerable weight object equipped with two metal hooks. Once hung it is recommended to add a support also in the lower part for greater safety. In good condition.";"Italian bas-relief sculpture of the 20th century. Plaster work depicting a religious subject Adam and Eve at work, copy of one of the ten panels of the story of the Genesis of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna from the early 15th century by Maestro Jacopo della Quercia. Bas-relief for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of Italian sculptures. Finely chiseled plaster showing small signs of wear, structurally sound. Considerable weight object equipped with two metal hooks. Once hung it is recommended to add a support also in the lower part for greater safety. In good condition.";
6435;"1";"10434";"3500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"still life, painting, antique, artwork, oil on canvas, frame";"Still life from the first half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting an amazing still life with flowers and a view in the background";"still-life-artwork-painting-antique-italian";"";"Still life painting from the first half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting an amazing still life with flowers and a view in the background of excellent pictorial quality. 20th century wooden frame carved, ebonized and gilded of beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent proportion characterized by bright colors on a dark background. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame, and color recovery in different points (see photo). Artwork that is part of a left / right pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 59 x W 72 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting an amazing still life with flowers and a view in the background of excellent pictorial quality. 20th century wooden frame carved, ebonized and gilded of beautiful decoration. Painting of excellent proportion characterized by bright colors on a dark background. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame, and color recovery in different points (see photo). Artwork that is part of a left / right pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 59 x W 72 cm.";
6436;"1";"10441";"4500";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"seascape, painting, artwork, frame, oil on canvas, Flemish";"Great seascape from the second half of the 19th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view of the port";"painting-flemish-seascape-artwork-oil-canvas";"";"Great seascape painting from the second half of the 19th century";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view of the port with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with a modern wooden frame, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of pleasant perspective with a view of the city in the background on the right (see photo). The painter is good in being able to define the scene and the actions of the characters in the smallest details (see photo), an artwork of excellent brightness. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with five small patches on the back (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 103 x W 197 cm.";"Antique Flemish painting from the second half of the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a view of the port with fishermen and boats of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with a modern wooden frame, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Painting of pleasant perspective with a view of the city in the background on the right (see photo). The painter is good in being able to define the scene and the actions of the characters in the smallest details (see photo), an artwork of excellent brightness. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration with five small patches on the back (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 103 x W 197 cm.";
6440;"1";"10434-2";"3500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, artwork, oil on canvas, frame, still life";"Antique still life from the first half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a fabulous still life with flowers and a view in the background";"antique-still-life-artwork-painting-flowers";"";"Antique still life painting from the first half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a fabulous still life with flowers and a view in the background (right) of excellent pictorial quality. 20th century wooden frame carved, ebonized and gilded of beautiful decoration. Artwork of excellent proportion characterized by bright colors on a dark background. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame, and color recovery in different points (see photo). Painting that is part of a left / right pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 59 x W 72 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the early 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a fabulous still life with flowers and a view in the background (right) of excellent pictorial quality. 20th century wooden frame carved, ebonized and gilded of beautiful decoration. Artwork of excellent proportion characterized by bright colors on a dark background. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame, and color recovery in different points (see photo). Painting that is part of a left / right pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 59 x W 72 cm.";
6442;"1";"10408";"2300";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, framework, Saint Roch, oil on canvas, frame";"Great religious painting of the 20th century, Saint Roch";"Great Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a religious subject Saint Roch";"painting-religious-artwork-saint-roch-italian";"";"Great religious Italian painting of the 20th century, Saint Roch";"Great Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a religious subject Saint Roch with dog and stick of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with a modern wooden frame of pleasant decoration. Canvas of good brightness that has various color losses and signs of aging (see photos). Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and sacred art collectors. Saint represented with his iconographic symbols including the shell, the pilgrim's stick and the dog with bread in his mouth (see photo). Signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. It has undergone a conservative restoration with a patch on the back (see photo). In fair condition with various signs of aging. To be restored. Sight size H 129 x W 97 cm.";"Great Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on canvas, on the first canvas, depicting a religious subject Saint Roch with dog and stick of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with a modern wooden frame of pleasant decoration. Canvas of good brightness that has various color losses and signs of aging (see photos). Painting for antique dealers, interior decorators and sacred art collectors. Saint represented with his iconographic symbols including the shell, the pilgrim's stick and the dog with bread in his mouth (see photo). Signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. It has undergone a conservative restoration with a patch on the back (see photo). In fair condition with various signs of aging. To be restored. Sight size H 129 x W 97 cm.";
6446;"1";"10453";"2800";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, oil on canvas, Italian, Saint Anthony";"Painting from the 19th century, Saint Anthony the Abbot";"Fascinating 19th century Italian painting depicting Saint Anthony the Abbot burying Saint Paul the hermit. Two lions miraculously help the saint by digging";"painting-antique-artwork-saint-anthony-paul";"";"Italian painting from the 19th century, Saint Anthony the Abbot buries Saint Paul";"Fascinating 19th century Italian painting depicting Saint Anthony the Abbot burying Saint Paul the hermit. Two lions miraculously help the saint by digging a grave in the foreground. Religious oil painting on canvas of fine workmanship and great character. Painting in good state of conservation, with some small drops in color. Beautiful non-coeval frame in gilded wood with fabric passepartout, with some signs of aging. Part of a pair, the second painting represents the vision of Saint Anthony (see photo and ask for the bulk price if still available). Sight size H 92.5 x W 72.5 cm.";"Fascinating 19th century Italian painting depicting Saint Anthony the Abbot burying Saint Paul the hermit. Two lions miraculously help the saint by digging a grave in the foreground. Religious oil painting on canvas of fine workmanship and great character. Painting in good state of conservation, with some small drops in color. Beautiful non-coeval frame in gilded wood with fabric passepartout, with some signs of aging. Part of a pair, the second painting represents the vision of Saint Anthony (see photo and ask for the bulk price if still available). Sight size H 92.5 x W 72.5 cm.";
6452;"1";"10438";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"etagere, furniture, side table, lacquered, wood, Italian, round";"Lacquered etagere from the first half of the 20th century";"Italian étagère from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in wood and plaster richly carved, lacquered and painted with beautiful lines ";"etagere-table-round-lacquered-italian";"";"Lacquered wooden etagere from the first half of the 20th century";"Italian étagère from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in wood and plaster richly carved, lacquered and painted with beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings. Round étagère, finished from the center, equipped with two velvet-covered shelves with some small signs of wear (see photo). Furniture with central leg supported by three feet, of good solidity and stability. Étagère for salon, living room or study ideal for displaying medium-sized objects. It has two lacks of decoration (see photo), structurally sound, overall in a fair conservative state and in a nice patina.";"Italian étagère from the first half of the 20th century. Furniture in wood and plaster richly carved, lacquered and painted with beautiful lines and pleasant furnishings. Round étagère, finished from the center, equipped with two velvet-covered shelves with some small signs of wear (see photo). Furniture with central leg supported by three feet, of good solidity and stability. Étagère for salon, living room or study ideal for displaying medium-sized objects. It has two lacks of decoration (see photo), structurally sound, overall in a fair conservative state and in a nice patina.";
6453;"1";"10442";"3000";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, oil on canvas, frame, goats, landscape";"Painting landscape with goats from the second half of the 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Grazing animals ";"painting-landscape-goats-antique-artwork";"";"Painting landscape with goats from the second half of the 17th century";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Grazing animals of good pictorial quality in the style of Rosa da Tivoli. Painting that develops horizontally, of interesting size and proportion, adorned with an antique wooden frame, not coeval, carved and gilded. This artwork can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of genre paintings. Painting characterized by a dark shade depicting numerous goats and a bovine lying in the lower right corner (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the price of the pair if available). In good condition. Sight size H 37.5 x W 97.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Grazing animals of good pictorial quality in the style of Rosa da Tivoli. Painting that develops horizontally, of interesting size and proportion, adorned with an antique wooden frame, not coeval, carved and gilded. This artwork can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of genre paintings. Painting characterized by a dark shade depicting numerous goats and a bovine lying in the lower right corner (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the price of the pair if available). In good condition. Sight size H 37.5 x W 97.5 cm.";
6457;"1";"10442-2";"3000";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, artwork, landscape, animals, oil on canvas, Italian";"Painting from the 17th century, landscape with grazing goats and cows";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Grazing animals";"painting-antique-artwork-landscape-animals";"";"Italian painting from the 17th century, landscape with grazing goats and cows";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Grazing animals of good pictorial quality in the style of Rosa da Tivoli. Painting that develops horizontally, of interesting size and proportion, adorned with an ancient wooden frame, not coeval, carved and gilded. This artwork can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of genre paintings. Painting characterized by a dark shade depicting numerous goats and a bovine in the upper left corner (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the price of the pair if available). In good condition. Sight size H 37.5 x W 97.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Grazing animals of good pictorial quality in the style of Rosa da Tivoli. Painting that develops horizontally, of interesting size and proportion, adorned with an ancient wooden frame, not coeval, carved and gilded. This artwork can be easily placed in different parts of the house, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of genre paintings. Painting characterized by a dark shade depicting numerous goats and a bovine in the upper left corner (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the price of the pair if available). In good condition. Sight size H 37.5 x W 97.5 cm.";
6459;"1";"10453-2";"2800";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, artwork, oil on canvas, Saint Anthony the Abbot";"The vision of Saint Anthony the Abbot, framework from the 19th century";"Interesting 19th century Italian painting depicting the vision of Saint Anthony the Abbot. Religious painting of great pictorial intensity ";"painting-antique-artwork-vision-saint-anthony";"";"The vision of Saint Anthony the Abbot, framework from the 19th century";"Interesting 19th century Italian painting depicting the vision of Saint Anthony the Abbot. Religious painting of great pictorial intensity and good dynamism, oil on canvas, of fine workmanship. Painting in good state of conservation, with some small drops of color on the right side (see photo). Beautiful non-coeval frame in gilded wood with fabric passepartout, with some signs of aging. Artwork that is part of a pair, (see photo and ask for the bulk price if still available). Overall artwork in good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 92.5 x W 72.5 cm.";"Interesting 19th century Italian painting depicting the vision of Saint Anthony the Abbot. Religious painting of great pictorial intensity and good dynamism, oil on canvas, of fine workmanship. Painting in good state of conservation, with some small drops of color on the right side (see photo). Beautiful non-coeval frame in gilded wood with fabric passepartout, with some signs of aging. Artwork that is part of a pair, (see photo and ask for the bulk price if still available). Overall artwork in good condition with some signs of aging. Sight size H 92.5 x W 72.5 cm.";
6460;"1";"10468";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, landscape, signed, artwork, oil on masonite, Italian";"20th century signed landscape painting";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a view with small houses in the green ";"artwork-painting-landscape-signed-italian";"";"20th century oil landscape painting";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a view with small houses in the green of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with an octagonal wooden frame carved and enriched with golden reflections on the inside, beautifully decorated. Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. Artwork of good brightness that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition. Sight size H 39 x W 58 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a view with small houses in the green of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with an octagonal wooden frame carved and enriched with golden reflections on the inside, beautifully decorated. Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. Artwork of good brightness that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition. Sight size H 39 x W 58 cm.";
6464;"1";"10468-2";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"landscape, painting, artwork, Italian, oil, frame, signed";"Italian signed landscape from 1960s";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a view with a small house of good pictorial quality.";"signed-painting-artwork-italian-landscape";"";"Italian signed landscape painting from 1960s";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a view with a small house of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with an octagonal wooden frame carved and enriched with golden reflections on the inside, beautifully decorated. Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. Artwork of good brightness that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition. Sight size H 39 x W 58 cm.";"Italian painting from the second half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on masonite depicting a view with a small house of good pictorial quality. Painting adorned with an octagonal wooden frame carved and enriched with golden reflections on the inside, beautifully decorated. Painting signed lower right (see photo) signature under study. Artwork of good brightness that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. Painting that is part of a pair (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). In good condition. Sight size H 39 x W 58 cm.";
6467;"1";"10467";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, furniture, night stands, design, wood, painted";"Pair of Italian design bedside tables from the 80s";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the second half of the 20th century. Beautifully carved and painted wooden furniture of pleasant decor. ";"pair-bedside-tables-design-night-stands";"";"Pair of Italian design bedside tables from the 80s";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the second half of the 20th century. Beautifully carved and painted wooden furniture of pleasant decor. Bedside tables of excellent proportions ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Finished furniture from the center equipped with a drawer each of good capacity, an unpainted wooden top of excellent service and a second support shelf in the lower part (see photo). Beautifully decorated bedside tables supported by four solid legs, of good solidity and stability. In good condition.";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the second half of the 20th century. Beautifully carved and painted wooden furniture of pleasant decor. Bedside tables of excellent proportions ideal to be placed in a bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Finished furniture from the center equipped with a drawer each of good capacity, an unpainted wooden top of excellent service and a second support shelf in the lower part (see photo). Beautifully decorated bedside tables supported by four solid legs, of good solidity and stability. In good condition.";
6468;"1";"10486";"3500";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, oil on canvas, Saint Lawrence, martyr";"Religious painting from 17th century, Saint Lawrence martyr";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Lawrence of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-religious-saint-lawrence-martyr";"";"Religious antique painting from 17th century, Saint Lawrence martyr";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Lawrence of good pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting adorned with a 20th century frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Artwork that develops vertically, the landscape with the city in the background is pleasant (see photo). Saint represented in the foreground with the palm of martyrdom in his hands and the grill at his feet (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Painting in good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 101 x W 73 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Lawrence of good pictorial quality. Large size and impact painting adorned with a 20th century frame in wood and plaster, carved and gilded, of beautiful decoration. Artwork that develops vertically, the landscape with the city in the background is pleasant (see photo). Saint represented in the foreground with the palm of martyrdom in his hands and the grill at his feet (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Painting in good condition with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 101 x W 73 cm.";
6470;"1";"10472";"2400";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, Italian, horses, animals, oil on canvas, frame";"Italian painting with horses from the first half of the 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Horses inside the stable of good pictorial quality.";"painting-artwork-horses-animals-antique";"";"Italian painting with horses from the first half of the 19th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Horses inside the stable of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished artwork adorned with a frame of the 20th century, in wood and plaster, carved and gilded (bronze tint). Painting of great personality characterized by a particular use of light, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Pleasant the turkey observing the scene, painted by the painter in the lower right corner (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 61 x W 74 cm";"Antique Italian painting from the 19th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a particular subject Horses inside the stable of good pictorial quality. Beautifully sized and pleasantly furnished artwork adorned with a frame of the 20th century, in wood and plaster, carved and gilded (bronze tint). Painting of great personality characterized by a particular use of light, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Pleasant the turkey observing the scene, painted by the painter in the lower right corner (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). Overall painting in good state of conservation with some signs of restoration. Sight size H 61 x W 74 cm";
6472;"1";"10490";"2400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, venetian, lacquered, furniture, cabinet, wood, antique";"Sideboard in lacquered and painted wood from the 20th century";"Venetian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and hand painted wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor.";"sideboard-venetian-furniture-lacquered-wood";"";"Sideboard in lacquered and painted wood from the 20th century";"Venetian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and hand painted wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Sideboard equipped with two central doors and top openable wooden top (see photo) of excellent capacity. Faux marble lacquered wooden top that offers, once opened, a large compartment (see photo). Sideboard of excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Cabinet complete with a working key, internally lined with paper that shows some signs of wear (see photos). Sideboard overall in good state of conservation and in beautiful patina.";"Venetian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Furniture in carved, lacquered and hand painted wood of beautiful lines and pleasant decor. Sideboard equipped with two central doors and top openable wooden top (see photo) of excellent capacity. Faux marble lacquered wooden top that offers, once opened, a large compartment (see photo). Sideboard of excellent proportion, ideal to be placed in a living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Cabinet complete with a working key, internally lined with paper that shows some signs of wear (see photos). Sideboard overall in good state of conservation and in beautiful patina.";
6480;"1";"10456";"1800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, artwork, oil on canvas, pastoral scene, frame";"Painting landscape pastoral scene with chariot from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a bucolic landscape, pastoral scene with chariot of good pictorial quality";"painting-antique-pastoral-scene-artwork";"";"Painting landscape pastoral scene with chariot from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a bucolic landscape, pastoral scene with chariot of good pictorial quality. Small painting adorned with a lacquered and gilded wooden frame of the 20th century with different color losses and signs of aging (see photo), structurally sound. Painting that pleasant workmanship characterized by the presence of numerous details, animals and characters, of good dynamism. Painting of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the color and recovery in some points (see photo). In nice patina, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 45 x W 54 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a bucolic landscape, pastoral scene with chariot of good pictorial quality. Small painting adorned with a lacquered and gilded wooden frame of the 20th century with different color losses and signs of aging (see photo), structurally sound. Painting that pleasant workmanship characterized by the presence of numerous details, animals and characters, of good dynamism. Painting of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the color and recovery in some points (see photo). In nice patina, overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 45 x W 54 cm.";
6483;"1";"10469";"4800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Trumeau";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"trumeau, Lombard, cabinet, sideboard, desk, bureau";"Great Lombard trumeau from the mid-20th century";"Elegant mid-20th century Lombard trumeau. Double body cabinet in Baroque style carved in walnut, ebonized wood and fruitwood. Trumeau for living room";"trumeau-lombard-cabinet-sideboard-bureau";"";"Great Lombard trumeau in walnut from the mid-20th century";"Elegant mid-20th century Lombard trumeau. Double body cabinet in Baroque style carved in walnut, ebonized wood and fruitwood. Trumeau for living room or study equipped with three drawers and fall-front in the lower body. Bureau that offers inside four drawers, a central compartment for documents and a desk of good size and service (see photo). Upper body complete with two small removable candle holder shelves and two doors with antiqued recessed glass (see photo). Interior equipped with two small shelves. Cabinet complete with a working key (upper body), bureau key missing. Trumeau for antique dealers and interior decorators of fabulous furnishings, supported on the front by two curled feet (see photo). It shows some signs of the time, overall in good state of conservation.";"Elegant mid-20th century Lombard trumeau. Double body cabinet in Baroque style carved in walnut, ebonized wood and fruitwood. Trumeau for living room or study equipped with three drawers and fall-front in the lower body. Bureau that offers inside four drawers, a central compartment for documents and a desk of good size and service (see photo). Upper body complete with two small removable candle holder shelves and two doors with antiqued recessed glass (see photo). Interior equipped with two small shelves. Cabinet complete with a working key (upper body), bureau key missing. Trumeau for antique dealers and interior decorators of fabulous furnishings, supported on the front by two curled feet (see photo). It shows some signs of the time, overall in good state of conservation.";
6485;"1";"10499";"5400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, French, furniture, table, Louis XV, inlaid";"Great French Louis XV style desk";"French writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in Louis XV style pleasantly inlaid and veneered in walnut and rosewood with rich bronze";"writing-desk-french-Louis-XV-table";"";"Great French Louis XV style inlaid desk";"French writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in Louis XV style pleasantly inlaid and veneered in walnut and rosewood with rich bronze and brass decoration. Desk finished from the center adorned with bronze female caryatids at the four corners (see photo). Top covered in faux leather chiseled and silvered in the center, wooden band and brass border (see photo). Wooden band on the top that has small scratches and signs of wear (see photos). Furniture of great size and impact ideal to be placed in a salon or study, of excellent service. Writing desk equipped with 5 drawers of good capacity, keyless lock. Furniture of great elegance adorned with geometric inlay on 4 sides (see photo). Writing desk for antique dealers and interior decorators, structurally sound with some signs of wear (see photos). Overall in a fair conservative state.";"French writing desk from the mid-20th century. Furniture in Louis XV style pleasantly inlaid and veneered in walnut and rosewood with rich bronze and brass decoration. Desk finished from the center adorned with bronze female caryatids at the four corners (see photo). Top covered in faux leather chiseled and silvered in the center, wooden band and brass border (see photo). Wooden band on the top that has small scratches and signs of wear (see photos). Furniture of great size and impact ideal to be placed in a salon or study, of excellent service. Writing desk equipped with 5 drawers of good capacity, keyless lock. Furniture of great elegance adorned with geometric inlay on 4 sides (see photo). Writing desk for antique dealers and interior decorators, structurally sound with some signs of wear (see photos). Overall in a fair conservative state.";
6490;"1";"10459";"6000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, religious, antique, Italian, Saint Anthony of Padua, oil";"Great religious painting from 18th century, Saint Anthony of Padua";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Anthony of Padua and baby Jesus ";"painting-antique-saint-anthony-padua-artwork";"";"Great painting from 18th century, Saint Anthony of Padua";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Anthony of Padua and baby Jesus of good pictorial quality. Painting of exceptional size adorned with an antique wooden frame, not coeval, sculpted and gilded with some signs of the time. Artwork painted inside an oval, on canvas and rectangular frame (see photo). Corners of the painting pleasantly painted with decorations (see photo), the saint represented at the center of the scene with the lily beside it, symbol of purity. Baby Jesus depicted at the top right with winged cherubs at his feet (see photo). Artwork of good brightness, ideal to be placed in an important living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition and in a nice patina. Sight size H 144.5 x W 112.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Anthony of Padua and baby Jesus of good pictorial quality. Painting of exceptional size adorned with an antique wooden frame, not coeval, sculpted and gilded with some signs of the time. Artwork painted inside an oval, on canvas and rectangular frame (see photo). Corners of the painting pleasantly painted with decorations (see photo), the saint represented at the center of the scene with the lily beside it, symbol of purity. Baby Jesus depicted at the top right with winged cherubs at his feet (see photo). Artwork of good brightness, ideal to be placed in an important living room or study, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition and in a nice patina. Sight size H 144.5 x W 112.5 cm.";
6492;"1";"10502";"1750";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini|Mobili>Mobili laccati e dipinti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"coffee table, wood, lacquered, furniture, table, living room, Venetian";"Lacquered wood coffee table from the 50s";"Venetian coffee table from the mid-20th century. Furniture of fabulous furnishings composed of pleasantly carved and lacquered antique wooden elements";"coffee-table-lacquered-furniture-venetian";"";"Lacquered wood Venetian coffee table from the 50s";"Venetian coffee table from the mid-20th century. Furniture of fabulous furnishings composed of pleasantly carved and lacquered antique wooden elements. Coffee table equipped with a countertop lacquered faux marble of excellent size and service. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal for use in a salon or living room. Coffee table of good size and quality supported by lateral legs with central crossbar (see photo) of excellent solidity and stability. Furniture in beautiful patina and in good state of conservation.";"Venetian coffee table from the mid-20th century. Furniture of fabulous furnishings composed of pleasantly carved and lacquered antique wooden elements. Coffee table equipped with a countertop lacquered faux marble of excellent size and service. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, ideal for use in a salon or living room. Coffee table of good size and quality supported by lateral legs with central crossbar (see photo) of excellent solidity and stability. Furniture in beautiful patina and in good state of conservation.";
6497;"1";"10507";"6400";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, oil on canvas, religious, antique, Apparition";"Italian religious painting Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Hyacinth";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Apparition of the Virgin with child to Saint Hyacinth ";"painting-artwork-antique-apparition-virgin";"";"Italian religious painting from the 17th century, Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Hyacinth";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Apparition of the Virgin with child to Saint Hyacinth of excellent pictorial quality. Exceptional size artwork adorned with a non-coeval frame, from the 20th century, in finely carved and gilded wood and plaster. The Polish saint, a member of the order of preaching friars, receives the vision of the Madonna which guarantees him her intercession with her son. Artwork of great character, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art, ideal to be placed in an important salon or studio. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). It has two small drops of color in the upper border (see photo), overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 147 x W 117 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Apparition of the Virgin with child to Saint Hyacinth of excellent pictorial quality. Exceptional size artwork adorned with a non-coeval frame, from the 20th century, in finely carved and gilded wood and plaster. The Polish saint, a member of the order of preaching friars, receives the vision of the Madonna which guarantees him her intercession with her son. Artwork of great character, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient sacred art, ideal to be placed in an important salon or studio. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). It has two small drops of color in the upper border (see photo), overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 147 x W 117 cm.";
6498;"1";"10505";"2900";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Comò e Cassettoni";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"dresser, chest of drawers, Venetian, furniture, wood, inlaid";"Venetian dresser in sculpted and inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Venetian chest of drawers from the first half of the 20th century. Moved and rounded furniture of fabulous line and pleasant decor sculpted";"dresser-venetian-wood-inlaid-commode";"";"Venetian dresser in sculpted and inlaid wood from the 20th century";"Venetian chest of drawers from the first half of the 20th century. Moved and rounded furniture of fabulous line and pleasant decor sculpted, veneered and inlaid in walnut, burl, maple and beech woods. Commode equipped with two large drawers in the lower part and two smaller parallel drawers placed under the top, of good capacity. Wooden top in character of good size and service (see photo). Dresser for bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in beautiful patina. Furniture that is part of a set also composed of a pair of bedside tables (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Structurally sound, it shows some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Venetian chest of drawers from the first half of the 20th century. Moved and rounded furniture of fabulous line and pleasant decor sculpted, veneered and inlaid in walnut, burl, maple and beech woods. Commode equipped with two large drawers in the lower part and two smaller parallel drawers placed under the top, of good capacity. Wooden top in character of good size and service (see photo). Dresser for bedroom or living room, for antique dealers and interior decorators, in beautiful patina. Furniture that is part of a set also composed of a pair of bedside tables (see photo and ask for the bulk price if available). Structurally sound, it shows some small signs of the time, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6499;"1";"10518";"6800";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Scrivanie e Scrittoi";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"writing desk, furniture, table, wood, French, Louis XV";"French writing desk in Louis XV style from the 20th century";"Great French writing desk of the first half of the 20th century. Louis XV style furniture in walnut, mahogany and oak richly adorned with gilded";"writing-desk-french-wood-louis-xv-table";"";"French writing desk in Louis XV style from the first half of the 20th century";"Great French writing desk of the first half of the 20th century. Louis XV style furniture in walnut, mahogany and oak richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass of excellent quality. Desk finished from the center equipped with three drawers of good capacity, central drawer complete with working key. Upper top covered in faux leather finely chiseled and gilded on the edges. Top of excellent size and service with brass and bronze decoration on the side border, beyond the wooden band (see photo). Fabulously furnished living room or study desk supported by four solid legs with bronze clawed ball feet (see photo), for antique dealers and interior decorators. Top that has old signs of wear that give even more charm to the furniture (see photo). Structurally sound writing table, overall in good condition.";"Great French writing desk of the first half of the 20th century. Louis XV style furniture in walnut, mahogany and oak richly adorned with gilded and chiseled bronze and brass of excellent quality. Desk finished from the center equipped with three drawers of good capacity, central drawer complete with working key. Upper top covered in faux leather finely chiseled and gilded on the edges. Top of excellent size and service with brass and bronze decoration on the side border, beyond the wooden band (see photo). Fabulously furnished living room or study desk supported by four solid legs with bronze clawed ball feet (see photo), for antique dealers and interior decorators. Top that has old signs of wear that give even more charm to the furniture (see photo). Structurally sound writing table, overall in good condition.";
6500;"1";"10501";"2500";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, religious, oil on canvas, Saint Bartholomew";"Religious framework from 17th century, Saint Bartholomew";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Bartholomew of excellent pictorial quality.";"painting-antique-artwork-saint-Bartholomew";"";"Religious framework from 17th century, Saint Bartholomew";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Bartholomew of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and proportion adorned with an antique, not coeval, carved and gilded wooden frame. Painting that portrays the Saint in profile with the knife in his hands, a symbol of his martyrdom (see photo). A work of great character, with a dark background, characterized by a skilful use of light. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 60 x W 51 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Painting oil on canvas depicting a religious subject Saint Bartholomew of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of beautiful size and proportion adorned with an antique, not coeval, carved and gilded wooden frame. Painting that portrays the Saint in profile with the knife in his hands, a symbol of his martyrdom (see photo). A work of great character, with a dark background, characterized by a skilful use of light. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in different points (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 60 x W 51 cm.";
6506;"1";"10489";"4000";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, artwork, oil on canvas, genre scene, frame";"Painting oil on canvas from the 17th century, Bamboccianti genre scene";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a lively popular genre scene of great charm";"antique-painting-italian-artwork-genre-scene";"";"Painting oil on canvas from the 17th century, Bamboccianti genre scene";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a lively popular genre scene of great charm, typical of the Bamboccianti school. Many Flemish and Italian painters active in Rome took Pieter van Laer as a reference, known under the pseudonym il bamboccio due to his boyish appearance. It was typical to represent scenes of common life with particular attention to those who live on the margins of society, as in this case: next to Roman ruins we find a party of peasants who eat and drink while one of their companions plays a harp. 20th century frame in carved and lacquered wood of beautiful decoration, with some signs of aging (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration with replacement of the frame, relined and color recovery in some points. Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 59 x W 114 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 17th century. Oil painting on canvas depicting a lively popular genre scene of great charm, typical of the Bamboccianti school. Many Flemish and Italian painters active in Rome took Pieter van Laer as a reference, known under the pseudonym il bamboccio due to his boyish appearance. It was typical to represent scenes of common life with particular attention to those who live on the margins of society, as in this case: next to Roman ruins we find a party of peasants who eat and drink while one of their companions plays a harp. 20th century frame in carved and lacquered wood of beautiful decoration, with some signs of aging (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration with replacement of the frame, relined and color recovery in some points. Overall painting in good state of conservation. Sight size H 59 x W 114 cm.";
6507;"1";"10519";"2500";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavoli|Mobili>Angoliere";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,";"corner cabinet, game table, furniture, wood, living room, Italian";"Great corner cabinet game table from the 50s";"Game table corner cabinet, Venetian, mid-20th century. Carved, veneered and inlaid furniture in walnut, palisander, maple, rosewood and fruitwood";"corner-cabinet-venetian-furniture-game-table";"";"Great corner cabinet game table from the 50s";"Game table corner cabinet, Veneto, mid-20th century. Carved, veneered and inlaid furniture in walnut, palisander, maple, rosewood and fruitwood. Corner cabinet with inlaid wooden top that can be opened and offers, once opened, a play surface covered in fabric of excellent size and service. Furniture equipped with two front drawers of reasonable capacity (see photo), supported by 4 wavy and veneered legs. Central leg (front) that can be extracted to support the table when open (see photo). Structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation. Open dimensions H 77 x W 78 x D 77 cm. Side 77 cm.";"Game table corner cabinet, Veneto, mid-20th century. Carved, veneered and inlaid furniture in walnut, palisander, maple, rosewood and fruitwood. Corner cabinet with inlaid wooden top that can be opened and offers, once opened, a play surface covered in fabric of excellent size and service. Furniture equipped with two front drawers of reasonable capacity (see photo), supported by 4 wavy and veneered legs. Central leg (front) that can be extracted to support the table when open (see photo). Structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation. Open dimensions H 77 x W 78 x D 77 cm. Side 77 cm.";
6509;"1";"10523";"1000";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tavola";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, framework, landscape, signed, italian, oil, board, frame";"Painting landscape signed by M. Gheduzzi from the 40s";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting a wooded landscape with a character of good pictorial quality. ";"painting-landscape-signed-frame-framework";"";"Painting landscape signed by M. Gheduzzi from the 40s";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting a wooded landscape with a character of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in carved and gilded wood of pleasant decoration. Framework of small size, signed M. Gheduzzi on the lower left (see picture) attributable to the painter Mario Gheduzzi (1891-1970) lacking authentication. Framework of excellent luminosity for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. Easily insertable in different points of the house, it is in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 32.5 X W 22.5 cm";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Framework oil on board depicting a wooded landscape with a character of good pictorial quality. Modern frame in carved and gilded wood of pleasant decoration. Framework of small size, signed M. Gheduzzi on the lower left (see picture) attributable to the painter Mario Gheduzzi (1891-1970) lacking authentication. Framework of excellent luminosity for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of 20th century Italian painting. Easily insertable in different points of the house, it is in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 32.5 X W 22.5 cm";
6523;"1";"10538";"2000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, furniture, art deco, bedroom, Italian";"Pair of Italian bedside tables in Art Deco style from the 50's";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Art Deco style walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood veneer furniture. ";"pair-bedside-tables-art-deco-italian-tables";"";"Pair of Italian bedside tables in Art Deco style from the 50's";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Art Deco style walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood veneer furniture. Bedside tables equipped with a drawer, a door with a large internal compartment, an upper support shelf and a magazine rack (see photo) of excellent service. Furniture of particular line and pleasant decor with gilded metal handles (see photo). Night stands that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a bedroom or living room. One bedside table has a mark on the top (see photo). They show some signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Art Deco style walnut, mahogany, maple and fruitwood veneer furniture. Bedside tables equipped with a drawer, a door with a large internal compartment, an upper support shelf and a magazine rack (see photo) of excellent service. Furniture of particular line and pleasant decor with gilded metal handles (see photo). Night stands that can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a bedroom or living room. One bedside table has a mark on the top (see photo). They show some signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation.";
6529;"1";"10543";"11000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"still life, artwork, oil on canvas, antique, frame, painting";"Great painting from the 18th century still life with flower vase";"Great Italian still life from the first half of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting an amazing vase with flowers of excellent quality.";"still-life-antique-artwork-painting-italian";"";"Great Italian painting from the 18th century still life with flower vase";"Great Italian still life from the first half of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting an amazing vase with flowers of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of exceptional size and quality adorned with a modern sculpted, lacquered, gilded frame complete with velvet passe-partout decoration (see photo). Painting with a dark background that offers an interesting contrast with the bright colors of the flowers, the finely crafted vase and the drapery on the table base. The painter's ability to represent the sumptuous fabric that enhances the composition of the work is remarkable. Ideal painting to be placed in an important salon or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient still lifes. Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 120.5 x W 95.5 cm.";"Great Italian still life from the first half of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting an amazing vase with flowers of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of exceptional size and quality adorned with a modern sculpted, lacquered, gilded frame complete with velvet passe-partout decoration (see photo). Painting with a dark background that offers an interesting contrast with the bright colors of the flowers, the finely crafted vase and the drapery on the table base. The painter's ability to represent the sumptuous fabric that enhances the composition of the work is remarkable. Ideal painting to be placed in an important salon or studio, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of ancient still lifes. Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places (see photo). In good condition. Sight size H 120.5 x W 95.5 cm.";
6531;"1";"10534";"950";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Colonne";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"column, night stand, furniture, side table, wood, Italian";"Italian column vintage side table from the 70s";"Italian column from the second half of the 20th century. Octagonal furniture in walnut and beech wood with internal structure in fruit wood. ";"column-side-table-furniture-wood";"";"Italian column vintage side table from the 70s";"Italian column from the second half of the 20th century. Octagonal furniture in walnut and beech wood with internal structure in fruit wood. Column finished for the center complete with a door that offers a support shelf inside (see photo). Furniture of excellent solidity and stability, ideal for displaying sculptures or ceramic vases. Column of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different points of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition and nice patina. Top diameter 38 cm.";"Italian column from the second half of the 20th century. Octagonal furniture in walnut and beech wood with internal structure in fruit wood. Column finished for the center complete with a door that offers a support shelf inside (see photo). Furniture of excellent solidity and stability, ideal for displaying sculptures or ceramic vases. Column of excellent proportion that can be easily placed in different points of the house, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition and nice patina. Top diameter 38 cm.";
6532;"1";"10559";"5500";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, French, artwork, oil on canvas, antique, genre scene";"Rococo French painting gallant party from the 18th century ";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a gallant party in the woods, genre scene with characters";"painting-antique-french-genre-scene";"";"Rococo French painting gallant party from the 18th century ";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a gallant party in the woods, genre scene with characters in the style of Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Rococo painting of great dynamism, full of characters and decorative elements. Finely carved and gilded antique non-coeval frame of beautiful decoration. Artwork of excellent luminosity for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors, ideal for placing in a bedroom or living room. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting of pleasant furnishings in a beautiful patina, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 95.5 x W 105 cm.";"Antique French painting from the second half of the 18th century. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a gallant party in the woods, genre scene with characters in the style of Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Rococo painting of great dynamism, full of characters and decorative elements. Finely carved and gilded antique non-coeval frame of beautiful decoration. Artwork of excellent luminosity for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors, ideal for placing in a bedroom or living room. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Painting of pleasant furnishings in a beautiful patina, overall in a good state of conservation. Sight size H 95.5 x W 105 cm.";
6533;"1";"10558";"1600";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, art deco, furniture, side tables, wood, bedroom";"Pair of French bedside tables in 50's Art Deco style ";"Beautiful pair of mid-20th century French bedside tables. Furniture veneered in mahogany, burl, ebonized wood and fruitwood of beautiful line";"pair-bedside-tables-art-deco-table-furniture";"";"Pair of French bedside tables in 50's Art Deco style ";"Beautiful pair of mid-20th century French bedside tables. Furniture veneered in mahogany, burl, ebonized wood and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant furnishings. Art Deco style bedside tables equipped with two opaque glass shelves of discreet size and service. Tops showing small scratches, signs of wear (see photos). Furniture complete with two doors that offer a good capacity compartment inside (see photo). Bedroom or living room bedside tables of excellent proportion and beautiful decoration, for antique dealers and interior decorators. They show some signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation.";"Beautiful pair of mid-20th century French bedside tables. Furniture veneered in mahogany, burl, ebonized wood and fruitwood of beautiful line and pleasant furnishings. Art Deco style bedside tables equipped with two opaque glass shelves of discreet size and service. Tops showing small scratches, signs of wear (see photos). Furniture complete with two doors that offer a good capacity compartment inside (see photo). Bedroom or living room bedside tables of excellent proportion and beautiful decoration, for antique dealers and interior decorators. They show some signs of wear, structurally sound, overall in good state of conservation.";
6535;"1";"10525";"7500";"";"Seicento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '600";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"Painting, mythological, ancient, oil on canvas, rape of Europa";"Italian mythological painting from the 17th century, Rape of Europa";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the mythological subject Rape of Europa ";"painting-antique-rape-of-europe-mythological";"";"Italian mythological painting from the 17th century, Rape of Europa";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the mythological subject Rape of Europa of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great size and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of paintings with a mythological subject. Painting that develops horizontally, full of characters, cupids, festoon with flowers and decorative elements. The triton on which the two putti are playing in the lower left is beautiful (see photo). On the right we find the frightened maids who, with eloquent gestures of their arms, try to warn the Phoenician princess. The myth tells that Zeus, in love with Europa, transformed himself into a beautiful and tame white bull to be able to approach her. Europa, once mounted on the back of the animal, she was kidnapped and taken to the island of Crete where she became queen and mother of Minos. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some small points (see photo). In good condition.";"Antique Italian painting from the second half of the 17th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting the mythological subject Rape of Europa of excellent pictorial quality. Painting of great size and impact, for antique dealers, interior decorators and collectors of paintings with a mythological subject. Painting that develops horizontally, full of characters, cupids, festoon with flowers and decorative elements. The triton on which the two putti are playing in the lower left is beautiful (see photo). On the right we find the frightened maids who, with eloquent gestures of their arms, try to warn the Phoenician princess. The myth tells that Zeus, in love with Europa, transformed himself into a beautiful and tame white bull to be able to approach her. Europa, once mounted on the back of the animal, she was kidnapped and taken to the island of Crete where she became queen and mother of Minos. Painting that has recently undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some small points (see photo). In good condition.";
6537;"1";"10527";"8000";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"still life, artwork, painting, oil on canvas, antique, Italian";"Italian painting still life with animals, flowers and fruit";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Painting of great size and impact, oil on canvas, depicting a particular still life with flowers, fruit";"still-life-antique-italian-artwork-painting";"";"Italian painting still life with animals, flowers and fruit";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Painting of great size and impact, oil on canvas, depicting a particular still life with flowers, fruit, roosters, fish and cats. Non-coeval carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with some signs of color recovery (see photo). Painting of good luminosity and fabulous dynamism accentuated by the fight of the cats in the center of the scene. The vase with flowers in the upper left corner is very pleasant, a highly decorative painting for antique dealers and collectors of old still lifes. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and recovery of the color in some points. In good condition. Sight size H 98 x W 141 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Painting of great size and impact, oil on canvas, depicting a particular still life with flowers, fruit, roosters, fish and cats. Non-coeval carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with some signs of color recovery (see photo). Painting of good luminosity and fabulous dynamism accentuated by the fight of the cats in the center of the scene. The vase with flowers in the upper left corner is very pleasant, a highly decorative painting for antique dealers and collectors of old still lifes. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and recovery of the color in some points. In good condition. Sight size H 98 x W 141 cm.";
6539;"1";"10562";"3400";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Console";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, console, Charles X, mahogany, marble, wood, furniture, table";"Antique Charles X console in mahogany with marble top";"Antique Italian console from the first half of the 19th century. Charles X period furniture carved in mahogany wood with saber front legs ";"antique-console-furniture-charles-x-mable";"";"Antique Italian Charles X console in mahogany from 19th century";"Antique Italian console from the first half of the 19th century. Charles X period furniture carved in mahogany wood with saber front legs carved with motifs of excellent quality swans. Console of excellent size and proportion with marble top of good size and service. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, which can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room or entrance hall. Wall console with pleasant furnishings and difficult to find. It presents small signs of aging that give even more charm to the piece of furniture, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";"Antique Italian console from the first half of the 19th century. Charles X period furniture carved in mahogany wood with saber front legs carved with motifs of excellent quality swans. Console of excellent size and proportion with marble top of good size and service. Furniture for antique dealers and interior decorators, which can be easily placed in different parts of the house, ideal for a living room or entrance hall. Wall console with pleasant furnishings and difficult to find. It presents small signs of aging that give even more charm to the piece of furniture, structurally sound, overall in a good state of conservation.";
6541;"1";"10551";"3200";"";"Ottocento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '800";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, portrait, oil on canvas, frame, signed, Flemish";"Particular portrait signed and dated 1859";"Antique 19th century Flemish painting. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a particular male portrait with red cape of excellent pictorial quality. ";"painting-portrait-artwork-signed-flemish";"";"Particular portrait signed and dated 1859";"Antique 19th century Flemish painting. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a particular male portrait with red cape of excellent pictorial quality. Difficult to read painting with signature and date in the lower left corner (see photo) under study. Character of great character, the painter's ability to capture the severe expression of the face and the regal bearing is excellent. 20th century frame, in wood and plaster, finely carved and gilded (bronze tint). Complete frame with fabric passe-partout in good condition (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Difficult to find artwork, for antique dealers, decorators and collectors of ancient portraits. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 74 x W 61 cm.";"Antique 19th century Flemish painting. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a particular male portrait with red cape of excellent pictorial quality. Difficult to read painting with signature and date in the lower left corner (see photo) under study. Character of great character, the painter's ability to capture the severe expression of the face and the regal bearing is excellent. 20th century frame, in wood and plaster, finely carved and gilded (bronze tint). Complete frame with fabric passe-partout in good condition (see photo). Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some points (see photo). Difficult to find artwork, for antique dealers, decorators and collectors of ancient portraits. Overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 74 x W 61 cm.";
6545;"1";"10564";"5000";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Collezionismo>Marmo|Mobili>Fioriere";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, basin, marble, stoup, Italian, furniture";"Italian basin in red Verona marble from the 19th century";"Antique Italian stoup from the 19th century. Finely sculpted marble work of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Ancient basin mounted and glued ";"antique-basin-stoup-italian-marble";"";"Italian basin in red Verona marble from the 19th century";"Antique Italian stoup from the 19th century. Finely sculpted marble work of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Ancient basin mounted and glued on a 20th century marble column, not divisible. Object for antique dealers and interior decorators, usable as a planter or as a decorative work, for indoors or outdoors. Basin finished from the center with pods on the front and sides (see photo) smooth on the back. Difficult to find object in beautiful patina and in good state of conservation.";"Antique Italian stoup from the 19th century. Finely sculpted marble work of beautiful size and pleasant decor. Ancient basin mounted and glued on a 20th century marble column, not divisible. Object for antique dealers and interior decorators, usable as a planter or as a decorative work, for indoors or outdoors. Basin finished from the center with pods on the front and sides (see photo) smooth on the back. Difficult to find object in beautiful patina and in good state of conservation.";
6547;"1";"10572";"2700";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"antique, painting, landscape, artwork, family scene, oil on canvas";"Painting landscape with family scene from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a particular classic genre scene on a bucolic landscape ";"antique-painting-landscape-artwork-italian";"";"Painting landscape with family scene from the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a particular classic genre scene on a bucolic landscape of good pictorial quality. Painting of good size and pleasant furnishings with a non-coeval wooden frame, from the 20th century, carved, gilded and silvered. Frame with fabric passe-partout with some small signs of wear. Artwork of pleasant perspective and good brightness, finely represented characters in classic clothes, the two mothers with swaddling babies on the left are very beautiful (see photo). Painting that develops in depth with a small glimpse of the sea on the left (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places (see photo). Painting overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 59 x W 73.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Oil on canvas artwork depicting a particular classic genre scene on a bucolic landscape of good pictorial quality. Painting of good size and pleasant furnishings with a non-coeval wooden frame, from the 20th century, carved, gilded and silvered. Frame with fabric passe-partout with some small signs of wear. Artwork of pleasant perspective and good brightness, finely represented characters in classic clothes, the two mothers with swaddling babies on the left are very beautiful (see photo). Painting that develops in depth with a small glimpse of the sea on the left (see photo). Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places (see photo). Painting overall in good state of conservation. Sight size H 59 x W 73.5 cm.";
6551;"1";"10573";"2800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, antique, Italian, artwork, oil on canvas, biblical, frame";"Italian painting from 18th century, Joseph and and Potiphar's Wife";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Oil artwork on canvas depicting biblical subject Joseph and and Potiphar's Wife of good pictorial hand.";"painting-antique-joseph-Potiphar-wife";"";"Italian painting from 18th century, Joseph and and Potiphar's Wife";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Oil artwork on canvas depicting biblical subject Joseph and and Potiphar's Wife of good pictorial hand. Beautiful measure and pleasant furnishings painting adorned with a non -coeval frame, carved and lacquered. Antique painting that is inspired by the famous work of Giuseppe Bilivert (1585-1644) now exhibited at Palazzo Barberini in Rome. The biblical story tells that the wife of the rich uproar tried in vain to seduce the young servant Joseph. The woman refused, to take revenge, will then accuse him of violence in front of her husband so as to have Joseph locked in the Pharaoh's prisons. Artwork of pleasant perspective, full of details and of excellent dynamism, for antique dealers and furnishings. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration intervention, relined, replacement of the frame and recovery of color in some places (see photo). Painting overall in good conservative state. Sight size H 76 x L 106.5 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from 18th century. Oil artwork on canvas depicting biblical subject Joseph and and Potiphar's Wife of good pictorial hand. Beautiful measure and pleasant furnishings painting adorned with a non -coeval frame, carved and lacquered. Antique painting that is inspired by the famous work of Giuseppe Bilivert (1585-1644) now exhibited at Palazzo Barberini in Rome. The biblical story tells that the wife of the rich uproar tried in vain to seduce the young servant Joseph. The woman refused, to take revenge, will then accuse him of violence in front of her husband so as to have Joseph locked in the Pharaoh's prisons. Artwork of pleasant perspective, full of details and of excellent dynamism, for antique dealers and furnishings. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration intervention, relined, replacement of the frame and recovery of color in some places (see photo). Painting overall in good conservative state. Sight size H 76 x L 106.5 cm.";
6554;"1";"10586";"4400";"";"Ottocento";"";"";"Mobili>Letti";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"bed, French, Empire, antique, furniture, wood, mahogany";"French Empire bed in mahogany and oak from the 19th century";"Antique French bed from the first half of the 19th century. Empire furniture with full column carved and veneered in mahogany, mahogany feather ";"bed-french-antique-empire-wood-mahogany";"";"French Empire bed in mahogany and oak from the 19th century";"Antique French bed from the first half of the 19th century. Empire furniture with full column carved and veneered in mahogany, mahogany feather and oak of excellent quality. Single and a half bed that can accommodate an internal structure (not included in the offer) with the following maximum measurements: W 202 x D 127 cm. Great wall sofa, finished on three sides and adorned with gilded and chiselled bronze and brass (see photo). Bed for antique dealers and interior decorators that has undergone some minor conservative restoration work over time (see photo). Structurally sound, overall in good condition.";"Antique French bed from the first half of the 19th century. Empire furniture with full column carved and veneered in mahogany and oak of excellent quality. Single and a half bed that can accommodate an internal structure (not included in the offer) with the following maximum measurements: W 202 x D 127 cm. Great wall sofa, finished on three sides and adorned with gilded and chiselled bronze and brass (see photo). Bed for antique dealers and interior decorators that has undergone some minor conservative restoration work over time (see photo). Structurally sound, overall in good condition.";
6558;"1";"10539";"1550";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, bedside tables, Italian, furniture, night stands, wood, inlaid";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the 50s";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Wavy and rounded furniture inlaid and veneered in burl, maple, beech and fruit wood.";"pair-night-stands-bedside-tables-inlaid";"";"Pair of bedside tables from the 50s";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Wavy and rounded furniture inlaid and veneered in burl, maple, beech and fruit wood. Bedside tables of particular size and proportion equipped with a front door and wooden top in character of good measure and service. Pleasantly furnished bedroom or living room tables, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Fairly large furniture with finely chiseled wooden base and legs with curly feet (see photo). Night stands that show some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";"Pair of Italian bedside tables from the mid-20th century. Wavy and rounded furniture inlaid and veneered in burl, maple, beech and fruit wood. Bedside tables of particular size and proportion equipped with a front door and wooden top in character of good measure and service. Pleasantly furnished bedroom or living room tables, for antique dealers and interior decorators. Fairly large furniture with finely chiseled wooden base and legs with curly feet (see photo). Night stands that show some small signs of wear, overall in good state of conservation.";
6561;"1";"10368";"1450";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, artwork, signed, oil on board, landscape";"Painting landscape signed oil on board from the 30s";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on panel depicting a countryside landscape with a cart in post-impressionist style";"landscape-signed-ferrari-painting-artwork";"";"Painting landscape signed oil on board from the 30s";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on panel depicting a countryside landscape with a cart in post-impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Painting of a good size and pleasant decor, signed B. Ferrari in the lower right corner (see photo), attributable to the painter Berto Ferrari (1887-1965), without authentication. Painting with an interesting perspective and good luminosity, the sunset light reflected on the cottage is beautiful (see photo), the background with mountains on the left is delicate. Painting that has some small signs of aging, in patina. Artwork missing frame, overall in good state of conservation.";"Italian painting from the first half of the 20th century. Artwork oil on panel depicting a countryside landscape with a cart in post-impressionist style of good pictorial quality. Painting of a good size and pleasant decor, signed B. Ferrari in the lower right corner (see photo), attributable to the painter Berto Ferrari (1887-1965), without authentication. Painting with an interesting perspective and good luminosity, the sunset light reflected on the cottage is beautiful (see photo), the background with mountains on the left is delicate. Painting that has some small signs of aging, in patina. Artwork missing frame, overall in good state of conservation.";
6567;"1";"10577 ";"2000";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"print, painting, canvas, Rinaldo and Armida, mythological, Boucher";"Colored print on canvas from the '80, copy of Rinaldo and Armida";"Colored print applied on canvas with wooden frame, modern decorative work from the 80s. Print depicting a mythological subject";"print-canvas-artwork-rinaldo-armida-boucher";"";"Colored print on canvas from the '80, copy of Rinaldo and Armida by Francois Boucher";"Colored print applied on canvas with wooden frame, modern decorative work from the 80s. Print depicting a mythological subject, copy of the famous painting by Francois Boucher, Rinaldo and Armida. Fabulous decor print, ideal to place in a lounge, sitting room or waiting room, for decorators and interior decorators. Object of large size and beautiful decoration characterized by excellent brightness and warm colors. Print on canvas mounted on a wooden frame, adorned with a small golden wooden frame applied to the side of the frame (see photo). Work that has some small signs of aging, overall in good condition.";"Colored print applied on canvas with wooden frame, modern decorative work from the 80s. Print depicting a mythological subject, copy of the famous painting by Francois Boucher, Rinaldo and Armida. Fabulous decor print, ideal to place in a lounge, sitting room or waiting room, for decorators and interior decorators. Object of large size and beautiful decoration characterized by excellent brightness and warm colors. Print on canvas mounted on a wooden frame, adorned with a small golden wooden frame applied to the side of the frame (see photo). Work that has some small signs of aging, overall in good condition.";
6571;"1";"10576";"1300";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Credenze";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"sideboard, Italian, furniture, cabinet, wood, Louis XIV, antique";"Small wooden cabinet in Louis XIV style ";"Italian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Furniture built in Louis XIV style with wooden elements and antique nails, carved in oak, walnut";"cabinet-italian-wood-Louis-XIV-sideboard";"";"Small wooden cabinet in Louis XIV style ";"Italian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Furniture built in Louis XIV style with wooden elements and antique nails, carved in oak, walnut and fruitwood. Cabinet with one door and two drawers of good capacity. Wooden top moved in character of good measure and service. Cabinet that offers inside a flatter support shelf (see photo). Sideboard adorned with decorations in relief on the front, of great character. Non-original drawer knobs, replaced over time. In beautiful patina, structurally sound, overall in a fair state of conservation.";"Italian sideboard from the mid-20th century. Furniture built in Louis XIV style with wooden elements and antique nails, carved in oak, walnut and fruitwood. Cabinet with one door and two drawers of good capacity. Wooden top moved in character of good measure and service. Cabinet that offers inside a flatter support shelf (see photo). Sideboard adorned with decorations in relief on the front, of great character. Non-original drawer knobs, replaced over time. In beautiful patina, structurally sound, overall in a fair state of conservation.";
6572;"1";"10585";"2200";"";"Novecento";"";"";"Mobili>Tavolini e Comodini";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"side table, table, furniture, wood, inlaid, Louis XVI, living room";"Italian Louis XVI style inlaid wood side table";"Elegant Italian side table from the mid-20th century. Louis XVI style furniture pleasantly inlaid in walnut, mahogany, maple, ebonized wood and fruitwood. ";"side-table-Louis-XVI-inlaid-wood-furniture";"";"Italian Louis XVI style inlaid wood side table";"Elegant Italian side table from the mid-20th century. Louis XVI style furniture pleasantly inlaid in walnut, mahogany, maple, ebonized wood and fruitwood. Side table finished as a centerpiece equipped with a drawer of good capacity and wooden top in character also inlaid (see photo). Furniture supported by four solid inlaid legs in the shape of an inverted truncated pyramid with gilt bronze feet (see photo). Side table complete with a working key, interior covered in paper with some small signs of wear. Ideal furniture to be placed in a living room or sitting room, of excellent proportions, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition.";"Elegant Italian side table from the mid-20th century. Louis XVI style furniture pleasantly inlaid in walnut, mahogany, maple, ebonized wood and fruitwood. Side table finished as a centerpiece equipped with a drawer of good capacity and wooden top in character also inlaid (see photo). Furniture supported by four solid inlaid legs in the shape of an inverted truncated pyramid with gilt bronze feet (see photo). Side table complete with a working key, interior covered in paper with some small signs of wear. Ideal furniture to be placed in a living room or sitting room, of excellent proportions, for antique dealers and interior decorators. In good condition.";
6573;"1";"10598";"4800";"";"Settecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '700";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, antique, artwork, landscape, oil on canvas, frame";"Great landscape from the second half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the end of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and architectures ";"painting-artwork-antique-italian-landscape";"";"Great landscape painting from the second half of the 18th century";"Antique Italian painting from the end of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and architectures of good pictorial quality. Non-coeval wood and plaster frame, from the 19th century, finely carved, lacquered and gilded. Painting that develops vertically, with good luminosity and pleasant depth, ideal for placing in a living room, living room or study. Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places. In good condition. Sight size H 92 x W 69 cm.";"Antique Italian painting from the end of the 18th century. Artwork oil on canvas depicting landscape with characters and architectures of good pictorial quality. Non-coeval wood and plaster frame, from the 19th century, finely carved, lacquered and gilded. Painting that develops vertically, with good luminosity and pleasant depth, ideal for placing in a living room, living room or study. Artwork that has undergone a conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and color recovery in some places. In good condition. Sight size H 92 x W 69 cm.";
6574;"1";"10536";"1200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,";"pair, portraits, signed, paintings, oil on canvas, girls, artworks";"Pair of signed portraits from the 50s";"Pair of Italian paintings from the mid-20th century. Oil on canvas artworks depicting portraits of girls of good pictorial quality. ";"paintings-pair-artworks-portraits-signed";"";"Pair of signed portraits paintings from the 50s";"Pair of Italian paintings from the mid-20th century. Oil on canvas artworks depicting portraits of girls of good pictorial quality. Paintings of limited size adorned with coeval carved and gilded frames of beautiful decoration. Pleasantly furnished paintings, both signed (see photo), signature under study. Artworks that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition. Sight size H 25 x W 19 cm.";"Pair of Italian paintings from the mid-20th century. Oil on canvas artworks depicting portraits of girls of good pictorial quality. Paintings of limited size adorned with coeval carved and gilded frames of beautiful decoration. Pleasantly furnished paintings, both signed (see photo), signature under study. Artworks that can be easily placed in different parts of the house. In good condition. Sight size H 25 x W 19 cm.";
6577;"1";"10609";"3200";"";"Novecento";"";"Olio su tela";"Dipinti>Dipinti '900";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"painting, Italian, signed, landscape, artwork, oil on canvas, frame";"Great early 20th century landscape